Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1993, p. 31

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. Deoember 22,1993. Page 31 THE NIGHT BEFORE CHPISTMAS 'Twas the night before Christmas and in a srnall shed There were eight littie mice al warm in their bcd. Then Papa got ouft and went through their inouse hole, And came face to face with a littie white and brown mole. 'What are you doing in this part of ground?" "It's much too cold in my own mound." So Papa inouse lot hlm in from the cold And he sat on a carpet ail tom and old "There is a blizzard outside tonight. Do you think Santa will bo alright?" "I do not lcnow" said Papa with a frown. And then hie wife Rosie came to oit down. "Now where is Santa Claus that poor doar, I wonder if he'll make it here!" Then they heard 'a big loud thump. Santa had landed ini a lump, I the mice's fire place. With soot that covered is round face, So Santa got up and brushed himself off', And then he turned and gave a cough. A hat, a drum, a bat> some dice, He pulled out the presents for the mice. Mole was happy he was there And that his fiends, the mice, could sharo. Then Satna said "It's time te go, Or else my wifà will worry so." Right up the chimney Santa flew, Té gct thé gifla te me and you. Thon as Santa flew away, out of sighf; H1e said "Merry Christmas te ail and te all a good night!" Julia Mensink St. Paul Catholic Sehool THE WHFE CHRMS There was a liftle girl who eaid "Mom la if; going te be a white Christmas?" The Mom said "Ycs if; right be a white Chrisf;mas." Three days later if; was snowing the little girl siad "1 am going outside te make a snewrnan. Se the little girl made a snowrnan. She put cookies fer the eyes. A carrot for the nose. And a banana for the moutb. Then she put a hat gloves a ecarf and boots. Then ahe wented inside and ber mem said "It ie Christmas ove." The next day it was Christmas day. She was happy. If; was a white Christinas. She opened her presents she was happy. Kylee Marshal Grade 5 R.A. Hutchison Public School Answers to frowm * page 140 TUE GOLDEN SOLDIER If; was 2100 B.C. and tl'e Pharoah wanted something te, bang on hie throne. Ho had had strange dreams of soldiers from the future. Se ho ordered someone te make a tey soldier ouf; of pure gold. When the Pharaoh died, they buried hlm and me, the tey soldier, in bis ternb in the pyranud, and we were in the pyramid for about 4000 years. Seme scientists found the pyramid and opened the tomb and put me in a museum. If; je now 1993 and I arn stilI in the museuin. My sign says that I arn a pure gold tey soldier that dates back te 2100 B.C. and nobody knows wbo made me. "Schzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" I think someone is breaking into the museum. He is coming straight for me. "Schzzzzzz" Ho bas a glass cutting tool. He's grabbing me! The alarm je going off 'Weoweoweoweoweoweoweo" rm in the back of a truck. Right now he's stopping. Another man je approaching and ho is giving the driver money. Oh, no! Fm being eold! "Are you okay?" someone says. If; je an ornament talking. If; je a toy soldier, but ho is made ouf; of wood. We try te, plan our escape out of the house that we bave been put mnte. Oh, if we dlimb out of this box at night, walk across the roorn, go through that open window, cimb down, and hang ourselves on sorneone else's Christrnas troc, we won>t be stuck in bore any more. Our plan worked, but wc had trouble finding an open window, but we finally found one. The next morning wbicb was Christmnas wo were found by the family. They didn>t know wbere we bad corne from, but tbey loved us,and wanted to eep us. "Now wo are happy." Brad Bowen Grade 5 St. Leo Catholie School WINTER Snow falîs Church belle ringing Soc ail the childron play Building snowmen in the white snow Snow flakes Jessica Flecher Grade 6 R.A. Sennett Public Sebool CIIRISTMAS JOY Candles are placed in our windows And mistletee e hung Angels dangle above our heads And tinsel icicles are strung. Presents are set below our trocs And stockings are hung from our fireplaces Parents wait patiently for morning te, corne Se tbey can witness their c hildren>s faces. Alice Wu Grade 8 Kathleen Rowe Publie cSlc You ca tell Wben Christmnas le near. Everyon'es happy And full of cheer But we often forget How Christmas carne Ites ail about a baby, Jeans, by naine. Ho was born in a manger With the cattle and sheep The little Lord Jesue Lay down for a slocp And the angele from beaven Looked down frorn above. Their cyca sparled like the stars Their hearts filled witb love. Now Iids wait for Santa To corne on Christmas Eve Night And on Christmas morning Their faces fill witb deight. There'sjust one last thing Before I corne to the end. Merry Christmas te ail, And good will tewards mon. Kelly Shute Grade 8 Kathleen Boive Public Sehool THE HOPELESS CHRISTMAS More than anything in the world, Earven Elf wanted te get bis job back. Ail the other olves were on strike. Santa was going eut of business and hie rent was due. What was the world coring te? Throc more nights te go! Tommy was