Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1994, p. 17

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Whitby Froc Piss, Weclnoday, Januaiy 12,1904, Pap 17 Witbya HOSELXAGUE J*DGET HIghlmnd Van 4 Van Ve Snap On Dim Daughefly 2 Knnoth Mattluws2 Rya Hsney 2 Chris Kilome Whkby Fm@s Pros 5 Roys Etipris Bk* N.guw r2 Mat Wlft Ryan Hdrwoad NaïfI<eKa" Rln MODMIgd Androw Sorlohelti Jeffondokas *NMOR ATON jan. 0 Dodd & %âtie 3 Dr. Sernotluk DriNet Rulnrtur 2 Semn Brln 2 Donld CnrpWbl Ian Pather , Lonnoxc Dum Ltd. 3 Naliui Aiio Glus Moit her Grahan Danny Caird CM.i Elson Jwutln Beiliveau Jonathan F.eney %'ys EIrpdîs. 4 Mous Lde- Whit.1 Mark 0fr 2 Ellocit Ftzunmons 3 Levi Blake Dan1iel uka 2 Semn Thondyke Carl D"c10k Sta.dkqe » of Joil Mo.e Lodge 5 1 3 37 Lennx Dwm Ltd. 6 2 2 43 Dr. S.oxluk 4 1 4 38 NïlornAuto 4 4 1 31 RoysErrprlse 1 6 2 27 Dodd àSoer 1 G 2 22 Go&a taistc sof JanV1 CA C. Foxwel LLsnnox Drum 24 Mark CY Orros Enlrd 26 Som = pIeile Malh Rdsh Dod &Soier37 Chr. Fudidi. Dodd & SoiA.' 8 AaronSorWa, Dudd àSotier 3 Jordon Gll. NalIomIAtio 27 Breni Meuphom I Dr. Ssmetiuk 23 DanryC"kd.Naonal Ato 22 Christophar Elsn. Lennox Drum 14 Mdth.# Graharn Lenmox Daim 9 Sea BreolUn. Dr. Srno<iuk Dill.1V Cari D"10,o McOoeIodg. - Wmit. in an Parir. Dr. Sanotkik DiNars il Ellot FitzslnmOs.Moos Lodlge 10 Oamy WhastIuy, Lannox Drumn i Grog Joinnlont. Dr. Smeotk 8 Robert Muir. Dodd & SciA., 6 uhn Gimn, Ms. Lodge 4 AVO 2â67 3â67 3â67 529 8100 3j30 Smo M.5 0"nulBW4.,Leano Drurn Ltd. 0" ~ Amwa*i.. Moase Lodg. jame. MOTOogueEwoi AmrwCral. Bob Chapn Jamd Muer ChhahR Bnowl Jerry. Dffg Ryun Wlksr 3 RmBmVwo .9a119 M#cWInaBs. Tlm LIuk FAtthwdon 2 Zan Grear2 D"vl Advet 2 Evan Wardh And*mMoadaus Marc Ra.i Kyle Muphy 2 DanlulKoi Le.om J ust inFox 2 Foui AnmmWave Dan Demx 4 3 7 2 57 2 Muter Bdromf Dom mI KBreiw erden Jam anetin 3GOR Mecanle Adn Oln 2 3 WhbyI Kinum OMAbow 2 Ryn Hrako UNOR sotIRT Ja"., Whlby Trophy a KserGorozynsld 2 lan Farquharson 2 BnFkzgk*bon Jordan Boudris Plu htAgn Sports 7 mohadMlr Adam Jobndon Chad Thbodsaa Motthow Arbouw Ryan Kerr Stuphe Ba"e Speedy Auto GWass2 Mark Mzzi 2 Broolin Leg<îon Andrew Fe 5 Brywd Lwis-John Lucm Ceron Phii.p Moihons IWhâby Optirrdits Mii. Mclenzie 7 Stuphen Foston 2 Jashua Miber 2 P" iScot Mat GoodWln a James Dlck Rartdy Waon 4 3 Carson & Weeks Camn Cassldy 2 Nick Coter2 Seun Pattimon 4 Broodin Logion Kevin Rampel 2 Bý Son Sean Gren Derak Ard Sthsdngs Whâby Optkilst Camoin & Weok Marc Ranad S-fsM Leaom Bnooln Leguon Mftchal Brouhem James Dick Petites wan 2 of 4 Whitby Dodd & Sauter petite B ringette teain iiad two wins and two lasses at a reent taurnement in Port Perry. On Frday, Wiiitby began the. tournament witii a solid 6-4 win over Pickering. Whitby was led by Catie Osborne witii tiree goals and one assist, Kristy Kotabi wo goals end one assist, Camre Tully one goal and Nicole Clarke tiiree assista. Ini their second gaine on Saturday, Whitbv feIl behind 4-1 to thehost P rry éýýte=inearly in tii. gaine and even tiiougii they outsiiot Port P.rry and came back with two late goals, theT