Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1994, p. 17

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- --- - WhltbY Fr.. Pmss, W.c*nsdmy, January 5.1, I Pae 17 Learn the bsc Unheaten tweens don't reach final The. Wiitby McCubbougii Jwellors Ltd. two.n A ringtte teainicompetet in ith.e akhr tournament Dec. 27 to 28. Although losing only on. gain. anti tying for second place, the. teain faietito make it Wtii.h choaipioSiilp gaine due tii.h plus-minus ucoring system. The. frst gae m eid Whitby aat beagueivale Pickering v thi Whitby playg u lid defence and conngaway with a3-0 win ed ta suot~or goaltender oather Huet, T%9 next coniest aginst a strong team from Hamnilton endeti ini a 6-6 tie. Bunnies earn an 'A' Wiiitby Pringbe Creek IGA bunniosi Il team hiad two wins anti a tie to win the. A division of the. Cieckers Varioty ringette tournamont i Oshiawa Dec. 28 Wo 30. Wiity tiedANa 15-5 itheo first gaine defeateti Oshiawa I 16-0 and ôsiiawa 11 8-4 ithe, bunnies (ages 5 W 7) division. Lindsey Giordano scoreti 14 goals, Tracey Kotarba iiad six goas anti two assista anti Caitlin Llyhati three goals anti four assista. Ashieigii Brooker had one goal anti one assist, Amenda ULiy-two go ais, Alison Williems on.e ai, Laura Gray-Eiiis one gola, Holby Lengloi*ongoalý My ala Abel fivo assiste, Chezntel Smith one assist. itliy playeti net4 againstjax, Smità got the. shutout against Oshiawa I and Kelly playeti net egainst Oshawa II. Giordiano was nained most valuable player for the. tourna- ment. .ainet the. Mrkham Junior B teain wth girls two years older but CIes skllb<d, Whitby cane awywiha 4wîn and outahot Markhmby a ý39-4 coint. nei las-t gaine wus the team'a oniy los% 6-2 at the. hands of the, Markha1-mm tvveen A teain. Tearn .orlng was led by, Mélanie Davis, four goals and four'assista; Ellen Johnson, four goals, two assista; Jennifer Casid1 tiregoals, one assist. Cale Osborne, Jessica Williamns and Hayley Milard each hati one goal and two assista; Jiflian Shannon two assista, Karyn Peacocke, one goal, one assist; Sarah Larocue anid Uàsa Vanderlip each with one a"eit. The Wbitby IÀonesa tween B ringette teain won two games and baet two during the Markhamn tournanient Dec. 27 andi 28. Against Caledonia 2, Whitby had an 11-3 wini, foibowed by a 9-3 las. against Caledonia 1 and a 4-2 loes to Markharn. Ini their final effort, Whitby earned a 4-0 shutout against Caiedonia 2. Kerri-Lynn Smith was in goal for all gaines. Cynthia Whaley scoreti four goals and five assista, Christina Baldasti hati four goals and three assista, Sarah Meaney thr.e goals and two assiste, Sabby England three goals and two assists, Theresa Dehm on. goal and three assista. Jillian Finiey had four assista, Danielle Glover on. goal and two assista, Erin Harvey two goal andi one assist; Andrea Perry on. goal, one assist;, Jamie. Foot on. goal, on. assist; ý Aine Pattison two assista; and Erin Walsh on. assist. Absent was Lori Barchard. In exhibition Dec. 30 Whitby tied Oshawa 11-11 in a fast, energetic gaine. Ini net for the teani was Meaney who made. severai good saves. Scorers were Whaley with five goals and three assista, Baldasti five goals a.nd one assist, Walsh one goal and two assisas. Aists also went to Giover, Foot and Dehm. Coach of the tween B teamnis Dav. Glover assisted by Bian Perry. Manager is Nancy Meaney. Whitby Fabrics novice ringette team playeti in the. Markharn Holiday Ringetto Tournament on Dec É. - 7 %o98%ndreahe-Iii Kelly Jeifs, Jessica Bratiiey and Amneida Ciiurcii eacii scoreti mn an ove?