Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1994, p. 11

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Whtby Free Pme, Wednesday, Januaiy 5,1l9M. Page 1l PoicL.e conceirnedabot RIDE stas Durham Regional PolIce stop ped 24,407 vehicles and laid 31 alcohol-rlated charges and 43 other charme ln RIDEospot cheqloe this oliday season inIthe 'Elglit3 people had their licence auspended for 12 hours. That compares ta the 39,500 vehicles utapped and 39 drivers charpged withi impaired drlving driving whibe exceeding the. legal limnit ai alcohol in their system or irefuslng ta take a breathalyzer test last season. There were 65 people char d wlth other offenices incluing drug, alcohol and vekicle safety infractions and 83 12-hour licence suopensionb were isoued. Conetable Jlm Grimley Baye poic e are "concerned with the gre;they're not what wo hoea teg b..there was amet 15ZO00 eau cars stapped and yet we ended up with only thtree lees 12-hour suspensions." Staff Berpeant SanyRr0 isays the hîgher numberithis year appear ta be a blip on an otherwise downward trend ini the number of drinking and dhîving offences. Increased, opposition to DBIA By Mike Kowalsld Whitby's downtawn business association was an ongaing source of controversy ini 1993. Opposition ta, the Downtawn Business Improvement Area (UBLA) continued ta mount dur- ing the year as more and more businesses began ta, question the wisdom of retaining the 16-year- aId organization ini its current form. . More than 360 businesses sig- ned a petitian demanding that a two-year moratorium ho placed on the special tai bevy païd by DBIA members. The petition aiea stipulated that a two-thirds majority vote of ail bueineeses in the DBLA muet ho obtained hofore the tax can be re-introduced. The petition was presented ta Town council in November, but rather than deal with the peti- tion at that time, council opted ta hold a special public meeting ta deal with the matter. Counci's 'committee of the. whole' session will be held same time after an information meet- ing for DRIA mombers sponsored _~Your Financial Health .Derek Dutka Establishing an RRSP Over the next eight weeks my column will focus on different aspects of RRSPs. This column will go clver the basics. Future columna Winlcuver spousal RRSPs, cpapital gains in RRSPs, how ta maxunize foreign content, investing regularly in your RRSP' contributing early versus late fixed incarne alternatiVes and barrowing ta, invest in yourRRP What in an RRSP? An RRSPils a tax incentive establiehed by the government in 1957. It allows you ta invest funds and create savings for retirement. The RRSP contribution you make is fully tax-deductible against ail sources of incarne and will continue toagrow tax-free. Taxisj deferred until the year in which yau withdraw fundîi, at Which time you must add the total amount withdrawn ta your incarne for that year. The tax deduction is a nice incentive because it pute maney in your pocket right away. Equally, if nat more, important je the tax-free campounding. In a very short time your RRSP inveutmaent would grow much larger than a non-RRSP investment because ofte compounding effect. In fact, you dont have ta wait tiil retirement ta erdoy the benefits of an RRSP. The funde can be withdrawn at any time (ensure your plan permits this). This would be especiaily advantageous if y ou were taldng an unpaidd bave fromn work because yau wouid have no other incarne and would, therefare, be taxed at the lowest marginal tax rate. Settintg up au RJWP RRSPs can be purchased from most financial institutions, lie insurance agents, stockbrokers and financial pianners. Many different investments are RRSP eligible. Your choice of inveetments can have a draxnatic effect on the size of y aur nest egg. If you are not familiar with ail the options available, ask a financial planner. RRSPs muet mature in the year the owner turns age 71. At that time, the funds can be converted ta an annuity or an RRIF (registered1 retirement incorne fund). You will b. taxed on the amount of money that ils paid out each year. Without a doubt, RRSP are Canada's number-one tai shelter, and the vast majority of people should be contributing ta them. Professianal advice regardi nq the anpplicability of RESPe ta, your personal situation shouûld be obaned before im ementngany program.. = wkDutkais afinanciai plannoe mth Financial Concept Group in Osha wa. ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives aimost ail ts revenue tram advertising In one form or anather. For obviaus self-interest, we want aur clients' advertlsing ta wark. Our policy ls to reacfl as many homes In MWhltby as possible (usually more than 990/) and ta provide local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence the advertising as weIl. We urge readers ta patronize aur advertisers In order that we can prSovide even better coverage in the future. We ais stress creativily. We wîll pravide aur professianai experience ta advise clients on ways ta mnake their advertising more effective, but for a product that caninot be repassessed, there are ria guarantees. We strive ta avaid errors, but when we make them, a correction wiil be made in a subsecquent issue or a discount offered. The newspapers legai lîability is oniy for the actual spaoe occupied by the error. Advertsing is soid according tai the space it accupies. No additlonai charge Is made for artwork or layout and hence the newspaper retains the copyright on aiil itsoaiginal work The niewspaper reserves the right ta refuse adverttsing which it finds objectionabie or detrimenta ta lis business. by the DBIA management board. The information meeting will take p lace Jan. