Whiby Fme Press, Wednosday. May 4. 1904,Page 19 Optimists stage golf tournament for juniors The Whitby Optimist Club will hold a junior golf tournamnent on Saturday May 7, starting at noon, at kýdron Dells Golf -Club in Oshawa. Entries are open to the fIrt 60 boys and girlsed 9 to 17) who Te entry fee in $10. Prizes and a barbecue supper will fol- low the tournament. Iio top two low-groos scorers will b.e ntered li the Central Ontario championshîps at Che- doke Golf Clubi, Hailîton. For more information caîl Walt Soetens at 668-8480 CO*STEELeLASCOI WHITBY SPECIAL OLYMPIOS athietes C left to right, front) Cri Hodgson, Suzanne Unbehaun, (rear, le) Marc Tur- geon and (rear, night) Jason Willoughby will be competing at the provincial Spring Games this weekend in Hamifton. They're shown with detectives Dave Robinet and Karen Moloney, coordinators oit this year's Law Enforcemnent Torch Run. Durham Police collected $30,000 for the Special Olympios during ast years WIIy un. Po Dî*sabled gamesm Oshawa The 1994 Southwest Central Régional' Gaines for the Physically Disabled will be held May 14 at the Civic Fielda in Oshawa. More than 160 athietes from the southwest central regions will represent five mqjor disablities groupe: cerebral palsy, blind, amputee, wheelchair and les autres (muscular dystrophy, Whitby roUier skatingmÉ club SKAMTE0 1MOKMCOLWE1flON SCOOTERS ROUIR PALACE, AFL 16 JUMfOR OlYMPIC otiwiion a JonnëferCaukwslt Division A Kimien Nai<ammjr Kiltîn MoCron Sà Mra CaukWel Trwy radoevklgo SKATE 0F MR EMONTH Division A Siabha nlrln it Mogan Dodhuk 3rd Sara Mng3rd 4th 51h Shauna Holmos 4th th MicWUIISEvam s Ros Division a Jonni DeHotrs let 2nd Ashie Cooper 2nd 3rd lot figures 4tIh solo dance scio danc s*do dance fnt- figures figures solo dance freestyle figures freestyle oubt fot avaiMbl figures. solo dance Irsotyio figures freestyle multiple aclerosis). Tii. one-day event in sponsredby Sport for Disabled Ontario, Durhamn Hotwheels, Ministry cf Culture, Tourism and Recreation, and the City cf Oshawa. Qualifiera will go on to the Ontario Gaines in Windsor, July 7 to 9. Prom ther., successful athletes will attend national and international events. Hawkeyes hold camp for junior footballers nei Oshawa Hawkeyes junior football prograin will hold a skills development camp on Sun- day ay 8at the Civic Stadium inTh ampoa paes gd1 Toe c2,p8fo f teays aw- 1 key2,es coangot a het attra cocl taletaf oet aTi. junorlteamhat utth. Thinsir telali.yabhrs. But, inth atfe atinofBo tatththeoadithanefas the taent boaste a nedcaga hKe Huey, hoasia w ah ofe ching 'y, hohenae i varos roles includîrng sin wi th Tro ndntoAgnauts fth Cana dian Football League and with the semi-pr Toronto Athietics. A Whitby runner was ninth in the second annual McMichael Group of 7K Run April 23 in Meinburg, Ont. Sean Muldoon was competingz ini the open maie (AgMed 20 to 39) division of the racePe to raise money for the McMichael gallery. Gord Carey, director of football operations for the Hawvkeyes organization, says the junior teain requires "character ath- letes» to îmrprove upon the dis- mal record of the past years. uWe>ve just got to turn the corner," says Carey. For more informationI cal Hussey at 905-420-5714 (even- ings). Whitby Minor Mosquito Pasebail Congratulations to the twelve boys wh were selected to represent Whitby Minor Mosqwito this season. BRETT BAýCKMAN MICHAEL BEKIARIS ADAM BRIGHT NICHOLAS BUBELA ROBERT EBERLE JUSTIN HAWE MICHAEL MAY CRAIG McLELLAN SPENCER MILLER BRANDON PETCH ADAM SYLVESTRE MATTHEW TOSONI Thank you 10 ali the players who were flot selected, and parents, for comning out and making the p re-season workout such a success. Good Iuck this summer with basebal. WMITBY JUNIOR A LACROSSE TORONTO Iquois Park Arena i Thursciay, May 5 8:OOpm I - - - - I lc» I-I BASEBALL SCHOOL_ For Boys & Girls aaed 7-14I at Iroquois Park Compl WhitbyI I L I D~~~S Exeletfcs ~~IL caek&ici ro.Torentora05-86-366 SPECIALIZING IN." *Spring Clean Ups e Flo wer Beds *Grass Cuttlng (from $20 per week) eTransplantlng e Pruning j s :s~ q