Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 15, 1994 Warriors on a roil, take aim on 2nd Whitby Warriors moved dloser to second place in the Ontario juirA lacrosse east division wth three wins last week. Warriors thrashed Scar- borough 26-7 Sunday for their fifth straight victory and impro- ved their season record to nine Whitby East Side Mario's rebounded froin a lbas to Peter- borou h to win two gaines recently inE astern Ontario Baseball Association senior base- bail. 1nPeterborough scored five runs 'inth fistinning on their way ta 14-4 rom p over Whitby on Tuesday nightIlast week. On Thursday, pitchers Gene Rainey and Steve Dormner com- bined te hold down Ajax as Whitby won 6-3. Whitby followed with an excit- ing 3-2 win over Belleville on Friday.niht to improve their record te three wins and a loss May29 DUVToWlng ' oving ChurchersAuto. Motor City Salurn Jung 5 DufA's Toving Allai. Securky John Patte June 6 Whitby Optimi 12 MalleSecuKRiY il Whniby Optimiait 8 Johin Patte 9 Fieshire LiverY 9 Churchere Auto. 8 Ciy Contre Auto e Fiesuhire Livery 8 Fieshire Livery e Motor Ciy Sdlwn ici isie Secuity Dufrs Tong 4 Whitby Opimisi 2 John Patte CA. 2 Fitoehre Livery 2 Alae Securfy Locks. 1 Motor City Saturn 1 Clty Contre Auto Repalr 1 BANTAU May 28 UMBA Aux. Jwne 4 Whutby Kinen Nurse Ch.v-OIdS Durhamn PoUce June 5 KFC grgabuy lsaing MarwaiPlastics The Brick June 6 Nur»eChovOlde Pole ar aUon Durhm Pofce Jws 7 WhNWbyOptiMit amragi t June 8 Whniby Oplirnisi WhltRKW I(MSs June 9 DurharmlPolce Polar Irtalalion June 1D' H"meni laes 4 The Wa Stop 5 Whltby Klwards il Pois taiUion ID UMBA Aux. 7 DIS Insurance 18 The Wet SICp 12 Slzzler Reeltara 10 Whitby KIwarée 8 DIS Inurac 1D WMBA Aux. 5 Whitby KknSTf 9 KFC il The Wa SIap 3 The BrIck 5 WhIlby Khiem e Nu»seChev-Olf mof tJuras10 W L D~ .fPOIOM 7 1 rb*Y IM îrg 5 2 The Bruc 5 2 Pale kutatar 5 2 anaiPIUtiS 5 3 WhltbyOCplflhStS 4 2 Whliby Khiene 4 4 Nu»s ChOV-OWS 3 3 SzrRsta aarml 3 4 Kentucky FrWedChiche'1i 3 WhffbyKWMMi 2 5 DIS kieuanc i 3 WMBA AUXIlalY O TheSW09 MWP O PEEWEE WEST May 31 ?I817 DJ June 2 Whel by nis Juins 3 SutonGmÇu June 7 TknrnelPruInng selse Chioet Ratalry Club> Dy as Lloyd j uts 8 - ibyon Suton Gmçu jun1D RataIy Club ID Whittiy Cleaner 8 Whltb Free Preo 10 Grsek Tycoo X4 Dyineà Lloyd ID QOOay Di 14 CrsedCycle 9 WhtbY Clearur 7 whhtby FreS Pros 2 Grok TySmo la CreedCycle 7 WhtW b Csau 10 Sim Chai wins and four losses, two points behind second-place Brampton. Mltt Shearer had six goale anid three assise against haplesa Scarborough, Mike Fryer had four goals with three each te Jonas Der;ka, Jason Croobie and Brad McArthur. Steve Taylor had two and for the season thus far. Dormer was outstanding againat Belleville, allowing only six bits while going the distance. There was no score in the contest as Whitby went te bat in the ninth inning. With two on player-manager Doug-McCorkil singled te score both runners. He later moved to third and then scored on a passed bail for a 3-0 Belevile otthree of their six hit i tei last at-bat