Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1994, p. 35

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Whîtby Fr.. Prous, W.dn.day, June 22, 1M94,Page 35 NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby passed By-law No. 3506-94 on the 6th day of June. 1994 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13. AND TAKE NOTICE that an y.person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect o f the By-law bilng with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby not later than the i 2th day of July, 1994, a&notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons un support o? the objection. An explanaion of the purpose and effect of the By-Iaw, describing the lands to which the By-Iaw applies, and a key map showing the location of the lands to whlch the By-law applies are below. The complete by-Iaw is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTUENT, 668-5803. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 22nd day of June, 1994. DONALD G. MeKAY CLERK TOWN 0F WHIfBY Purpos. and Effect 1. General Amendment (a) The purpose and effeot of By-law No. 3506-94 is to generally amend Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784 to permit the exemption of detached garages up to 38 square metres (a two car garage) and to exempt porches with front and exterior side ya rds on a restricted basis from the lot coverage provisions within *R2A* Residential zones. b> A key map is not provided as it affects al RF2A*0 esidential zones under Zoning By-Iaw No. 1784. 2. Site Specifle Amendment ýa) Additionall, the purpose and effect of By-Iaw No. 3506- 4 i to amend Zoning By-iaw No. 1784 to rezone lands being composeci of Part of Lots 21, Concession 6, Whitby, as shown on the key map below, to reduce the interior side yard requirement on the side opposite the interior side yard accommodating a through driveway to a garage Iocated in the rear yard, ta exempt detached garages up. to 38 square m etre s (a two car garage> from lot coverage provisions and to exempt porches within front and exterior sid. yards on a restricted basis from lot coverage provisions within the. R2B** Residential zone in Phase I of the Brooklin Meadows subdivision. (b> Key Map: See Schedule A-i bo By-iaw No. 3506-94. Seniors! Take advantage of our Meals program at the Whitby Seniors" Activity Centre. Cati 668-1424. r. ~ - tN p f a' CRIME PROOF VOUR HOME july 5, 1994 w A Public Meeing will be held on Tuesdsy, Juiy 5, 1994 et 7:00 p.m. In th. Meeting Hall of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Roselend Road Eait ta receive advice from the Durham Regional Police Service on methods ta help crime proof your home and property. The topics to be covered include: doors, Iacks, windows and lighting. The intent o? this meeting is ta pravide cooperative methods to render our community and aur properties more secure from crime. W. aIl have the potential to be victims o? crime. The key to preventing crime at your residence is ta reduce the opportunity by making it iess of a target. T. J. Edwards, Mayor Town of Whitby T. McCagherty Chie? Durham Rgonai Police èervlce Fitness is catching, PASS it on! Participate in any'fitness or aqua fitness class at the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex during July, August and September, by purchasing a Fît Pass. With your Fit Pass you wiIi enjoy dlean spacious facilities, with qualified instructors and leaders dedicated to heIpinq you achieve your fitness goals. Participate during the day or in the evening. Ask us about babysitting services. Purchase a Fît Pass for $100O and commit to get fit! Doni't miss your opportunity, classes fui quickly. Cail us aI 666-1991. On Sale Now! Free Swimming! Saturday, June 25 f rom 10:00 a.m. to Noon At Anne Ottenbrite Pool 500 Victoria Street West 668-7765 The Parks and Recreation Department would lîke to invite aduits and children to participate in a free swlm session. AquatiC staff and Instrutor Trainees wiii be on hand to provide feedback on strokes, skills and the appropriate swim level for you and/or your child. Choosing the right level can be difficuit; our staff would like to make it a littie easier for