Pao. 26, WNtbv Fr».Pros, Wdnosday. JanuafY 6, 1994 THOMAS SCOYTT An active participat in commn unity affaire in;Whitb over a perl<ad cf 46 years, Thomas Robson' Scott died at Falrview Lodge, Whltby on Jan. 4, 1994. He was 84. For many year he had resided at RR1 Brooklin and in later life, at 200 White Oaks Crt., Whltby A son of the late Mr. and Lr. RIL Scott of Jedburgh, Scoland, ho was born at Regina, Sask. on March 24, 1909, wiire ho was educatsd and spont the firet 28 years cf is ii.f.. .Mr. Scott was employed by Robert Simpson Co. Ltd., in the, accounting department for 15 yeare, mniocf this time in the, Toronto iied office. In 1947, ho moved to VWhitby with William J. Anderson Co. Ltd., where ho was vice-president and secretary-treasurer until bis retirement ini 1968. He served'as prosident of the. Whitby Chambor cf Commeorce in 195859 and was a director cf the Ontario Chaniber of Commerce forfIve years, 1960-1965. He alec served as a member of the. Canadian Manufacturers' Association and wasciiair cf the, Whitby Industrial Coinnission in 1962163. Mr. Scott was the. first chair and co-organizer cf -St. John Ambulance Whitby brancii in 1963. In June 1967, ho was presented with a Priory Vote cf Thanka by W. Earl Rowe, Lieutenant-Governor cf Ontario. H. was a charter member cf the Canadian Club cf Counity cf Ontario and a director cf the. Whitby branch of the. Canadian Red Cross Society. Mr. Scott served as chair cf the. Whitby brancii cf the Canadian Cancer Society and was chair cf the South Ontario unit cf the. CancerSoci ty forthree years. A eirong-ti!ýne miember cf St. Andrew'lé Presbyterian Church, Whitby, and an eIder for many years, Mr. Scott was a past chair cf the. board of managers and a memb.r of the. board for a long time. H. acted as chair cf the. building committe. for the. new St. Andrew's Church, which was built on Cochrane Street in 1967/68, and also served as a trustee for a numbr of yeai's. He was amember of Composite OBITUARIES Lodg No. 30, AF and AM, Whitby sinco 1961 eind was Master cf the Lodge in 1976. He was aléo a member of Keystone Chapter No. 35, RAM, Wbitby and uecretary-treasurer cf the. Masonic Holding Company, the. Composite Company of Whitby Limitod, hrm 1962 to 1976. In 1973-74, Mr. Scott was Patron cf Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastrn star. He was married in 1936 te tthe former Lillian (Lin) Staples of Grenfeli, Sask., who survives him. He is alEo survived by on. brother, John, and three sistere Jean, Edith and Betty. Mr. Scott was at the, W.C. Town Funoeral Chapel, Whitby, where R.v. Robert Anderson conducted the. funeral service on Jan. 7, 1994, te b. followed by spring interment at Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. FRANCIS CR0 WELLS Francis Gordon Crowells cf 404 Mary St. W., Whitby died at her home on Jan. 7, 1994. Ho was 69. He was born on Aprill12, 1924 in Oshaw a, s o f Wiliam and Selena (Gower) Cowells. He married AgnsBaidin Toronto on July 30 1948. A Whitby resfident for 35 years, Mr. Crowells was a postal sier- vices employee with frtie Oshawa and Whitby public works depart- mente before he retired. A World War II veteran, h. was a member cf the. Royal Canadian Liegion, Brancii 112, Whitby, and a longtime member of the. Silver Lake Hunt Club. He is survived by hie wife, sons Douglas and Gordon, daugitere Diane and Isabel, sis- ter Eimmy (Mrs. David Spiers) and brothers Scotty, Ed, Jim, Ray, Fred and Ken. Mr. Crowells was predeceased by daugiiter Betty, sister Bar- bara and brother Arthiur. The funeral was iield on Jan. 10, 1994 at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby, Rev. Brian Ge conducting. Interment at Goei Cemetey Ellen Jean (Jeannie) Hawes of 210 Gilbert St. E., Whitby died HOME ENERGY CONSERVATION TIFS Giving your home a check for heat Ions and other areas of energy and water waste in a good way to start the. new year. The following i p e were provided by Energy Matters. e Regular furnace tune-ups and filter cleaning are an important firet step to eaving energcy dollars. If your furnace needs replacing, instail the. most efficient unit available. e Avoid blocking heat registere and return-air grills with fuiritu,rdrapes. e Approximately 30 te 40 per cent cf a home's heat in loet througi the, many cracks and leaks found around electric outlets, doors, windows and baseboards. Detecting these cracks and then properly caulking or weatherstripping them in worthwhile. 