Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 29, 1994 Ontarlo judo gold fior sisters, brotheirs Amber Gallogley won her fourth consecutive Ontario cham- pionship at the recent Junior Olymnpics judo event. She won one of six gold medals earned by Kiichi-Sai Judo Club members at the provincial cbam- pionships. Ambées sister, Shannon, won her second Ontario titie in her division. Keyr O'Hara, 16, in the junior rnen's <aged 16 to 20) black beit, 65-kilogram class, and brother Dan in the junior men's under 86kg class, each won gold. Nick and Misty Rybenko also won their divisions in junior. tScented Candies t t Robin Drummond was second in . unior women, Brett White- Finkie and Ian Alexander won tPotoun and electrie pots Large Variety of country placemnats, table runners, rugs, etc. Featuring 16 craftspeople froru Durham Region bronze. Keyr O'Hara will face some of the best 16-year-olds in the wes- tern hemisphere when he coin- petes in the U.S. junior nationale in San Diego, Cahif., on July 7. 0 eLm Joe's wins chamlplinship Kerri lliardill scored five goals as Whitby Joe's Pizzeria defeated WhitbyTlh ackeray Consulting in the final of the Lakeshore Women's Field Lacrosse League playoffs over the weekend at Civie Fields in Oshawa. .Mm -- - - - - m ...... %--- - -- Let us cook for you! New in June! 2Pop GT &PST $50 2 lIncIuded1 2 Gulk BoudPick up 0fl4' I & adn4300O200' % Plaza,.Wh.tb v v v v v v v v v vvvvvvvvvv v v v v v v v v v v v v v Celebrate Your ChiId's Birthday Party at Dairy Queen PER CHILD INCLUDES: Hamburger, hotdog or nuggets, W'. tres, drink, party hat, bailoon, cake, party p rize & gi certificat.. !PFCCda family of four for only ;$13.99plus taxes *Ineludes: 4 reg. burgecrs. 4 frics, _ * 4 so)ft drinks undaes *Wlh Ihis coupon. Whitby Looof only. E xp. £lty O9 Mun - f-l- M mm-m m m-m - - -i- - Taini Waters and Joanne Stanga each bad two goals and Barb Boyes one for Joe s. Jenni- fer Johnson of Brooklin had tbree goals and Margot Jacobs of Pickering, formerly of Brooklin, W in anMd loss for Whitby in EOBA senior 1 Whitby East Side Marios had a 1win and a loas in close games in 1senior basebaîl last week. Whitby scored two runs on errors to overcome a 7-6 lead and defeat Bowmanville 8-7 on Sun- datne Rainey pitched eight strong innings, allowving four ear- ned runs, and Jeremy Harness pitched the ninth inning for the save. Whitby lost 11-9 to Port Hope on Tuesday last week. Greg McI- saac went seven-plus innings before Steve Dormer took over on the mound for Whitby. Harness hit a bme run, triple and single and drove in three runs. John Heffer hit two dou- bles. Whitby's record is now five wins and five losses in Eastern Ontario Basebail Association leMe ly Whity wa to host Ajax last nightl (Tuesday), play in Port Hope on Wednesday night, host Bowmanville July 5 and then ýlay at a tournament in Lon don uy8-10. Bantams bounce back from loss The Whitby minor bantam basebaîl team, sponsored