Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1994, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, June 1, 1994 IfITrono ShIIPIA UV COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDIFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2439 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTING TRAVEL and TOURUSM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS DETA Chv' HA rii R-SIDlE SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL9 DENTAL9 BOOKKEEPING9 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST9 WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May ge A vallable AS AOUeUR IH CURE 2 Campuses in Durham O.SHAWA CENTRE 723-1163 $475WNro WEEKLY. Homeworlcers needed ta make styiish beaded earrings, year round, at home. Inf. send a "self -addressed stamped enivebope ta ACCEX CRAFT 829 Norwsst Rd., Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston, Ontario KWP 2N3. $200 - $500 WEEKLYI Assembie rrodctsat home. Easy, no selling. ouropad direct.. Fly guaranteed. No experience nec.ssary. Cal 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. RE11RED COUPLE required for set up & dlean up for conference & banquet hall. Must have flexble hours. Cali Catherine Wood at 668-3136. PART-MlME LUNCH HELP needed from 1'l :3Oamn - 1 30pm, Monday ta Friday. Apply in persan only. Mr. Submnarine, Dundas & Anderson. NO PHONE CAILS. IF YOU HAVE 2 years experience in a retail store & can work 20 hours/week part time, oeil naw 655-8613 Brad. MTUST - progressive local salon seeks experienced styiist 'with professionalism, creativity and has acoemmitted attitude. Our salon offers incentive packages, upgrading education and a personai atmosphere for your clientele. Send resumè to 1B-701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby Ontario Li N 8Y9. PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fan Rd&> 420-1344 GIRLS WANTED from Canada, between 7-19, ta compote in this ye ar's 2nd annual 1994 Toronto Pageants. Over $20,000.00 in prizes & scholarshlps. Cali taday 1 -800-PAGEANT, ext. 7464 (1-800-724-3268). EARN UP TO $340/WEEK ta assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Wor avilaleacross Canada. For more info., send a self- addressed slamped envelope ta Maguce Christmas - 2212 Gladwin Cr., Unit D-2, ext. 353, Ottawa. Ontario Ki1B 5N 1. ALASKA JOS! Earn up ta $30,000 in 3 manths fshing salmon. Atso construction, can- nerles, ail f ields, plus morel For mmedlae response, Cail 1-504-646-4513, ext. Ki142. 24 hrs. WAITERSI'AITRESSES wanted for restau rant/nightclub. Cati Franco 666-8657. PERSON WANTED ta deliver brochures every three weeks on these streets: Silverbirch, Forest Heights, Deverali,. Falstaff, Foster, lntrepid, William Stephenson, Pickersgill, Overiord. Cati 668-2226. OUT OF WORK ? Need cash? Why don't you run your awn business 8 b. your own boss? Cali Lone Ahmad for details ai 666-9539. REVOLU11ONARY home mailing poram that pays you fast profits tWo00 wys. Rush S.A.S.E. with $2 ta: Rick Misterowicz, 1404 Westney Road North, Ajax, Ontario Li S 4S7. HEALTHY & WEALTHY NOWI Catch a company about ta expiodel Local & international. Please cali 1-800-661-6324. AITDITION MOMS - give yourself the greateslgift of all-becomnean educational consultant with Dscovery Toys. For more infonnation oeil 668-2226. ILEÉcote FrançaiseI smali classes or private tutoring Cal Jacques at 666-0993 DRUM LESSONS SHOULD BE FUNI Lessans at your home, geared toastudent's individui roqulrements. Beginners or experienced. Sticks and brushes. 2years expenience. Member in gead standing cf Toronto uMan's Assocation. 430-2075. EXPERIENCED medical secretary avaîlabie full or part lime, excellent references. dictaphone, medicat transcription, can aiso b. done at home on Wordperfect. Cati Olive at 905-985-4639. CUBE VAN 15" for hire with one or two men. Househoid or commercial moves, short or long distance. Phone 433-0775. DRY WALL & FRAMING. Complote residential & commercial renovations. Taplng & textured colings. Cail Dieter for a free estimate, 430-1207. PAINTING, INTERIOR/EXTEROR. Best prices on garage doors. Top q ualfty Canadian paints. Cati 666-0171. FOR ALL YOUR VIt4YL & leather rearnoeds. Pool liners, cars, ousehold, boats, restaurant. Cati Dan at Speedy Vinyl 728-5730 or 1-000-FIXRIPS. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson Lanes. Corne se. me for ail your sewing needs. Tues. - Fr1. 10- 5:30, Sat. 1 - 3.430-6550. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and ropair' on draperies. Affordabie prices. For your free ln-home shopping and estimate oel -42--1714. Customer's fabrios are weicome. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Alil kinds af recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Free estimrates. Over 40 y earsy experience. 430-7568, hitby. TREE CUTflNG & TRIMMINO. Fully insured. Free estimates. 433'-7140. UCENSED TECHNICIAN ai Erro's Aplin Repair. W. rearal1,major pliacs lncludinXgas appliances. PW. u usedl 1parts guaranteed one year. Monday ta Saturday, 432-7734. FURNUTURE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Speciaizing ln Early Canadian Reproductions, Armoires and Entertalnment Centres. Over 15 years experlence. Quality workmanship guarante. References suppiied. For a free quotation oeil Gary at 666-1913. L OSAWA Q) DRIVINC Q CH-OOL 0 72 KigSLE. SukIs#301 Osua*728-0091 Fuit Drivers Education Courses JUNE 14TH Tuesday & Thursday 4 week course June 27th Moniday - Thbursday 4 day course *PRIVA TE LESSONS- REGISTERED & APPROVED 8V THE ONTAF40 SAFETY LEAGUE PROFESSIONAL HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES. Why flot let us lree up your timeO, add hours ta your day. Just oelilta arrange an appaintment. Reasonable rates, prft9essionai service. Cai Sue 579-6266. PAINTING - professional painting & wailpapenng. Interior/exterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too smali. For good price & good work catI George et 725-7870. Free estimate. FUIGHT INSTRUCTOR COURSE C150, $4,158. Also availabte: pflvate $4,014; commercial $5,680; instrument $2,590. Tacata Airways Ltd., Greenbank, 668-1186 or 905-985-7683. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewln machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount., Compote uneup from $29.95- + art Fato raned techniclans. ~or free pi-up & delivery cal! 432-7375. WORD PROCESSING, spreadsheets, fast, accurate essaye, resumres, reports, photocopylng services. Pick-up & detivery availabie. *(905) 686-1072. GOT ACHES & PAINS? Poor circulation? Stressed oui? Fatigued? Try refiexoiogy. A drug free therapy iFor an appointment oeIl JefiHannon, Certified Reflexoiogist (Aizner method) 905- 666-9493. MASONRY, CHIMNEY REPAIR, concrets paths/steps, waterproofing/Ieaks, interlocking stan., great rates. Free estimates. Cati 666-0171. PlLUMBING SERVICE, repair, renavations, plugged drains, appliance istallations. Fuy licenced. Cail 666-1913 or tai-f res pager 1-416-550-0913. PROFESSIONAL nial technoein. Payiclisnaturai iokxk Manicure, 49icr. Jo hairdresser avaiiable. acrlic nge& perme. Calih ast 25-7870. Annversarles For Remi Announcoments Garge & Yard Sales Anitques, Art & Colledtibes Happy Ads Apaflmerts for Rent Help Wanted Appliarroes Homes for Reni Aricles for Sale Homes for Sale Ars/Craft&'Hobbies ln Memoriam Audtions Insurance Aulos/Ti'uclrs for Sale Lanclecaprng SeMces Bîrths Legal Boals & Supplies Lost & Found Buildings LosCotages Business Opprtunities Mlestones Business Servces Morigages Cail a Prolessional Mol orcycles/R s Card of Tlianks Personals Careers Personal Services Child Cars Services Pets/Livestock & Suppies Coming Events Real Estale Commercial Space Residential Servces for Rent or Satie Rooms for Renil Dance Instruction Shared Accommodation Deahs Slorage Educational Services Tender Employmerit Wanred Thanks Farmis/Acreage Training Services Farm Supples TraveVVacarions DUHA Large selection of fine quality printing papers for A copying (wite & cws) A envelopes A sttoney, flyers, etc. A pimse"tion folders ALTo me suppiypràinLki & chemicaLi corrugaW dcmrons etc and oLer sqoipies LO ES P IE 1621 McEwen Dr. #11 Whilby, Ont 721-83938à

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