0 Check attice, basements and walls for adequate insulation. Atticeshould have at least R30 (approimately 10 inches cf material) and preferably R40 cf insulation. * The water heater in the. next biggest energy user. At least the first six foot cf the hot water pipes on gas and electric tanks ehould b. insulated. Easy to mstafl pop-on tubes cf insulation are available. Be sure te, mitre the, corners and duct tape pieces together. Electric water heaters can have a blanket of insulation wrapped around them. * Minimize your hot water use by instafling low-flow shower heads and faucet serators. * Lighting represents about 6 per cent cf an electric bill. Replacement c standard incandescent bulbe with enorgy-efflcient, compact fluorescente and low-wattage incandescents is easy and effective. *An old rofrigerator in on. of the. bingent enorgy-user !appliances in the home. If you keep an old fridge in the basement, it can coet up te $Ã12 a month or more te operate. Consider only using it for special occasions and unplug it (prop the door open) at othér times. e Dehumidifiers work great in. the summer te keep basements dry lnit they should not b. used in winter to keep moisture levels under control. It can cost up- to $20 a month te operate a dehumidifier full-time. An oxhaust fan, used during showers and cooking, in far more effective in reducing moisture levele, and much cheaper te, use. For more information on booking a personal home energy audit, contact Energy Matters at (905) 509-3156. iat h~ homo on Jan. 14, 1994. Leh' Vas 76. h wau born in St. Marys, Ont. ~ n Ap113, 1917, daughter of John Albert Matthew and Annie Henderson Scott White. 5h. married Gordon Douglas Hawes on July 21, 1962 in Witby resident for 35 years, she was a member of the .hitb? Seniors' Ceramics, St. Andrew s Presbyterian Churcb and the Kinette Club of Whitby. 5h. is survved by daughters Doreen Kendall (and her hue- band Larry\, Lorna Bocheaki (and her hua and Max), grand- children Jili Kendall, Mark Ken- daîl (and hie wifb ià sa), Cameron Mountenay .(and his wife Angela), Shee ountenay (and her husband AI Brown) and Chrystal Fanning (and her hue- band John), and three great- grandchildren. The funeral service wae held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Jan. 17, 1994, Lev. Frank Conkey officx'ati. Inter. ment at Mount Lawn Cemetery. LOIS MOREWOOD A retired customer service rePresentative for the. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, I4s Jean Morewood died at Oshawa General Hospital on Dec. 31, 1993. She was 69. She lived at Cedarcroft Retirement Homne, Oshawa. A daughter of the. late Mr. and Mre. Clarence Jeffery, she was barn in Toronto on May il, 1924, and had been a resident of Whitby for three years. She had previously lived for 41 years in Toronto and five years each in Miesissauga, Oakville and Big Cedar Lake. She' was married on April 27, 1946 in Toronto to James McCourt Morewood, who died on Jan. 21, 1991. Mrs. Morewood is survived by on. son, Gary and bis wife Marie of Burlington; one daughter, Gail 6 Generationis of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointments gladly arranged Bi g Brothers of Oshawa- Whitbg wiIl hold their annual Bowlor Millions on Feb. 19 and 26 -- two dates to accommodate both five- and 10-pin bowlers. The major fundraising event held- by the organization, which matches fatherless boys to Big Brothers, this year'e goal is $30,000. Groups, businesses and indivi- duals can secure pledges and bowlr oraenadnastinon available for purchase. lIn fact, sales of the. calendars ended Dec. 31, 1993. The Free Press wishes to apologize for the. error. and her huiband Bifi Strong cf Whitby and five granchildron, Andrew