C o ýo p Educaion Whîtby re *Pressedy e8 94 aeC Conop strengthens career aspirations By Towi Thoi~*o Henry Street 1091 scopl Co-op lacement at Bah. Md mlinic My co-operative education placement.is à a*t Baker Animal Climic. MY title i. veterinarian assistant. I workeveryday,,frm8to 11:30 a.m.I started'in Fébruary and will end in June. I have thought about beconiing a veterinarian for as long as I can remernber, and workIng at Baker Animai Clinic has finalized my décision. I really en>oy the ciinic and am eager to learn as much as possible in the time rm there. I recommend.an y student who is unsure of their future to take co-o ratve education. exciting and remdarkable experionce for me. It will serve as a steppîng stone te university.th I iook forward te going te h clinic every morning, hoping te b. of assistance te my fellow workers. My duties include assisting in preparation for surgery, sterilizing surfical instruments, handling and walking the animais, develoing x-rays, examining feces, phoning clients By NéHty Leung Father.1Leo J. Austin Catholic seondary Sohool G aze uIwal cent"r At the end. of my Grade 10 year, I reaily had no idea of what te tako, do or choose. 1 know that xny school offered the cooperative education course, but I didn't think of it asa serious option. After hoaring CO-op teachers talk about the course, I was attractod te the idea of workcing during school time. Co-op is more than 'rnissing sehool,' it hoips undecided students see and experience the worid of work. MWy co-op placement is at Giazier Medical Centre. For the first haif of the yoar I worked as an x-ray assistant. One of the careers I was exposed te during my working period in the -x-ray department was radioiogy. There were a lot of fascinating things about that job. What I discovered about my exporionces is that I want to heip people. Currently, I work in the laboratory. It in a dull-lookinl place on the outside, but-onceI started workIng I found -the place bursting with information and anesthetlc. I then clean and sterilize the used surgical instruments. X-rays are usually taken« after surgery. I arn able to take x-rays and develop them. The remainder of the morng, I observe the animals sterilize surgical gowns anc1 drapes, clean t he main ewnmining room and do whatever other- tasks I arn assigned. So far, surgeries I have mmen include spays, castrations, mass removals, gland removals amnputations, cruciates ani exploratori os. When 1 first began at the climic, I was afraid that I might make sure ail the animais' naiis are clipped to an appropriate Wh Cen surgery is complete, I have been trained to hold the animals until they wake from the for heartworm testing and obsorving ail surgerios. When I arrive, I begin by weighing the animais and taking their temperatures in proparation for surgery. When tghe animais are ready I clean and storilizo the areas Ior surgicai cutting. It is also my responsibility to not be able te handle- observing surgeries, but I quickly overcaine my fears and now feel very comfortabie. Working at Baker Animal Clinic has strengthened My aspirations te a future career in veterinarian medicine. The clinic and ail its employees have made a substantiai impact on my decision. I can nover thank them enough. interesting things. I knew I wanted te get inte medicine, but I had no idea of al the options until I worked at Glazier. MY Co-op excperience has, really helpe me see thebroadorý> picture of medicine and narrowod my intereet inté a spcific category. EXOTUC ANIMALS ~. Taking Orders For 1994 Emu Chicks & Yearlings Top Genetics - Emu Since 1987 HLWITER FARUS (905) 655-3393 Emu Chicks Available Also Liamas Donkeys SEMINAR - JUNE 25/94 Jimmy Comner from Henry bt. Hugh School checks some computerized. identification files, in the forensic science department at the Durham Regional Police., PhMo by Sharm Stevenson, Woop studnt Andorson CVI Real (not T.V.) law By Kelly Jankovich Anderson CVI Cres C acement at Alxon, Victor, AleandrHayward and Mori.on My employer has talcen the time during his busy schedule to explain details, routines and how the legal systom operatos. Ho has taught discretion, professionalism and the import- ance that ail client matters are strictly confidential. I travel te court at times with r pcrwi Wavehouso hlm, hch gves me an undrstadinh gofi the -different tyesof courts and what each one han 8e. Ive had the privilege of' meeting' crown attorneys, other lawyers, and, the most encbuùragrng, judges who' are support ive of me sitting in on cases to listen and learn. The work prograni has afloWed me tu obtain a knowledge of law which I could flot have reoeived in a élassroom. I have been.able to see the rea]ity' in contrast' with how television portrtiys the law. OPEN -Mon1- Fr 1 Saturdlay 10-8 10 -6 1501 okn St., Whltby (905)430-8001 Fax 430-0795 ::c M Fimerou,~L P l l93 $oa. MoNo~~~~~iAdr CYI-Fl.9 Creg rmfrog A4orouC>.I,-~1l94 7' 64G4a4et c#4%a9G< m4u*4 CO*STEEL ,;* LASCO DV. support CON op oçkcutioni Helping students to gain confidence, develop responsibility and exiplore their ownfrontiers. K\INPEk CORNER DAY CARE THE VERV BEST FOR THE FORMATIVE VEARS 'W LICENSED 'W QUALIFIED TEACHERS 'W 'W FRENCH 'W COMPUTER AWARENESS 'W 'W ARTS AND CRAFTS 'W EXCURSIONS 'W 'W LARGE FULLY EQUIPPED PLAYGROUND r' 'W HOT MEALS AND SNACKS'W CALL 434-3636 FOR A TOUR Opportunity to explore many facete of medical- care ers DuPont Canada Whitby Site "Supprerof o-opEdse e * s CHURCHER'S AUTOMOTIVE 401 Dunlop St. E. at Peel, Whitby, Ontario Li N 1 S5 668-6342 "Proud supporter Of CO-OP education!" -11% , f 1 1 l> 6ý%.