Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1994, p. 37

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Whltb>' FrSosnus, Wodnosday, Apt#l 27, 1994, Page 37 IIOMfl I AUTO WTPUÇKS .1 *. AflTICL~S FOR SALE i FOn SALE i FOR SAI3 OSHAWA DETACHED 3 bedroom. $97.400 mortgage assumnable no qualifying, fuît pice $109,900. Interestedi? Cali me - we may b. able to arrange your downpayment. Liian North, Remax S ummit, 668-3800. WHîTBY WEST LYNDE clean townhouse. 3 bedrooms, new carpets (your colour), & garage. Pool, pla grou nd, schoots, shopping. NMar GO. $1 12,900. Cali 723-2871. HAUBURTON - 2 cottages to rent - 2 & 3 bedrooms, fireplace, fabuious view, beach, huge dock & deck. Ciose ta golf , marina & town. Prime lako. Woekly or monthly. Cal 666-9990. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE for sale on Lake Dairymple, 1 hour north of Whitby. Large 2 storey garage, 100 ft. sandy lakeshore. $1 29,000. Cal! 430-0643. 1000 SQ. FI. COTTAGE FOR RE NT. 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, cana. & Oddlo boat, excellent fishing, southern exposure, store, marina & tennis courts. Haliburtan area. Cal 683-1746 or 571-9464. 200 ACRE FARM for sale, dlose to Port P"rt. Asking $350,000 cash. Jae Kinley Real Estate, 705-324-0206 anytime. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE & garage or workshop. . Commercial possibilties on Hwy. 2. No outdoor maintenance. $885/month + heat & hydro. 668-4321 or 655-4623. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative renta! arrangements. 668-1468, 9 arn. ta 5 p.m. TRAVEIL INSURANCE - low cost, out of province, emergency medical &hospitalization insurance. Cati Peter at 666-2090. AUTO INSURANCE - low rates, easy, payment terms, free quotes. Cal 'Sharon 666-2090. IRECYCLING 1 CONSERVES NA TURAL jRESOURCES, HELPS * IMPROVE THE IEMVIRONMENT ANDj jCREA TES NEW JOBS. L __ - __. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986 BUICK SKYHAWK 4 dr., auto, 4 cyl., 85,000 km $2,600. 1988 Cavalier, 2 dr., 10w km, $4.200. Call 433-1787. 1992 PONT1AC LEMANS - 2 dr., 4 cyl., 4 spd., radio. 61,000 km. White exterior, gray interior. Good condition. First offer over $5,600 takes. Cali Del 404-2858. 1986 HYUNDAI PONY - standard, very reliable, well-maintained. Great student car, certied $695. Cati 668-6554 affer 6pm. 1985 MERCURY MARQUIS wagon, $700 as Is. Cali 728-0067 atter 5pm. 1988 OPIMA GLS 4 cyl, auto, am/fm cass., AJC, P,000 lkm. Red exterior, grey interior. Excellent condition. $5.000 o.b.o. Cali 668- 8740 after 4pmn. 1982 S15 CHEV HALF TON. Motor, trannie, rear end, exhaust - 1 yoar old. 2 new front tires, body needs work. $1200 o.b.o., as is. 668-2767. Ailsizes. Installation and Computer Baiancing also availa1blea WHITBY TIRE 103 Dundas St. E. (OeMM 0 HW. 12 àHWY. 2) Phone 430-4390CX Neda car -Credit problems? * W hm le-- m m pasuus L« I..o ownm Uw «mods *Cushfworte *dlrfftque. LEASEGWDE AUTO 119 NO 6836230 -Mf 1983 HONDA 750 SHADOW. Low mileage, low km, excellent biko, excellent condition. $2,200. Cal 430-7099. 23' TRAILER sleeps 6, 2 way fridge, stove, bathroom, furnace, Reese hitch, mirrors, jacks, T.V. antenna, n ylon add a rooni. Good condition. $3,500. Cal 655-5608. HOLIDAY TRAILER (1971). Good shape, 19 ft., fridge, stove, aven, sink, f urnace, bat hroom, 2 tanks, canopy, deck. Asking $1 ,700. Cali 668-1336. IMOTORCYCLEI INSURANCIE PINE RIDGE INSURANCE ---T------- 13.5 FT. SAILBOAT- mainsail, spinnaker, jib. Traïier included. Some minor "epairs needed. $500 a.b.o. Cali 668-9780 affer 5:3Opm. WHITE ASH WOOD for sale. Cali 905-668-3922. USED BRIDESMAIDS DRESS pink, size 12 smail, asking $250. Cali 668-9613. SPANKYS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Residentlit& commercial. Grasscuttlng, tree, brush removal, garbage disposai. Phono Jim at toi! froe (416) 550- 3225. RPM - RELIABLE PROPERTY MAINTNAC Pruning, grass seeding qspngclean-ups, residontial & commercial lawn maintenance. Seniors' discount. Cali for a free estimate John or Frank 668-7689 or 433-0787. INTERLOCK DRIVEWAYS, patios, wa!kWays, steps, retaining watls, etc. Bost price around. 