Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1994, p. 1

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---w -- - &'!LI1 Council blasts bull By Mike Kowabs.k Whithywanta no part of proposed' provincial legisl81onà hih removes restrictions on apatments inhouses Town council Monday unanimouely endorsed a lanning and development committe. recommenda- tionppoung Bill 120 the ]ResidenW ights Act. Theîbproposed Qi would prevent municipalities from limjiting the number of apartment units permitted in dwelhinfot original innded for more thS I e-favlyuse. Essentia]y, the b3il removes aUl but a few restrictions on basement apartments and 'granny flats' or garden suites. As Fong as each unit meets minimum Wpvincial standards municipalities cannot Probibit two residential unit. in a detached, senu-dotached or townhouse building. As th.y did at hast week's committe. meeting councillors acmusd the. Ontario government oý applylng a provinoe-wide solution Wo a problem which ibosicah limit.d tW Metro Toronîto -a lack of affrdale ouàing. «I believe that what this stupid NDP goverm.ent i. dig i oding municipalites hosage,' said councillor John Dostra. 'They want Wo control our planning,» Doîstra clair. Thsy haveà' don. a*nein dffrent with Bill 120 thon they did mith Bih 0" e added. According Wo a staff report, Bll 120 i. the governramensresponse W recoxnmendations contained in the. Lightmon Report and a «repadkagfing' of Bill 90. Io Lightman Report was a commission of inquiry inWo unr.guhat.d residential accomodation in Ontarlo, while Bill 90 was legisiation introduced in 1992 to, govern apartm.nts in lhouss. The uovemnment hmas smo withdrawn, Bill 90 and replaced it wlth the. new bill. 'TIUs is flot just council getting up andbshn the provincial gov.rnment for what te' e sn, said councillor Marcel Brunelle. 'les oppoein. oiething that will detrim.ntally affect this iýîunicipxality," h. sald. Brunelle. recalled WhitbyDs futile efforts of two years ago Wo persuade former housing minister Evelyn Gianue Wo modify Bill 90. 1'Th.re han té be other ways Wo achieve what this government wants,' h. said. .Cop>ies of councilsé resolution will b. sent Wo the legielative comniittee exaniining Bill 120, local bMP and the Association of Municipailties of Ontario. CAS T MEMBERS give a hint of what to expeot in the Whitby Courihouse Theatre's upcomning musical comedy lundraiser, 'Stepping Out,' The play, which eamned rave reviews on Broadway, wilI be presented March 17-19 and 24-26. Tickets, $10 each, are available at LaFonitaine Trading Post. See page 14 for more information. Po yM kBe .Mh m rs r Av PROj7 Ç/E ÀDÀEJ4ffjRi#;J#'i Budget offers balanced approach: MeTeague CanaMike Kowaloki 's ddefirut Liberal gpvern- ment in 10 years han de ivered on its campajn promiser am Ontario riding MPDan McTéague. Last week's federal budget offers a *balanced approach» W deficit reduction, economic renewal and social reform, McTeague says. An approach that is "consis- tent» wt the message which propehhed Prime Minister Jean Chretien and the. Liberals Wo victory last'Oct. 25, the. rookie MP insista. «TMs budget funds every k.y initiative outlined by thei Lial Party »during the election cam- palr» said McTeague. I sconsistent with what we were elected on," h. saîd. MeTeague tadmiattedrthat inance Mnse alMri' rniden budxet.turned out W be better than nitialhy expected, baeL «m pre-budget rwnours. uIn terma ofi what I heard, I1 was apprehensive,' h. saïd. "That there would b. taxes on dental and heahth benefits, dis- continuance of the. BRSP home- usýc'aC'h'a'ng Martin deli- ver the. budget hast Tuesday, hs mood ciiange from that of "éon- cern to relief tW ehation' said McTeague. "We would not b. overtaxing the. economy at a time when it is eti11 sputtering,»he sieid Among the. budget's key high- lights are the. following: " No new taxes; " Reducing the. deficit fromn $45.7 billion to $32.7, billion by 1995-96; * Extending the. pay freeze on governnient employées and poli- ticians' salaries; * Reducing tunemployment in- surance premiums paid by employer. whuhe cutting back 'on benefits paid Wo some recipients; * Incr.aaing the minimum number of weeks needed Wo qua- lif fr neplyment nUSuac; % Cutting defence spending by almost $2 billion overth. years. The. unempîcyment insurance changes wihl save Canadian businesses $300 million a year -- money which the. gov.rnment hopes wilh b. used for job crea- H. conceded that relying on SEE PAGE 26. Buirgiar roged up A cabrga wasnt stealthy enuwen he broke into a Murkar= Crescnt houa. early Monda orig, eb. 21. Police say the homeowner awoke around 2:45 a.m. to diacover the thief in hie houa. and accosted Min. A £egt broke out, which the. homeowner won, and the burgiar, slightly ixiur.d, was held until police arrived. Tii.m, who waa in a "highly intaadcated condition,» oId police ho was in the residence W ,visit a friend, a story that wasn't supported by the. homeowner, who said he'd neyer seen him before. The. suspect, who police say then became belligerent, was searched and two wallets wbich h.'d taken from th*. 'houa. were discoered, along with keys for a Toyota whicb also turned out to b. stolon. A Toronto mon was chaTged with break uid enter with intent, poeesoei of solenpoet vr8100 oms under $1,000 and two counts o hf under. L-

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