Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1994, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Fme Preas, Wednesday, January 12, 19Ue PAUPERS DANCE Whitby Mooso Lodge #2407 will hold Ya Pauper's Night Dance at -the Knights of Columfbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., on Saturday, Jan. 15, 9 a.m. te 1 p.m. There will b. fmusic by Paragon and a light lunch will ho serv'ed.TINck- ets are $5 per pereon. Cali 668- 4570. CHRONIC FATIGUE Durham Region Chronie Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. Support Group will meet on Thursday, Jan. 20, 7 p.m., ut A.E. King Memorial Gomptex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more infor- mation caîl Renae Leahy ut 655- 4398. ROBBIE BURNS The Glet annuel Robbie Burns aupper will ba held ut St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Cochrane Street, Whitby on Friday, Jan. 21 7 p.m. Thra will be singing, âcottsh dancing and, of course, hfsi. Tickets, $15 for adults and 9for adulte, are aveilable ut Ferguson'asKnit- ting Machine Centre, 143 Brock St S., and et the Big V Drug Store inteIApla in down- town Whitb-. For more informa- tion cal 6684022. EMOTIONS ANONYMOUS For the depressed and ionely, Emotions Anonymous, a 12-sto>p setf-help program, meets in Whithy aven mIursday, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m. For more information cail Mre ut 728-6404 or Gloria ut 576-4769. DOWN'S SYNDROME The Durham Down's Syndrome Association wiit meut Tiuesdey, Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m., ut VWhitby Baptiet Chureh, 411 Gilbert St. E. Gueet speaker wili ho im Maire fromn Youth Involvement Ontario. Refreshments will ho provided. For more information, cuit 579,0187. Non-profit omnmunltygroup which are basedn WhIyor have an ubtntal Whltby menbership may place the ir a upceumtn1 meeting f ik4or actlvles on thia page at no coat. Prf4 dln91 o~.i POTrLUCK DINNER Christian Singles Serving Christ wili hold a potiuek dinner and special music night on Suturday, Jan. 15, 6 p.m., at the Christian iàfo Centre, corner of Rweland and Ravonscroft roads, Ajux. For more information, cali 686-6193 or 728-9720. EFFECTIVE PABRENTJNG The Family Edueution Resource Centre of Durhamn House je offering a nine-session discussion group for parents which wili focus on understanding children's behaviour and toarning positive and practicul ekilîs for redirecting misbehuviour and encouraging children. The group will meet ut Pringle Creuk Public Sehool, 80 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby Thursdays, 7 te 9 p.m., sturting Jan. 20. The fee is $54 per r rson, plus a text book fée of $18.50. Pre-registrution je required. For more information or to register, cati the centre ut 579-2021 or 686-6459. LA LECHE Lu Loche Lege Whitby wili hold a hreastfeeding support meeting on Thursday, Jan. 13, 9:30 u.m. The te pje is 'Nutrition and Waaning.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothors are wai- corne. Cuit 723-0542 for more information, including location. HEAD INJURY The HeadInury Association of Durhamn Raglon wilt hold support group meetings unWednesday, Jan. 19, 7:30 p.m ut 459 Bond St. E., 'Oshaw;a. The survivors r oup will nieet on the main floor, amiyand caregivers, upetairs. For assistance with transpor- tation, eaUl the association ut 723-2732. ONE PARENT FAMILIES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Familles Association will meet Tuesday, Jan. 18, 8 p.m., ut Adria Croutian Cultural & Sports Club, 432 Simce St. S., Oshawa. Guest speaker Dorthy Long from the Durhamn Mental Health Association. New members and gueste ulwuys welcomne. For more information, cuit 436-5089 or 728-1011. LEADERSHIP COURSES Christiopher Leadership Courses, promotin g effective speuking and self--confidence, be * t the end of January in Whfllnb u nd continue for il weeks. OeIl 666-8012. FIRST AID The Oshawa Red Cross brunch wili offer emargency and stan- dard firet aid