were unable te beat Portes goaltender and lost 4-3. Scaring for Whitby wore Mega Yraskavitch, Osborne aniTully. Nikld Baldasti earned two assiste. Wiitby's lass made tiie Oshawa gaine a must. Whitb:y took an early 2-1 lead on goals by Osborne and Baldasti. Oshawva ied the. gaine early in the. second period and tiien bath teains played strong defonsvely. Whitby>s golie Tracy McGillis and defensive partners Katie MçDonald and Krystle Krasnaj, and Becky Duncan and Thersa Bugdon conistently broke up Oshawa'e rushes. Whitby finally broke the. ie 'vitii a goal at the. five-minute mark but it was disallowed, and when the. excitement turned te, exhaustion, Oshawa was quick te, score thre imes, tii. last one into an empt<y net, ta win 5-2. ,On Sunday nigiit, Whitby played Riciimond FEUl wio came fresh ôff a taurnamont victory in Etabicoke. Tlhe teeme traded goals for the. fret few minutes but thon Whitby, 'vith 'some fine passing and accurate siiooting, took over ta win 10-3. Whitby was led by Osborne and Yaraskavitci witii three goals eacii, Tully two and sinales 'vent te Kotarba and Bugdon. McDonald had three assists, Baldasti and Clark.eiiad t'vo and single assste were earned by Krasnaj and Duncan. McGillis once again provided solid goaltending. Coaciies John Kotarba and Ralpii McGillis were pleased by the. way tlii girls rebounded after the. twa teugii lasses the, day before. Win, loss for selects Wiiitby minor atom hockey slects, sponsored by Valuation Consultants Ltd., had a win and a base over the past week. Whitby firet defeated Humber Valley 3-2. Humber opened the. scoring in the. fret period. Whitby Liien came out strong in the second when Sean Breekin scored on an essiet from Sean Keay. Ryan McMichael scored, essisted by EliotFitzsimmons, in tiie third ta ie the. gaine. Witii seven seconds on tiie dlock, Dami Amurawaiye assisted Matthew Grahiam on the. winnor. Ini exhibition play, Whitby bLos to, Agincourt Canadiens. Brackin scored the.]one goal unessisted. Otiier team members are goalies Chris Fox'vell and Matthew Redsiiaw, forwards J.P. Galipeault, Shane Healy, Rab Muir, Mfike Lever and Kurtis Lindell, defence Ian Parker, Grog Tsagris, Carl DiCerbo and John Gillard. The. Whitby McCullough Jewellers Ltd. tween A ringette teain comipeted ln the. Port Perry tournament from Jan. 7 to 9 and came away as champions% winning the. gold modal. The op.ning gaxne was against the tournainentls host team, Port Perry, and saw Whitby put in a strong display of offence in an 8-2 'vin.' League riva] Pickering 'vas the. noct contestan~t which resulted in Whitby's onfly lms of the. tournament by a 3-1 score. A team, froin Kitchener was the. third contest which resulted in a 5-3 victory for Whitby in a The Whitby minor peewee AAA teain, sponsored by Elscint Canada, went as far as the. semi-finale at a tournainent in St. Catharines held over the. Christmas break. In the ffret gaine, Markhemn, beaten regularly by Whitby during league play, had a different idea, an&d beat NWhitby 3-0. In the. second gae, Whitby managed. a 2-2 