you! Corne out and enjoy the water while staff work with your children. Your Classes are Starting! Summer Swimming classes start June 25, at the Whutby Civic Recreation Complex and Anne Ottenbrite Pool 'in the Iroquois Park Recreation Complex. Summer Ft ness classes start July 4. ai the Whtby Givic Recreation Complex. Reglstration Stanted June 13 - Space Still Avallable Don't miss this oppoulunity to, enrol in the program of your choice. Cail 6661991 for details. vandallm cot1h.etaxpayer of Whitby $38764 i1993, lrolving 11 i koldents wh.re damage wau caused to Town proper'y-. flue. lndvkk ais woo appoehndd for act(s) of vandallsmin 1993. ii. Town of Whilby has a polioy for aughorlzing th. ayet of a $500 reward for information loadlng Io th. Inof 1h individl(s) Involved i any act of vandalismn. The. namnes and idenfication o? any porson respondlng b a reward are held i strict confidence. Any person meporting an act of vandalusm ahould fiat contact dme Durtiam Regionai Police Service, tele9phane 579-1520. Subsequently, if they feel they could be eligîible for a reward, contact Wm. H. Wallace, Admunustrtor, Town of Whitby, 668- 51M3. Music Un The Park! Burlng your tamlly for an evenlflg ot entertal nment. The Parks and Recreation Department continues a series of musical programs ln The Gazebo at Rotary Centenniai Park. Free Every Wednesday June to Augusi 7:00 p.m. 10 8:30 p.m. June 22 -- Mission -- Tony Relmer June 29 -- OId Tyme Flddle Club Bring a lawn chair and corne to enjoy an evening 0f family funI IN THE MATTER 0F The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, * C.O8.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F Lands and Promnises at the followlng Municipal Address Province of Ontario NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law No. 3514-94, beinq a by-law to amnend By-Law No. 1755-84 relating to the following municipal address: JOHN WATSON HOUSE 1733 Dufferin Street Whîtby, Ontarlo REASON FOR AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW NO. 1755-84 On November 12, 1984 Whitby Town Council passed By-law No. 1755-84 ta designate lands municipally known as 1733 Dufferin Street, Whitby, containing the John Watson House as bein] of historie and architectural significance under Part IV ot On August 19, 1993 the Regional Municipffity of Durham Land Division Committee approved severance ýppIication file No. LD-1 18-193 ta, sever t he subject property. In order to release the severed lot from the heritage designation, it was necessary to amend By-law No. 1755-84 so that the provisions of the. by- iaw only apply to the property containing the John Watson House. Datd et the Town o? Whltby this 22nd day of June, 1994. Donald G. McKay, Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whltby CANADA DAY, JULY 1, 1994 Solid Waste Collection Services for Canada Day, Friday, July 1, 1994 wili be revised as follows: GARBAGE COLLECION BLUE BOX COLLECTION YARD WASTE COLLECTION Nolmai Collection FdayJl Friday,July i Friday,JuIy I R.vised Collection Thursday,June 30 Thursday,June 30 Friday,JuIy 8 Please refer to your 1994 Blue Box Collection Schedule and' Yard Waste Collection Brochure for more information on holidays and alternate collection days for refuse, recycling and yard waste collections. Your co-operation Is appreciated and please remember ta have aour solid wastes (garbage, yard wastes, and recyclabies> out f or collection by 700am., on your deslgnated collection day. GRASSCYCLING- NO BAGGING-NO- DRAGGING, DID YOU KNOW THAT: Grie ilngs wllnJJLBha ayeur. Please do not bag g rass clippings for garbage or yard waste collection. The. alternative is to rn cl Grasscycling is the. process of recycîing grass clippings by leavirig them on the iawn. Grasscycling -saves time, reduces waste and ieads ta a heaithier root system that Increases your lawn's resistance ta disease, drought and insects. If you wish further information, please cal THE TOWN 0F WHITBY OPERATIONS CENTRE 666-437l, 7:30 ÂkM. TO 4:00 PA SCHEDULE A-i TO DY-LAW No. 25-9 lhfIqch,é, -iIo~yLmNo3506.94 rqo4h Ceuoqm Ib1. o oof WIwby INSUt CMYfif An O l;4 KL~J~ :2L/ALo L t

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