- - - Page 22, Whity Fr. Pross, Wochm.scay, May la, 1994 Whitby Iroquois club CENTRAL REG"ON0DCI4AaMOSIPS RCHMONDifLL, MA 7TO 8 GaRLMI/NDER Brluay 9.nnlng 2nd 25 brout SMd 0brout Adrson. Wlson 2»d 50 brout Srd 100 M 4th 25 =eot. Si 100 fre%26 fly Kekq« Noeth 3rd 25 baik 4th 100 fr.. 100 lm!§!y rely Sd Kelse Nmnleth, Brin"w Bennig. AWm tneWlson Stehane Bonik ErloChai loi 25.,50 breat <Hghi.po ln*ne) 256fil, w bodi 2nid 25 fros Chus Kamwa th 100 M GIRLS00 /10 Jamue Nomo<h lut 50 baic <Hgh-pol r unno-up) 2nd 100 fr.., 100b.cl lu Oth 50 11y Carolki.Szazony Sdi 50ftr. 20 *». Neby Sd CarolIne Szczosny, Laura Fbtgion. Jemalfr Wobt laB uM 2w goIUey IUIW m Caiolku Szcmeny. Jakne NoMeh. Jmnngifeb olb. Ki Mourflenay MatousMon let 50 brout Anfrew Seanune 3vd 50. 100 f me 200 km rsly 3rd Edec Chai. CMs la "a. Anrew Seonu>n, Mcus WilS Androw Soonune, Chivb Kiamur GIRLS 1112 JenniferMountna slt VanessaWilson 4th eth Jonn5-"«oun enay. Vanessa Wils. Kkn Mount«na. A4lnne Wlbon BOYS 11112 JustlnGulle 200 o mee y 3(d Justi Gulle. Tra*isGlle. SMi Coady. Bra McAithur -0 km. roby 3rd JusthlGufl. TraisGibl, SSft Coaiy. Brad McAru 50 fre ion trent 50 brout 2nd 100Obaclc -»d 1ou bout 4th 50 back Whitby nnor house leagtie lacrosse UDGETJUIOR moy 12 Lira... Oluihnsr 7 PMArSuc. 3 Mie Br.ch Andr*w Cuien Whltby Wwdou11 Jan Chartier 3 Roha, Mha 2 Brion Poer 2 James Taylo Mils Blek Mils Keoiers Bred Roud May Brool<ln Legion 2 Sai Edgar Crelg Jackson taira...Oldbrs 7 Jesoe Bagofriin 2 Paui Bruc. 2 Trevor Jackson 2 Mie ls Sh innovotie Awwd.3 Tom Peleroon2 Bk" 7 Alun M&LuckI2 Brod Fard FlynniFord Juaon Jakid T.eor wVmaEgmnd IlBrooklin Légion 3 Sidmouiffl SeuI Edgar Dur* Dodge Chrnys 6 Darnyl McArthur 2 Kerry Nésh Mika Rcwlsn Brai CCan Siefar iDGioa Rohan Mehia Jane. Taylor iBlaSes 13 Jason Jaikousi7 Sral Senser 4 Dresir McCLlough Trevar VanEgfmd MAJOR PEEWEE Canailai Tire S Reom loi Reay 4 mwc Cnm'2 Joohu.Coley2 RlyniH" PrRabst Qais 2 Trom MwAtthur omiki Judyns coughien Hom 3 Whtby Opimiots 4 Alan N«Ontn Shmi91 hom2 Moi Momuen kMathewm =er2 Croig liban MINOR PEEWEE May m What Pro Fdeigh. 7 D. vonEschehotz 3 Jooh Turoalte2 CaraL H.nprovs. 3 provinaid Signs 7 Cuey Lgemai2 John Rois? Dustin Mrnad Lum NoVbr Whtby Kiioren S Tihe Whitby midget A box lacroese teaxn won the Early Bird tournament in Huntsville last month. Norznally a junior B tournamnent, the teame entered were two junior B clubs by Huntsville, Scarborough's inter- mediates and Whitby's inter- mediates, as well as Whitby's younger, sup.rb niidget teani coached by Jim Bisho. Ini the first round of ation, the Whitb~y midgets defeated one of the. Huntsville junior B teains 12-2. They then defeated Whitbya