ti. against York-Simcoe, a much botter teamn then Whitby had seen previously in leegue play. Scoring for Whitby were Casey Dupont essisted by Kyle Crouch, and Sean Haynes assisted by Nick Owen. Holding WVhitby in the. gaine was goaltender David Chant. Gae three saw WVhitby beat Brampton 3-0, witii Chant in the net for the second ime in on. day (sciieduled goalie Sheri Bryksa was iii just prior to gaine ime). The first two perîods went scoreless. The firet Whitby goal came just 50 seconds into the. third period and was scored b Jamie Giles, witii assists yGîl Varnplew and Haynes. The second goal was scored by Mike Hamilton, assisted by Crouch and Scott Beegan. The third goal came witii four seconds left to play and was scored by Haynes unassisted. The final gaine in the. round-robin had Whitby ptted ageinst the. unbeaten tearn from Niagara Falls, and was a must-win te enable Whitby to advance to the. semi-finals. Bryska wàs in net, and playing iier beet game so fer tins year, Whitby put Niagara Falls down 2-1 witii a goal from Hamnilton, assisted by Dupont, and a goal frn Paul Goldsmith assisted by Matt Jardin end Owen. The senii-final gaine iad VWhy playing against Central Ontario. Whitby jumped out te an early lead on a goal scored by Goldsmnithi assisted by Jardin and Dupont 15 seconds into the frst peiiod. The second Whitby goal came at the. 4.22 mark of the, second period nd A*à q'oas cored by Owenurav hard-played affair. Sarahi Larocque, one goal; and Thisset p th chapicnhip Colleen jAckfbrd, an assist. an s et uth h amp ignsip Goaltender Heatiier Hurst was aickering. Sh ine aga Uli toutstanding, .making imany ofeie nd Siiown bothteongexcellent saves in pressure offesiv an defnsie tam ituations. strengtii, Whutby outplayed and In regular loqgue action on outscored Pickering by a 5-2 Jan. 5, Whitby again faoed margin. Pickerinq atdaltiiougiileading Teazn scoring 'vas led by at on. tum b a 4-1 score, saw Jessica Williams, eight goals and Pickering corne back to tic it at tiiree assiste; Melanie Davis, four 4-4. oads, seven assiste; Hayley . Davis fired three goals and an 'lIard, two goals, six assista, assiet witii Vanderlip adding a Ellen Johinson, two goals, five goal and an "sset. Williams iad assises; Jennifer Cassidy, one two assise, with single helpers ga, thr.e assista; Callie going te Millard and Johinson. Oebrne, tiree ast; iàsa Team coachin i John Cassdy, Vanderlip, on. goal and an asset; assistant Steve, Huret and Raryn Peacocke, two assiste; manager Lee Cassidy. Novicqes unbeaten in Port The Whitby novices, sponeored by Mitchell Brothers Building Supplies, wvon the. Port Perry ringette tournament iiold Jan. 6 te 9. They opened the. tournament witii a 4-3 victory over the. otiier WVhitby novice teem. Katherine Boys and Joanne Boys were leading goal-scorers in the. gaine. Lynsie Arts and Danielle Dadalt were strong on defence. The second gaine on Saturday was a dloser match against Port Perry 'viti Wiiitby posting a 9-6 win. Cindy Johnston and Jenna Smithi played an inspired game on offence, and