Whitby Free Press, Wocinesday, Apnf 6, 1994, Page 3 Thefts at Fairview during mass VOICE MESSAGE [NSJDE GARBAGE CANS Knowing that changi ng elveiyday habite is not an easy task, Bell Canada successfully managed to train telephone users Wo precede ail dialed numbers with an area code when dialing outside their own zone. And we ail know how they did it. If I could only invent a systemi that senses what goes into a trash bin and repeats the following message: "If you throw that away, your waste will accumulate in Iandfill as usual. In the future, please remember to reduce, reuse, recycle. Your '...can be ' .. A change in habits is important for future generations. Thank you." Imagine, if you wiIl, putting your waste in a home office or public trash bin and hearing the above message, with tle blanks filed in for each of the following: e glass botties can be recycled in your blue box or taken W a recycling facility 0 small household batteries can be placed into the red box attached Wo a blue dome igloo recycing depot. Buy a battery recharger " disposable diapers -can be replaced by a cloth diaper " bread bags can be reused or taken Wo a supermarket that offers a poîyfiîm recycing bin " magazines can be read by a neighbour " broken appliances can be given Wo Goodwill Industries for its rehabilitation programi * pa per can be cut up W niake message pads or taken Wo your orpl ace's paper recycling programn *dog droppings can be flushed down the toilet for proper sewage treatment " envelopes can be reused " banana peels and wilted flowers can be composted " disposable cups can be rep1acd by travel muge *worn curtains can be made intocloth gift bags " donut boxes can be reused the next time you visit the bakery or saved until boxhoard is accepted in your blue box collection program rip egg cartons can be given Wo a roadaide vegetable vendor, rped up and composted or given Wo a day cure centre for crafts e hair clippings can be com posted a extra coat hangers can b. given Wo a dry cleaner or an opportumity shop * unwanted nail poish can b. ven ta a neighbour Wo use up. You could undoubtedly add t e list. The point is, change is not always easy -- but possible. Within a few months, Bell Canada accomplished a change of customers' habits Wo accommodate it.s operation. For environmentalists, it will probably take another 20 years Wo change habits necessary for our survival. Cash, jewelry, cheques and credit cards were stolen from six residents' roonis duringf an Eas- ter church service Wednesday et Fairview Lodge. Police say an' unknown suspect entered the unlocked rooms of victime, who ranged in age from 80 to 94, between 1:45 and 2:50 p.m. while most of the home's staff and residents were et an Easter Mass. A dresser door was pried open in one room and the cuiprit stole a shoe bag to, carry the items. W. are actively workingt on it... and have a good idea of the suspect,» says Staff Sergeant Sandy RZyrie, who notes a suspi- cdoue persan was seen in t he home around the time of the. theft. A Whitby man hue been char- ged in connection with the. theft of bar money from the Oshawa Ià ttle Theatre. Police say a man in charge of the bar at theatre performances is accused of not turning cash receipts over to the. theatre group's treasurer between July 1, 1993 and Jan. 27, 1994. Stephen Kenmore Whalen, 34, of 102 Rossland Road West is scheduied to, appear in court April 22. %ur1ay 1am - 5pm Dentures so natural... you' Il nover know the difforoncol * Nfew Soi- Touch muterials for *0JuIy, 1992 (FREE CONSULTATION) Walter Wimmer, Denture Therapist PICKERING TOWN CENTRE, LOER E TOU MM 420*52.s0o66.5o2o, ON YOUR INSURANCE DEDUC71BLE WITH THIS AD* Whitby Auto Glass uses an incredible new process .to repair wincishield stone chips. And your insurance company wiII waive your decluctible on stone repairs to keep insurance cost down. 10-13 ]Du ndas St. EU-ÇMa iezlf TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9247 MOBILE SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP with most insurance companies with this ad at time of purchase. mmr-- - .-- - -qqiuw -- - - - --- -- , -