Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, April 20, 1994, Page 37 APARMETS TEIETA RILU [I~~~~~~~~...... FO......V.S i RILE RTCE I~ FR A 3 BEDROOM APT for rent, available May 1 st. Fuity broadloamed, 11/2 baths. $800/month ait inclusive, parking& tetlephone extra. Cati 668-7196. WHO SAYS YOU CANT BUY A HOUSE?? Many homes are avaitable with small down payments. As little as $4000 to $6000 down. They can carry for as littie as $650/montht Less than renti Power of sales, detached, semi's & townhouses are available. Cail now to q uatifyl Ask for Carol ChantIer Re/Mx Summit 668-3800. HOMIS I666«-017 j WHITBY WEST LYNDE dlean NUAC I townihouse. 3 bedroorns, new carnets (your colour), & garage. Pool, playgro und, schools, shopping. Near GO. $112,900. Caîl 723-2871. IPDIACULATE WHITBY BEAUTY, REDUCED! Shows to perfecton. 4 bedroomn brick executive on quiet court. interlocking, central air, etectronic air cleanor, humidifier, custom .ingerbread sheMvng, professionaliy finished basement, prof ossionaily landscaped. Backs onto green field. Bus to ail schoois & amenities. 5 min. to GO. NO AGENTS. 430-2860. 1000 SQ. FT. COTTAGE FOR RENT. 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, canoe & paddte boat, excellent fishing, southern exposure, store, marina & tennis courts. Haliburton area. Cali 683-1746 or 571-9464. 200 ACRE FARM for sale, close to Port Perry. Asking $350,000 cash.' Jo. Kirley Real Estate, 705-324-0206 anytime. AUTO INSURANCE - low rates, oas y paymont ternis, free quotos. Ca'iSharon 666-2090. TRAVEL INSURANCE - iow cost, out of province, emergency medical & hosgitalization insurance. Cali Peter at 666-2090. MORTGAGES & LOANS at prime rates. Cati Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. MORTGAGE MONEY up ta 95% financing - excellent rates on purchases & refinances - also private funds available 1lst & 2nd & 3rds -home improvement boans -equity loans * if you are self -employed or in financial difficulties FOR FREE INFO CALL 66632015~ DES HULL (over 23 yrs. exp.) SAS FINANCIAL, WWIuRrDvON>T 71.......... .s..... F O R N B T R ~ I...............~ RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whit by. Creat ive rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.rn. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE & garage or workshop. Commercial possibilities on Hwy. 2. No outdoor maintenance. $885/month + heat & hydro. 668-4321 or 655-4623. 19' BOW RIDER, 160 hp Merc. cruiser & tit trailor. Askin? $4,300. Also 25' fibregiass tri hu in good condition $450. Phono 433-0775. 2 R.C. MODELS; 4 WD boomerang; Fl Lotus racer, includos -batteries & chargers, nover raced. Cati 430-3383. 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS - 2 dr., 4 cyl., 4 spd., radio. 61,000 km. White exterior, gray intorior. Good condition. First offer ovor $5,600 takes. CalDel 404-2858. 1977 CHEV IMPALA - body in excellent condition, $550 o.b.o. Cati 668-9830. 1984 FORD ESCORT. Automatic, 2 door, good condition. 94,000 km. Cai 668-4381. 1984 PON71AC ACADIAN. 4 dr., blue, auto. stereo, good condition. New exhaust, brakes front & back. AIt bis & maintenance records. 190,000 km. $800 o.b.o. Cali 668-1696. Nee a car - Credft problemai? " W. hm km» U <m rpssusm LEASEGLUDE AUTO 1LÇASNG 6834M3 - Jeff 1986 SABLE - P.S., P.B., air cond., cruise, tilt, AM/FM cassette, dual fuel, $1 ,250 o.b.o. 1984 Phoenix - P.S., P.B., hatchback, 9 ood condition, $650 o.b.o. aIl 655-3036. 1982 S15 CHEV HALF TON. Motor, trannie, rear end, oxhaust - 1 year old. 2 new front tires, body noeds work $1200 o.b.o., as is. 668-2767. Ail sizes. Installation and Computer Balancing aiso avaiable WHFITBV TIRE 103 Dundas, St E. <oeeff iHwy. 12 à Iwy.2) Phono 430-80 HP LANDSCAPE SERVICE Lawn & gardon maintenance, sprinp dlean-up, flower & shrub f Iantmng, fertilization. Cali Henk for free estimate 668-0823. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Spring clean-ups. Rgnovations, Of gardons, ro>ck gardens, planting, firewood. Dutchway Landscaping. (905) 649-3183. IDEAL LANDSCAPING and SPRAYING SERVICE Whitby Toronto 905-430-6435 416-439-6639 Weed Control - Lawn Fertilizing Spnng & Fail Cleanups Planting & Designs FuiIy IIcesed and insured CONTENT SALE - oak waIl units, Sklar sofa & lovoseat, bedroom & dining room sets, plus much more. Cali 668-1140. FOR SALE - 16' CANOE. Cati 666-1210 after 6 pm. WEDDING GOWNS - affordable wedding gowns to buy or rent. Largo selection of sizes and stylos. Forg appointment cati Judy at 905-579-4782, Oshawa. FIREWOOD. Excellent quatity hardwood. Soasoned, very cdry, split. Honest moasurement. Order now for next season. Early discount. Fre delivery. 