Whitby Free Press, 29 Dec 1993, p. 7

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Whitby Fee PiG. esWokesday. Doembor 29. 1993. Page 7 9qabop wP w -ulmmu - u- -- - - CAROL WILLSON, owner cf Whitby-based CCE (Chidren Can Excel), recently donated $200 worth cf books te the children's ward at Oshawa General Hespital. Wilson teck time out te read one cf the books te Matthew Fletcher, 6, of Whitby (Ieft) and Corey Gross, 5, o Oshwa. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Press Whîetby firm promotes only made-in- Canada chîldren' s literature In' y Erin O'Connoran teacher-1?ibrarian and as an author of children's books, Carol Willson has seen more than her share o! children's books. And the one thing that struck her is how few o! the books are by Canadian authors and illus- trators. So Willson founded Children Can Excel (CCE), a Canadien children's literature promotional company, located in Whitby, to compote with the twe major com- parues already offingbokit children mn Canadien schools. "The,4preblemn with these com- panies, says Pat Hearn, seoee- tary for 00E, "je that they are net Canadi7aÏ-based. They offer the kids a low percentage of Canadian children's literature." And Willson is one person who is committed enough te change that. After speaking to different publishers and editors, and receiving a "very positive res- pense," Willson printed flyers advertising her books and distri- buted them to the schools. "The concept of 00E is to prvde and promote 100 per cent Canadien children's litera- ture " Wilson says. C(âE offers their producta to teachers, librarians and parents, and they hold book parties to get people familiar with their books. "Another thing Carol is deing," says Hearn, "is donating 5 per cent of ail her profits te, the CCE Financial seminar offered The Oshawa Public Library is sponsoring financial planning seminars, conducted by Lynne Downey and Joan Whyte-Elliott o! Investors Group Finencial Ser- vices Ime. Thre seminars have already been held.,The fourth, on Regis- tered Retirement SavingB Plans, will be held on Thursday, Jan. 13. The fifth, on 'Tax Savings 0Opportunities,' will bo held on Thursday, Fig. 10. Seminars are at 7 p .m. at the McLaughlin Public Library, in the auditorium. Tickets are avalable at the library. For more informnation cal JackieWilliams at 579-6111. Fund." The fund, set up by Willson, provides books for children whose families can't afford to buy them. "A lot of times Carol would sce children in her school with nothing to read, se she decided te de something to change that," says Hearn. She aIse will set up a book display at a business, and donate the profits to the charities of the business's choice. "This way she not only gets exposure, but she gets to help ethers as well"* says Hean. To date,, Wilîson has been asked te set up her displays for many comp anies and institu- tions, including Bell Canada and Oshawa General Hospital. As well, Willson is promoting future Canadien writers by pub- lishinq poems writtnbci- dren in the schools where her flyers are distributed. "Teachers send me Poems they think are really good,' says Wil- son, "and we publish two a month. 'We have some wonderfully beautiful books," Wilson says, »and our goal is te make people more aware of the t.alent here in Canada.» 00E can be reached for more information at 430-2318. Growth continues, DBIA Despito Canada' recession and less-t tic job outlooks, 1 continuation of cons business growth in V New stores, inclui and a second No opened. There wer some Whitby ndi businesses, but othq to get newr contrag new ventures. A fev were aise establish<( last year. As of the end o permits were issui than $101-million v struction, mostlyý homes, a pace sligl 1992. But the year end doubt as to the fi Downtown Busine ment Area, the a more than 400 do u ncertai nty s lingeýring area businesses. A Town meetingl than-optimis- ini anuary will deal with a 1993 saw a Eetition, signed by a majority of 3truction and gusines owners, demanding a Vhitby two-year moratorium on the col- dingLblaws lection of a special tai lebr.d Fr-ilse storei, by businesses within -theDBA re layoffs at NEW FRMS [ustries and The 1993 year began with ers managed Mayor Tom Edwards' anneunce- cts or begin ment that two companies, w new plants employing 40 and 90 people, ed in Whitby would locate