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Royal CanaienLegon Hall, 117 Byron St. S. Formed in 1978 aftor a byiaw was passed by council, the DBIA was etablished ta k-oost down- tawn busineeses through. a variety of means, such as im- proving the appearance of build- ings and promotional campaigne ta, attract shoppers. Centered a t the intersection of Dundas and Brock streets,* the DBIA geographic area jute' and aga through the downtawn as larnarth as Wainut Street, east ta, Hickory Street, south ta Ontario Street and west ta, High Street. The DBIA le operated by a management board appointed by council and consiste of merchants and business people based in the downtown. Membership le mandatoDry. Members are assessed a special levy which le paid in addition ta, their propert taxes. The levy. listed as 'focale' on the tax bill, is based on such factors au square footage, park- ing area and- general tax assees- ment. Critico have compiained for years that the DBIA has outlived its usefulnees anid become too expesive to, maintain.a L1ast year's budget was $15,974, which was i per cent boss than the 1992 budget, but considerabiy more than the ori- ginal $10,000 budget in 1978. Su pporters, howover, counter that having a BIAhbas improved downtown Whitby and je necess- ary ta the survival of businesses thiroatened by area, shopping malle. I RSP sen r next Thursdyj 'The Oshawa Public Library je sponsoring. financial planning seminars, conducted by Lynno Downey and Joan Whyte-Elliatt of Investars Group FInancial Ser- vicesbInc. Three seminars have already been held. The. fourth, on Bogies- tered Retirement Savringe Plane,' wilbe held on Thureday, Jan. 13. Seminars are at 7 pm. at the McLaughlin PubliceLibrar,i the. auditorium. Tckets are available at the library. For more information cal JaekieWiliamst at 579-6111. Spring Session: 31 January - 26 April lntroductary courses offered two everlings-per week {ManWvec or Tues/Thurs): " English 105: The modemn period and its roots " History 100: Canada:- selected problemns " Psychology-11O1: Intro ta psychology " Sociotogy 100: Intro to social analysîs lnfo sesson: 6 january, 3 to 8 p.m., Oshawa Public Library. For a broc-hure or infrmaètioin cali: 'Misunderstandings' about CCE. in article To the editor: Thank you for the article (Free Prese, Dec. 29, 1993) about my business, CGE (Children Can Excel), I appreciato the expasure and hope others are as enthu- siastic about Canadian children's books as Iam. Howover, I have grave con- cerne over somoe misundorstand- ings about my company and how it was presented in the article. Tho CGE fund je not juet for children whose faiiis can't àfford ta buy books. The fund existe ta ensuro ah Ganadian children have eiqual access ta booksesince thore could bo many reasans why a child may not have such accese. MZ secretary is quoted as sa- îng A lot of times Carol woulcd se. children in achool with nothing ta road o she decided ta change that.» That is simpby nat 50O. I have nover seen a shortago of good reading matorials in any school in Dunhain Reglon. Edu- catars in the Durham-noard are extremely aware and, supportive of promoting literacy and creati- vitythrughbooks. In fact, sevoral offliiais at the Durhamn board office have been extremely helpful to me and offered excel- lent advice. I was aiea miequotod as saying uTeachers send me pooms...and w. publish two a month.» This je not true. W. have not yot pub- lished an y teacher's work. We publish chibdron's wark ta in- crease their confidence in their own creativty. It je important that my com- pany je portrayed properly eince we work with echool boards, pub- lishers and various Canadian governmental agenciee. We are eupported by the Canada Coun- cil, Ontario, Arts Council and the Nationabl ibrary of Canada. The comapanyle objectives are ta provide good Canadian chib- dren'e literature; promote t1ana- dian children by publishing their work; educate and enrich parents, childien and educatars b icesn their awareneàs of he wondrous works of art "Pro- duced by our own local talent. One way ta achieve this objec- tive is publishing a hi-monthly flyer distributed ta public and separate schools nursery echools dentiste' offices, banks and othier locations. The com- gay alea hasts; book fairs and âame book parties, sup plies free books for use in Eshools and holde 'Sharing Reading Nights.' CCGE i not a bookstore. Books n'ay 'leordered tbrough our flIyerý, by hiosting a book Party to, réceive free books, by calin echools for aur flyer, or cailing us at 430-2318. CarolWilson President, CCE Weeq PàHuehm Dai Cate The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FuItytrained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Retiable local back-up covers Provider ilness or holidars - Comp ete insu rance coverage " Income tax receipts *Children six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more InformatIon clil: 686-j%3995 a lioensed Agency There are an abundance of ice-melting leave a Wi p rducts on M emarket bday, ag ldaiming to wtich trad beffetive aise - andtlhey alarel this white p roduci However, there are same significant Vinterinsi differences in the performance of th. shine anc products. the film. ROCK SALT ie the least expensive and C~ALCIUM probably the most usedof ail the de-icing market un products. Used princupaily as a hg9.hw de- the best * Mce, it mequires heat generated by th. fnd on designedi of the car's tires and the road ta work and step effectively. When used on sidewalks and insïtutior entrance ways rock sait is only effective to Swish lce +20 F. -and does importang UREA, the emall white pellets are a daown ID-2 relawlyn arrivai on the de-cong scene. Usd rncipally as a fertilizer, they are Try 9wbl extremely slow working and are only Net uski effective ta +25 F. Both rock saIt arnd urea 40 ki4kýW - ' CLEAN-IT CENTREA 5OUHô-- ins Street, Whety 666&124 Mhite powdery residue when dried, âs yo~ ur building. To neutralize o film lefton your floor froffi these a- we recommend ýwish" ie. This product will restore your d reduce the slip hazard creatéd by IM CHLORIDE PELLETS which we rider the name of Swish lce Rid je soution to k idewalks. They are d seçftalyfo deicngwalkways ýs in residential, commercial, nal and industrial applications. * Rid leaves no powdry resîdue )a fot track into buildings. Most id itworks effectively ail1th e way h bs Rld PWs anid Wbthtru. gthom coudk! à coly I*4q% * ~*.:.. ,.~:* EVERVTI1IING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ICE MELT1NG PRODUCTS ha tb usiness

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