and scored two runs but Dormer heid on for the victory. Against Ajax, Gene Rainey allowed three runs in six innings stemingo aet fJum 1 fflary CkA> Sbles chalet Whitby Optiruist 4 Suton Group 3 TimiyiretnePrinting 3 Ouulity DJ 2 Dyrmeà Lloyd 2 Creeds Cycle2 WhItty Frm Prou 2 Whtby Cleanem 1 Greok Tycoon 0 PEEWEE EAST MWay 31 Bonnet Transpout Internaioni mil Jung 1 Lerunox Druqn Shopperes Drug Mari June 3 Top Ouaity Col. T&D Steak June 6 Beckford Service June 7 Foran Ptudlng Par Esso Internaioni Mil June 8 Foran Rofing Bg oanuts JuneW1 Top Oualty Col. Par Essa 8 Foana Roting 9 Beckord Service 5i Big Donts 9 Whitby Toyota 12 IrermuionaJ Mil a Prsse 5 Bonnet Tranport 10 Bg Danuits e Top Ouallty Col. 9 Lonnox Drurn 10 Whitby Toyota g2 Bonnet Transport 10 T&D Steak 10 Lonnax Drun 6 IiteniaiMil Standnge es oftJlias12 ShaooIlsDrug MMt e par Êeeo 5 Top Ouaity Calilsion 5 TaO Steak and Burger 4 Fonan RacE ing 4 Becidord Serice Cenre 3 Sonnai Transoport 3 kiemalianiMil Serice 2 Lernox Druni 1 Whfby Toyota0 SOUIRT A JuraS6 AIlKind Gas 20 fflikngIhr McCarvns W. Frank 18 W.C.iawn 7 Jura 7 Smlhng Ddllere 10 Owmsoe 4 TD Bar* 9 Golden Hawsks e June 8 Oualty W 10 Whltt2y Audio a DundasCmnire Guard. il Vick Insurance 9 June 9 AI K)nid Gas Il Whltby Lions 1D Juine 1D Whltby UOns 15 Optni t k*1 RerKdolTraspont S RoaiySunrise 7 KP. CMÇ 17 MoCavis W. Frank 9 au ef Ju,.il W L T P s o o g 0 0 1 Pda anM5 2 0 lu AlKind Ga 4 1 1 9 owasco 4 1 O S mDBaf* 3 2 0 e Ouatty DJ 2 1 2 e McCamVs W. Fra*n Reaîty 3 3 0 6 Whltby LionsCke 3 4 0 a Srleq eU 2 2 1 5 «Ton2 3 0 4 Vick nsuarnce 2 3 0 4 Optimisi CktA 2 4 0 4 GoldnHawkts 2 4 0 4 Dundu Cordre Guardma0. 2 4 0 4 Whitby Auclo i 5 0 2 Rotary Sunrlee 1 ô O 2 SOUIRT 8 Jurag1V 6 JuraS6 1 Dund St. ffrii 4 Jura 7 aM"IMiIunOrchards 3 Doug FreernnC.A. Jung 8 ExecUWOveCbenet 3 Andson Vol Clric ID Mtches insoeance 5 ID Ex.tâive Cleners 6 10 Coliwadbun To Go 8 13 LeamaniCaruning 1D 10 Brookin Kknsnen 9 15 Marvr Enterpnuos2 Wayne McNutt, Jim Brown, Shaydon Santos and Jay Stewart had one eachl. Last week, Warriors defeated Burlington 14-7 and Brampton 12-11. Againet BurlIngton on June 6 McArthur scored four goals anâ before Dormer tok over and shut down the opposition te gain the save. Greg Mclsaac hit two solo home rune and Mike Fulton had two bits for Whitby. Melsaae was the starting pit- cher in the bs te Peterborough. Jeremy Harness, who hit a three-run home run, and Henry Kaleta alec pitched for Whitby. Dale Johnson also had a home run for Whitby against Peter- borough, describedby McCarkell as one of the strongest teains in the league. Peterborough had only June 9 Anderson Vot l Ci* Spydors June 10 Leacom Consuling il PlmweAttoek 12 Jerlys DRY Ware. 6 MumMIani Orchards Staninge mof Jiug w L Doug Freeman C.A. 5 0 Leaôom Consulling 5 2 Spyors5 2 Whimm lnren 4 1 Andereon Vo liic 4 1 Dundu St.DentalIClic 4 1 Highland Van & Sorage 2 1 JerTys Drug Waretiouse 3 3 MacMilan 0rch*ma e 3 Celebatioris To Go 2 3 Mavin Enterprise 2 4 Paque Attack 1 5 Miche's Insurance 1 3 Exectie leaners 1 4 