2 L ear guarantee. Cali Dave at Brickscape Inc. 668-2742 bus. M & L PROPERTY SERVICES. Grass cutting, trimming, tiling, iawncare, yard clean-up. 10% discount on boking by Apri! 30. CommerclVresidential. Seniors rate. (905) 985-836. HP LANDSCAPE SERVICE Lawn & garden maintenance, sprinp cloan-up, flower & shrub pîantng, fertilization. Cali Henk for free ostimate 668-0823. MORTGAGES & LOANS at p rime .rates. Caîl Michael 668-7200. Anubis lnvestmnents Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. MORTGIAGE MONEY Up to 95% financing -excellent rates on purchases & refinances -also private funds available 1 st & 2nd & 3rds -home improvement boans -equity lbans " if you are self -emptoyed or in financial difficulties FOR FREE INFOGCAL 666a20l 5 DES HUL <over 23 yS. exp.> SAS FINANCIAL, WHITBY, ONT. 30"X60" BROWN OFICE DESK $100; 2 black steno chairs $404>air; large Coca-Cola sign $30; desk iamp $5; basketball $5.' Phone 404-2858. WEDDING GOWNS - affordabt wedding gowns to buy or rent. Large selection of sIzes and styles. For appointment cal! Judy ai 905-6794782, Oshawa. CONTENT SALE - oak waIl units $200, Sklar sofa &- loveseat, bedroom & dinlng room sets, plus much more. Cati 668-1140. RIRE WOOD. Excellent qu ality hardwood. Seasoned, vey uy, oplt Honest measurement. Order now for nadt season. Early discount. Free delivevy. 905-753-2246. ELECTROINOHEATER, door for room. Cati 668-0591. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haîf once.u Large select ion. McKeen Iurniture, 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. USED WEDDING DRESS size 16 large, needs drycleaning. Asking $600. Cal! 668-9613. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haif price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CEDAR TREES for hedging., Also birch trees. Pick-up or de mered. Cannington 1-70542-2237. LOADED with 23 of the worid's mast important traditional botanicai extracts & deveioped by world reknowned natural scentist. Try 30 day supply. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. LAWN ORNAMENTS - fountains, bird baths, etc. Cal! Gary 430-1556. 5'X9' BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE,' ail accessories, good condition. $600. Cail 723-0312. WE BUY, SELL & TRADE firearms & archery equipment. Pineridge Sporting Goods 712 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. 905-404-0058. BOYS' 20"3 MOUNTAIN BIKE excellent condition $85. Boys' hockey skates, sizes 2 & 4, excellent condition, $35 each. Craftsman 20" gas Iawnmower, rear bag, $120. Please cal! 430-3377 after 6pm. MOVING SALE:- apt. size fnldge $50, 51 Iandscape oit painting framed $50, dlnlng room chandelier $45, goid iamp (cherub & crys) & matching hanging Iamp $50. Cali 666-168 FOR AU. YOIJR EYEWER NEEDS - glasses, contact tenes, anMeDisnt fr seniors and chikiren. TLLEY OPTICIANS 102 Byron St. S. 430-849. WASHER & DRYER - Speed Queen, almond cataur, ice new $500 pair o.b.o. Rabbit cage $40. Cal! 430-6964. HOTPOINT EASYCLEAN aven, beige with black panel* & door. excellent condition $400 o.b.o. Grew 381 50 wlth 40 hp. (1990) Merc. & trailer. Very dlean. $3900. Cali 430-2483. ARIENS RIDE-ON MOWER 360 swathe, excellent condition, $500 o.b.o. Cal! 666-8486, ask for Sam. ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, Eatan's Viking, good worklng condition, wih carrymng case, $75. Cali 683-335. USED CAMPING EQUIPUENT wanted (tent), reasonable price, good condition. Cali 666-8366. GOOD USED BOOKS WANTED. Cash for Art, Literature, Philosoph, MedicaI and other subjects. Immeit pickup. (416) 4.47-8123. UTTLE TYKES slide climblng ym lahouse, etc. Aiso Watt Disney movies, Bambi, Cinderella, Jungle Book, Little Mermaid, etc., in good condition, will pay cash. Please cal! 576-1794. I WILL BUY your contents or unwanted items. Cail 728-8485, leave a message. FLORIDA- on the water 2 bedroom private home on golf coast, north of Clearwater/St. Pete's. Shopping, beaches, fishing, ail amenities. Close to absoluteiy everything. Beautifully decorated. Photos & video. $300/week 905-666-4663. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobile homes, ctubhouse, heated poo s, hot tub, tennis, N.H.L 4m

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