t> - WhIÎtby Free Prose,Weê*'nesday, Apild 6, 1994, Page 5 Durham groups campaign agq,-ainst iracism Two local groups wilI receive funds from the Ministry of Citizenship to help combat intolerance. "The grants are very timely in Iight of the racist stickers that defeated Oshawa," said Durham Centre MPP Drummond Wite. The Congress of Black Women-Durhani and the Inter- Organization Resources Network of Whitby are receiving grants of $8,500 and $ 18,000 respectively. The community based organizations have taken up the challenge to fight racism. T'he gzrants in Durhamn are part of t he ministry's anti-racism strategy project. Responding to White's question in the legislature Thursday, Elaine Ziemnba, the minister responsible for race relations, said that, with limited funds, the MPP aims to restore fuit service Residents of the riding cf Durham Centre are now receiving a newsletter and questionaire about resteratien cf full GO train service to Whitby and extension of full service to Oshawa once the new tracks are ready. "I amn very pleased with the initial response,"f says Durham Centre MPP Dirummond White. 'The phones are ringing constantly." White is circulating a petition to alert GO Transit and the Ministry of Transport to people Assault charges laid A 34-year-old Uxbridge man faces charges cf assault,, aggrava- ted assau It, assault with a wea- pon and mischief after a parking Poiesay the man parked his truck in front of a used car lot across from the Royal Hotel on Brock Street North on Saturday moirning, Mareh 26. The owner cf the lot asked two friends to move the vehicle and they pushed it out on te the street juat as the truck's owner was coming eut cf the Royal. A fight broke eut and the lot owners' friends, both Whitby residents, were severely beaten. One was bitten in the nose and ruied stitches to close the weund. Police were called and the sus- pect fled. He was later identified and asked te turn himself in, which he did Monday morning. "seriously inconvemienced" by the reduction of GO train service to Whitby. The petition says that full GO train service is a "crucial Ulnk in the transportation slystem. It is vital in reducing traffic congestion in the Greater Toronto area," remarked White. gin a via,, eve}wsuif e... The Wor Amps ~e C444' d~t4e~s 6t4 )ve4ie«4OU4 lflew ;eSfotawue S 4 74d4,4 Receive a FREE COLLECTOR TEA POT .(with any $200 purchase) -one per customer .- quantities limited! ENTER OUR FREE DRAWS with any purchase Pte4de 9 à « "~et Steamlng hot tea and fancy sweets wili be served. 57 THURS., APRIL 7 FRI., APRIL 8 C:P> SAT., APRIL 9 SUN., APRIL 10 9:30-9:00 P.M. 9:30-9:00 P.M. 8:30-5:00 P.M. 12:004:00 P.M. (Speclal heurs for this event only) BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-3474ý B.Y.O.T.B. Bring your own teabag. Reccclvc 100/o off reg. priced merchandise NDP governient of Ontario was effectively proinoting harmony in local communities. Ontario receives $700 per inmmigrant from the federal govemnnent to provide language training and promoe tth integrtion Of inmnhirante. Queecreceives almoot -i1900 for each immigrant "It is a credit to the people of Ontario that there is such a high level of inter-racial acceptance here. This is especially true given the recession and this poor level of support fromn the federal government," White said. White praîsed the program which «demonstrates the wilinn.ssof government of Ontio to provide a <lacent level of support to all members of the community, se, they rnay contiue tolive in asociety free. fromn raciai intolerane." The Durham Multiple Scierosis Society is seeking volunteers to serve on various committees, such as the Carnation Campaign, and fundraising. If you are interested or need more information, cali the society at 579-7727. I7DU&ý SeAU P& Custom Cover Sale S ofa sfrom oniy $899 For a limited time you can save 30% on the entire collection of fineCanadian- made Sterling Upholstery. ýhoose from hundreds of designer fabries and comfort options to make a sofa, loveseat or chair distinctively your own. The choices are endless and the quality exceptional, you won 't be disappointed! ~QDU&2%AU %,xeHERfIAGE HOUSE limited 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY - 668-3483, Toronto Une 686-0061 1-800-387-0242 Store Hours: mon-Wed loeOO-G:oe Thurs-Fri 1000-9.00, Saturday 930-5:W0, Sunday closed. *Mary St.m 1Dundas InStore Financing AvaiIaWe LAKEI ~S T I«:,U ..... UXBRIDGE PORT PERRY Hwy. 47 at Douglas Rd. (416) 985-0738 (across f rom Williamson Pontiac) (416) 852-5382 M Pictnrinn 'Rjen