MarkegResource Group 1 5 MOSQUITO EAST June 5 Lemox Drum M&M Meats Dodd à Soue Juno S Dodd & Sater Gien Grophios MSM Meais June 7 Lennox Drum BDO Juno 9 JoenmaAto Body Whkby Fireighîers WhkbyJaycoes J uine1D Dodd & Sauter Maigold Ford 17 Jenes Ato Body la Whhby Fireflyiher 1B Cdluccl Pools 1) Whitby Jaycee 18 Whhby Flreiighters e Star Burger 14 MSM meais 8 Colucci Pools 10 TCR Industriai 9 KinsmnClub 8 Devlse Produce 13lEGlen GraphIce 5 Star Burger suadngs e of Jus *10 Dodd &SoSater Lemox Drum Mam me Marlgod Ford star Buraer Whitby JaySes B00 Glon Grq>lic Jensons Ato Body Whitby Kimnen Colucci Pools Whitby Firiightors Devile Produce TCR MOSQUITO WEST June 5 Hardeo Constrnjiion Rngm Cile Legal Beegles Sunlea Fini J uns Ba o ffr Hardao Construdon Ssim Mdroene Junte 7 LO uga eg»e DSurliea Farm l June 8 LegalBeages Juin. Warrens Printing Swieh Mâieance Junge10 Hardco CanoMmio Vikqe Construction ii Doug Turner Carp. IWarrens Prtlng 5 eil Maineare S W.Frank Raity a Durham Dodge it W. Fm*n Realy s Voilae Coantucbn 5 Dotq Turner Carp. 9 sluifCollctâe fl ogers Calme 6Optîmist club 12 CanmolunTirs 7 Bankof1 ontreal il W. Fruit R*y star~ng » of Jute Il Logal Beagles HanieocContrnction SMlMhMainiUSIIIIe Bank 09 MM"te vige construction Optirnîst ChA> Rages C"i DOffgTurnr pontry Sunlea Fams Stuff Colectables Warrerne Printlng W. Frnk Rs.Ry Canadmn Tire Durham Dodge Shearer had two goals and four assiste. Whitby was leadingz 6-4 when Shearer teuched the b ail in the Whitb>y crease, resulting in a penalty shot, a rare event. But -Mike Wye made the Bave on Burlinîgton's Jody Holbrough. Taylor and Scott MacDonel ack recently won a teurnameiit in Tillsonburg. McIsaac was te again face the Peterborough liitters when the two teame were slated te meet Monday night, June 13. Whitby was aiso scheduied te play Tuesday night aenst Bel- lvleat Iroquois Park, Wednes- day night in Markham, Sunday afternoon in Little Britain and next Tuesday night against Port Hope at Iroquois-Parkc. Whitby blanks Turul in opener The. Whitby under-13 select soccer teain defeated Oshawa Turul 7-0 in their season opener June 7. Whitby came out strong froni the flirst whistle and took an early Iead with a great opening goal scored by Blair - Ednionds who finished with a hat trick for the night. Paul. Shannon and Ryan Laniiot scored one goal each and Peter Robertson, who played goal for the first hall', played out in the second and scored two goals. The Whitby defence and midfield took complete control and did not allow Oshawa to settle down for the whole gaine. The midfield consiste of Daniel Wade, Matt DelMastro and Tyler Martin, and the defence is made Up of Joël Delsordo, Roberto Princiotta and Kurt Boyce. Forwards were Lucas Sandhaus, Michael Shea, Shannon, Robertson, Justin Chahrouri, Edmonds and Lamiot. Goalkeeping duties were shared by Adamn Nicota and Robertson who shared the shutout. Medals for judo club members Shodokai Judo Club members won silver and bronze medals at the Ontario Junior Olyrnpics held June 5 in toronte. Courtney