Whitby Free Press, 5 Jan 1994, p. 3

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- -m - - ,-- - -,-- u m Whilby Fm» Prou, Wem*chisy, Januaiy 5. 1994, Pope 3 THE ELECTION: Liberals wn both Whi*tby ridings Ity Miii. Kowalsl As the did aimost everywhere else in te jrovince Lberai can- didates tok both YWhtby ridinge in last year's federal election. Poli ical nowcomers Dan McTeague and Aloi Shepherd had littie diffiulty winning elec- tion in Ontario and Durham rid- ings respectivoiy on Oct. 25. eley were but two of 98 Liberis eiected from Ontario's 99 ridinga te join with their colleuos firom eisewhere in Canada in forming the next government. WHITBY MAYOR Tomn Edwards gives Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre 'Volunteer of the Veae Alice Palin a congratulatory kiss during a ceremnony last April. She shared the honour with Isabel Famndale. Photo by Mark Reesoe. MiItbyFm sPros Town clamps down, on smokers, signs, dult-only material By Muke Kowalsld Governmont regulation of what Whitby residents can and cannot do icreased a littie more in 1993. Town council ciaznped down on both amokers and businesses which sali aduit-only magazines and movie videos. I addition, council set in motion measures aimed at limit- inig the number of temporary signa pormitted in the nîunicipa- lity. Bowig te pressure fromn anti- pornography groupa in the comn- munity council in June directed that a L>yiaw regulating the way aduit magazines and vidoos are dispiaLyed i local stores be pro- pared. The byiaw wiii require the foilowing: *adult mgazines and videos not be dispiaye for public view- ing at a height loua than 1.5 metres above floor level; ~covers be hidden so that only ànames of the magazines or videos are dieplayed; * acceas te areas contaimîng aduit videos bo restricted te per- sons aged 18 or older; * tihé sale and.rentai of aduit magazine and videos te persons undrer 18 b. problbited. Councila decision foliowed a requset made by a coalition ot Duirham Regfion organizations lat Marh. People AgaÜna Pornography, FaiiyActon Côuncil, Cana- dians. for Decency and the WhIitby Prm Methodiat Church wore among the groupa which mot with Mayor Tom Edwards. I Octeber, councii unatui- mousiy approved a bylaw--aimed at controlling smoking in public Thoe byiaw, which teok effect on Jan. 1, prohibits smoking in a variety of venues whiie liixiting it in o thors. Places were smoking is now banned include: * the public portion of any financial institution, school, con- cert hall, theatre, mýusouni, art gallery, day nurserýy, hairdress- ing parlour, barber shop, lauin- dromîat, or retail store; * common areas of shopping malse; public washrooîns; public lobbies and reception areas. Places where smoking will bo related include restaurants adthe public portions of hospi- tais and health care facilities. Anyone convicted of breaking tho bylaw couid b. subject te fines of up te $5,000. A revised version of Witby's proposed temporary sign bylaw wiiibe unveiied at a public meet- ig i February. Essentially, tho proposed bylaw -- with some exceptions -- wouid ban ail portable signa from public and private propertsuc=4 as flashing or trailer signa, mobile seigns, A-frames or sand- wich boards, and banner signa. Council had been prepared te, adopt the bylaw lest June but it was tempoarily shelved aftor the mumicipality iearnod that measures contained i the bylaw could b i violation of Canada's Charter of ]Rights. The byiaw was reviewed by staff and. the Town's solicitor with respect te, the Charter of Rightsï argument and a recent Surm Cor decision which strkdown the City of Peter- borough's sign byiaw. And as was the situation in moat porta of the country, the two men dofeated Progressive Conservative MI>s and helped infliet the worst beating on a politicai party in Canada's hie- Prom a niajority governiment By Mike Kowalski Oppoition to a proposed muiti-lane highway in west Whitby intensifled in 1993. àIthough it wili b. some time before work on the eight-iane freeway fiSts underway Town counWc t exe its muscles last year over Ontario government plans to build it in Whiitby. If the province is not prepared to, look eloewhere, for a route for te Hwy. 401-407 connecting inkthn council wants the Ontari M.cipal Bard (0MB) trueon the matter. Council and west Whitby resi- dents have fought the iink since the projeet was announced three lhe initryof Transportation wants to bul a connectiing link in Whitby between Hwy. 