- --- --~---------------w-- -~-~~--------.- - - I Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 1, 1994 Baksbig ike route includes Oýà Whitby The world's largest bike will ride Whitby streets on June 20. The bike is part of a nationwide event to celebrate the Royal Bank's 125th anniversary by raising xnoney for Easter Seals, an organization serving eilîdren with disabitities acroos Canada. The bike, which seats 34, will visit Whitby on Monday, June 20 as part of t he cross-Canada Royal Bank Rides for Easter Seals Thorides began on Ma St. John's, NfldL, and wilf place in more than communities, ending Vancouver on Aug. 27. 7 in take 125 in About 10,000 riders are expected te maise more than $1.25 million for Easter Seals during the rides. The program je fully funded by Royal Bank, and alIpoced will helpîý children with phyical Aiabilities in the communities ini which the money was raised. There will1 be a total of -four rides in Whitby - 128 riders are exrtd te, raise $16,000. Each rid wiIl last approximately 20 te 30 minutes. Riders will raise money by being sponsored for their ride. Each rider commits to, a minimum $125 sponsorship, although in previous rides, some people have raised several thousands of dollars. The rides in Whitby will begin at the Whitby Plaza and travel north and south through downtown. Ken McLjean, area manager, Royal Bankç, said the bank is involved in the rides as its ijor 125th anniversary activity. Royal Bank was founded in HIahiax, N.S., in 1869. 'We wanted to clebrate our milestone birthday in a way that would enable us to have fun and benefit the community at the sanie time," said McLjean. "And b raiuing nioney for the many cIldren helped by Buster Seals, we feel that we are able to say thank you te the communities acros Canada that have supported us for 125 years." Those interested in taking part i the rides can contact Judy Cogo or JilI Genereaux at 668-9358. Magritte 's Srreal images tbe shw Works by one of the most original painters of the 2th cen- tury wil be on display at The Station Gallery from J une 4 to Juegian painter Rene Magritte's Surre gialist images in- cude a man's face hidden behind an apple, a rock floating in the sky, or two feet transformned into shoes -- and these have been reproduoed on posters, T-shirts and greeting cards. The exhibition by Magritte (1898-1967) focuses on his oni- gin ality and the broadr context of Surrealiet im agery. His images depict the chance encounters experienced only in dreams when disparate everyday objects corne together in fantasti- cal ways. In his 1959 painting, 'L'Anni- versaire,' a large boulder comes to, rest in an unfurnished room overlooking the sea -- accepted notions of reality are upset by this apparently impossible occur- rence. The exhibition is organized and circulated by the Art Gallery of Ontario. Also on display in June will be Normnan Rajotte's photographe of unconventional landscavas. In the rich images shot by Quebec photographer, thick underbrush light-streaked clear- inga, dense foliage, twisted tree trunks and patterned rocks reveal themselves, under close examination, as insidious, inper- ceptible and mysterious forces. SIGN UP NOW FOR NEW SUMMER CAMP theatre arts while developing) ~:poise, confidence, creativity 2 and making new friends. WIIEN - Summer sessions n REGISTRATION Monday,,June l3th from 6:3Opm-8:30prr at the YMCA Building (attached to St. Marguerite d'Youville Sehool) 250 Michael Blvd., Whitby Directors: Bernard Beales, Edmond Dixon, and Lorraine Lloyd are our qualified teachers with over sixty years combined experience. N i -on &lie works to be shown at the gallery areý excerpts from an ongoing senies 'In forgotten cor- 'Stepping Out,' a recent Whitby Courthouse Theatre pro- duction, wiIl be presented at the Oshawa Little Theatre on June 17 and 18, 8 p.m. Directed by Bert Heaver, the musical comedy will again be presented as a fundraising event. Written by Richard Harris, the play is about a group of «older» tap dance students, their instruc- tor and pianist, fîrst in rehearsal for a talent show contest and the haIt pitLtd. Pub & Restaurant STANLEY CUP ON THE BIG SCREEN - 10WINGS - Sunday Night -> 9 pm - 1 arn JAM NIGHT with Andrew Heathcote Friday, June 3rd & Saturday, June 4th LiY ners, remembrance of quiet gode,' that ýajotte began in 1983. The exhibition is organized then the actual performance. Cathy Bate is choreographer and D'Arcy Smyth is producer. Cast members inlude Cathy Bevis, Jim Renshaw, Carol tho- mas, Dana-Lynn wood, Jennifer oston, Tina Robinson Marion Coltrnan, Liola Limeback and Ev McKenzie. Tickets, for $10, are available at Saywell's Bookstore, 14.Sim- coe St. S., Oshawa. Big band at mall's 25th An 18-piece orchestra will per- form at the Whitby MaIl on Friday night. The performance b y the 'Endangered Speies Big Band" le part of the mall's 25th annivers- ary celebration that includes a midnight madness sale. and circulated by the Canadian Musewm of Contemporary Photo- graphy in Ottawa. 0 High grades for dancers Twenty-one members of a Whitby dance studio earned grades of 'distinction' in ballet in the Royal Academy of Dancing examinations held recently. Thirty-seven members of the Studio of Dance and Performing Arts received 'menit' grades. In intermediate majors, one mem- ber was commen ded in the inter- mediate class and another ear- ned a 'pass plus.! In the Imperial Society of Tea- chers of Dancing examinations aise held semi-annually at the studio, 20 of the Whitby.studio dancers earned honours in tap and modern dance. Twenty-two members were highly commended, 27 were com- mended and seven had 'pase plus.! In jazz dance, 14 passed with spcal menit and nine passed withimerit. HISTORICAL FEATURE Wbitby Free Press 1. What native of Whitby was the f irst sharehoider in Toronto's Mapie Leaf Gardens Mhen ft was bujit in 1931 ? 2. What disaster occurred on the CPR tracks at Hickory Street on Nov. 2,1916? 3. Why was the Brookiin Miii butit of brick, a rare and «xpensive form of construction when it was erected in 1848? 4. There is a carved face over the front door of the old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (now a Serbian Church) at Byron and St. John streets. Whose face is it? Answers on Page 14 This feature provided by 288 Afon d.aPceg Cai 905>T472-308 îsraos&mYnmf 'Stepping Out' to be staged i'n Oshawa L-