Whitby Free Press, 23 Feb 1994, p. 28

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F_ - _ _ .ý - - - --gl"l Il -- -M-do Il- Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, February 23,1994 ~flWCES Q DRIVINO Q SCH00L 172 KingL.Sus51 Oama 728-0091 Fuli1 Drivers Education Courses MARCH 22nd Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course MARCH 26th Saturdays 4 week course BOOK NOW FOR MARCH BREAK MARCH 14th to l7th March Break - 4 day course -PRIVA TE LESSONS- REGISTERED & APPROVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFETVLEAGUE EVENING FRENCH CLASSES starting week of March 21. $70 for 25 hr. course. Fluency in 6 easy stops. GalilJacquos at 666-0993. AEROBICS. Saturday morning low impact aeroblcs class In Whitby. Taught by certfi ed instructor. For more info caîl Julie, 666-2092. FOLIK ART PAINTING. Beginner classes.starting In April. Afternoon or evoning. For more Information, caîl NoIly at 725-9559. COMPUTER HELP. Become more familiar with your personal P.C. Chidren, aduts, keyboard instruction, computer basics, educational software. Programme package available. Hours to b. arranged. Cali 666-9425. 2 MEN VWTH VAN. Carpontry, drywall, wallpaper, plumbing, renovation and small moving lobs. Very reasonable. Gregg 723-1223. PROFESSIONAL M USICIAN AVAILABLE, 25 years expert- once, for wodding ceremonlos I piano or organ), receptions, funerals, or any special occasion. For that special touch. Cali anytime: 666-2085. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Alil kînds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 'ers experience. 430-7568, OlhSby. NAILS BY KATHY. *No drill - No damage'. For a prof essionally applied/natural lookln acrylio nail new set -$40, fuil$20, cali today 430-7127. FURNITURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of f ine furniture. Spocializing in Early Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertainiment Centres. Ovor 15 years experience. Quality workmanship g uarantee. Roferences suppliod. Foýr a fre quotation cal Gary at 666-1913. j & D CONSTRUCTION. Complote basement & bathroom ronovations. Drywall, ta in,, and toxtured ceilin gs. Pintîg & wallpaperlng .Free ostimates. References. 10 yrs. oxporienco. Cal 430-3957. BETTY'S SHOPPING SERVICE. Available in Whitby/Oshawa area. For a reasonable feo havo-your woekly shopping done by retired seniors. Membership limited. Cal 728-4694. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive àualfty portraits. Studio or ln home. B abis, children, familles. Packages from $29. Also: weddings, christenings, groups, boudoir, copy & rostoration, exocutivo, promotional. No GST. 427-9164. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al makos. 10%/ Seniors' discount. Complote tune-up f rom $29.95 + arts. Factory trained techniclans. orfree pick-up & delivory cal! e32-7375. JOSEPH FURNITURE REFINISHING. Furniture touch- ups on promises by expert craftsman with 35 years experience. For a free ostimate, please caîl Joseph or beave message. 430-9664. LASTING IMPRESSIONS - A unique and affordable approach to decoratinp. Painting, wallpapering, accent window treatments, space planning, etc. For y our F REE estimate or consultation caîl Dianne at 430-2458. HANDYMAN AVAILABLE: Basoments finished, painting, homo repair & improvemont, cleanup jobs, rubish removal, plckup & dellvory, small moving jobs. Doug 436-0398. ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENTS & REPAIR. Froe estimatos. Seniors' additional 10% discount for Feb. & March. Why wait for spring? DO IT NOWI Intorior painting & wallpaerng. Cal Bb at 683- 4205 or Jo hn at 668-8272. UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Errol 's Appliance Repair. We ropair, ail major appliancos, includingasapiances We buy usedliAI parts guaranteed one year. èMnday to Saturday, 432-7734. ~o« <eed a ServiemA STE- - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residential and Commercial Cieariing *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION Fire/Water/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 H-R) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO" 436-6000 CALL BIG DAVE'S PLUMBING BROOKLIN 655-5934 The Mutual Croup HERB TRAN cali for quotation 668-9669 e 432-7216 GiCs - RSP Computerizecl Drycleaning 4Excellent Quality & Service We do dry cloanlng, shirts, launcky and al l nds of afteralons & reoars. 3555 Thiksn Rd. - 576-2510 Dyden & 7bickso, besid No Frils Derek Dutka Specializing in tax and retrement planning sinoe 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. m-m" Fnarlîa -onep Grou P4vener Mtisi Workseý FC CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson Lanes. Come see me for ail your sowing needs. Tues. - Fr!. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. INCOME TAX RE1'URNS reared for Individuais and smnall ~usinesses by trainod preparor. Prices start at $20. Geèt a prof essional job. Rosuits verified by computer. 666-2759. INCOME TAX RETURNS $25. Fast and accurate. Pick-up and delivery avallable. 1 have: an M.B.A., Professional Tax Training, 5jyears experience. Fax & Figures 66-53. CUSTON WINDOW DRAPES, valances and accessories. Many f abrios and styles to choose. Vour fabric welcome. Cail Xpressionz today 666-3762. FREE in-home consultation. PIANO TUNUNG & REPAIRS. Prof essional and experienced service. Guaranteed lowest rates. Cal anytimre for free q uotes, 666- 4250. Available to Durham Region residents and surrounding areas. STOP SMOKING in 30 minutes with laser therapy. No withdrawal or weight gain. "oble service porformed bW R.N. Cail 683-0125. TYPINO AVAILABLIE - word processing, resumes, letters and reports prof essIonally prepared. Please contact 6864504. FANTASMIO HOME DAYCARE" near 40liBrock St., Whltby. Non- smokinglo pets, large9lyroom. backyar, pet f adiviies, Cr"ft &T.LC. ulpaiUtme. 