by Peacock Sports, pounded out 20 hits versus Kendal for a 11-3 victory Sunday afternoon. Leading the attack were Matt Smith and Mike Feret witb three bits each. Chris Rutherford bad a triple and a single, Scott Thoînpson a double and single, Ryan Vopni a double and single, Peter Triantafflou, Greg Zedie and Paul Grahami two singles each. Rounding out the potent attack with one bit each were Sean Tremaine, Josb Zuether, Shane Beethani and Steve MacIsaac. John Partlow's defensive plays at sbortstop belped support the strong pi tching of Grahamn wbo tbree 7.3 innings before giving way to Vopni in the eighth inning. The victory belped ease the pain of a hard-fought boss earlier mn tbe week to Little Britain. Altbougb Littie Britain leads the eastern division with an 8-2 record, Whitby gave no ground before letting a 7-5 late inning had two -gals for Thackeray. Joe'Ei also won the league titie this season. Joe defeated Oshawa Roy's Enterprise 11-4 and Thackeray defeated Ajax Provincial Signas 12-11 in overtime in the semi- final games. Whitby aici lacrosse TYKE B uponsoed by Jones Stars J unse1V Whitby 1E Pteftiora4gh 8 Luka Carson 4 Chde Wood 3 Joshua Odea 2 Kevin Rempel 2 Tommvly Waldock 2 R. Frendo Contab Nick Carson J une il Spailon WhlbyBa z Marc Jarkson 3 Kevin Rempçel 3 Joshua Odea 2 TornyWoldock 2 Chnis Wood 2 Nock Carmon 2 Jay Windsr R. Frendo Con"a DanilDernpsey Mati Goadwin Brandon Phil:s Kyls Clantoey Kyls Douglas Luke Carsan J usie12 Whilby Il 5 RL Fronda Conba 2 Joohua Odea Kevin Rempel Luke Carson lu Wtutby il Joshua Odes 2 Ksvîn Rewel 2 Jay Winder Tomff okock 22 Bewhtes Pterborough A 1 Whitby minor house league lacrosse IDGETIJUNIOR June 24 GoId clunoponshlp Blades 6BDurharn Dodge 4 Jet f Hunier 3 Dairyl McArthur Jason Jankowski Ryan Unwin Brad Senser Miko Rowland RyanFor AdmunNash Silver clumplonshNp Lacrasse Oldtimers 9 Whit. Jr. A. Warr. 7 Jaret Blich 5 Arhur Whaloy 3 Kondall Chorastecki 2 Mike Blako Sean Moore Jason Chartier Paul Bruce Tyler Derks Tom Wakefield Bronze champlonsNp Innovative Awards 6 Brooklin Egion 4 Tom Peterson 4 Joli Langley 2 Niok Peacock John Hauston Dav. Cole Gord Brown MAJOR PEEWEE Whitby Optirnists 3 Allan Watson Farren Whitaker Bennie Sche"er 3 Remax lst ReaIly 8 Rory Sm-ih 3 Shawn Cooper2 Joshua Colle Ryan McMiohael Ryan SalI,. 5 Caughlan Homes 8 Spencer Caneran 2 Michael Johiton 2 Chois Reod Sean Sadier Alan Norminlon Michael Vansanvoort Remiax lut R.afty 8 Joshua Colley 3 Rory Smih 2 Ryan Sallue Tiom Holland Robert Gawn. June 13 Coughlan Homes 8 Mati McMu lIen 2 Michael Jotinston 2 SecrCamoron AlIan Norrnunton Sean Sadier Ryan Preston Canadian Tire David Justynuki Michael Cainan Dans Dairard June 20 Canadian Tire Michael Cainan 4 Ryan Haber Whlby Optim.iste 4 Jonat han McConnel 2 Farren Whitaker Adam WIiyte UNOR PEEWEE June 7 Carroll Home Imp. 7 Provincial Signs 5 Ontaro ju.nior A lacrosse score* J une 17 St. Catharinese 15 Bampton 6 Peterborough 