excited and joyful. Ho knew ho could count on Santa for bis big red fire truck. Suddenly, Santa eaid, "Earven, you can>t have your job back. Al the elves have moved te the South Polo te help the Easter Bunny." Earven thought, "I may as well go homo, te my old home where mom and dad live. Bye, Santal" "Bye, Earven." Ail the elves were disappoinf;ed. They were looking forward te a Christmnas in '93. Ail of a sudden, if; started te snow. After, Tommy woke up and teld about his bad dream. Tommy pinched himsecf and did net wake up. There wae only one other way te prove that this dream was nef; truc. Tommy and bis parente went downsf;airs. Bofore hlm, Tommy saw bis big red fire truck. Michael MacPhaden Leslie McFarlane Public School RUDOLRIS NOSE It was the nighf; before Christmas and Santa was ready for ternorrow night. But Christmas was really foggy. Rudolph came and eaid, "Santa, Santa! Semetbing terrible happened!" "Wýhat?" askod Santa. "My rose stopped shining!!" eaid Rudolpb, I can>t take you through the fog tonigbt." "Oh ne!" said Santa, "What should I do?" "You could write a letter te ail the cbildren saying you couldn't corne but tbey migbt bvery sad." said Rudolph. "I know! Ill1 tako a flash]igbt with me thon I ca go through the fog." eaid Santa. Ho got hies leigb and attaf;ched the reindeer..Ho put bis presents in bis sleigb and teok off. Everone was happy on Christmas Eve. Heather Grade 3 E.A. Fairman Public Sehool TE MAGIC SNOWMAN One day a small boy named Tyler wenf; out; the door. 'Thl," 1 said. He teld me that tomorrow was Christmas. Tyler wanted a fake snowman, and a snuggly bear. He told me thaf; ho wanted a stack of G.I. Joes. Se I went te the store and bougbt him G.I. Joee and a snowrnan snuggly. The next day ho told me that he saw Santa Claus. 'You did?" 1 said. "What did you gef; fom Santa Claus?" "A teddy snowman and G.I. Joes, and a remote control car. My favourite was the snowman. Tyler had if; in bis hand. "Watch," said Tyler. "When I teuch hlm and say a nanie he'll repeat the thing I said. "Wow!" I saîd. He teld ail the things ho got. That night Tyler slopt with the snowrnan. Ho talked te if;. From that day on ho slept with the snowman. That was bis favourite thing in the world. Jared Popp Grade 5 . Hutchison Public Sehool Dear Santa, I haven't been the beat in the world but I have been very good.. Espeially at achool. Can I1have the following things for Christmas: 1. Ice cream 3 minute maker 2. Sega Genesis Came Gear 3. Senic the Hedgehog Game 4. Ren & Stimpy Noise Dol and lest of ail I would like an Ice Tickle Bear. Thank you. Your friend Amy Macro, age 8 Kathleen Rowe Public School LA CICANE DE PEUE NOEL ET MERE NOEL nl est 6:30 et c'est la nuit avant Noël. Père Noél prépare son dernier cadeuz mais il est trop fatigué. fl demande a Mère Noël de faire le dernier cadeau peur lui. Quand Mère Noël vient elle dit à Père Noël que elle ne veux pas faire le cadeau. Père Noël dit: 'S'il vous plait, peux tiu faire le dernier cadeau pouf; moi?" J'ai fait tout les autres cadeaux." Mère Noël crie: "Je ne veux pas faire le dernier cadeau!!" Tu le fais parce que j'ai fait teuf; les autres cadeau crie Père Noël. Mais Père Noël ne réalisait pas que c'est le temps d'aller donner les cadeau. 10 midnutes passent. Les lutins veulent voir ai les cadeau sont prêts. Mais quand ils voitent que Père Noël et Mère Noël se chicanent, ils ne savent pas quoi faire. Dans la ville> teut les petits enfants attendent les cadeaux mail ils ne sais pas où les cadeaux sont. Dans le Pôle Nord les lutins ont très peur que Père Noël ne se souvient pas que c'est Noël. Mais quand les lutins regardent dans la fenêtre ils voient que Père -Noël et Mère Noël se carreesent. Les lutins vont dans l'atulié puis ils demandent: "Est-ce que tui es en pai maintenant?" "Oui" dit Père NoIèl. Les lutins disent à Père Noël que c'est le temps d'aller donner les cadeau. Père Noël crie: "ahhhh!!" Puis Père Noël saute dans son traîneau et vole dans le ciel. Quand les petits enfants voient Père Noël, il sont très, tout les enfants voient les cadeau sous leur sapin. fls sont très excités., Au Pôle Nord, Père Noël et Mère Noël croient que les enfants sont très heureux. Natasha Datoo Grade 3 F.M. Heard Public Sohool Yout've lielped recover 75XO if old news- pajiers tlroigh yoir lBlue Box. Noiv e need y<nîr lhellp to gereen îuorc lack. Oi,ario's palier mi Ils ina kirecx'c led. mewsprint ouît (f every single ()Id news- palier and flyer insert you give thlini- andi tliat's sti11 not enoii. l"Iîcy ictinîlly have toi import more fro inite U.S. If we recoiver more old ni'wspapcrs, the lcss mvill g.o to dunips and the less milîs w~ill nced t<> import. /And the imore intinicip.l-n tax dollars wve'l save. But wve need yoîîir liellp to recycle as many nwîaesas possible. Recycling new~spalicrs and lyer inserts is a real Ontarlo stcccss story. 'lbgeulier, We can cloise the recycling kI(o1. The Newspapcr Publishiers of Ontario (1867), the Andrew Ross bouse (1879) and the George Ross bouse (1888-89).

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