intermediates (no score avibe) and Scarborough's intermediates 11-2. Huntsvllle's second try at the. midgets proved no better. The Whitby midgets again came out winners by a score of 17-2. The Whitby niidgets make up the crofthe Oshawa Blue Knights field lacrosse nudgets who fele a teani for league play against Scaroeoh, Hamilton, St. Bantams win 13-5 The. Whitby bantain A lacrosse teain, sponsored by Northern Amerex, defeated the visiting Toronto Beaches in a recent exhibition gaine in Ajax. It took Whitby only one minute and 43 seconds to get on the scoreboard, and thlen they exploded for four straight goals in just over on. and a haif minutes. By the end of the first period, Whitby held a conimanding lead of 9-2. Whitby went on to, outplay the. Beaches and ended up winning 13-5. Scoring for Whitby were Wes Suddons with three goals, two assista;, Casey Dupont two goals, two asssta; Evn Cardwell three assista; Mike Longo two goal, one assist. Brett Pakosta and Justin Aitken each had a goal and two assista; Chris Thaler and Garett Winder each two assista; Brett Mac]Ruzy, Adam MeLean, A.J. Shannon and Billy Greer each had a goal and an aasist. Scott Wylie and Justin YeUle shared the goaltending duties for Whitby. Nathan Calter Ande a ln NlcVerlwyl BruareloMBide 2 Mik. Kdbyiol Don Roe Jerenv Brible EieaHa»a May 7 C"taIH. y. 7 Provincl Signe MIe Kulwynsld Cuey Logem Geaif Babyk 2 Moth Lacelc Chris Foxwell John Rose Ryai Farrow Whit. Pro.Flrellgh. 3 Whfthy gnomen D. Vansa*whooicz 2 DeanRoelle 2 Jooh Turoalto jare" Brifrble 2 Jaui Batan 2 Brandon McBvide 2 Jimny Munfid 2 AnidrewGlon TylerIHarrison AdanmDs.h Soue Morrbéon ErieHHom May 5 C"ta H. Improve. Il Whlty. Pro. FfrdigM. MIeKuxyld4 Mot Taylor 2 NicêVeI3nlS JoshTtxootte Geoai Babyk 2 Trevor Watt.rs Nathan Calter Motlheur Cuquene David Mashal D. VonEwahioftz ProvhldelSigne S Whitty*lGnemen Johin Rose2 TylerHarrison2 Casey Logemon JerenuBrirrbe Dudîn Maynoed Brandon McBride Ownen L"iley Jimmy Murnford Nathaial Andres MAJOR NOVICE May il Ort. DateS pls6 Dr. PonksBroe MWcae"Cys=i2 Thormas Sulivai 2 Dayne Slvertbam Aaron Glu Motihm Douglas Mkchde Insuraice 3 Whitby Optimise lan Brook Eria Colle Kekh IRiodae Erick Peterson MINOR NOVICE May 10 BrooldnKIgnemnen Devon Brick 5 MW"helHue 4 JusterniSswyer 2 MOTeague Electria Cam Vnuchoftz 4 Derek MoTeegue 2 OalSwood M«91. l Zut Gaer 3 Mat Savoe 3 Steon Sesdhouse 2 Adam Beti 2 lyeO'Brien 2 Mothew CarraI DusinmiMrison Croag Ma0anald Mik. Hd«e May 7 Bmoakli insmoen 7 Drimn Brick 4 John a Jumfin Smwyer ilBrookflnlPringle IGA Jond Mil.'