Whitby Free Press, 1 Jun 1994, p. 31

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Whl1hy Fie. Pies, Wckesday, Jurie 1,1994,Page 31 77' Program Regîstratom! Be one Of the firet on June 13! SummeLEUinesra and SummerSwimmlng program registration at the Whltby Clvlc R ecreation Complex and Anne Ottenbrite Pool at Iroquois Park Recreation Complux begins June 13, 1994.Cal 666-1991 for details. Donl t miss this opportunity to enrol program of your choice. in the Fitness Pass On Sale June 1, 1994! Once again we're offering the Fit Pass months of July, August and Septemiber. for the The $100.00 Fit Pass entiles you to 3 mionths of fitness or aquafit classes, any time, any day, any program. Get yr Fit Pass early and commit to glet - ft Dont miss your opprtunity, classes fi11 quickly. You can call us at 666-1i991. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING «MONDAY, JUNE 209,1994 @ 8:15 P.M. Meeting Hall,Whltby Municipal Building 575 Rosslarîd Road East -Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wviIl be held by the Planning and Develepment Committe. cf Council cf th. corporation cf 1h. TowncfWibb consider concren plications te amend th. Whitby ffcaIan and Zoning B-law1784 (File Nos. OPA 94-W/2 and Z-720-94). as submnitted by Invar Industrie Umiled. The subject property is located in Part of Lot 20, Broken Front Concession, in the sotitheat quadrant of lbickson Road and Hghway No. 401, as indcated on the sketch below. The purpose cf the application is te permit retail warehousing uses, with a maximum grass leasable area cf 23,225 square melres (250,000O-sq. ft.). 0f the total gruss leasable area Droposed, the applicant preposes that 17.650 sq. m. (190,000 sq. t.) be divided into smafler building andior unit sizes, but with a minimum cf 2,000 sq. m. (:22,000 sq. ft.). The remnaining 5,575 sq. M. (60,000 sq. fi) Iheapplicant is proposing to e b.divded mbt buildng and/or unit size smailer than 2000 sq. m. (22,000 sq. f.). The pupoe cf this meeting i s b provide adequate information te the public and te permit int.rest.d persons the opportunity to make represenitation in respect cf the Officali Plan Amendrment and Rezoning applications. If you are unable te attend 1h. meeting, your representation can bu flled in wrnting bymail or personal delivery te meach the Planning Department net later than regular wcrkirg heurs on June 17, 1994. Inter.sted persons may *npc addltional information relating te the above application in t:heanin Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Il N 2MB during regular wodking heur, Monday Ioe cay or may contact th. Planning Depailmenit by ephoning (90) 668-5803. R013ERT B. MHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY,JUNE 20,1994 0 8:0OPM. Meeting Hall Whitby Municipal Bulding 575 Flossland Road ast SWhitby, Ontatrio A Public Meeting will bu held by the Planning and Development Committe. of Council cf the Corporation cf the Town of Whitby te consider a general amendm.nîte the parent ZoninQ By-laws 2585 and 1784 for dh. purpos. cf amending the definition cf a place cf entertanment te incorporate th. use cf a binge hall and te permit the yueof a p lace cf entertainm.nt within the eMlA inustria1 zones of By-laws 2585 and 1784, as amended. Th. purpose cf this meeting ie te previde adequate Information te the public and bo permit lnterested persons the opportunity toi make representatien in respect cf the general amendmont to Zoning By-laws 2585 and 1784. If y u are unable te attend the meeting, your representation can be filed in writîng by mail or peronal deliveryte reach the Planning Department net later thrn regular wcrkîng heurs on June 27, 1994. lnterested persans may Inspeot additional information relating te the above application in the Planning Department, Level 7, Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Read East, Whitby, Ontanio, Li N 2MB, during regular working heurs, Menday te Friday or maycontact the Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-583 ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY,JUNE 20,1994 @& 7:45 P.M. Meeting HaiiWhitby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will be h.ld by the Planning and Development Committee cf Council cf the Corporation cf fthe Town cf Whitby te consider a rezoning appicto, as submitted by Pioneer Hospitality c., File No. 