905-753-2246. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than half onice. Large select ion. McKeen ýurniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. NATIONAL 68" TRIPLEX MOWER, privately owned, Ai condition. Cati Don at 905-649-3340. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haIt prico. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. KITCHEN CABINETS FOR SALE $200 o.b.o. Call 668-3341. BABY FURNITURE - crib, change table, dresser/hutch, wood, 4 yrs old. $550 sot. Good condition. Calt 666-0643. 22' APACHE HARD TOP traiter. Fridge, stove, sink, sleeps 8. Top badly damaged $450. For ropair or ) arts, make big utitity trailer. Dhone 433-0775. CEDAR TREES for hedging. Also birch troos. Pick-up or deliered. Cannington 1-705-432-2237. 30"X60" BROWN OFFICE DESK $100; 2 black steno chairs $40/pair; large Coca-Cola sign $30; desk lamp $5; baskotbatl $5. Phono 404-2858. PROFESSIONAL LAWNCARE Residential & commercial, mow & trim. Spring clean-ups. Seniors' discount. Most lawns $15, free estimates. Cail 576-0895. M & L PROPERTY SERVICES. Grass cutting, trim ming, tiling, lawncare, yard clean-up. 10% discount on booking by Ap rit 30. Commerciaresidential. Seniors rate. (905) 985-8336. RPM - REUABLE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE.. Pruning, grass seeding, spring clean-ups, residontial & commercial lawn maintenance. Seniors' discount. Cali for a f ree estimate John or Frank 668-7689 or 433-0787. SPANKY'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Residentiai & commercial. Grasscutting, tree, brush rernoval, garbage disposai. Phono Jim at toi I free (416) 550- 3225. FOR ALL VOUA EYEWEAR NEEDS - glasso, contact lonses, sunlases .Quality products, seie and prce. Eye oxaminations arranged. Discount for seniors and chikiron. TILLEY OPTICIANS 102 Byron St. S. 430-8849. WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT for your child's birthday party? Turn them into "Robinhoodsi" Pineridge Archery Club 712 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. 905-404-0058. CHESTERFIELD wlth matching swivel chair & foot rest. Good condition. $180 o.b.o. Also largo T.V. in wooden frame~. Cati 430-2097. BEAUTIFUL, HARDWOOD curio cabinets with adjustablo sheivos. Also large & smali spoon racks. Cati 436-0721. BEDROOM SUITE FOR SALE: bed, dresser, nig ht table, book shelf & desk - a1 wood & stain finished. Excellent condition, Bost offer. Will deliver. Cati James 721 - 2100. WEDDING GOWN - white satin, Basque waist with elaborato peari & sequin emrbroidery on, the bodice, stooves & skirt, flatoring portrait coilar, cathedral Iongth train, with peari headpiece. Size 7/8. $500. Days 668-3011 or ovenings 666-3883. UTI1UTY TRAILER - heavy duty, custom made, 4'X8', 21t2' sides, 15" tires, good condition. Asking $250. Cati 905-6Ç6-41 16 or 905- 435-2333. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE touch & sew, beautif ul hardwood console, ait attachments, compietely tuned up by Singer, $200. Bicycle man's 1 0-speed excellent condition, $55. Cali 725-6813. ALMOST NEW, realistic Concertmate 670. 49 fuît sized keys, 100 sou nd bank, 8 note polyphonic keyboard. Regutar $20 plus top. Selling for $150. Phono 668-9735 ovenings onty. LOADED with 23 of the world's most important traditional botanicai extracts & developed by world reknowned natu rai sciontist. Try 30 day supply. Satisfaction auaranteed or your money back. "Much to my pleasure, I received 9 phono calis t ho very f irst day my ads ran, and as a resuht, sold evory article 1 had advertised within one week." C.C. v Ma & Pa's Counltry Store q# Wanted: Unique Hand- V miade Counfty Crafi for consigmient V IV V V Needed: Muslin Bunnies, VFOIk An Miniature and Wooden Products. y374 Wilson Rd. S, Oshawa - 434-7560 SSt Soof OieNorthofBooe Hundreds of peop le are inlured each year by faI ling dobris fît Avoid the expense of personat injury and/or property damage. Burren Enterpiises MASONRY & GENERAL CONTRACTI NG CatI Mike i MOl 0 RCYC LE U URANCE 83-9725 PINE RIDGE 44 INSURANCE MOT INS 61