$me shootout Wo lead Wldtby Mister Transmission bunnies-ta a 10-9 victory aver Max Optimst in the B fina of the. Ch.cloers Variety ringette tounment ini Oshiawa Dec. 30. Ajax jumpeti out Wo an early 3.0 ativantage, but Whitby fought back totake a7-4lead ongoals by Ashey anti Kristie Jennings, Kelly Mtiews, Bradley, Jeis, ShaunaRainer anti Church. Ajax scoreti thr.e unanswered goals Wo tie the. gaine anti then heiti off a very strong Whitby attack in the, six-minute overtime Wo force the. shootout. Alyssa Branson' matie several dilficult saves in the Whitby net ta preserve tiie victary. In eerlior qualifying gaznes, Master Transmission baet the. op.ning gaine ta, Oshawa 6-4. Maiewa anti Ciurch eacii scoreti twice for Whitby. Whitby thon qualifieti for the. B final by beating a different Oshawa teain 11-3. Metiiews hati a bat trick ta pace the. Wiitby attack. Bradfley, Ramer anti Ciiurcii eciiscoreti two goals anti Baibey Corneai anti Veronica Joiinston atiteti singles. Belles 3rd Wiitby Provincial Signs beibu B ringette team finisheti thirti in a tournamont in Markham over the. holiday.. Tho teai was i againat tough comptition as they playeti Merkhm's belle A teain, a Jflet team froin Gloucester/Orleana, as well as Markhiam's belle .B teain wiio had beaten Wiiitby in their Gain on.was playeti againat the. combineti teain fram Goucester. Whitby worketi bard for a2-1lleatiat tehalf. With only three subsitut.. on the, Wiitby Midas Muffler junior B ringette teani d.f.ated Pickering 11-3 on Tuesday" last week in f ý~yIayeti a strang gaine wscingfive ithe~ firet anti six in the. second. Hat tricks went to, Angéla Dunn, Cally Corneai anti Temare Wi.siolek. Be Flight atideti a Assist went Wo Amy Sagan (two),Tay Campeau (two), Dun (woanti singles to Lindsey Millarti and Linds.y Fielti. Call-up gcalie Heatier Hurst played, e uound gaine in the. Wlutby net. bencii, the. teamn couiti not maintain the. intensity in the. second porioti anti bosi5&2. Gaine twa was against the. Markhazn B teain. Whitbyblet 1-0 at iialf-tixne an an excellent unassisteti goal by Erin Carrai. She scoreti again earby in the. second half to open the. flootigates as Wiitby scoreti four turnes in three minutes Wo extenti their beadtu ta5-0. Kristne Saper anti Natasiia Carter bath playoti extremely well and, along witii Carroll, were instrumental in the. 6-2 win. The Markham A tean tiien defeateti Whitby by a lopoided score. hy then played the MaiiiiamB teain to decide third plce In an .xciting gaine, Whtywon 3-1. Samantha Siiepparti matie some outstanding saves in net ta keepWiitby in the. gaine. Kara Eetnscoot early in the second iialf to tie the, score at 1-1, anti tii. score remainedtheti. sine until Megan Neilly scoreti with 49 seconde ftin thiegaine tW put Wiiitby in the. leati for the firet time. Lara Hugel scoreti into an empty net with one second left ta ice the, win. Erica GMes, Miciielle Theriault anti Jean Tempieman hati excellent gaines througiiout the. tournament. Tamara Wiesiolek anti Tezya Caznp.au were calleti upon the. junior teani anti paytivery well. Registration for the L.arn to Skate poan offereti b the. Whitby Rolier Skating Club will b. holti on Saturday, Jan. 8 at Whoelles on Burns Street East. Tii.eieght-badge prograinm taught'by pebfesuional coachs and some of Canada's top arnà- tour akaters. Tii. basice of roller skating are Whitby indooe soccer HKOUSE LEAGUEC taught, Including backwards etiges, istopping and turns. Tii. programi l for those agoti 3 andi ovor. Tii. cost i. $25 for the. fivo- week prograni held Saturdays froin 10 a.m. to noon, begmng on registration day. -Rentai skates are includeti in the. fe.. -Doors will open at 9:30 a. Salwd Lutohford Grmaaln 4 Donw ond 3 B. Cho PEEWEE Gmn Mchi M"iWkkuon Dong~ nBaid Mika oaa MBit Buo C"MdFion Coin'. Muoona Mithw Suday Came=onFdze OwldýAddhogon Chde Coiiu edaWarior Jonadhon HRA Duo il 2 Leona Aed . 