Page 32,Wh ,ËFreo Press, Wednesday, Jiune 2,1994 CHILO CARE PROFESSIONAL wîlling ta look etter childron in my homo weokday mrornings. Childron with mild disabilities are welcome. Current C.P.R. Burns/Garden anea. 666-1149. LITTLE PEOPLE - For the littie people in your Ide who desorve special care. Oeil Mary Ann E.C.E.) 666-4775 for an interview. WANTED - someone ta loak after me tram 2-9pm on weekdays, starting July 25. I am a beautif ul six month aid girl. 1 arn vory well belhaved and I lave people. Pleaso cal my mom & ded at 666-1149. LOOKING FOR quality child cane? 1 provide daycare in my home with lots of TlC, crafs & walks. Lunch & snacks provkted. 1 have daycare foaching oxporience. Cali 725-5878. PRIVATE HOME DAYCARE - Brookiin mrm with 18 yns. expeience offers crafts, fresh air and T.LC. Receipfs given. Phone 655-8600 LOVING MOTHER will provide day cane in my home for your child, lots of TL& Nutritiaus lunch & snack Agos babies to preschooler. Garden/Dryden area. CeIl 430-3361. Spocializing in_ Early Chîldhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. Pernj House Child Care Servces 129 Penny St., Whltby 668-9476 FEMALE TO SHARE 2 bedroom condo in N. Oshawa. Own room. $350 al-inclusive, no lest month. Close toalal amenities, inexpensive laundry, .al modern tacilities. Female on disability weîcome. 434-6428, beave message. REAL NICE furnished room ta rent in a two bedroomn, air conditioned, luxury apt. Avail. immediately. Park/Adelaide area CaIl 723-8634. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, FOR SALE .. ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE WHITBY DUPLEX - upper apt., air conditioned, 3 bedrooms, large living room, largle kitchen wl breakfast area, dock;, two car garage. Aveul. Aug. 1 st. $896/mo. + utlities. Require first & last & references. Cal 434- 2325 alter 6 pr. BROOKUN - 3 bedroom apt. for September 1; 1 bedroom apt. for August 1. Close to shopping. Cal 655-5539. WHITDY - bright -2 bedroom basement apt, sepate ent ranoe, frkp, tov, aundrY&atng. Close Ioîcoo,40 &ý .$625& 1,2 utilites.Avait.sept. 1. COeil666-8573, if no enswer, leave message. ROSSLANDIT1ICKSON - new 1 b.d. ept. furnished or untumished, utilities & cable inctudod. Non- smoker. Parking. Suiteble for mature person. $120 weekly. Cal 430-6727. WHITBY: extremely specious, centraily located 2 bedroomn api. in home with pool & firoplace. Washer, dryer, fridge & stove includ ed. $750 plus 112 the utilifies. Available July 1lst. 725-3295. SPACIOUS, BRIIGHT on. bedroom basement apL, livin room, carpet, washroom, shoer, [eundry faciliies, sharod kitchn. Q0uiet landlord above. Non-smoker. $575 utilities included. 725-7474, evenings. WHITBY -dcean & quiet one bedroom apt. in century building, centralîy loceted & suftable for sing le working pmron. Non-smoker p reterrod. Aveuýi. July 1. $495 + hydra. Cal 668-3011 dlays or 668- 6818 ovenings & woekends. WIITIBY DOWNTOWN 1 bed. ept., beautiful hardwood tirs., fridge & stove, prkng, $525/mo. incudes al utilitie.Fl, rot erences noquired. Availabte now. Aduit epf. No pets 905-623-1013. ...M.. ...... t I AC WHITBY DOWNTOWN star.e office space for lease. Available now. Cal 905-623-1013. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. tt. Main stroot location, downtown W hit by. Creat ivo rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. . . . .. ... .. . OVER 55?. Low, low rates for auto & home insurance. Cal Kris at 666-2090. NW OSHIAWA - detached 2 starey, single garage, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bahs circular stanway, oak cubards & trim, central air, tridge &stove included. $1 42,500. CalI 434-2652. ALWAYS WANTED an Enghish country gardon? Here's your chancel Large, encbosod tfrnt porch overbooks seatlng area & private gardon. Parq~uet floors thraughout. Sunken lMvngroom, separate dining room, trench doors, eat-in kitchen, greenhouse window, Den to tamily room, firoplace & SGWe to covered patio and private E ilish garden. lm maculate & recently decorated throughout Cent. air, 4appliances, garage, onlly $1 54,500. Don't miss this, oel nowl Ask for Lilian North, 668-7479 Re/Max Summit Realty. T1IINKING ABOUT SELUNG? Caîl me and ask for the *10 Most lnsightful Questions To Ask Vour Realtor During Vour Initial Interview. I only have a tew copies loft, so catI nowl Don't for get to ask me about my nNo Risk, 99 Day Listing Guarantee. Caîl Carol ChantIer Re/Max Sumrmit Realty 668-3800. BEAUIFUL BROOKUN! On lk $169,900 for this classic 3 bedroomn, on. and a haft story home on a large mature lot. This centur home offters 2 baths and a main tloa r family rooml If won't last longl This may be the house of yaur dreams . . . call nawl el Carol Chantier Re/Max Summit at 668-800. "I received 65 phone oeIls about a h1,us 1was selling r B.O. MORTOAGES & LOANS at pim rates. Call Michael,' 668-7200. Anubis lnvestments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1973. 