Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1994, p. 18

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Pagweâ 18. WNitby F» m. Wodrsdy, amey;12,199m Meranda Waters -HENRY ST, H.S., Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN It a ppears as though we couîdn't h ave picked a botter time to return to Henry. The blustering, snow, freezing tomperatures and unbelievable windchillfaictors made last week one. ta remomber., Lucily, the comm gr of our cold, cold, slushy, bone-chilling, snow-filled wnter didnt affect the gong-n nsd the 'Home of the cHawk.' id The selling of Hawkwoar is an excellent exaznple that proves my point. With spring jackets, boxers and baséball-style capes on sale, it was virtually impossble to think of snow. Henry jackets are $45, boxers and caps $18 each. Youll find this assortment of fantastic clothes at the student counicil office. There are limited numbers of some items, so.act fast. And now (inseri; drum roll), it's trivia tie. What do Henry Street teachers Ms. Morley, Mrs. Marsh and Mr. Gray have in cominon? Here a few littie hints: a) the something they have in common is an object; b) the'l give it ta you for a prico; c) itIl keep you delighted and entertained for hours. Give up? Ms. Morley, Mrs. Mareli and Mr. Gray are aIl selling tickets. Make no inistake, these are no ordinary tickets. They'll' get you into the Pantages or the, Princess of Wales Theatre ta see Phantoin of the Opera or iss Saigon. See Me. Morley or Mrs. Maroh for the Essy contest winner Carolyn Mbmeastudeut at Fatiier 1LeaAusinaCatholic Secondary School, won fret pnize in the Whitby Optimiet Club essay couteut. Hon essay will now b. submitted ta the Optiynist Central Ontario Distrct coptition., The wiuner will rcvean xpense-paid trip te Freedonir Foundation at Valley Forge, Pa. Mohamed wrote a 500-word Computer courses The Durhamn CoUlg coimmos learuing division is offering advanced computer courses in January. Courses include Autalisp: automated drafing, on Wédnesdags, Jan. 19 taApril 6, fe. (includig supplies) $340.26; pen-b.od computer techuolagy, on Tuesdays, Jan. 18 ta April 5, fee $030SmtCan Version 7, on Thrsas Jan. 20 ta Apnil 7e f.. *136A.43 For more information cal 721-2000. To register cal 721-3000. .usay on ' The Boundaries cf Freedoin.» The Optimiet Club cf Whitby will b. making a prosentation ta her ta recognize lier accomplishment at a fortbouining meeting. Open house Durhamn Christian Hligh School (DCHS) will hst an open lieuse ou Thursday, Jan. 13, beginning at 6:15 p.rn. Dinuer will b. avaulable for parnts and students interested in attending the sciiol ln September 1994. A performance by stuidents of the. schoëi's theatre, arts and music departinents will follow dinner. A tour cf the scliool's facities will als be couducted. Ail are welcorne ta attend. For -more information, contact the. schol at 623-5940. Durhamn Christian Hligh School provides quality Christian education fobr studeuts frein Northumnberland, Victoria and Peterborough counties and frein throughout Durhamn Region. At Sylvan Lcamning Centre,~ our Study Skills Prgramnme is custom designed to hep students improvethe iway they study We teach good habits Ilke tine mnageent and goal seting whileïimroving *àkil nsten ing comhnsiýr, .gniig, rmdng/tuý ndtes-Wag. urcertified teadiersoffr lots attention, emý ent and praise.just a coupkeof hours a week at Sylvan< could make studying one of th bsthaits ryo'r u lviLsamlng Centre child picks Up. w @NYIL-ncpSm - dpng kids dobetr 1801 Dundas St. E., Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby 404-1818 READINO- MATH - WRfl1NG * STUDY SKLLS - HOMEWORK SUPPORT. ()Ac Feb. 16 shiowing of Phantain and Mr. Gray for the Feb. 9 showing of Mass Saigon. Hurry, before te'e ail gone, toc. The world of sports lias been fairly quiet this past week with only a couple of tennis to mention. The flrst 15 the junior boys' basketball tearn who defeated Denis O'Connor 60-29. 1 hem, good defensive plIay in ta be credited for the. win. Ibe midget boys' baïketball tearn also challenged O'Connor and they, toc, camne out on top , 4-50 . That pute the Hawks'- record at an even 1-1. . The Henry Street, community mour ma the los of Peter Hau who passed away duYing the Christmas break. Although h. was only a Hawk fer a short Urne he will b. missed. The sympathy of the staff and students at our school is extended ta the Hau family. If you are loking for someone ta, help you get ready for upcoming exarns, guidance is the place you want ta go. Sign-ups for study ie seminars armgong on all thls week,no hurryaCd add your naine ta, the list. A littie help in the study department nover hurt anyone. Until next week, erjoy the snow. And hey, If you've got some free trne on your harids, why flot build a snowperson. Welcome b ack, fellow Austinites. I hope everyone, had an excellent Christmas holiday. Did Santa bring you everything your littie hearts desired?I certainly hope go. Now that schcol is back in session and exams are lesa than two weelcs away, my fellow Austinites are running around like chiekens with their heads cut Off. This becomes a vr stressful trne for Grade 9s, andbecause I don't want taume them suifer, I thought I wouldý offer them , little advioe. Scenario one: Yçu are sitting in the gym, surrounded by liundreds cf astudents ail worlng feverishly on their exains and you have no idea wliat any of the answers- are (in fact, you are sure