? Daom Edgar Whrtby Lions Wayne Turoolte 2 Ryai Rordoeck 2 aH3Roughley Brod ToUCNJk2 Whitby Lions Wayne Turcoate, NRyalRreeck Head coach Marty Gallas is pleased with the team's play so early in the season. Erie Chan won five events and led the Whitby Iroquois Swim Club to a third-place finish amnong 15 teains at the. central region D chaznpionships ini Rich- mond Hill May 7-8. Chan competing in the age 8 and unâer boys division, alsolxad a second-place finish and was high point trophy winner at the meet. Marcus Wilson won the 50- metre breastatroke for boys aged 9 and 10, Jennifer Montgomery won the 5Q-metre freestyle for girls aged Il and 12 and Jaime Nemeth won the 5O0m backstroke for girls aged 9and 10. Nemeth was highb point run- ner-up, as she aléo had three »Snd-place finshes. Brennais"éo Gekuuad MaK SimenSoe.dliowuM Zsoh Gmue Kyle 9OBme Adun Serti 3 MoÉttlisCwrl Mils Hiey Brakohirile DA11 Jared MlerS8 15 Jeff Larh3 Coa"ae MoUue Elotri Cam Vonswobke3 DerekMoTemge 3 H3 RoughIeV Kyle Parasuz 5 Kyle Musmai 2 Puai Barrat Brod Tuchuk oaviw OM Zah mer2 6 Adn Beti 2 Kyle 0'Brlen May 7 Whitby Rolary S Rlcky Frendocun" o3 TrarorA-hiiun B. wlban 3 Mac Jackson CcaS à Weeks 12 KeVM ompd 3 RyaniCocker3 1Tommny Waldak 2 lichoke Cater 2 DomiSelon Lua Cauan 3 May 6 Play Uk Aguin S A. Hmndetun 3 P. Molhone 2 C. Baycs 4 A. Wason Marigod LIrou M. Denpoy 3 2 A. Dymori3 R. Keir 2 C. Thbademi May 3 Pay m Agan S. C. Boyce 2 P. Mlhons2 A. Henderson a Biwa Whltby Opkniits 2 J. Fox J. provenzac 7 MoTeegusEbaluo 2 Cern Vonsaihob z4 2 H3Romqhley KY@ Peowlaz 2 Brad T"s*uk Pol Bardtt JonothaODerNad 8 BrooaidrPdnle GA Jeod Mile 8h.. Sergent Coin Bake 0 Brookin Kinsmen John PImm2 Brennan H&IBy 2 Aaron Moaiure 2 Mi"cHamo Justin S.ur S Whitby Lioms Wayne Turctte 2 AMJOR TYKE CR08 Construction lai Cruhley 2 Bradon KIGmble 2 Soali Lason Kyi@ Dougla 2Lany Sulivan Mathew Ash Josh ODea Shai. Taylor MNOR TYKE 7 Whitby Opirmiste J. Fox 2 T. Caime T. Duzan g Steves LaidSaq>ng J. rlrd A. Fac J. Arrnstiong J. Nemw 6 Marigod Lincoln A. Dyment 2 D. Dempoy 2 2 Steves tadocaplng A. Jahnstan 3 C. Wood 3 J. Armstrong 3 J. Nemil A. Fac Catharines, Guelph, Burlington, Beaches and Bramnpton. The firat set of gaines were ini St. Catharines over the weekend.L Oshawa defeat.d St. Catharines 15-5 and Burlington 15-3. The rnidgets wlll pla" fot only in tournaments against their ownagegropbut in zone play (box lacroms) against older intermediate teams. This weekend at the. Oshawa Civic Field, the Oshawa Blue Knights field team will be playing two leagLie gaines against Haimiton and Guelph. Durwham CO-OP basebal league May 15 OshWa Cr"ekvs. Bowmfmnile Volley railcut Ro»"sn Ridge 10 Consderglon 4 Norfth.Casuaes 12 OrmndW ods I 7 Pr Cr. bidopmnot 17 Omiond Woods 2 6 Notiew 3 il Eust