Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1994, p. 23

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Whltby Fre PePrs, Weàioday, Janury 12,1004. Pag. 23 I Peewee seleets undefeated in league playI The Whitby Professional Fire Fihters mI orpeewee select teani is3undA7aarted inithe North York hockey lemma having won all eight gaines played. In thoîr ,moot reent tournainent, Whitby won the. C champioeiship in Deseronto. Having tied a strong Lakefield teazn, they thon ot 4-1 to an equally strong Bancroft teain. For the chpiondùp gaine, Whitby faced the. hast Deseronta teain, and Whitby gave their best performance of the tournamnent ta outpace the' Doseronto team and Win 8-3. At an earlier tournament in Norwood, Wl4tby was ousted in the. double knockout in their second gaine by Lakefield. Tii. gaine was decided by an overtime shootout. I their first tournamnent of the Novices fail to advance Whitby Fabris novice ringette teani was unable ta reach -the finals in the. Port Perry ringette taurnament Jan. 6 ta 9. Gaines- were phayed aginst Whitby's Mitchell Brothers, Oshawa and Port Perry. Why plydtheir best gaine against Port erry and lot 4-2, continually stopped by Port Perry's excellent gole Scoring for Whit!y in the. tournainent were Erin MeIntoeh witii fîv. pals, Iànds.y ilhy two golZad two assýsts, Jennah Cheesan a goal and two assiots, Joanna Tellas a goal and an assiat, and Cortnie Henry and Krioten Alphonso each witiia gocal. Racheal Jinimo, Kim Curry, Nancy ngland and Susie Crabb each had an assiat. Goaltenders for the. taurnament were Emihy Mountjoy, Jimmo and Cheesman. Jesica Yan, Iàndsay Tait and Caitlin Campbell also phayed welh for Whitby., year in illsburgh, Whitby defeated Petrolia 4-0 before looing in the. semi-final round to the. Township of OPS 7-1. Coached by Mel Carter and assistants Bill Hunter and T.rry Rivet, tearn membes include goaies Erie Cartr and Tomn Rivet: forwards Shaninon Phillips, Andy< Mueller, Neil MacDonald, Danny Lynch, Andrew Dale, Chris Read, EShawn Hnatko, Iflm Fennessey and Jason Hunter; on defence, Robert MdlepRv Janiieson, Evan Johnston, Vehacich, Justin Aitken and Ryan Cluinpas. Teain manager is Ian Middleton. Whitbv faEDJS"if final ,Constuction site robbed The Whitby minor novice AAA hockey teain hast in. the finale of the. St. Catharines tournamnent Dec. 27. Whitby lost their firet gaine ta Brampton 4-2. Goal-scorers were Derek MoTeague and Greg williams. The. second gaine was welh, Phayed with end-to-end rushes andsolid defence fromn Kevin Mangoît and Justin Sawyer. The. gaine ,nded in a 2-2 ti. Goal-scorers were Williamns and Ryle Mussehman. The. third. gaine, the. most excitintz of the tournament, ended in a 1-1 tie. Goalkeepers B yan MacHinnon and Devin M bclcd were outstanding with a number of good saves. Goal-scorer was Musselman. In the senii-final gainee Whitby won 2-1 over Branpton. -The defence of Kyle Branson, Jashua Francis,'Carneron Langhois, Scott Morrison, Mangoît and; Sawyer was solid. Williams scazed bath goahs. In the. final, Whitby was fiat and hast 8-1. Goal-scorer and. most valuable player for Whitby was Cain VonEschscholtz. Four thousand feet of ceiling t-bar supports was stolen froin a Whitby construction site over-ý Ihe ay. al astaken from the Sinclair Hi h School/Educa- tion Centr e buJIng, 380 Taun- ton Road East. Go-karts gone Three go-karts valued at $9,000 were stolen' from Family Kartway over the. holiday season. Police say sommoe brôke into the compound where the. go-karts are kept sometime between Dec. 23 and Jan.*4. IN THE MATYER 0F THE ON4TARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1990, C. 0.18 AND IN THE MATIER 0F LANDS AND PREMAISES ATr THE FOLLOVWNG MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Notice of Intent to Designate TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation ai the Town ai Whitby intends ta dsinate the propeticuàn ad n burcig., at the fol olgmunicipal a ofaspaerya historica and architectural alue or interest under Part IV ofthe Ontario Henitage Act, .S.0. 1990, c. 0. 18. Haîsted-Fisher Hause 575 Myrte Road West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNA1ON 0F 575 MYRTLF RD-WFSE This granite fieldstone house is sited an what was ariginally a 200- acre parcel ai land granted Ia Christina Diamond an March 30, 1826 by way ai patent from the Govemnment of Upper Canada. The land was eventually purchased by Thomas Halsted in 1832. Mr. Haîsteci was the first bonafid settler of the lands, having the existing structurq built most ikely in the late 1840s, and definitely- by 1852, as his residence is listed as a 1-1/2 starey stane house in the census taken in 1852. Afler Mr. Hasteds death in 1854, the property was sald ta Timnothy Fsher. The praperty was owned by various Fisher fajnily members until 1938 (84 years). The Halsted-Fisher house is ai architectural value and interest, and is an excellent example ai an early fieldstone farmnhouse with red brick trim. The house lis Iacated on a large farm lot and is surrounded by mature vegetation. It has finely executed details in bath woad and masonry wvhich demonstrate the local vemnacular traditions and the more elaborate decorative design elements typical ai the early and mid-l9t century nea-dlasskca styles. It has a typical iorm for a vernacular iarmhouse, having a formai flve-bay front facade with two windows, with six-over-six sash, on either side of a central doorway. The building aiso has irregular features, such as a blind window, a doubte-sided bake aven and an asymmetrical back doar, which adcl ta its vemnacular character. Intenor features af interest are the basemnent ire place which indricates the presence ai