Burns was second in the juir49-kilogram division for whte yellow and orange belts. Mike Wright won silver in the juirmen e 78kg division and Alex Jansen won bronze in the junior 71kg division. - Lacrosse dance on Saturday The Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association will hold a fundraie- ing dance on Saturday, June 18, 8 p.m. te i1 a.m.,, at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena in Brooklin. Music will be provided by disc jockey Rick Morgan. TIckets, $20 ' er coule, are available by cal- Sling 668-2072or areat the.door.-- each ftad two goals and Jason Pitters one for Warrore. Last Thureday, Brampton scored with 'usf legs than a minute remarning te close to within on. go ai. But Whitby held off the visit- ors for the victory. Pitters scored what proved te the winning goal with juet less than five minutes reinaîniig. Shearer scored the other three Whitby goais in the third period. He had- four goals and three assistes for the g&ain and con- tinued te show wliy he ie one of the ieague>'s tep players. Derke also continued bis hot scoring, with two goals and three assists, as he moved into the le estop 10 in scoring. Win Huxter and Pitters each had two goals, McArthur and Lunnie with the others. Warriors were scheduled te p1a i Misaissauga last night (Tesday), and then host Toronto Tursday night at Iroquois Park. Witby will play unbeaten Peteboough nexitTiiesday night in Peterborough. Whitby alo- pitch Taii Gide charmes 5 1 Bariker nid the Bandit 5 1 HermetliService 4 Dwhuni Squash CItA> 4 Eut Side Marias 3 Auto Zone Mr. TramissIn Stperlor VoenIng Service01 June 6 East Skde Marias HwrrailcService Tai Gale Charts June 9 Duham Squash 8 B"ikoand the EL 15 Mr. TrwisinWdofl12 il Advmtae Too 16 19 Don Chery's 1 Motor City soeoer league Jung 5 0080 Adria Ajax Warrlors June 7 Oshu'a Unked Durham Celtic June 9 Durham Celtic J une il Parbron Untod Juins 5 Utxbridge Unlted J une 7 Bowrylanvlel June 9 Oshawa KIkei J une V Wanderers Peterborough 6 Pa&bon Unied e 0mb. Portugueso 2 Oshaahala e Partxon Unied 0O CSC Adria 2 Oshnawa Unted DIVISION Il 3 Osh. W/EqAs 1Oeh Duhu ags 4 Osh. W/Eaios 1 Whitby Atht ms ef Jusg i1 Division1 CCSC Addla 4 1 0 17 Durharn Celtic 4 0 3 1M Oehawa Unked 3 2 1I12 Ajax arrors 3 1 0 18 Oshawea unti 3 1 0 7 Osh.PoLtugu5 2 04 8 ParbronUnLted 0 1 7 3 DivisionIl Peterborough 4 2 0O15 Oeh. W/Eali 3 2 3 17 Wanderers 3 0 1 12 DurhrKickS 3 0 2 7 Whllbt Athi. 2 1 4 14 D~ harnRngs2 i 4 13 Uxbidge 2 03 9 Boumanvîle 1 O 3 5 *3polris foa vAu,ipoir W a tie Top 0001 ses » fltJuS l Gien Greenlaw. Dwrhun Caice 4 Mao Davies. Durham Celic 3 Wagner Camllo. Osh. Portuuus 3 Day. McOon . Aria 3 Rage BuclsyAjax Warrs 3 John Bontino. Oshma United 3 John Soier' Ajas Waniw's 3 Diviion Il Jo. Farac..Polodmoquh 5 Frank Turnone. Peterborough 5 Artur Hmma. Osh. W/Eaiss 4 Valdemnar Woldylo. Osh. WIEagies 3 Mike Suoes, Wanderers 3 Steve Robinsn, Whi(by Athi. 3 ColiManm% Durham anger 3 Seniors bounce Whitby basebal MIDGETJUVENLE st n*ine et of Jug 6 1 sema DIVISION 1