401 and the future Hwy. 407, which wili run from Hwy. 48 in Maricham te Hwy 36/116 in Ciarington.. But area homeowners and counicil have opposed the pro- posai because of the threat a highway poses to the pro- doàinantiY residential nature of west Wh. Ini addition, counicil was con- cerned that a simeable portion of Whitby would b. off limita te further growth for a significant period. Nearly 10 per cent of Whitby's potentiai developmont area, would be frozen until the Iink is built in 25-30 years. While council opposes a link anywhere in Whitby, if it is te go ahead, the Town prefers that it bo built aiong Lakeridge Road, which wouid cause the least dis- ruption te nearby residents., However, the ministry's <tech- nicaiiy preferred routé" runs further east betwoen Halls and Coronation roads. After numerous discussions failed te sway the îninistry's thinking, council in November turned te another ministry for he!1in stoppin%the highway. Coucilcàle n'the Ministry of Municipal Affaira te delete al references te, a link from Durham Region's officiai plIan -- a docu- ment which sets land use guide- Unes in Durham over the next 30 years. If the minisryobjected te this request, council askced that the issue be referred te, the 0MB (a quasi-judicial body which ruies on municipal matters). (Despite intensive iobbying from Mayor Tom Edwards'and Whitby's three regional councýiil- lors, Durhamn counicil agreed te designate the ministry's préfet- ed route in the oficiaI plan.) when former p rime minister Kim, Campbell caiied the election in eariy Septembor, the Tories were reduced to oniy two seats and non-party statue in tho new par- liamont. McTeaue, a 30-year-old public relations officer, defoated Reform Party candidate Don. Sullivan and inouoebuit Reno Sootens te become the firsf Liberal MP i Ontario flding sinco 1979. McTeague coiiected 38,680 votes te Suilivan's- 28,097 -and Sotens' 16,872. The New Democratic Party, usually a strong contender in Ontario riding saw its vote col- lapse as candidate Lynn Jacklin received the backing of oniy 2,746 'people. Sevon other candidates also ran in the predominlantly urban riding which takes i Whitby, south 'of Taunton Road, plus the tewns of Ajax and Pickering. Ini Durhanm riding, Shophord, a 46-year-oid Scugog Township businesisman, knckoêd off incum- bent Rosa Stevenson. The mixod urban-rural riding, which încludes Whitby north of Taunton Road, hied been repre- sented by Stevenson aince its inception in 1988. Shepbord received 22,383 votes te finish ahead of the sur- prising Ian Sniyth, a 25-year-oid Co urtice resident who ran for the Reform Party. Smyth, who was aise making his firet attempt at public office, received 18,543 votes, while Ste- venson coilected 14,940 votes. NDP candidate Lucy Rybka- Becker waz far behind with 2,529 votes, and four othor candi- dates brought up the roar. Meanwhie, in Se ptomber, Whitby lawyer Louis AMore filed a $100,000 lawsuit agraînat the Reform Party of Canaa and its leader Preston Manning. Allore, who was expelied from the party last-year accused Men- nmand other Reftrm officiais of «dllberateiy vioiating" the prin- cîýe9 poicesand constitution A former diroctor of the party's constituency association in Ontario riding, Allore is seekring compensation for the time (and money) ho devoted te party busi- ness from Soptember 1991 te Mav193. eho900 hours of volunteer service Alloro dlaims te have performed during this period wouid not have occurred had ho known Manning and others would act in the manner in which hie lawsuit allejes.. Among his accusations, Allore charges Manning with dieregard- ingthe party's constitution and interfering i the properly organ- ized',« activities of constituoncy associations iOntario. Allore was one of four people who had their memberahîpa revoked by ;the party's executive council in May The four inciudod John Gam- bie, a former Progressive Conser- vative MI>, who was strippod of his nomination as a Reformn can- didate due te his association with extreme right wing goups._ At the timon, lRoform officiais said action was taken againat the four mon for activitios dee- med "ixnproper, unbecoming or likeiy te adversoiy affect the interests and roputation" of the Party. But Aliore claims the decision te kick him out ofthe party was made because ho chalienged council's right te take away Ganîble'snomination.. DO YOU HAVE A BROKEN WINDSHIELD? 3-

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