Whlty 7 Pr. Cr. Pirat 16 OtteCreek2 10 Faer Laulor vs. Nodarttl I (rainaut M«MalodDlgger 15 WlcwVWolvdries2 Oshawa Voley vsa. Mow Park 1 (raIout Athoi Green 13 08erreek 1 12 Pr. CL. Ray Ent. 7 Wlhm Pak O Whitby fgure club PASSES ON TEST DAY. MAYSI DANCE VANATION Saah Cook MiraidaGregoirs BRONZE RHYTHM DANCE Sweh Caok Jason Colier PREUIUNARY DANCES Duleh Waftz Leura Debawcky Melssa Annme Andrur tioholes Memhai Hanse Camai. Tang. Carolyn Fieroo 1taurs Deboav Ancfr NichaIs C"!diGravelle Koe sSinger eabyBunes Carolyn Pieras Rachel Matin Caidi Gravelle Chrieina Janiono Andrew Nchais JUNIOR BRONZE DANCES Swbig Dance Mchelle Galoi Efin Laiteit Fleet* Tango Stacey Cussidy Heother Cha.bess Heother Houston W 1mow W.IM Edn CorluJm Jennier Peaison CaiiasBradbury Amy Laitb Lindsay Porter Erin Challenger SENIOR BRONZE DANCES Ton-Fox Anne Rogers Samaztha Muir Fouwloent.p Cheryl -looer Vaneesa Munroe Amnanda Meek Allona Cowcaella Ewropean Wout Amaida Mesi JUNIOR SILVER DANCES KetaFoxtrot afsJoase Armrcan Waltz Lisa Coedy Kalie Jons Rocker Foxtrot Lua Coedy SILVER UILVER DANCES SudaalhtWaft kotie Soldu EdnSeegmn owDaiwGogîo Trcyttle (Pott HWo) NiaolsLdande 00W DANCE$ Vieneile Wftz Mirancla Gregaire ARTBTICS 91,0101 Edn Cameron Shannon Bousma Juawta Baiçe Ntole Morgan FREE SIKATES prou «!Y Kori Pucluin Erin Challeger Heelher Houston Lyndsay Porter Andrea Accardo Jiaier Bronze Llndsay Moinney AhRas Caaella Vanessa Murvo - Pt. 2 Sarah Cook - PI. 1 FIGURES pr.o*.Iry Christina Jaisen Caidi Grave. Andmow Mcbolas Jacqueine Wekh Lindsay Arnstrong Cwrolyn Pierce Kendra Rood Jessica Taylor Kae halleruger Jenna Bois bah Keri Fuel Lyndsalr Porter Canios eBradbury Kori Pucluin MelanieAunger Molua Dorrçstor Anne Rogers Amry Lait Erin Challenger ErinCorkwn - P. TNird Lori Rcca Fourth Noai. Morgan Krity WhÎitock Enin Cameron Angola Horsiord Daraila DiGvorgio - Pt.2 L J *. aie va ceses S S W* 5*4 a' r.r,*rS.'rt~~ ,.,~. .~'<*.%. ~ - ..~t *¾ Whitby rouer club lff PROVINCIAL CHAMPIOMMIPS WURUNGTON, MAY 14 & 0 SEMOR EVENTS Jaifer Mulgrow .ver s$. "Ilwo figures JUNOR EVENTS ReboocaWoodhouoe Pi&j d.de= f 9ures"ailfr eset yle oilm e- ladies' frestyl. ELEMENTARY EVENTS ecmMv e Level i1solodanc. brone - figures, caps "i freestyle Andrea McCron 4th - figures Md - freegyle Oth -loaps NOVICE EVENTS Jennifer CaukwelI brone - Levali1 solo daim 4th - figures, open la"e' caps Above sWoero quilfy to oopot in notiono chasrplonohm In July. JUI40R OLYMPIC EVENTS LEVEL lIA Mabtin moCron gold -figures. LsvsI %. oo danc. LEVEL IA KrWen Nakamura gaiS - figures. freestylo oew - solo 1 -o S"atdAiwI olive - freesyle brone - figure, solo dance 1 1 df t Id ge s e ea o er opponen s- 1