Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1994, p. 31

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Whitby Free Pms, Wednesday, Match 23. 1994, Page 31 Aduits get a second caeathihcol By Erin O'Connor Whether it's to help aduits make up credits toward a high- schooldaiplorna, or Vo upgrade their existing skills to a competi- tive levell, tM Aduit Learning Centre in Oshawa offers rnany courses. The.continuing education pro- gram is set up to help adults in ail areas, including English, math and computer courses. "When someone calîs and says lI want to upgrade mny skillsj," says Karen Burwell, literacy co- ordinator and teacher at the learning centre 'we find out where they need help, and then find them a section they'd flit into." Prospective students are then given a written evaluation in reading, writing, spelling and math. For those who dislike tests, Burwell says, "it's not a test, but an evaluation, s0 there's no pressure Vo do well." After evaluation, a student can then choose from a wide range of courses that can earn credits from grades nine Vo Ontario Aca- demic Credit (OAC). In addition to these, the centre offers courses for college and university graduates who want to upgrade their skilis or know- ledge. As well, non-credit courses are available in general interest areas such as computers, photo- graphy, dance and fitness. Th ere are many reasons why aduits corne Vo the centre to complete their high school educa- tion. ofIf they didn't like or do well in School as teenagers, dropped out, were iii for part or ail of the year or had learning disabilities, then finishing high school successfully was sometimes tough," says Bur- well. So they decide to return Vo complete the courses they either missed or failed. The centre also holde courses in English as a second language, "as one-third of our students are from- another country," says Bur- well. This course is for those who want Vo speak, read or write fluent English. 11Prograrns are available Vo fit any schedule, at an y level, and the classes are small, therefore there is more iiidividual atten- tion available , says Burwell. IN THIE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LAND AIID PREMISES AT TH1E FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW NO. 3438-94 TAKE N011CE dhat de Council of the Corporation of th Town of Whitby at-a nmeeing held on Febray 114,199 pssd abyla under Subsectin 34 (5) of teOtr 4dW R.S.O.190 c. 0.18, repeling B y-I N. 271-8 which previously desi-nated the following property as boing of historlo andi architecturai value and ,ntest: THE JAMES FOTHERGILL HOUSE 1011 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO DATED at th Town of Whitby this 91h day of Match, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK TH1E CORPORATIlO F ÏTE TOWN 0F WiITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5M0 fa le di ATTEN71ON JUNIOR FIREFIGHTERS Sparky and the WhitbyFPire Departmient are hosti n the 22nd annual JUNIOR F IRE DEPARTMENT PROGRAM, Applications for girls and boys aged 11 and 12 will be available Apdl 1 st at Fire Hall #2 (1600 Manning Rd. E.) and Fire Hall #3 >(201 Brook St. S.) Corne oui and experience beîn.q a real fîretlghterl NOTE: Limited to the f irst 160 applicantsl Uness Cthermise posted, paring on streets within th. Town of Whitby cannot exceed three (3) hours. Literacy co-ordinator Karen Burwell là a teacfler at the Aduît Learning Centre. Photo by Jessica Un&~a, Whimtby Free Pres N071CE 0F THIE PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TAKE NOTICE that dme Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby passed By-law No. 3454-94 on the 141h day of Match. 1994 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Onta"l Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by iling wth the C"er of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby flot later than dhm 121h day of April, 1994 a notice of appeal setting out the objectio to th. by-Iaw and the. masôns in support of the.ojection. PURPOSE ANn EFFECT e usand fect ofBy-wNo. 4- is oaend Zoning B y- o 7 84 o eov el '.o n fl cig p rm te s from thé A gno utur l a d ee b t Z a tegomu s iw o dne w 1 h Ton fica ln I eeecet h renetZne, By-law No. 34494 dlete golcors and swmig pools as perritduesadetblishes new o rntageand area rquirements for permitted greenbell: uses. By-law No. 3454-94 also deletes institutionai and recreationai uses from beinq permitt.d within the Agriculhjral Zone, although ~otf courses whmclm existed on July 12, 1993 are permitted within ge zne.Newzone provisions for new faum lots have been provided to increase the area requirements from 2 to 40 hectars and decrease the lot frontage for farms from 100.5 to 60 metres. By-Iaw No. 3454-94 aiso provides for separation dstances between farms and residential uses in accordance with th. Agricultural Code of Practice. By-law No. 3454-94 affects ail lands zoned Greenbelt and Agricutural by Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784. A k.y map showving the lands affected by the by-Iaw is lberefore not provided with tbis notice. The complet. by-Iaw is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDINO 1THIS MATIER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 668-5803. DATED at the Town of Whitby Ibis 23rd day of March, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK OF TNE TOWN OF WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY>, ONTARIO LUN 2M8 Vil 01, rm lime Marches On! Mark March 31,g 1994 on your calendar. The Whitby Civic Recreation Complex has held membership rates at their 1993 levels until then. April 1 st, rates will increase. Look at your Spring/Summer 1994 Activity Brochure for detaîls. If you like, cail us at 66&-1991. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1994 EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1994 Solid Waste Collection Service for Good Fdd.y and Esute Monday MiI be revised as follows: Normal ReVls.d wb" axrawam-I GARBAGE COLLECTION: BLUE BOX COLLECTION. Moniy. ApU 4 TuesdayAgnil 5 FW«.Ap4 T1husdyMah 31 Please refer to your 199 Blue Box Collecion Sohedule for more information on holidays and altemate colleeton days. YARD WAST COLLE071ON: Yard Waste Collction Io start on Api 11, 1994. Your cooperaton ls appreciletd and piese mmber Io have your solld wsstes (garbage and rccala u o collection by 7:00 .m. on your deslginted collectoutday. GRASSCYCUNG - NO BAGGING .- NO DRAGGING DID YOU KNOW THAT: Grass clipplngs wIL notLhLcol- ImeIad s year. Please do not bag your graus for garbage or yard waste coll.ctIon. Grasscydling ma lb. pracess of recing grass clippings by I.aving them on your Iawn. Grasscydling saves limes, reduceS waste and leade lo a healthior root system that inremases your lawn's resistanoe Ic>duseas, drought and insects. If you wish ftjrthr information, pleas cal TOWN OF WHITBY, OPERATIONS CENTRE 7:30 A.M. TO 4:.00 P.M. Mix Fitness and A Hectic Schedule! Why Not! Responding to your valued suggestions, we're oftering a Fit Pass. New for Sprlng 1994 The $100 Fit Pass entities you to 3 months of fitness or aquafit classes, any time, any day, any program. ~r;. **, t. Pick up a Fit Pass today and commit to get fit! You cari oeil us at 666-1991.

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