I r h 'i ONE PARENT FAMILIES> The. Oshawa chapter of the One Parent Family Associationi wîll hoi a general meeting on éTfisday, june 7, 8 p.m, at the Coan Cultural Club 432 Simn- coe St. S., Oshawa. ý?or more information cali Doug at 728- 1011. O1EN HOUSE The. Multiple Scierosis Society, Durham Chapter, will hold an open house Wednesday, June 8, 1 te 4 p.m., at the. new location, 375 F'lniey Ave., suite 102, Ajax, telephone 686-1801. Refresh- monts. SUPPORT bMEETING The Durhami Region Chapter Paricinson Foundation will hold a monthl! support meeting and pt-luck dinner on Monday, June 6, et 7:30 p.m., St. Mark's Church, Whitby.For more information, ci 430-8475 or 666-8576.., FUN PAIR The EA Feirinan Public Sehool fun fair, with a barbecue, gaines, pony rides, bake table and more, wiIl b. held Thursday, Julne 9, 6 to 8:30 pm., at the. corner of Walnut an d Cochrane streets, whitby. WALK-A-DOG-ATHON The Ani mal Guardian Society (Tace) wiil hold its'third annuai walk-a-dog-athon, Sunday, June 5, 9:30 a.m., et Heber Down Conservation Area, Taunton and Country Lane ruade, Whitby. Free refreshments and prizes. Pledge forme available at local Çe t food stors and vet hospitals. .Z more information, cal 263-TACS. CESAREAN SUPPORT The. Cesarean Prevention, Support and Education Croup of Durham Rtegion will hold a meeting on Monday, June 6, at 7:30 p.m., at 15 Irwin Dr., Whitby. Topic of discussion wili be 'After your VBAC' For information, cali Mm et 666-9421. 23RD ANN1[VERSARY The Whitby Friendly AI-Ânon Group invites you te, attend their 23rd anniversary on Tuesday, June 7, et 8 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Ail Ai-Ânon, Alateen and AA speakers welcomne. GENEALO.GICAL SOCIETY The. Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society wili meet Tuesday, June 7, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street Hligh School cafeteria. Geneakigist J. Brian Cilchrist will diseuse the family tree. Admission is fre.. Ail are welcome. For more information, cail 683-2476 or 723-7460. LAWN BOWLING The Whitby Lawn Bowling Club .welcomesi new members. Free- Instruction le offened Mon- day afternoons and evenings et the club on Brock Street South. For more information, caîl 668- 4366. SPiNA BFD A Thureday, June 2, noon te 1:30 p.m., at Whltby Pro. Methodist Church, 1916 Rowland Rd. E. Dr. John Senn of the. Clinical Ethica Centre, Sunnybrook HeaIth Science Centre, will diseuse ethice and euthanasie. Lunch is $5 per peraon. To register, cail the Hosice office at 435-5242. THE WHITBY-BASED Durham Region branch of St. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses of Ontario held various activities during May to mark the branch's fifth anniversary and care for more than 1,000 clients. Shown at a display at Whitby General Hospital are (rom left) St. Elizabeth nurse Heather Smith, hospital staff education coordinator SAVE-A-LIFE Durham Save-A-Lif, offers car- diopulmonary resuscitation. training courses (basic rescuer, basic recertification and infant/ chld) iocaily. Celi 683-1041 for more information. FUN PAIR A Barbecue Fun Fair will be held et Clen Diiu Public School, 29 Feliingbrook St., teday (Wed- nesday), 5 te 8 p.m. There wili be games, dunk machine, fish pond, mini-putt, white elephant sale, craft and bake tables, hamburgs and hot doge in the Fun Fair, organized by school staff. Pro- ceeds go te school projects. ALZBEMER EETING The. Alzheimer Society of Durhami Region will hold the annuel generai meeting Monday, June 6, beginning at 11:30 e.m., et Wbitby Psychiatric Hospital, building 30 auditorium. Heèlen Henderuon, assistant editer of the Life section of the Toronto Star and witer of the column Age of Roason, will b. guont speaker. Lunch is $10 per person. For