10 Mls----ug il Sarnia 13K-W 14 Six Net"onsva. Orangeville - cancded J une 12 St. Catharines 9 P@lertorouh 10 Sarnia 7 Scarborou1 15 K-W 1E Six Natins 9 June 20 Mississauga 8 Toronto il Six Nations 20 BurInglon 18(o<) J une21 Branpton 14 Mlsssauga 9 Whkby 9 Peterborough 15 Toronto 1E Scaborough il J ure 22 Scarborough ID St. Catharines 21 Six Nations 28 Sarnia 6 J une 23 Brarrpton Il Whitby 15 J une 24 Peterborough 8 Brampton il Toronto il Misissaulga 6 St. Catharines Il K-W 9 Budigion 8 Orangevili 17 Whitby 20 Scasborough Il J une 25 Sarnia 0 Six Nations 1defaut) Juiie 26 Scastbcrough 13 Peerborough 21 K-W il Burington 8 Sarnia 6 Orangevilloe 21 Whitby 5 Six Nations 12 Eau l cvieon eteriffnge ne us e 26 Peteroouh 17 2 1 317 2C Brarmpon 13 8 0 235618 Whitby 136 0 263 1 Toronto 8 8 0 oi 1 Mlolisossaga 3 18 0 15 2à Scarborough 2 15 1 EB2 21 Weet ivitdon stumne es of Jwwe26 Orangeville St. Catharines Six Nations K-W Budingtan Sarnia Top 15 ecerr John Grant, Peter. E 63 66 1l@ Tracoy Kelusky, Peter. 19 44 68 12 Shn Wilianu, Scar. EB 46 48 94 Shane McKenzie. K-W 1B 31 55 86 Rod Squire, Six Nations 17 41 42 ý83 Kyle GoundÈy. Peter. 1B 37 42 79 Grant Johnston, St. C. 17 43 32 75 Dallas Squire. Six Nations 17 41 32 73 Rick Moron, Peter. 17 34 35 69 Liam MacDonald, K-W 19 31 38 69 Travis Kilgour. St. Catfi. 17 27 40 67 JonasDerks, Whitby E5 35 31 66 Val McGraw, Brarrploi 1E 27 34 61 Gary Rosyski. Toronto E5 32 28 60 Geoif Bobyk 3 Ryan Farrcw 2 Nahan Cotter Mike Kubrynski Mhi. Pro. Firelight. 4 0. Von Eschschaltz 2 iK le inkilde a»tTa ior June 14 Whit. Pro. Firef ighL 4 0. VonEschscholti2 Mat Taylor TrevorWallers Juno 14 Carroll Honme lpr. 2 Rr nFarrow Bon Stanton 2 James Hinkson Michael Lloyd Dustin Maynard Whftby Kinsmen 6 Jamie Barton 2 Tyler Harrison Scott Mormiont Jim Mumford Deok Wray Provincial Signe 6 Caseyyageman 2 Miko Boss Darren Langloy Lucas Naylor Dais Roempis Bon Stanton Whitby Kinsmon 8 Adam Doath 2 Brandon MoBride 2 Naihaniol Andres Coady De"lo Tyler Harrison Déesk Wray MAJOA NOVICE Snen s Mitchelî's Insurance whi ctimist Oniaroo aa SuWpieS Juns 15 Ont. Data Supiss 4 Shano Sonner 2 Dayns Silvethon Davsd Brown Mtchelîs Ineuraros 3 Ian Broo Erick Peterson Jason Brookings June 26 W L T 3 6 0 GF GA 40 26 31 35 31 35 33 44 Trevor Miolligan Aaron Gallas Thomas Sullivan Wlatby.0ptmist 4 Kevin Milner Eric Collins Slvwe lumplonahlp Ont. Data Supplies 4 Whilby Optomosi 3 David Brovin Eric Colline 2 Justin Connors Adami Thd)odeau Michael Cristal Daine Silvethorn <overlime) Goid chempionship Mitchels Ineuranos 7 Dr. Pongs 3 Ian Brooks 3 Brian hard Eric Pelerson 2 Sean Picher Jason Brookings Thomas Sullivan Nick McKînnon SENIOR PAPERWEIGHT Standigs es of regular seeson Sure Shots King West Crow Spouts Brookin Pharnncy Ma & Pa's Country Store V Country Decor t ante Fe Ask about this week's FEATURED CRAFTSPERSON! 374 WILSON RD. S. OSHAWA -e 434-7560 North of Bloor, South of Olive ------------- lw- 1