1980 CHEV MALIBU, brown, running condition, many new parts, $375 o.b.o. Caîl anytime 666-5786. FIBREGLASS CAP for Mazda B2000 stnd. box, sîiding windows and fibreglass door.'$275. Oel 430-2075. CHEV 350 MOTOR - rebuift, oniy 14,500 km, mild cern, chrome rings, new Miters, etc. asking $650. 1980 Scottsdale pick-up parts, including tit, gauges, alidling rear windaw, stnid. trà ns., etc. Mechanics good, body not. $950 takes whole truck încîuding motor. Cail 668-6193. rNfwdaoerCreitiCm*blm? Ban krupt - Undischarged -We hmoe em (qosesMun) LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Jeff FREE FIREWOODI First cail takes ail. Phono 666-8808. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. CASEMENT WINDOW 29X65, double gaed, lke new, $100. Calil 434-6187.Z BARGAINI Brown, Sklar sofa-b.d. double, excellent condition, $125. Cali 721-1083. WHITE TRADMIONAL style wedding dross. Paid $1200, askmng $600. 1 r old, perfect condition. Cal 725.w8. BABY'S BEDROON FURNTURE: crib, dresser, chang~e table, like new $250. OCl 434-61. SOUD PINE students desk with chairs, excellent condition $60; gils' 160 BMX bike $25. Cali 428-7755. OFFICE FURNITURE - desk, filing cabinet, computer, etc.; fridge, stove & much more. Phone 668-4952. MOVING SALE: upnight piano $1,150; 1991 1l0occSuzuki $1,200; rowing shell kit; Hawk Il RIC truck ; crib, fumiture, appliances (choap), more I Gairage sae aturday 1112 Centre St. S., Whitby 430-1530. DRESSER WITH IRROR $50;. 4 drawer f iin9 cabinet $30; chrome table with 4 chairs $25;. large hanging mirror, $25; baby's stroller $15; nite table, small desk. Cail 668-3975. WHRT FRIDGE $100; white apt. stove $100; white ktchen cupboards, cabinets, counter top, sink & taps, 1 yr. old $400. Cal 905-430-0741. FOR SALE - 12 acres standin ha, set of double discs& cultivator. Cali 668-8960. 1991 HONDA CIVIC SI, power roof, green, AM/FM cassette $1 0,000. Cal 579-6597 leave message. 1978 FORD 112 TON, 88,000 km, certif ied, $1 ,500. Cail 430-6281 after 6pm. "82 CAPRI . 4 cyl., auto, new carberator, starter, rbft. alternator, cap/rotor, timing belt, good tires, needs little body výork, $600 o.b.o. '89 Niva 4X4, 81,000 km, $2200. Cali 668-1493. 1983 CAMARO, excellent condition, 50,000 kms. on new V6, AIR CONDmTONER for sale - Mastercraft, 8,000 B.T.U., 23 &t4%v X16 14m d X 14 1,4h. Four years aId. Excellent condition. $300. 905-683-5357. JUDY'S BRIAL RENTAL - affordable weddinqmonsto buy or revit Large seletionof soees an %st&. For appointment caîl Judy et 9-579-4782, Oshawa. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, loss than haIt once. Large select ion. McKeen ~urniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Phone 725-5181. MAPLE CIIEST 0F DRAWERS a night table, $65 for pair; two sofl maple end tables, $35 for pair; old pressback rocddng chair, $50; spinning wheol, b.o. Cali 683-6638. COUCH, LOVESEAT & CHAIR (set) plus 4 pilbows, 8 mos. old, ascing $500 o.b.o. Oeil 43D-8123. FOR ALL VOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS - buy one pair et $199 & get second par S.V. or D.W. contacts for freel Ee exeminations arranged. Discount for seniors and child ren. Tulley Opticiens 102 Byron St. S. 430-8849. OOMPLETE LIVING ROOM SET,: chosterfield, loveseat, chair, 2 end tables, coffee table, ý2 lamps plus brown chesterfield & chair; antique hall stand, king size bed. 668-4124. KARAOKE plays--vldeo disks, movies, CD's; l0lher sterea with 5 CD changer, remipte stand; executive desk & credenza. CalI 666-4415 days or 4303076 evenings. CEDAR TREES, top quality for hedguig. 2-10'. Pick-up or delivered. Cennington 1-70-3-27 FIREWOOD. Guaranteed, excellent à uality hardwood. Seasonod, very ~ry, spli. Honest measurement. Order now for next season. Early discount. Free delivery. 905-753-2246. BON AIR 1000, hard top tent trailer, sleeps 6, water, electricuty, stove, Icebox, canopy, port-a-potty, top shape, must see. $2,50W. Caîl 666-3828. MOTORCYLE PARTS - Honda, Yamaha rims $75, forks with tree $125, Mikuni B534 cabs, calîpers for Vamahe. 50 gallon fuel tank for saiboat or transfer. CaU 430-7461. INSI 6e 'URANCE 83-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE FIBREGLASS & EPOXY materials how ta videos and books, osmosis repair kts, boat paint, prop repenrs. Oshawa GIassFibe 341 Durham Ont. 579-1433.