'Z72394 te Zoning By-law 25U5, as amended The subject property la located at the southeaat corner cf Consumers uDve and Paisley Court, Part cf Lot 25, Concession 1 as shown on the sketch below. The purpose of the rezening application is te permit the use of a a ar en the subject property as an exception te the present *C2« Highway Commercial zone. The purpose cf this meeting is te provide adequa. information te the public and te permit interested persans eh. pportunîty te make representation in respect cf the rezoning application. If y ou are unable te attend th. meeting, your representation can b.fied in writing by mail or personal d.livery te reach 1he Planning Department net later than regular working heurs on 'June 27, 1994. Interested persons may inspect additienal information reiatinci ta the above application in the Planning Department, Level Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rcad East, Whitby, Ontanio,LUN 2M8, during regular working heuris,- Monday ta Friday or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-5803. R013ERT B. iSHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING pii~ n iwi - n a g g dg DEPUTY CLERK TheC C orpron cft'eTownc o= b, as rolgand porsie cornmunity (poulation approxiaeoooO>ocaled 30mlles each of Toronto,,requires eplicants, for the abeve position. eMITON BMUAR: Thisia asenior management poslton reporting te the Clork. l.DeuyCrk î asslst in the performance cf ail statutory dutiescf4te office cf the Clerk; attend, and record meetings cf 1h. Counicîl and Its Standng Comnuttees lncludlng thetpepË3,atiof minutes; and assist in t" day to day operati6o f &eClr Department, includlng report preparation, maintenance cf officiai records, and the supervision and directio cf staff. QUAUE~AflM1: our weli developed communication aMids, ccupled wulh yor"noiîal expertise will ib. essentiel in the preparation cf wntten and verbal presentations, and deallng efféctively wfth the public on ail related !sues. This position aise highlights th. need for strong interpersonal skills in deaiing with bath management and unioized personnel. You wiIl require a minimum cf thmee (3) years exene at a responsible level ln a Clerks Department.- You shouîd hae an undergraduate degre. in elther public or business administration from a- recognized university, and possesa an A.M.C.T. designatiori or equivalent Salary subject te skills, ability and qualifcations. Please torward a detailed resumé indicating educatien, expenience. references, etc. prier te Frîday, June 24, 1994 te: Personnel Department Th. Corporation cf 1h. Town ef Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontaio Li N 2M8 Personal information submitted is collecthd under th. authonîty ef the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.4, and the Municipal Freedom et Information anid Protection cf Privacy Act, R.S.O. 199, c. M.56, and will bu used te determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: () Acnowldment MiI only be fcrwarded te those applicants who are lnvited for an interview. (2) Al altons received will b. classified as ýConfldentjaP PART-TIME FITNESS PROGRAMMER The Çorporatîon cf the Town of Whitby ia ajrrentiy seekinj uaifid anddaesfor the above position in the Parka POSITION SMAY Reportingto the Superviser of Sport& Ftnesa, the Fibiess Programmer is responsible for programme supnsi, fitness assessments, exercise presctiption and public relation n h.ftness centre. QUJALIFICATI~ONS: &raduate from a reoognuzed Post Secondary Institution in RecreationfFitness Centre Leadership or equivalenit combination of education and epnence; certification In C.P.R. Heart Saver, First Ald and Standrd Test cf Fîtnes Appraiser; must b. able to communicate oralty and in wrntten form in a clear and concise manner; and well-developed interpersonal and public relations skills. RATE OF PAY: $13.34 per heur. HOURS OF WORK: Rlex hours and rotating shiftworK, including weekends (maximum cf twenty-four (24) hours per week). Please forward a détaîled resumé indicating echjcation, expenience, references, etc. prior b Friday, June 10, 1994 te: Personnel Department The Corporation of the Tomrof Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WI-ITBY, Ontario Li N 2MB Personal information submitted is collected under the authority cf the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, and the Municipal Freedomn of Information and Protection cf Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, and will be used bo determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: We thank ail those persons who apply, but advise acknowledgment wiIl only be forwarded to Ifiose applicants who are invited f or an interview. 1994 FINAL TAX NOTICE The third instalment of taxes for 1994 is due and payable June 15, 1994. Taxes may b. paid at any Whitby bank without collection charges, or at the Municipal Office', 575 Rossîand Road East, Whitby Ontario. In addition, taxes may b. Paid by telephone through TD Bankine, Canada Trust Easy Lin, or CIBC Linkup. If you have net received a tax bill and you are respensible for payment, please contact 1he Tax Department ai 668-5803 to obtain fthe necessary information. If payment is not received by 1he due date, penalty will be added on the flrst day ef default and the first day cf each calendar menifi so long as non-payment continues, ai the rate cf 1-1/4% per mentfi, or part thereol. LYNN PIKE SU'ERVISOR 0F REVENUE

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