SENIORS CNTRE XASO Townoes to start project in1195 Whitby Free Proe, Wednesday, April 13, 1994, Page ô By Mark Reesor if the federal government a pproves construction of the Whitby geniors' Activity Centre expansion could begîn in May, 1995. That's the aim of Town parka and recreation department direc- tor Larry Morrow. In a report to council, e says his departinent is already working on the paper- If you want to drink, that's your business. If you want to stop, thats ours. Oel Alcoholics Anorymous at 728- 1020. work necessary to invite archi- tects to put together proposais for the project. When the federal government approves filnding under its in- frastructure program, «hopefiully" in early May, the department will issue the invitations, eva- luate the proposais and report back to council with a recommen- dation before the summer recess, says Morrow. The chosen architeet wiii design the expansion, obtain site plan approval, assist in a presen- tation te centre rnembers and prepare specs and tender infor- mation. A winning tender would then be chosen and construction would begn. "I is the departTnent's view that there is not an overabun- dance of time te accornplish these requirements,» Morrow notes. Seniors' centre members have raised somne $250,000 and feel they can raise another $50,000. That money is te be used te pay for furnishinge, the addition of a solarium and te go towards cc- struction costs. The solarium would be built on the south side of the new facility, giving the centre extra space, an air lock from outside elements and «possiblyr providing an area for smoking,0 says Morrow. \ce HERF-rAGE HOUSEIlimited 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY - 668-3483, Toronto Une 686-0061 1-800-387-0242 Store Hours: Mon-Wed 10,00-6,00, Thurs-Fri 1000-90. Saturday 9:30-5:30, Sunday cloeed. Mary St.m -Z Dundas In-StDre Finaning AvaiIaNe I UD&EAUI'& Custom Cover Sale Sofas from oniy $899 For a limited time you can savç 30% on the entire collection of fine Caûadian- made Sterling Upholstery. Choose from hundreds of designer fabrics and comfort options to make a sofa, loveseat or chair distinctively your own. The choices are endless and the quality exceptional, you won't be disappointed!