uomafloes criticl f Invar plan page3 Business links with China page 81 page 291 - ÀArl -- a -puge 14 Boa-rd memberlS should resigil, says doctor TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI Associates Ltd. employees take a ride on the 34-seat bike that was in Whitby on Monday as part of a nationwide tour to celebrate the Royal Bank's I 25th anniversary. The rides raise money for Easter Seals. Whitby's Royal Bank employees and Whitby Rotary Club members also rode the giant bike. Rotarians pledged $4,000, says the club's Easter Seals commitee chair Brian Kasu- beck. Photo by J.remry Dresar, WhItthy Free Press So-ntr actor dlaims inniocence in police Iivestigation lIy Mike Kowalsl A Stouffvilie contractor ls cry- ing foui over a police probe of aleged wrongdoings betweén hMs company and Durham Region's works department. John Calleri, gresident of Pachino Construction Co., is threatening to sué those respon- sibl for lus fm llefosing a con- tract for road and sewer work in Brooklin. Biaming his lose of thé *1.5- million contract on a personal vendetta by Whitby councilior Marcel Brunéllé, Caileri dlaims h. ha. don. nothing to warrant a Durham Régional Police investi- gtion f is dealings with ;.11.,laîe however, rejects Cal- ieris accustion, saying thé lat- ter'. probléms go. way béyond any pérsonal miagiviga hé may have about Pachino. «I don't know anything about the piolice, théy haven't contacted me," said Calleri lastThursday. «They shouid go te the killer. If they think Fim thé kilier, thév should gét thé kiliér,» hé said. «I don't know what's going on. I just know they didn't givé me the contract.» Earliir this month, Durham Région council took thé unusual step of awarding a contract for thé Brooklin projéct te thé com- pan y with thé second-lowést bid. N'ovacor Construction of Queensville recéivéd the contract évén though its bid was about $ 10,000 more than Pachino's. Councii's action was promptéd by Brunélle'. questioning of staffs recommendation te award thé job te Pachino.. As a resuit of hie queriés and other information, thé contract was put on hold and police cal- led. Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryrié dedlined toeélaboraté on thé matter. «It's still undér investi tionI can't comment on it,» saidRyrie. "About five weeks ago allg- tions of irregularities wéré made te the police involving thé Region's wvorks department and contracters who tender for works contracte,» hé said. "It's undér investigation by thé fraud unit.» Calleri cannot understand why hé lost thé contract or why thé police are invoivéd. Frm an honest guy. They can say whtté want, but they're algoing te hé sued. They al have it out for me," hé said. Caileri maintains it is Brunélié's personal feelings about thé company which foroed thé issue. "It's flot because of my work- manship, but bécausé hé (Brunélle) had a run-in with one ofImyguys,» said Caléeri. eH spécifically told my guy this cornpany wouidn't work in Durham -Regioù as long a. rm (Brunélié) around,» Caléeri added. Brunelie disputes Callei'. ver- sion of thé évents. "We had a number of epérince with thi. contracter in théTw of Whitby,» hé recal- led. "My first expérience with them was when théy did Borné work on Rossland Road (about five years ago).» Brunelle said Town staff recei- SEE PAGE 34 By Mark Reesor One oY the 1 aiWhitby Gênerai Hopital (WG) doctors iscaihngonhospitaI board chair EdBett and flke-minded members to rosign Speakfigat thethird Whitby ublcmeeting on the issue Mon- à aafternoon, Dr. Ken Hobbs said Buffett and the board «are not- p.rsonally involved ini the mntereste of theé people of thi. community and I woùld suggest that you, and.th, eopi. of y r board who hoid te smre opinon...i mmdiately reslgn.» Buffett, a member of theê Dur- ham Region Acuts Cars Study stéering committée which ia rocomending urnnrWGH into a'rehailitation treatment centre, eaid at a similar meeting last week thé proposai «répre- sent. a fantastic opportunity... although I would 11k. to seesBorne other services considered at Whitby Général.» "What community over 60,000 people in this province, mas matter of fact ini thi. continent, does not have activé tréatment hospital béds in their own com- munity -- none,-" i-obbe said, to a rousing round of appiausé. He dimised Promises that a firut-rate réhabilitation service will hé éstablished at the hospi- ta). «You know and I know that that wiil not hapén. This i., not Hol oo, tiSlà Whitby.» on. of the few hospi- tais ini this prvne that was d * xpa d-to include up to M beds un probably thfe onl one» that ha. 15 acres of laid* notéd Hobbs. "T1his i., wrong... let un stand Up apd be countidmnothat al thé proinc ofOntafio wiil know that this hospi4Wlisour hospitai and i. goix¶ to-navé active treat- ment b.de," Hobbs concluded, as thé 130 people at the information meeting gave Mim a standing ovation. Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards cailed on thé board to extend its July 7 deadiine for résponses to its récommendations. "I think only when we havé that period of timé... can w. SER PAGE 2 Arena proposai submimtted to Town By Mike Kowalki Thé owners of a local indoor soccér aréna béliévé they havé a solution te Whitby's pressing need for more ice surfacés. A proposaI for a fuil-size ice pad néit te thé Soccer City coin- plex on Sunray Street ha. béén submittéd te Town officiaIs. Thé Soccer City cownérs claim they can build an icé aréna at two-thirds of thé cost that it wouid také thé municipality te buîld one. Howevér, like ail othér private séctor arena proposais which havé corné for;waîd in récent months, thé proponents are séek- ing acmé formn of financiai assis- tancé from Town council. As a résuit their submission ha. beén p ut on hold pending further study by Town staff. As Soccer City.co-ownér Cobie Stimming explainéd, thé .pro- poséd aréna. consista of an icé pad méasuring 86 féet by 200 ee plus changé rooma, a méét- igroom and a small office. Thére would aiso b. a connect- fig _passagéway te thé soccér facility, Stimming said. Although plans cail for a régu- lation sîzé ice pad, thé numbér of seate in thé building wouid hé comparable te that of any othér arena used primarily for miner sports. SEE PAGE 34 Griant size I THE..A SE~ION1Sec pages 1Oto 13 ~ T award for Mkpen