an earfy kitchen and the intact mouldrings ai the present dining room. The dlning roomn's baseboard, dloor and window trim use corner boxes, reedlings and the same lag moulding profile as the exterior entry pilasters. They are the broad and elabarat, mouldings characteristic ai the nea-classical and are mepeated consistently throughout the building, appearing alsa inthe eaves and in the entry entablature. Any person may. before February 11, 1994. send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk af the Town af Whitby notice ai his or iler objection ta the proposed designation, tagether with a statement afi masons for the abjection and ail relevant facts. If such notice ai abjection is received, the Council of the Corporation ai the Town ai Whitby shaîl reler the matter ta the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town ai Whitby this 1 2th day ai January. 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.0. 1990, C. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLL0WING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO Notice of Intent to Designate TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to designate the prerty, including lands and buildings, at the following municipa address as proi ocf histanical and architectural value or înterest under Part Ul the Ontario Heritafge Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0. 18. Old St. John's Roman Cathollo Church 508 John Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 5SS JOHN ST, WEST, WaITB HJIQBORI Being the first solely Catholic church in the Town of Whitby, the construction of this church began in 1867 under the watchful eye of Archbishop Lynch af Toronto. The brickwork was cantracted to a well-knoWn Whitby mason, George Cormak, and was designed bya rominent Canadian architeot, Henry Langley. wha also design:ýAIISaints' Anglican Church in Brooklin. Tragedy struck In 1901 when the church.was destroyed by lire. Soon afterwards (1902), following the original plans (which are stored at the Ontario Archives), Thomas Devenil Jr., son of the original builder, began reconstructing the new church. In Decomber 1902, the church was officially opened. It was flot until 1975 that the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation sold the church and t became a residential property. ARCHITECTURAL The style ai the church lis Gothic in a very modeet iorm appropriate for a small parish. The side wails af the church are divided inta three bays separated b y decorative buttresses. The front facade has single lancet windows either side ai the front porch. Over the entry porch was a large rose windaw, which is now cancealed. At the gable peak, there lis a masonry projection for a belfry. The building is constructed in red brick with stane trim. The heads of the lancet windows are surrounded by a simple Gothic hood moulding made ai a double course of corbelling brick. A single masonry chimney rises at the back of the church. Te building retains its original comerstone. The building is a unique example of an adaptive reuse of a former church, and its presence cantributes ta the architectural character, variety and interest ai the community. Any, persan may, before February 11, 1994, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk ai the Town of Whitby notice ai his or her objection ta the proposed designation, tagether with a statement ai reasons for the abjection and all relevant facts. If such notice ai abjection is received, the Council af the Corporation ai the Town ai Whitby shaîl refer the matter ta the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l2th day of January, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBV, ONTARIO UiN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 RETIREMENT PLANNING PROG RAM Commenclng Tuesday, January 25 for 7 weeks 7:00 to 9 p.m. Topicis Imode: ntroduction and Overview( Legal Planning Q Financial Planning Health & Welfare/l noome Securities 1OAS, CPP, Disability, etc. HeaUthy Lifestyles Leisure and Local Community Services Cast ai 1h. program is $35, singe, or $50 per couple. The pram will b. held at the Royal Bank, 307 Brook Street South, To register, send cheque payable ta the Town ai Whitby, 801 Brook Stfeet SoUth, Whitby LIN 4L4, or register ln persan at the Rayai Bank. (CâlI the FRayai Bank at 668-9358 for hours ai business.> CONTRACT W94-29 Stationery, Enveopes and Pr!inted, Forms Tenders for the abave wilI be received by Ginny Lack, Purchasing Agent, until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 26,1994 for the Town af Whitbys stationery, envelopes and printed ioyn requirements. Specifications and tender iorms are available at the Tawn ai Whitby Treamury Departmnent, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontano. Telephone (905 668-5803, extension 237 The owner shail have the right nat ta accept the lawest or any tender. GINNY LOCK, C.I.M., P. MGR. PURCHASING AGENT PUBLIC WORKSHOP Durham Street/Princess Street/Winchester Road Reconstruction and Sanitary Sewers in Brooklin Please be advised that the final plans for the above nioted projects wili be on display at the: Whtby Municipal Building, Main Foyer 575 Rosslanci Road East WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1994 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. Diapersetc. stolen Somo *4,000 worth of diapers feminfine oyine pads and' tis sues were stolen from a storage trailer overnight Thursday. Police say culprits) broke inta the trailer which was behind the. Towne Plaza Shoppers Drug Mart, sometime between 5 p.m. Thursday and 8:20 a.m. Friday moring., An investigation is contlnuîng. m

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