courses (inciuding curdiopulmonary resuscitution) on Jan. 15 and 16. Cati 723-2933 te register. PREPARING FOR CHILDBIRTH By Croly Tredd f1i Cartii.d Lmez. bilblt olcao Waiting!! Paula and Jim Palleter, whose pregnancy we have heen following through this serles of columni are ut the stage when thora is noting loft te<Le but wait. mhe baby je due in a coupla of weeks and they used te, count the tima until birth in menthe, thon in weeks and now thay are counting the days. Evorytbng i roady. The nureery has been ready for ' menthe. The bag je 9packed for the hospitul. Ail the eseentiale for Baby Pallister have been purchased. Now they . wait. Manýy of the signe that the hirth je net fer off have occurred. The haby's head is engag d inthe pelvis anl-Paula hes aven experienced theW.. frustration cf fulse IAN PULPL labour. A very JMADPUAPL common symptomý of lute pregnancy je forgetfulness - jokcingly coindpregnan cz brainrot. Well, Paula as certainly experienced thie, too. As the mother'e focus turne tewards her baby and the hirth, it je normal te forgat even the meet obvieus things. To ahi cf you wvho are p experiencing titis along with Paula there je good news. Pregnancy forgetfulness is cured with the birth of the baby (well,'almeet). So, how je Jim coping through these laet few weeks? The words h euses are anious" and ______________ narvous." Like most new dads-to-ho, Jim je upprehensive about hie rôle as a tabour partner. Even after tuking Lainaze classes there je always the element of the unknown. Mfm and Paula are going to attend a quiecie refreer clase this waek just to bush up their techniques. ay will be = ond h another couple frmteir class whose baby ie now a week ovardue. Oh, the waiting sometimes net aven day te day, but heur to heur. Jim and Paula are ut STER 0F WHITBY laast e *oyn their test weeks Ioreent and quiet. When I contacted them for this column, I woka wthccpit was 11:30 a.m. From thoso of us wit cMdrn, wa cen enljr tell Jim and Paulu te enjoy it while they cen. It won't luet long. Goed iuck and happy birthing, Jim and Paula. We'll heur from yeu soon. -~fBROOKLI }g- Baptist pas A Brooklin minister ie tisted in fair condition in Sunnybrook Hospital after receiving severe neck injuries in a single-car acci- dent early Wednesday morning. AÉROBIC JDANCfErC655-897 tor mjured Police eay Reerend Emanuel Etizeu 30(pstrof Meedowcrest Baptiet Church, braked te avoid an animal, on Highway 12 south cf Tauntnn ROu and hie car skidded out cf control and fllpped over. Elizea, hie six-yeur-old son and three-year-old dau<ghter were rushd t OsawaGenralHos- pital. The youngsters were trea- ted and retased but Elizee was trensfered te Sunnybriak.,-, A nearby !??iderIt says God in accident teid her te take a btunket te the ecene; "those two chiidren were 13tt7n there with ne shoes on, ne socia -- they were shivering... and I wrapped them in the bien- ket and set with them.» She saye it was a «miracle of God" that anybody survived the crash; "the car was comrpleteIZ smashed -- it wus like a tin can and Elizee «wes in very, very bad shýape; unconscieus, (with) head injuries and hie loge were kind cf twisted." PC *lUSERS The. Durham PC Usera Club wiIl meet on Thursday, Jan. 13 1 7 p.m., at CAW l~ocal 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Osh- awa. For mgre information eall Bruce Laycraft at 728-9351 or Barbara ice at 434-7420. "LIGH RIDES mhe Central bak"e Ontario Conservation Authoity Sleigh Ride Express will operate at Heber Down Conservation Area On Sunday, Jan. -16, 1 to 4 p.m. Ticket price ie $1.75 per person per ride. Rides wilil tart from day-use area (flot froni the winter parking lot). Cail 655-4843 for up-to-date information. ERýTO EKEARF. 