Whitby Free Press. Wednesclay, April 20,1994, Page 7 An image job Let me see if I understand this correctly: the Liberal Party of Ontario will spend $600,10 to reshape the image of Lyn McLeod. For those who don't know who Lyn McLeod is: a hint. She leads the most popular provincial party in Ontario. That means she is not Bob Rae, who heads the least popular party (and the government!) nor is she Mike Harrs, who leads another party, one of which may not be The Reform Party, hie thinks. If by now you guessed that Lyn McLeod heads the iberals, break out the cookies and celebrate. And if you're ready to beat yourself up that darned! drat! goodness! you didn't know who Lyn is, ease up a bit. You're one of the reasons the Liberal Party wants Wo spruce up her image. You see, the Liberals stand at somewhat above 50 per cent in the poils. Which is good news, for Liberals, sort of, except it means they got nowhere Wo go but down. And bad news, sort of, since despite the party's standing, only il per cent of voters can name Lyn McLeod as party leader. Thus, the $600,000 image job. For my part, the Ià berals should leave well enough alone. How do you go about cbanging the image of someone who could pass for anyone's grandmother? (Ilint Wo the irnage-makers: don't change Lyn, change the voters. Convince people they want a nanny-image in power. Serving milk and cookies Wo cabinet -- you get the idea.) They also mighit recaîl what happened Wo Kim Campbell, once tNhe image-makers pushed her front and centre. The voters, once they knew ber a bit, decided Kimi wasn't the prime minister type. Be careful, Lyn. Does anyone proof-read? Those who produce 600-word columns every week, or newspapers, or books, okay, any printed word, shouid not hasten W cnticize others. Ià ke, people in glass bouses shouldn't throw stones. But I just spent a half a day watching a ten-minute newscast on CITY-TV. And in that short time (it onlyý seemed like haif a day) we had "chjapage appeared in a screen yraphic as ucMmirpaign" and 'political" appeared as politcial". It is not a station 1 often watch. With performances like that, how could I take anything else seriously? CITY-TV is not alone. In today's mail cornes a brochure for a drug-free lawn. "By using our pat. pend. Liquid Organic Spray, the first of it!s kind ... 'It's?» Corne on. Fourth Grade spelling. I sure hope tbey mix chemicals better than they spell. Once every nine years For those who missed last week's columin, My apologies. And thanks. Evervone likes tn think t.hpv'r,. missed. A not-so-friendly flu bug bit our bouse last week. As a resuit, for tbe first time in nine years, I did not even get Wo begin the weekly ritual of writing the words that fit this space. About five years ago I missed another deadline. That time, bowever, the required words had been written. They just didn't get faxed Wo The Free Press editorial offices. That's two episodes in fine years, or about 450 or so weeks. Once everyr four and a half years. 0f course, with my memor its likely 10 times that often. I'm sure Maurice will make an appropriate footnote Wo set the record straight. But ini my mind the record stands at two missed columns in nine years. Again, sorry. I'11 try Wo do better over the next nine. The Olitarifi< uuntY Houatc 0!Refuge, Whbtby, 00C ONTAMU OUNI T OUSE 0F REFUGE, 300 BIGH STREET, 1906 Now luxury apartments, this building was constructed in 1901-03 as a poor house and old folks' home for Otario County. It was cloeed in 1951 when replaced by Fairview Lodge. Following a fire in September 1972, it was fully restored and niodermized mnside. Whitby Achiven phioto 10 YEARS AGO fr-om the Wednesday, April 18, 1984 edition of the WHTBY FREE P~RESS " The Downtown Board of Management has adopted a $500,000 rehabilitation plan. " A tender of $ 136,843 bas been awarded to reconstruct Dufferin Street from Watson to Victoria streets in Port Whitby. " A bylaw is proposed to rename part of Way Street in Brooklin as Kinsmen Court. " Whitby Christian Assembly, founded in September 1983, will build a church at Brock Street and Rossland Road witliin two years. 35 YEABS AGO from the Thuraday, April 16, 1959 edition of the WHITBY WEEIKLY NEws " Theré are 1,705 children attending public sehool in Wbitby. " Construction of the Kathleen Rowe Memorial School bas stopped because of impassible roads. " Whitby Dunlops hockey teain will play the Vernon, B.C. Canadians at Maple Leaf Gardens for the Allan Cup. " Whitby Dunlops manager Wren Blair will be guest speaker at the Whitby Sportsmen's banquet on April 23. 125 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, April 15, 1869 edition of the WH1TBY CHIRONICLE " Chester Draper of Whitby bas purchased the gravel road from Whît.by to Port Perry and bas reduced the tolls on it. " The Whitby School Board was unable to meet this week because of a lack of a quorum. * he firet regular meeting of the new Keystone Chapter, Royal Arch Masons wIlIb held in Whitby this evening. " About 1,000 beehives were destroyed in a fire at Nelson Thomas' steam planing mill at Brooklin. 1 ..0