Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, June 29, 1994 HOW TO BOOK VOUJR CLASSIFIED AD... ______._._....._...... . 15q',Ç4X ~1U*SI Fax your ad tcr us ai 668-0594. Please ensure you provide ail pertinent information, and a number where we can reach you, if necessary. edoÇs Mail your ad Io: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whtby, Onitario, Li N 5S1. Ads should be rnailed to arrive by Monday ai noon. You can enclose your paymnent. or provide billing information. CARu R ln co-operation with Human Resources Development Canada THE ENTREPRENEUR This extensive 291 -hour program i5 divided into two parts. Part 1 leads you through the process of developing your Business Plan and a framework to assist the merits and viability of your business idea. Part Il will teach you small business Management skills. You must complete the business plan in Part 1 to continue to the second phase. Eligible applicants will have a minimum f ive years' work experience and a business idea t0 be developed. This fuli-time program begins on Jly 18f and ends Septemnber 27, 1994. OFFICE SUPERVISORY ÉKILLS This intensive 500-hour fuil-time program wiIl develop your personal, leadership,, lusiness, employability skills, and computer skills. While the computer training in this program is extensive, the rp.iin on developing supervisory skills for the work environment of the 90's. This program is available to unemployed individuals with a minimum of f ive years work experience. Training starts uy 25 and ends Navember 41994. BUSINESS TO BUSINESS SELLING (Industrial Sales) Good sales people are diff icuft to find and are among the most valuable assets of a company. This i 40-hour program will provide the skills necessary to eff ectively seli in a business or industrial environment. Eligible applicants will have at least i fne years work experience and at least one year in sales. This prou ram begins on Augustl2 and ends September 2, 1994. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Applicants for these programs must be unemployed and receiving UIC benef ils ai the lime of the course start date and must reside in the Region of Durham. In addition, you must meet the experience requiremnents and successfuîly complote entry tests. Location : Courses are held ai DIA MOND MANAGEMENT INS TITU TE (Ajâx) ai Suite 404, 95 Bayly St. W. Durhiam fRe fA ,.fd. Sute44 5 alyS. .,Aax ntro lS K Local Cailers: Long Distance: 427-1922 1-800-268-0339 . . iý i4 ~ N *e< PI~a0e~wccyc~I... .. ....q~ Lè.u~w~u~ b1 **i~U *pI4EL P ........ WAUTED........... MAKE EASY MONEY at home, with your sewing machine. 8 plans in aIl. Only $10.00. Send cheque/M.O. to Swift Mailorder 3438 Garrard Rd. #66 Whitby, Ont. Li R 2C4. GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUN"I, proven companry, no setling, start up undor $50. Cal 905-668-3168. $300 + PER DAY POSSIBLE- just mailing lettersl For f ree details rush stamnped envelope to: *1VS International, P.O. Box 92515, 152 Carfton St., Toronto, Ont. MSA 4N9. DRUG RAID SEIZURES! Buy dirt choap: cars, houses, boats, computers . .irect f rom U.S./Canadian governmentl Free iltustrated report: seizures, Dept. WFP1, #l150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, BC V6J 1 M4. $370 WEEKLV POSSIBLE et home. Simple, easy, pCasant work. For info $1 + S.A.S.E. to Denis Martel 156 Agnes St., Oshawa, Ont. L1G 1V4. OWN VOUR OWN BUSINESS! $40,000 10 $70,000 annual profit. Home Based Direct Mail Dealership. Full training, continuous support. Nationwide client base. Investment $8,600. Froe InfoKi, no obligation: (416) 248-5555 - collect. EARN UP TO $75,000/YEAR, ai home with your computer. Includes 14 easy waysî Only1 $10.00. Send cheque/M .0. 10 Swift -Mailorder 3438 Garrard Rd. #66 Whitby, Ont. Li R 2C4. ESTABUISIED WHITrBY BASED business serving Durham Reg on since '89. Suae for personabe retired couple intorested in 9 ursuing active iffestyle. Cal WOULD $300-$1,000 p art lime income make Ide easier? l'Il show you howl Cal 1-800-665-7570 Generic Selling Systems for a no- obligaton information package. STYLIST - progressive local salon seeks experienced stylist with professionalisn), creativiy and has a committod attitude. Our salon off ers incentive packages, upgrading education and a personal atmosphere for your clientelo. Send resumé 10 701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby Ontario Il N 9K3. $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble ~ructs at home. Easy, no sellinq ore aid direct. Fu lf guaranteed.a No experience nocessary. Cal 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. PRODUCT DEMONSTRATORS needed in Durham Region. Days, ovenings & woekends available. Car requirod. Cal P.M.I. 430-3206. ALASKA JOBS! Earn up to $30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Also construction, can- nerles, cil fields, plus more I For immediate response, Cal 1-504-648-4513, ext. K1 42. 24 hrs. WE'LL PAY you t0 type names and addresses from home. $500 Eor 1,000. Write today. Gateway ists, Dept. WFP5, #1 50-185 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 1 M4. GIRLS WANTED from Canada, between 7-19, to compote in this yea r's 2nd annual 1994 Toronto Pageants. Over $20,000.00 in prizes & scholarships. Cali today 1-800-PAGEANT, ext. 7464 (1-800-724-3268). ÉARN UP TO $346/ WEIC 1 assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Work available across Canada. For more info., send a self- addressed stamped envelope !o Magc Cnstas - 2212 Gladwin Cr., Unit D-2. ext. 353. Ottawa. Ontario K1 B 5N 1. $475 WEEKLY. Homeworkers needod ta make styîish beaded earrings, year round, at home. Info. send a selff-addressed stamped envek>pe to ACCEX CRAFT 829 Norwest Rd.., Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston, Ontario KiF 2N3. p/'4(CaII66-611 1. Ads placed by ~~ Monday at moon wilI be published that Wednesclay. SPrepay by 5pm tosave money! Or, prepay wih your VISA card when placang the PJ. Were open 9 am to 5 pm, Monday Io Friday. Place your adi by Monday' at noon for Wednesday pîublicatin. If your can't make it in duning office hours, we have a mail slot to the left of our front door. 'I ..........1,7,1151 ' . ...I ... 1 School ofBuie .. ..........