tiiere was a solid Win, loss f( The after-offects of the. silv.r stick tournainent 'ver. positive for theè Whitby major peewee AA hockey teain as they overwiielme, Ajax 7-2 in their firet league encounter follo'ving the tournament. Led by Brant Flaiierty's t'vo RMoas and two assiste, and Unemate Mark Foran's t'vo goals and one assiet, Whitby outskated, outhit and outiiustIed their arciirivals. Adding to tiie offensive outburst 'ver. goals by Paul Heinrich (two) and Matt Smithi (on. goal and on. assist), 'vitii additional playmaking assista accredited ta Andre Harding (Lwo), Siiene Noil, Bobby Schlitt, Justin Terry and ike Orvies. Soin. solid hits were made by Ryen Babcock, Paul Matusiak and Lulce Power to inspire the Wbitby indoor soc3er HOIJSE LEAGUE performance by . Jessica Templeman. Whitby played Oshiawa in the. third gaime and won 14-4. Katiierine Boys and Danielle Avery led the. attack with four goals eacii. Jennifer Martel iiad four assi sts. In the. championship matchi, Wiiitby defeated Oshawa 741. Whitby was aggressive end iiad a -2-i lead at the end of tiie first period. Sama RosalI was solid on defence. Avery and Katiierine Boys ed te cori ng. Ju~lti itchllwesoutstanding in goal witii numerous saves. )r peewees outsendig play of the. teain. Scott Thompson was solid in net, stoppingai corners until late in the. third period wiien Ajax scored two unenswered power play goals. On Sunday night, a deternuned and well-disciplined Bowmenville teem defeated Whitby 2-0. After a good start, Whitby's effort and determination dieappeared, 1eaing Even Kitamurato fendfor %iself in rDal during wiiat muet have been for hum a lonely second period. Ho maneged te iiold Bowmanville to just two goals, minrng hie teammates te a Comnatinig third period of play. However, despite outsiiooting their opponents 13-3, Whitby could rnot find the, net. Brawno a Bs Jonor Rover, MichaelAskew Benjamn Somhare Koobuin Spumi Danlel Graea BANTAU Jan. 4 Tam 1#5 S. macDomal RPeltr#Jfo C. Crorun Tuwn f4 M. Bush 2 S. Ampd.n 2 C. Prattison C. GUIj C. Suoni M. Warren M. Szoghaln J. Prichad3 R OStuvan 3 T. BINesSI M. B<hwdll R Iki*e P.Muer 3 Teamfl J. Alan 10 Teanfi G. Payne 2 M. CeIli 2 E. Ganhao2 K.KdIo 10 Town 06 B. Ryil4 R. Vian 2 S-ff Taam #3 Tm 6 Town 95 Town 84 TaM 192 Tsam 91 ATOU Jan. 8 Wakee Ranger NbWholuMancurwo L=Ii.o oa3 Paulko 3an CrossGwnmrs <Other screr m aeIalmw 0 Cwxnew0wla Policek HoWton 2 VanturEg.. Dan s zoghall2 9 Staffl Szoghaiml 2 Jane. Chevars 1 K"okUotd Dan KIeon2 ShavnSkmoâ 2 Soiny Glenn Jashua K"ol MM lPuhm 2 Parafa Atietico Michae ar 3 mam aPma SHMMP Jan. a Redl O J-a. Rver AUm Evwdyn 3 WWhy Tigm n 0O Utb Blue Guys Aiea PbWel 4 Mafhow Grotix 2 Aflhn MoLual Jan. 8 Taon 93 John Gooihrand Bmd Dyjmt Greory Surmuum Tom A0 Towmn 06 Bradley Vanderie2 Grenan Nk*ohoon M4afthew Snwdn Anthony Twymfan Town 42 L'an Crançmny 4 Evan Bonibmo C. Mlaimmui 3 Tumfl9 Gaion Cak*l O Ta.mf7 Jake Skninon 5 Toam 81 2 5 Teawn84 BrulIey Wiggors 1 Town 0 Tyler Ouf an UNOR NOVICE MAJOR soWmrT

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