more information or te reserve a space, eaH 576-2567. SCHOOL CONCERTS lh. Parent School Comrnunity Association of Kathleen Rowe Memoniai Public School wili host two concerts fieetuing children'a enterteiner Eric Nag1er on Sunday, June 12. Performances are et 1 pmn. and 3:.30 p. Tickets are $8 per person and are eveilahie in Whitby et McCullougli Jewellere, 380 Brock St. S., Creative Fun for Little Ones, 1801 Dundes St. E. and et the. achool, 1125 Athol St. GAItGAGE AND BKESALE Avicare Bird Rehabilitation Centre, staff of the Wild Bird Nature Shop and merchanta of Thornten Centre will hold their second annuel garage sale Saturday, June 4, 9 to 4 p.m., 850 King St. W, Oshawa. Proceeds will aid the work of Avicare in the car. of wild birds in Durham Region. A bako sale will b. beld by the Ebenezer United Church Wromen. Donations and use of tables appreciated. For information, calI 723-9611 or 428-2439. Maureen Gmitrowicz and St. Elizabeth nurse Marne Dixon. The St. Elizabeth's branch is a partner with Med-Chem Laboratories Ltd. A Closer Look Inc. and MCTU Diagnostics Ltd. in the newly for- med Community Diagnostic Care that pro- vides home health care. Photo by Mike Kowalski, Whitby Free Press SUPPORT GROUP MEETING The Invisible Disability Support Croup will hold a meeting Tuesday, June 7. et 7 p.m., et 947 Adelede St. E., Oshawa. This meeting is for parents of children with ADD, ADHD, special, emotional or behavioral problenis. Ail welcome. For information, eall Mary Lou et 623-5414, Karen 623-6490 or Nancy 436-7706. ..p ilepsy; Parents Support Coup will meet on Thursdey, Jun. 9, 7 p.m. For more informa- tion, inciuding location of meet- ing, eaul Diane et 683-4070. LUPUS SUPPORT The Ontario Lupus Association will hold e support meeting Thursday, June 2, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., at Faith Place, arts and crefte room, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. The topic la 'Reacbing emnotional ecceptance cf chromec fines. for patient and farnily members,' and a video wiil b. shown by Sean Hogan-Downey. For more information, cal Lirn et 623-2765. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Canadien Mental Health Association/Durham will hold their 34th annuel general meeting June 2Z 7 p.m., et the. Michael Starr Building (ground floor conference centre) 33 King St. W., Oshawa. Cuest speaker will b. cereer transition consultant, Arlie Bayan of Minacs & Associaties. Toé reserve a space calIMarie et 436-8760. PARKINSON Tii. Dunrham Region chepter of the Parkinson Foundation of Canada will meet on Mondafr, June 6, 7:30 p.m., et St. Marks United Chuncli, Whitb. For more information eall 430-8475 or 666-8576. - N«RCAWS YMCA Children'e Servies wiil present 1'Summer Camp 1994. A registration fair wiil b. held Saturday, June 4, 9:30 a.m to 4 pan, et Pickering Town Contre. For further information regarding upconung open houses, aeitrmtion faire or a brochure, cal883-9870 or 1-800-8024. FUN PAIR A Fun Pair wili b. held et Ormiston Public School, Forest Heights Drive, Whitby on Thurs- day, June 9, 6 te 9 p.m. GNA METING The Gerontelogical Nursing Association will hold a general meeting on Monday, June 6, et 7 p.m., et the. Ubnidge Health Car. Centre, 130 Reech Rd., Uxbnidge. Cuest speaker will b. pharmacist Marlene Lovinsky, telking about drugs and the elderly. For information, cali Sandre Clark et 668-5851 or Mary Kulich et 668-1777. AQUARIUM SOCIETY The. Durham Regional Aquarium Society wili meet TuesdeyJune 7,,7:30 p.m., at RS.McLaughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. (south of Rossiand 'Road), Oshawa. Ail are weicomne. Admsson is free. For more information, cail Jim Brown et 655-5853or l'y Fisher et 831-0940. FUNDRAISING Durham