Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1994, p. 30

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f i f fA Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 15, 1994 1 Scool f Buine & CUSTODIAN: St. Mars United Church. Minimum 4 years in building cleaning, aperation, maintenance, demonstrated abiiity ta co-aperate with Cthers; flexibility ta work varied hours (40/wk. Forward resumês, references by June 24 ta "CUSTODIAN" 707 Anderson St., Whitby Ll N 3W1. $475 WEE-KLY. Homowomrkers needed ta make stylish beaded earrings, year round, at homo. mb.o send a self -addressod stamped envekpe ta ACCEX CRAFT 929 Norwest Rd., Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3. GIRLS WANTED tram Canada, between 7-19, ta compote in this year's 2nd annual 1994 Toronto Pageants. Over $20,000.00 in pnzos & scholarships. Cal today 1 -800-PAGEANT, ext. 7464 (1-800-724-3268). WEILL PAY yau ta type names and addresses tram >home. $500 perl1,000. Write today. Gateway ists, Dept. WFP5, #150-1857 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1 M4. AUUREJOBSI Now hNnng. $10- $25 per hour. Adl positions, bath siledlunskiled. Excellent payfibenfits. 504-646-2803 ext. Al113, 24 hms ALASKA JOBS! Earn up ta $30.000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Also construction, cani- neries, ail f ields, plus mare I For immediate response, cal 1-504-646-4513, ext. K142. 24 hrs. OUT 0F WORK ? Need cash? Why don't yau run your own business & be your own boss? Cal Ion. Ahmad for details at 666-9539. ACCOUNTANT Old Port Marketing bas experienced consisten growth for 14 yeam~ We now require an individual to performn enhanced general accunting functions including budget analysis and cost control. You must be self- directed and enjoy workcing wid othiers in a busy and resuhs-oriented env IDnment. Sound communication skills are important so us. Minimum compleion of mid level CMA. Apply statng salaiy expecions ta: ýORT OLD PORT MIARKETING LTD. ORT160500MldSnKORQKI liTINC LTD PoM Perry, Onta" L9L 1 P3 FAX (905)985-0676 STYLIST - progressive local salon seeks experienced stylist with prof essionalism, creativity and has a committed attitude. Our salon offers incentive packages, upgrading education and a personal atmosphere for your clientole. Send resumné ta 701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby Ontario Il N 9K3. EARNl UP TO $346/WEEIC te assemble Christmas and holiday decarations yoar round, at home. Work avadlable across Canada. Far mare infa.. send a soif- addressed stamped envelape te Magie Christmas - 2212 Glawin Cr., Unit D-2, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario K1 B 5N 1. DRUG RAID SEIZURESI Buy dirt cheap: cars, houses, boats, computers . . . direct from U.S./Canadian governmentl Free illustrated repart: seizures, Dept. WFP1, #1 50-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, BC V6 1 M4. MAKE EASY MONEY at home, with your sewing machine. 8 plans in ail. Only $10.00. Send cheque/M.O. to Swift Mailorder 3438 Garrard Rd. #66 Whitby, Ont. Li R 2C4. WOULD $300-$1,000 pa-rt timne income make Ide easier? éll show you hawl Caîl 1-800-668-7570 Generic Selling Systemrs for a no- obligaton information package. I lssif ications À"OLD P CRMARK Uuaily inid Servîce EXPERt ENCED ORGANIST & choir master for St. Paul's Anglican Church, Uxbridge. Send resumé & salary expectations ta the Wardens c/o H. Beveridge, 46 North St., Uxbridge, Ont. 19P 1 C2. MANAGER REQUIRED - high initiative, sales oriented, good communication skills, expenience preferrod. Delhvery persan needed - car required. Evenings. Oeil 666- 2626 to apply. Buffet Appetite. $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble ucsat home. Easy, no selling ours pid direct. Fully guaranteed. No experience necessar. Caîl 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. WANTED - PARTNERS, sulent or active. Brew on promise, Whitby's "onlym. Great