that the teacher has handed your exain ta you in German). This às no reagan ta panic. The beMtway to handle the situation? Pray. Scenario two: Iàke maziy Grade 99, you end up in the wroang row, and end up getting the OAC calculus exam instead. Now, this does net have ta b. aes bad as you thlnk. If you notice that *you have the wrong exam, just p ut up your hand and wîthin an hour and a haif a toacher might look in your direction. Once the teacherstops talkcing long enough ta wàlk over, aIl you have ta do is expiain your Archy TRAFALGAR CASTLE It's the new year and Urne te make a confesson. I havent had mucli success with my writing career ... too undiscipliued is what my teacher says I arn. I have ta admit t every Urne I ait down at tis computer I get confused about the function cf the 'mouse.' It rune against rny nature to tbink cf a mous. in any way excopt food. Se bore I arn in 'Wniter's Craft' for another year, trying net ta dangie rny participies or misplace rny modifiers ... talk about stress. My owner went ta Vancouver for the. holidays and left me to keep n ye on the castle. Ordinarïly I wouldu't ,mid, but recently there bas been a revival cf the century-aid rumeurs about a ghoqt who dwolls amq'ng us and, brave' as I ami, the. thouglit cf some misty 'creature floating through the halls dees make my fur stand ou end. It seeme seeof aur carpenters, wile malcing repaire lu a rarély used apartrnent above the iufirmary, came upon a mysterious lady on the. laziding. She had flowing blonde hair and was dressed in a long, black robe. I hea the. fellow fied down tho sMaireansd eut cf the. building as fast as ho could. Now, l'y. lived here witii the dean for aver six years aud lu al aur mldnight ramnblinge, w.e have nover encountered a ghostly figure ta spook us. But, as tlioy say, cuniosty illed the. cat, so I have decidod net to venture on that landing just in case... I don't want ta take any unnecessary chances. I have leut a Mef or two because cf folishnoss l the. past, and these days I need ta preserve al my streugth te defeud my ternitary agaiust Wally, -a castle-cat 'wanuabe' who keeps slippiug in through the. back door. So much for mystery and festive holidays. I didn't evon got Miss Mei's turkoy feast on Christmas Day. Naw all the. girls are back frein their trips homo ta, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Korea, Indiana, etc. and the. now terrn bas plenty cf fun ahead. Miss Jane Schniit bas corne frein Waterloo University for five rnonths as a co-op student teaciier iu math. I haven't played any tricks on lier. yet but rrn workiug on it. Friday, Jan. 14 is Parentd Nighit and this includes a delicious dinner. I'm partial ta rcast beef sud hope nobody will notice my prosonce undorineath the. dean's tale. Jan. 21 i8 our annual Si Day. I stay home -- as usual -- but overycue eIe. wiil b. an the slopes of Devil' Elbow ta eiijoy the. tbnill cf the. downbull runs sud the. challenge cf the cross-country trails. (Persoually, I wouldnt want ta put eue paw upon tiiose suowy tracks; 17il think of tiiem ail as I cuni Up under a radiatar and sleep the. day away.) Yes, everything 18 under controI. As I make my daily rounds frein hall ta hall, pausing for a scratch under the chin or a turnmy rub, I feel fertunate, as always, that I lucked inta this great iazy life in Trafalgar Castie. Now, if I could just get that cat Wally ta, keep bis distance, I couid realiy relax and settle down for a long winter's uap. predicarnent and wait for hlm/lier ta finish laughingr (trust me -- he/sheIl laugli). You should be given your exaxu shortly after this,. leaving youi with approxmately 15 minutes ta w rite the entire exani. Impossible? No way. There ifs a vory simple solution -- pray. Seriously though, exams often go over quit. well, 80 there is really nothiug ta worry about. Honest. Now that I have reassured the Grade 9s, I can move on ta happier and more exciting news. Oný Frida, Déc.- 17, Austin held its first-ver Christmas Follies. Staff and students deessed in costume and pérformed a variety of sketches, met àil Christmas themoes.- Probably the meut humourous of the sketches haed the. teachers doing thsir impressons f great ballet dancers uh as 'Njinsky and Pavlova. It was a cultural shock for aur students. Congratulations ta ail performers on, ajo well don. Also, a special thank you ta Mr. labriola for his hard work and dedication ta the Christmas Falles. Whore dose he ever find the Urne? In the. spirit of Christianity, Austin students collected clothes, food and tays for needy families. For twe weeks before schol ended, studonts were asked ta bring a different food group esach day. The prograni,.whicli was run through the . Rocf Durarn, was a tremendeus siucoa.' Many thanks go out ta Mr. D'Allesoafor ail hie liard work. Well, the weather is cold and the snow in piling up --iwabe exams will b. cancolled .. wishful thinidu, thougb. Sa get those brains buring, and remomber, until we meet agamn, keep smiling! HISTORICAL FEATUR Whitby Free Press' 1 . What products were manufactured in Whitby in the i 9th century? 2. Who laid the cornerstone for the Frances Hall wing at Trafagar Castie Sch.ool in 1895? 3. What was the original use of the room now used as aý bar at the Centennial Building? 4. Where is the trowel used to lay the cornerstone for the Carnegie Public Library at Bytron and Dnda stetso I îwý

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