Free-NetbInc, lies launchod a fundraising campaign te complote the. test phase of establishing a Free-Net in uriham Region. Letters have been sent te lewyers and accountants in the. region. There will b. a mailing ech week until ail groupe have been canvessed. The. Onterlo governinent just approved a notice of intent that will provide matching funda on a doilar-per-doilar basis. Prelimi- nary estimetes put the. cou of the. project et $320,000. For more information, contact John Norman et 668-2889. Send donations te Durham Free-Net Inc., Box SU8, Whitby, Ont. LiN 581. FIRST AID Courses in firet aid and cardio- pulmonary resuscitation will b. offered by the. Durhami Collee Continuous Learning Division sterting tuis month and next. Caîl 721-3052 for more informa- tion. DOGTHEWP St. John Ambulance '.e!s established a dogf therapy pro- ram. Cali 434-7800 for more information. hNon pofit commun gryoupe whlch are d in Whitby or have a Mm isubstantial WhItby membershlp May place their page at no cout. Pfo a t pm. mOý WALKATHON T1%. Saivation Army Whitby Citadel wili hold the Fuda rc Food Walkathon'94 on Saturday, June 11, the lO-kilometre event te start and end at Iroquois Park. for more information, in- cluding how to receive piedge sheets, cail Eric Watkins or Mat- thew Bennett-Monty at 430- 3454. Whilby Fre. Prou, Wednsdy, june 1, 1994, PaQe 21 't'Il e D-DAY PARADE !Whitby Branch 112 of the ai Canadian Legion wfli hold -Dyparad and cenotaph service on Sunday, June 5, 1:30 p.m. Ail welcome. For more infor- mation cail Jim at 668-0330. BLE BELAY A teain of international rumnr on a cross-Canadareiay to raies Bible awarene wi2 arrive in Whithy on Saturday, June 4. Runnere wiil b. groet.d by Mayor Tom Edwarde at 4 pa. at the Whitby Mail. At 7 p.m., a rally wiil b. heid at Wib Christian Auembljr 100 Rosin Rd. W., corner o rock Street. For more information, or to join the run, cail 666-2556. FUN FAIR The second annuai Fun Fair wili be heid at Col. J.E. Farewell Public School, 810 McQuay Blvd., Whitby on Thursday, Juno '2, 5:30 te 8:30 p.m. There wili b. a barbecue, dunk tank, 'Star Room,' maze, face-painting games and prizes. Ail proceeda go te echool projects. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club wil meet on Tuesday, June 7, 7 te 9 p.m., in the cafeteria at ONeill CVI, Oshawa. stamps, posteards and cover collections can b. exchanged appraised or soid at auction. Por more information cali John at 725-7962. KNITIrERS' GUILD The Machine Knitters Guild wili meet Tuesday, June 7, at 7 p.m., at 625 Simco. St. N., Oshawa with a demonstration featuring a ladies' summer. top and how to do a ruched aitch as applied te a tuck, For more information cail Eunice at 725-3889. SPANISH PRORAM The. Durham Board or Education, in co-operation with the Spanish Canadien Cultural Society, will offer, et no cost, th. SUMmner Spanish heritage ;an1 uge prg-a- at Glen Dhu Publ iéc'Sl, Whitby. The progran is18 intended for eiementary students. No Spanish language experience lu required. Dailyaà ctivities include pinatas and vocabulaly gaines. Arts and crafts, songe à nd dances. Festive costumes celebrations, picmics and other outdoors activities are pianned as well. Enrolment wil taePlace June 14 and 21, fromn 7 te 8 p.m., at Henry Street High &hool, Wbitby. For information, cal Mica Arnold at 905-579-2334 FUN FAIR Club Carib o f Oshawa inc. wil offer a siunmer enrichment pro- gram for students in grades 3 and 4 in math, reading and writing, Juiy and August. Regiet- ration wîll be on Saturday, June 4 and 11, 1 te 3pm. at the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. The. cost 'le $120 for 36 hours of instruction by qualified teachers. For more infiormation eaul 666- 5011. CCAANNUAir ALPqmEING