and Carrie-Ann Momrewood and Scott,! Christopher and Léori Strong. mrm Morewood won at the. W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Wh1thbr wheroBey. Ami Smith conductod thei faneai srvice an Jan. 8,, 1994, followod by interment at Resthaven Memorlal Gardons, Scarboeough. If deuired, contributions to tii. Lung Assciation would be appreciated. . NOTICETOMUNICIPAL ELECTOR BY-ELECI1ON French-Languags Soparato School Trust»s Durham Reglon Roman Cathllo Separate School Board N011CE is hemby ven teain oecordance wfth the pnliins eft te Education Act and tue Muniipal Elecons Act, a by-lection wi be held to eleot a Frendi-anmfle separab s achol bm1e b0the Diu ReinRoman Calo Séparaie Schod Board mpmsentwg t* FPn= -agag ocoa ogu f the ombined mrnMuukaWm of Brook, Oshawa, Scugogand WhIW. The by-e*lacd n e essavy Io fil a vacancy on 9u ulm einRma ahl eaa.Sduool Board. Any perohtreeted in rrunp for this offilce must regsw0 wilh tes ClrkMcfd.Corporaton of tue Cý cf (Oshawa befoe ha or se spenca or rames any mcney for caiipeam~ c*m Registralcon forme and reýaed nration cen b. oblaiméd aitue ;lo ffie u mh~ City rCerwk CetreStreet Scuth, Oshawa, On"l. HMnion o CacfgaU Nominations wil be received ai the. office of tue Clark of di. Corporation of the City of Oshawa, 50 Centre StreetSouth, Oshawa between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Wedneisday, Februy 9. Thursday, February 10 and Fddy * uy11. 1994 and bstween the heurs of 9:00-arn. and 5:00 p.m. on Nomaio Day, Monday, Febniary 14, 1994 for tue purpose of nomiating lit aid proper persons for the office. Electorsarae hereby requred Iolte notice aid govem theiselves aoeordingly aid further take notice kalthie manner i which to nominations shal be filed i set forth in the Muncipa Elections Act Nomination fornis aid fui particulain of proc8Chres tb be folréed may be obtained frm thie Oshawa City Cledi'eOffice. Registration and nomiation are two clrent procadures andwy canddcate is recied Io do both. In order b rases any casnpalg fc or incur any apag xes, a candidate must be regiskwed. In order to be a lacmdt in tue byeeion and 1b have his or her'nain plaoed on the balot, a candiate must be nomialed. copies cf dhe preliminary list cf elecoisshxig uenaines of al persons entitied to voile i h by-election i te Tomvnofi Whiby wilb. posted on Friday, January 28, 1994 ai die folloeing WNhty bcaion: Whe Mnicpa Bîklg,57 RoslndRoad East M& 3y -Mai Brach,405DundrS»«eetWest Whtb y Public Ubrwry - Rossland Branch, 701 Rossland Road East Wh ty Public Uibraiy - Brockhin Branci, 8 Vipond Road (BiDokn> To quaify ote inthe by-election in Whitby, a person must "b. a Roman Catholmo aid be a spprtrcf he Duarn Regmon Roman Catholl Separata Sohool Boardl or a Roman Cadiokl and the spcuseecf a separate sciioci supparler; " have French-language educalion rights; " be aCanaiianactizen; " be18 years of age on orbeoeMatch 14,1994; " "ede in the Town cf WNtby, or b. the awnr or enant af land in dhe Town of Whidjy, or dme spouse. of sudi an owner or tenant. at anylime dunng the peniod of Jaiuay 2B la February 12,1994,in-clusive; and ni " net otherwise b. clsqualhfied or prohibited by law frtxnvetingi the by-election. Ail elactors should examine di ie t Io emure their namnes aid ocher relevant iforination are corecly shown. Applications for icusions, additions or corrodons la or deletions kmm teist are avaikable aetIthe ofbficfdi Clerk of di. Town of Whimhy, 575 Rossland ROMd East, Whitby, Ontario. Applications for r"ion of dhe Net may be fled wMdm dte Clerkof tue Towvn c flWtdy Ibetween the hours cf 8M0 arn. aid 4.W beween the houiz of 8:30 arn. aid 5-W p.m. Rf ordy onecandidate me nomiated aid tise mi witdrchen ai di. aend of Norndnation Day, di provwsons of tii.municipal Electins Act repedig acclaations "sha l. if liNo ormore candidates are nominaled aid mako the rehd de claratdons, polos l ub. open on the *ilowig datas: Satrda, Mtch5, 1994 and Wec*iesday, Mach 9. 1994 575 Roslaid Road East Viky, Ontario 10:00arn. 08:00p.m. Dam Monday, Mach 14,1994 -, kbv rim_ 5755OSSAND OADEAS