'Heart to Heart,' an eight-week program of information on al aspects of heart diseuse, begins Jan. 19, and wili accomodate 10 couples. For more information or to register, call the Heart and Stroloe Foundation at (416) 571-1582. PARENTING YOUNG CHTLDREN A discussion group for parents with chiidren uné-lr uge 6, designed to help parents understand their young children and gain skills for effective parenting, will first meet on Monday, Jan. 24 from 6:45 to 8:45 P.m., at Father Joseph Venini* School, 120 Glovere Rd., Oshawa. The fee is $48 per person plus a book féee Of $18.50. Pre-registration is re(qured for the eight sessions. F or more information and to register cati the Faznily Education Resource Centre at 579-2021. CHRIRMEN 0F ALCOHOLIOS A group to help aduit chiidren of aleoholice make changes in their lives wiii meet at St. Mary Secondary School, 1918 Whites Road, Pickering, starting Jan. 27, from 7 to9 p.m For more information and to regieter cali the Faiy Éducation Resource Centre ut 579-2021 or 686-4353. The Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 112 of the ]Royal ana- dian Legion will hold their annual sports dance on Feb. 19 from 8 p.m. to 1 arn. at the Legion hall, 117 Byron St. S. . This year's dunce. wiil have a western theme. Music wili ha supplied by dise jockey Ron- Moore and dr'ess is casual or western. Lunch and refresbments will be provided. There will ba spot przsand a door prize. Trickets are $10 per couple and are avuilable at t he ILegion hall or be caliing 688-3215r. ANN'UAL hMT[NG Distress Centre Durham will hold their 1994 volujiteor appreciation eveming and annual gonoral meeting on Jan. 18, 7 p.m.uet the L»ol Order of Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson St. S., Oshawa. Registration at 7 pari, recognition awards at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Sandra Sweet'o topie is 'Taking Risks.' Refreshments will ha eerved at 9 p.m. Reserve by Jan. 7 by calling 723-4461. KELP YOURSELF An eight-session study group, for parents with children up to ago 12 that aime to, heip parents help themeelves and their children cope*wth sepauton and divorce, OwtI, fret meet Wednosday, Jan. 19, 7 to 9 p.m. at St. Mary Secondary School, 1918 Wbitee Rd., Pickering. Cost is $48 plus a book fee of *6.50. Pre-registration is required. To register callI the Family Education Resource Centre ât 686-6459 or 579-2021. FABMLYLAW Family law issues will be dis- cussed from maie, female and chiidren's -perspectives by lawyers AGary Kitchen, Faye MeFarlane and Valerie Hazlett Parker at the McLaughlin Pub- lic Library (auditorium), 65 Bagot St., Oshawa on Wednes- daiy, Jan. 19, 7 p.m. Information about mediation process, intro duced in an attempt to alleviate court backlogs, witt also be dis- cussed. Tickets (no charge) are available at the tibrary today (Wednesday). For more informa- tion euhl Jackie Witliamns ut 579- 6111. MzU i O]LIII I L SNOW REMOVAL The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre is agein co-ordinating a snow removal program for seniors this winter. Seniors will ha given the name of a snow shoveller to, cail as reqwired, for a mutually agreed on fee. Seniors or snow shovellers interested in ristering and participating in the programn may oeil the centre at 668-1424. SENOR'CLAS The. Whithy Seniors' Aetivity Centre is offering a variety of classes, at various locations in Whitby, begfinning the week of Jan. à7.Spaoes are stil available in aqual¶t, aerobic fitness, computera, country crafts, French, Spanish, ITai-Chi, ef pantingfollcart, dancg (squareUne, country, sqenc) watercolour painting and pencil drawing. For more information or to, register, cail the centre at 668-1424. Discussion of sleep disorders A physicien will be at the WhitbY Seniors' Activity Centre on Thursday, Jan. 13, 1 pm t Corne out and see how you'caft Save an extra 40%/ in taxes on your RRSP Contribution this year Meet Julie Makepeace of WORKUNG VENTURES »- CANAIDIAN FUNO UNO. DATE: January 25, 1994 M'vign SuT ME: 7:.00 pm. Cal! 579-7777 to reserve yourseat. -Finan ciai Soeurities Çhimcd &M~eole S a WIU.Vtom budiesuyt qIwOSudjfr.C.& SMIaalsCoPur

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