4 K" vri 095W.3 0" Bwh 2 Tony. Tige.. 0 2 BuWéMowuI. Admm Mobw 4 Buwy'u Mouaio Mun iBroumum stqiunKeddl 040rg1Epu* ono 2 PiVB Pàthor Jonidhan Vands.von Auuhony Pluika 2 MII. Gaiutul 9hw"dFb Rym Evehffi Jomâr K.iy s Pot.VsPoeihmr Mil. Guumd Whitby hockey HlOUS LEAGUE Jam 2 Rays Enuopdm 5 SSit Pitchd 2 Mit Sut JausonVain JamnPeddt. Whkby FmePro 0 Geaif Coruy IDOET IlghWad Van à Star. 5 Shaun Kowns Joffruy Mutin John Soris Van Ven SnapOn 8 Konnoth Matth.ws3 Davld MkaoWl 3 NichaisPosaock 2 Shttou*: Joinl. Ekoon» -AtoyPu Jandhi VaidoqVu Biliswuzrlor Jonai lU 2 P. WrIgtt2 L.ans Aid R. lHW 4 KoMinDMlSk4 J.Malm 0. MaODnid C. Sonnai Dow$ lUi... O0Bses9 am ID WFilon R. Na.2 Jlm Adu*o 2 J. Grodin J. Rafmin 2 Dac. l 3 CWnsW OMS B. Saiuiaje3 9, 13 Lonugmo "m Parofs Atio MwoaPol* Adami Smlth Kk3kuUnitd mut P" 6 5 w Con.Marn. ,.CRCaU 2 C.CWUW. IL Pay» ATON 0 VaiUmrEaglu ltaaayszuahfr Tristi Jfrîcéiuu 3 WaauRigur Nichai Maricwo 2 0 Cran Guanhr 2 KolabxSIn Spws 1 Braiio Brava Masoeg John luat D" ~iYanaf a UMOR ATON Do.1 Whâby Audio 51 M. Astalos3 M. Kobrynovloh 2 BrooldiConori. 5 &. Hobnue2 K. Ritut 2 Wou Lynde F&C 2 R. Trudua G. KUm& Jan. 2 Lonnox DOwm a Shanu Hod7 2 MâtisGrahan2 OmNolBIM Ryon Lawk JonÉhai F.on Kyi* Pol"cc Mous Lodge. WhM. 1 Niahin u ky 13ANTAU Duo. S provincoial Signe Jouan Rabln2 Wu"n.Richard Mait 8h.. Mait Andres Canaiein Tire Citan SWklNy 3 Brod Allen 2 Ryon Ath 5 'J"ck kma'um Choit Pali Stev e enal 6 OtfaTown Clvi. Htal2 Jim Wrffl MadgLio* * 8 Whby Satur Grog SUsNé2 Derok Vaiogard Lms Ha>aia <Otter moorir ni avaikW)s K.PCop Todd Bri 0g Justin Foia Sui Nspcd M. L.tila D. BOsN» 5Whkbv Optknla C. vin Dulan SeocWord Sem"s D. Boadord M. Duao G. Ha.. RATON e Dadd &S Soer Ryon MaMMcau Dr. Sonu&& kDri...e Brunm F"ool2 Suom Brankin 2 MIOUu" 8h. lmn Prkur Nonal Atio Gim s6 Da"nyCùkd 4 Soit Eymvi 1 Dc. 1 Maous Lodg. Whit. 6 Dodd &Sottur 3 EIMatzalnwno2 Aaron arla Carl 050m 2 Robert Mtils DavidCoironso Juif Baird Dr. sumilk iOdL ,Suai actuh 2 lai Park Lonnau Dum Mifthm Grahai Gmmogay aos 6 Malva nsuruncu MNOR PEEWEE Due. 1 Dubai Dadge 4, Brokîn IQamon Juan Tuddngton 2 Mit.Gulbsls2 DamWFWsohas Er&i Steveono AndmuonVêt"ri. 1Par Eo ChatsSherrIf Flohard Mii Ch#1 Chds 0 ITT Canon Maît Walon 2 Mt Omonai Garrett lIolwd Chris Moors Dai Off Shudot- MekuHibeurmi Atm Ifrush et-il'. W L T OF Gi ITT Oanrn n 2 O O 9 O Duiham Odg. 1 1 0 5 5 ChitChia 1 1 O 3 O Parasa O0 0 2 3 3 BraoldlntQmffn O 1 1 4 e Andmw oVir. 0 1 1 1 4 3 NaibnlAt*o Giaas3 De"y Caird 2 Justï, BuIvua 2 Raoy's ErUorpits.0 MAJOR NOVICE DuO& la Lonnox Dsum Mithow An"l AndàeHl wao Somt R» 2 Ttm Motuzas SaitDaon , WhIhy Optifru Bilai Ched 2 BJ. Bowlu 2 TramorMMIFgan2 Brandon Giova NithailulAndre Ryn s»n 3 TSD Stek Ad» Dadh 6 BmcldhiLeglon ffd Vaidrlp Aon K*l 4 SndingDriiur Erlk Potorun 2 Piiok ULNg 9 Aoau-in col* Math stauduge Broatursi Legio suudIrg Da"or LonoDrum T&D &«ek & Burg. Bmro kn uuun Accu-Lk W L T OF 3 0 O m 2 1i0O1 2 1i0Ol 2 1i0O9 1 1 1 il O 1 2 11 0 2 1iV O 3 0O6 Whitby wins shootout to capture B titie

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