Whlty Fro. Preus.Wmh«.dmy. April 27.1994. Pne 21 Conference focus is child care issues lT%,. Durhamn Region Child Car. Action Comnilttee wiIl hold a sco-age conference on Saturday Apr1 30, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at âamp Samac main Iodge, Oshawa. The conference will address issue currently faced in work with school-aged children, whether in a liconsed day care facifity or i recreational Topis inludeficilitating and conflict resolutions, qudck and easysciece ativities iand gaines -- ndors ndout. Neeloun will b. the keynote speaker. .Thon. wilI alo b. a campfire ing-' nand tak.-away pack- ages of<Kid Tested' activities. Tii. fe. i. $15 per person, or $30 for three persons fr-om on. centre. For more information or te, register, cail Marc BatIe at 721-3111, ext. 2439 or Tainmy Easbuan at 666-4794. IBM CANADA recently donated this PS/i computer, Ioaded with software, to the Durham Region MEICFS (chronlo fatigue syndrome) Association. Tryung out the new Stream Angling Prize Day wili b. held at Hler Down Conser- vation Aiea ini Whitby on Satur- day, April 30. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 12 1. Brooklin's railway station on the Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay line was buit in 1895 and burned down April 19, 1937. 2. The Ontario gomerment g urchased 624 acres of land etween the Canadian National Railway and Lake Ontario for Whitby Psychiatric Hospital in 1912. 3. Henry Street was namned after Henry Warren Annes (18 24-186 eldest son of EaAnnes, Whitby's mayor in 1857. machine are (from Ieft) Bryan Corey of IBM and Peg Watson and Mia Corey of the association. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhItby' Freo Pre Froin 8 ai.m. to 3 p.m., rainbow trout can b. caught weighed and released back into til. water. Prizes will b. handed, out at the end of thé day. For more information cali 679- 0411. The. Canadian Red Cross Society needsa rea residents to prvde leadership and support on teir board of management. Representativés -froin areas outsideOshawa ae aiso needed for input te,'HIelp Xoep Red Cress Ready.. Int;"ete persons may write to Edith Alger, president, the Canadian Red Cross Society, Oshawa branch, 45 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, Ont. LRH 3L9. Indicate skille and areas of interest. For more information, cail branch manager Fran Harseil at 723-293. You'vc elped recover 75% of oid ncws- papers throughi your Blue Box. Now wve neet youirlIîelp to get even morc back. Ontario's paper mills make rccyclcd ncwsprint ouit of cvery single old ncws- paper and flycr inscrt yau give thcm - as-d tliat's stili not eriough. Tlicy actually have tapo r more from the U.S. If we recover more oid newspapcrs, the less wilI go ta durnps and the less milis will need ta îimport. And the nmore munic ipal tax dollars we'Il save. But we nced your liclp ta recycle as many ncwspapers as possible. Rccycling newspapcrs and flycr inscrts-is a real Ontario succcss story.t Togetlier, wc cati close the rccycling loap. The Newspaper Publishers of Ontario i mI Prizes for anglers atHeber Down Lease from $2O5,()h* GOLF "IWORLD'S BEST SELLING CAR"# FM ýeIIYEURlO Ok UX1IMDPOWERTRm ftwwrJo Iu.rd glass.dualmkW'a. admrmd sf<sse&M, apn. d nft wde. 48 monti wioew,O% *dcestpa1,r Fr~lo PDIAtXà t &OA. C., Eip. AM i3M4. OWAsco VOLKSWAGEN INC. Pr~ mwn e ere BES T inoe1972. A n * AR&CE*andCWauwu*a mnrW. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686-6410 r 1 1