apportunîty. Established 1it2i years. C ail Jim f or details 666-2739. WANTED - franchise ta service aur accounts in Durham Regian. Home based business suitable for aggressive persan or persans. $15,JOO. ýCaîl 1-800- FIX RIPS, Dan, Speedy Vinyl 728-5730. $370 WEEKLY POSSIBLE at home. Simple, easy, pleasant work. For info $1 + S.A. SE. ta Denis Martel 156 Agnes St., Oshawa, Ont. L1G 1V4. FRANCHISED Personalized Books & Personalized Pkctures deaiership for sale, along with Picture on a Plate Glazng Business. Good homo based business with unlimited potential, $7,000 (neg) includes ail computer equupment, glazing machine mnvetoryand ispiay, clientele and training.« Owner is pursuing oCher interests. 905-985-0712. REVOLUTIONARY home mailing program that pays you fast profits two ways. Rush S.A.S.E. with $2 ta: Rick Misterowicz, 1404 Westney Road North, Ajax, Ontario Li S 4S7. EARN UP TO $75,000/YEAR, at home with your computer. Includes 14 easy waysl Only $1 0.00. Send cheque/M. O. ta Swif Mailorder 3438 Garrard Rd. #66 Whitby, Ont. Li1R 2C4. Anniversades Announcements Anklues, At & Colledtibles Aparlmenls for Rent Applanoes Articles for Sale Ars/Crafts/Hobbies Aucions Aulos/Trucks for Sale Bîirhs Boals & Supplies Buidings Business Oppomrnîies Business Servies Call a Prolessional Card of Thanka Careers Child Care Services Coming Events Commercial Space for Rerif or Sale Dance Instrudron Dealhs Educatronal Services Employmenl Warted FarmslAcreage Farm Supples & Equipment Fnancial Services For Reni Garage & Yard Sales Happy AMs Help Wanled Homes for Reni Homes for Sale Ini Memorram Insurance Lancdscaping Series Legal LosI & Found Los/Conges Mlestonies Morigages torcydle&/RVs Personals Personal Services PetsiLîvestock & Supplies Real Esl~e Residenral Services Rlooms for Reni Shared Accommodation Storage Tenders Thanks Training Services TraveiNacalions Valentines Wanted Q DRIVINO Q CHOOL C01V72King St E. Sulo 501 loshawa * 728-0091 Fui Drivers Education Courses JUNE 14TH- Tuesclay & Thursday 4 week course June 27th Monday - Thursday 4 day course PRIVA TEL ESSONS- REGISTEREO & APPROVED SY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE C CMINO EVENT? Phone: L'coeFrançaiseI ICali Jacques at 666-0993 PROPESIOF. TREE CUTTING & TRIMMINO. FuIly insured. Fre estimnates. 433-7140. MASONRY, CHIMNEY REPAIR, concrete paths/steps, waterproofing/leaks, interlocking stone, great rates. Fr.. estimates. Cail 666-0171. UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Erral's Appliane Repaîr. W. repi railmajor appliances, inclulngas appliances:W u usodi Ail parts guaranto.d ane year. Mondae ta Saturday, 432-7734. HANDYMAN - clean yards, basements, cut trees, buiid docks & fences. Cail 655-3004. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewlng machine repairs. Ail makes. 10%, Seniors' discount. Complet. t une-up tram $29.95 + arts. Factory trained technicians. orfree pick-up & delivery cal! 432-7375. PAINTING, INTEPJRIEXTEROR. Best prices on garage doors. Top âuality Canadian paints. Cati MARIGOLD WVINDOW CLEANING - $25 for extenîor windows. For prompt, courteous service caîl FRay at66-070. HO W T Q QK ÇUR CLASSIFIEp A.. «/ 649/ Cail 668-6111. Ads placed by ,a Fax your ad ta us at ping Mail your ad ta: Whltby Free Were open 9 arn ta 5 pm, Moriday Monday et noon will be 668-0594. Please ensure Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario, ta Fniday. Place y aur ad by Monday' _____ Ublîshed thaWeiedy_____ bopoiealprtnt Li N 5S1. Ads should be miailed et noon for Wednesday publication. re ay by 5 pm ta save information, and a.. toarrlive by Monday at noon. If your can't make t in duning office money' Or, prepay with your br where we can You aenlsyorpmnt VISA card when plaaing the ad. reach you, if necessary. cran vie nosenformpaionty orw aeami ito1.l ......o.....in.ifrmt.n.o.a r rntdo r bincc limi

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