in Whitby. Later in January, it was revea- f November, led that the firms were Can Vac ,ed for more Metalizing (vacuum metalizing worth of con- of plastic and metal parts), mev- single family ing to Whitby from D~ownsview, htly ahead of and Custom Racks Ltd. (rack containers), expanding epe- ds with some rations from an exsting Ajax ruture of the plant. ss Improve- Both share the former Triplex >wntowfl and AWL Your Financial Health NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS In jus' a few more days 1993 will bc complete. This is the timne of the year that hope springs eternal, it is a new year, a fresh start, 1994 is unblcmnisbed. It is time to put another year's expericnce to work for you. What things should you do better ncxt ycar? If 1994 werc te be exactly the sarne as 1993, what would you do different? Following is a list of New Ycar's resolutions that wîil improvo your situation ncxt ycar.maea You stili have a cou ple of ays lcft in 1993. Why don't you mk donation to y our favourite church or charity? That will do th roc things: rirst, it will help others who arc less fortunate than yoursclf; second, it will make you fool good; and third, it's tax-deductible s0 you'Il gct Up ta 50 p cr cent back when you file your tax return in a fcw rnonths. J nuary: pay off ail your Christ mas dcbts be fore rnonth end. Sorne charge cards arc stili charging more than 24 pr cent. How rnany invcstrncnts arc guarantccd to make you this much? Fcbruary: maxîrnîzo your IIRSP. Il. is still tho numbcr onc tax sheltor availablo. In rnany cases it is advisable to borrow for your contribution bocausc thc boan can ho paid down quickly with thc tax rebato. Seck professional advice on invcstmcnt options and whothcr borrowing is right for you. M .ch start a monthly contribution to your RRSP now so that you won't have to corne up with so much ncxt yoar. If you have the cash available, rnako 1994 s contribution right now, it will have an extra ycar to compound tax-frce. April: gev yOur taxes donc early this yoar, especiaily if you arc getting a re fund. Have you had your tax returns profossionally frpared? Unless your situation is very simple, it might bc worth it. El ectronie filin g is available frorn rost tax-preparers, your refund cornes back much faster (usually within two to three weeks.) May: review your insurance requirements. Do you have adequate coverage to pay your dcbts and provide an income in the evont of your premature dc ath? How about long-tcrrn disability? Is the sarne truc for your spouse? Are you getting top value for your insurance dollar? This includes car/homo/cottage insurance. June: start or add to, education funds for your childron. IL now costs $ 10,000 per year for university (away fror nbome. ) Consider investing the rnoney in international mutual funds. Capital gains arecflot attributable back to the parents. July/August: there is more that you could do, but if you'vo lccpt up this far, it's likely you'vo already accornplishod more this ycar than you have in the previous three --so t aareak and book sorno time with your loved ones. September: prepare a review of your financial plan - are you btter off than last year? Why or why not? What elsc could you bc doing? Octeber review tax changes for 1994 and road a book on financinl planning. The Wcalthy Barer by Dvid Chiton covers ail the basics and reads like a good novel. Risk is a Four Le-tter Word by George Hartman is more complex and is a dcli ght for dctail-oriented investors. Many others arc available at your l ocalFbookstore. November: scek information on tax sheltcred invcstmcnts. There are stili lirited partncrships available that provide tax deductions and are good invcstrncnts. The number one rule is that the investment must still make sense without. the tax deduction. Don't bc rushcd into a decision. December iast rnonth for tax sholters. Charitable donations should ho claimcd ail in one name to maxirnize tho tax credits (29 per cent federal credit on amnounts over $250>. If you accomplish ail this, 1994 will bc a tremendous year for ynu. 0f course there are rnany other arcas that nced attention too -- but. Ict's gct these done for starters. Hoping your Christmas scason was filled with peace and joy, and wishing you a very prosperous Ncw Year. SEE PAGE 9

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