668-8239. LOVING MOTH!R' will provide day cars in my home, fuil- or part-time. Nutritious lunch & snacks. Non-smoking environment. Cali 430-3361. CAN I PRO VIDE FOR YOU dependable, steady childcaro? Flexible hours. Will work full or h art -time. Years of experience. xcellent references. Cail evenings, 668-8608. Specializing in Early Childhood, Education. For Peace of Mind Perry House Day Cre Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SUPPLEMENT VOUR INCOME. Distrlbute our praducts or ris. your own womie or castings, Niagara Bait and Ecolagy. 5513 Elcho Rd, FRR 03, W.landport, Ontario LOR 2J0. (905) 386"641 or 1-800-563-8128. BUSINESS SERVICES CALL CANADAS LEADER IN FARIM TAX SERVICES: incarna tax, GST, booklceeping, firancial atatements, NISA and year round planning. Foi FREE consultation, cad Taxuard today 1-800-265-1002. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING nt the Southwestery School of Auctionsering. Naxt Class: March 12-18. Information, contact Southw.sIem Ontario School of Auctione.ring. R.R.#5, Woodatoclc, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2116. HEIP WAN TED - SUMMER EMPICYMENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT required for Ontario canal ship. LIve aboard, May 14/OcI. 12. Rlequire cooks. servais, declchands. Apply in handwriting. Ontario Waterway Crulses, Box 6, Onhllia. 13V 6H9. SALES HELP WANTED tAKE THIS JOB and love il! LANTANA lsa àIeading fashion notworic marketing company Ioolclng for people like you ta becomne Fashion Consulanta. Cel 1-800- 463-8659, TODAY'S NEWEST, HOTTEST business opportunity la 125 years oldi Watkins lathée best business appartunity available todayl For 125 yaars Watkins has offered quality producta and industry-leading support services. You owe il to yoursel a ft laà doser looki et Wilkins! For res information about Watkins, the business ofithe 909, contact Indéendant Director, 1-800-263-2999 Canada. MISCELLANEOUS BUFFALO BILLS CATALOG- 1993 A.F.C. Championstiip anrd Super Bowl apparat riow available. For FREE CATALOG and informalon cati 1-716-392. 4768. FAX 1-716-392-7750. RELOCATING7 RURAL COMMUNITY allers qualty waler suppty, Iaw crime rate, paved roads, develapment property, low houaing caste, echools, hospital, recréation including golf. swimming pool, curling, hockey and skiing. Inquire ta Box 344, Trehorme. Manioba ROG 2V0. Phione (204) 723-2439. RECIPES WANTED. Publisher looking for original reciPes. Priority given b rfeipes with an nersling background stary. Recipes-rsed will be acknoAwfdged in publication. Peer Publishir, 263 Labrosse Av@., Pointe Claire, Ouabec H9R WA. POETRY CONTEST $12.000 in prizes yearty. Possible publication. Sand on* original po.rn 20 linos or tess: National Library of Poetry. Box 704-NO, Owoinge Mils. Md 21117. PERSONALS LIVE A HEALTHIER AND LONGER LIFEI Rid your body oai harmfut affects f ailay Pollution. Buy and read «Clear Body Clear Min<» by L Ron HubbarTl. ($22.00) cal 1-800-561-5808. LACI< 0F MONEY? ElfecI of th. econamy? Worded about lobs? Be happy and succoed in lfe! Buy il Read 'Prblems oi WorlC by L. Ron Hubbard. ($30.00) Cali 1 - 800-561-5808. GREAT SEXIno aga limit. Overcome erection problemae caused by prostate aurgery, diabetos. aging etc... Gel the lacis fram: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C., VOE 2Z0. 1-800663-0121, ADOPTION PREGNANT? THINKINGO0F ADOPTION? Marrled couple want ta give your child a Ioving home and secure future, lot'$ taIk. cal collect (905) 731-4902. REAL. ESTATE REAL ESTATE licences Iield, Smail annuel lee. No MIS Board tees. Keep your licence active. The Real Estate Shop lnc. Caîl collect (705) 428-229. GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timashare? We'fl tae@idI Amadera'a largest, aldesî resale cîearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare ranfals needed. CalI 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS DEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwafl Type - not quonset 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11,924; 50xg0 $16,954; 60xl26 $25,883- other sizes available Miscelneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Houri 1 -800- 263-8499. AIL STEEL BUILDINGS, Straight Sîded Models. Verrous sizes. eg. 30'W x 50.1 - S7. 152.00 including ends end door. CatI Future 1-800-668-8653, SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Special aller for spning orders placed bafore March Ms. 1994. Industriel, Commercial, Farm. Stables/Arens, Workshopa, Financirug Avilable a.a c. 24 hour 1-800-561-2200. AFFORDABLE STEEL BUILDINGS. STAnAIGHT SIDES. Guonset style roof. Ctearspan, easily tirectud. Enids aptianal. 20 X 30 $2688-00, 25 x 40 $3.826,00, 30 x 40 $4,788.00, 3S x 60 $10.074.00. Piorneer 1-800- 668-5422. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUIIDINGSINC. Farm. storage, commercial industriel. New Types. ste/wood, quonset, cladring. For true .value, action & answers - Watly (416) M-61794. FREE brochures, Clip-save. TRAVEL RIVER CRUISES. Spend 4 or 5 nigiits cruising centrai Canada's calm rivers in exquisite comfort aboard a modern, elegant replica steamboat, Outstanding scenery, world-cîais attractions. From $860. Fra* brwhiaI. MOVU'flt O Your ad couldappear ln communif y newapapers ln Ontario, or right acrosse Canada, orany I Ilndividual province. Space la Llmhied, so Cali This News pape, Today! C A......... r- 11 1

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