WhIby Fm ePr.., Wechiesday, uri 29.ý1994,- Paq.35 Only 4 apply for L ynde Shores comrnittee Býy Mke Kowalski Time is running out for Whitby residents te ho members of a committee responsible for safe- gu arding the Lynde Creek Marsh. Councillor Ross Batten infor- med Town council Monday that only four people had applied for the six citizen positions on the Lynde Creek Marsh environmen- tai monitoring committee. With the June 30 deadline for applications fast approaching, Batten said he was "disappoin- ted" with the response to date. "The monitoring committee wiIl be crucial te the Lynde Marsh. I want te, make a plea to people to get their applications in he said. bhe rnonitoring committee will oversee management of open space lands between the environ- mentally sensitive marsh and a proposed deveiopment of 5,700 people te the east. Ile committee will h com- prised of citizens and govern- ment officiais and given $500,000 te, impiemnent proposais con- tained in the Town's open spaoe master plan., Batten said many Whitby resi- dents have passionately followed the issue for several years and he thought there would bo no problem -finding six people to sit on the committee. Mayor Tom Edwarde coricur- red. "Here's an opportunity for people to ýut their interest into practice. m'n disappointed as well,» said Edwards. But councillor Marcel Brunelle, a long-time critic of the development, said there may be a valid reason for the lackc of applications., «I may have some idea what the problem is, but I will discuss it in private,» Brunelle toid Edwards. Batten said the June 30 dead- lino could b. extended, but coun- cil opted to wait until it had passed before taking further action. Followin g the meeting, Brunelle deciined to elaborate on his remarks at this time. However, Brunelle did say hoe will endeavour to have local environmentalists apply for the committee. __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ 9A /Af1 PART-TIME CUSTODIAN The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified applicants for the above part-time position in our Clerk's Depà rmont. POSITION SUUMARY: Reporting to the Administrative Assistant, the part-time Custodian will be responsible for the general maintenance and housekeeping duties for the Whitby Municipal Building and its contents; minor repair dubies including carpentry. plumbing. electrical, and painting work; inspection, record keeping and reporling the status of building systems; general housekeeping duties; and other custodiai duties as may be assigned. GUAUEFICAflQNS: Minimum Grade 12 education or equivalent;, directly related knowledge and expenience in general cleaning, maintenance and repair techniques; wor1king knowledge of building systems; position involves heavy physical labour; custodial/building maintenance courses, certification of completion of trade-relatedi courses and past working experience as a custodian would be considered assets. RATEOF PAYL: $11 .35 per hour. HOURS OF WORK: Twenty-four 24) hours only per week with flex hours as rqired. This position requires evening and some weekend work. Only persons seeking pant-lime employment are encouraged to apply. Please forward a detailed resumé indicating education, experience, references, etc. prnor to Friday, July 8, 1994 to: Personnel Departmrrent The Corporation of the Town of Whîtby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontailo LUN 2M8 Personal information submitted is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act and will be used t0 determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: We thank ail those persons who apply. but advise acknowedgmnt will only be forwarded to those applicants who are invited f or an interview. CANADA DAY, JULY 19. 1994 Solid -Waste Collection Services for Canada Day, Friday, JuIy 1, 1994 will be revised as follows: GARBAGE COLLEC11ON BLUE BOX COLLEC71ON YARD WASTE COLLECTION Normal Collection Day Friday,July 1 Friday,July 1 Friday,July 1 Rovised Collection Day Thursday,June 30 Thursday,June 30 Friday,July 8 Please refer to your 1994 Blue Box Collection Schedule and Yard Waste Collection Brochure for more information on hoidays and alternate collection days for refuse, recycling and yard waste collections. Vour co-operation is appreciated and please remnember to have y our solid wastes (garbage, yard wastes, and recyclables) out f or collection by 7*00 .a.m., on your designated collection day. G RASSCYCLING- NO BAGGING-NO DRAGGING Please do flot bag grass clippings for garbage or yard waste collection. T ho alternative is to Gra.aacyce. Grasscycling is the process of recycling grass clippings by leaving them on the lawn. Grasscycling saves time, reduces waste and leads to a healthier root system that increases your Iawn's resistance to disease, drought and insects. If you wish further information, please cal THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, OPERATIONS CENTRE 668-3437, 7:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M IN THE MATTER The Ontario Heritage Act, C. 0.18 0F R.S.O. 1 990, AND IN THE MATTER 0F Lands and Premises at the followlng Municipal Address Province of Ontario NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-law No. 3514-*94. beinq a by-Iaw to amend By-Law No. 1755-84 relating to the following munficipal address: JOHN WATSON HOUSE 1733 Dufforin Street Whitby, Ontario REASON FOR AEN4DJEN TO BY-LAW N. "75-84 On November 12, 1984 Whitby Town Council passed By-law No. 1755-84 to designate lands municipally known as 1733 Duffenin Street, Whitby, containing the John Watson House as being of historic and architectural significance under Part IV of On August 19, 1993 the Regional Municipality of Durham Land Division Committee apiproved severance application file No. LD-1 18-193 to sever th subject property. In order to release the severed lot from the heritage desîgnation, il was neoessary to amend By-law No. 1755-84 so that the provisions of the by- law only apply to the property containing the John Watson House. Dat.d et th. Town of Whilby 1h15 22nd day of Jun., 1994. Donald G. McKay, Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whilby Summer Camp! Space stili available The Community Sohools Summer Camps have spaces avaiiable for chiidren 3 to 5 and 6 to 13 years of age. For furiher information contact the Community Schooi in your area. Bellwood Community School 30 Bellwood Drive 571-4770 Glen Dhu Community School 29 Fallin gbrook Street 666-0969 Palmerston Community School 400 Palmerston Avenue 666-0959 Pringle Creek Community School 80 Ribblesdale Drive 668-0666 Canada Day Closures - JuIy 1! The Whitby Civic Recreation Complex Iroquois Park Complex wiil be closed Friday, 1 to observe Canada Day. and July Programs wili resumne as usual on Saturday, Juiy 2, 1994. I I Take A Fîtness Classi The Civic Recreation Compiex Classes which start JuIy 4. You as littie as $54. is off ering Fitness can participate for Make the decision today and commit to get fit. Don't miss this opportunity to enrol in the program of your choice. Cali 666-1991 for details. OnIy a Few Left! Participate in any fitness or aqua fiftness class at the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex during July, August and September, by purchasing a Fit Pans. With your Fit Pass youi wiIl enjoy clean spaclous facilities, with qualified instructors' and leaders dedicated to helping you achieve your finess goals. Participate during the day or in the evening. Ask us about babysitting services. Purchase a Fit Pass for $1 00 and commit to get fit. Cal us at 666-1991.% Three Month Memberships You've coridered jolnlng a Heaith Club but a 12 month membership doesn't suit your scheduie. We have the answer. Join the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex Health Club. Purchase a Three Month membership. Three Month Memberships are flexible. If at any time during the three months, you wish to upgrade to an annuai membership you may do so by payie the difference between the three month fee a~ the annuai fee. Drop in for details or speak to our knowledgeable staff cail 666-1991 today! Strap on the Blades! "Ice Hockey or Balil Hockey ail Summer!" Choose from efther indoor or outdoor facilities. The Parks and Recreation Department has !ce al summer long for those who wish to play hockey. For the bail hockey enthusiast, we have both indoor and outdoor f acilities. For more information cail Iroquois Park Recreation Compiex at 668-7765. Volunteers for Naturalizaition Efforts! The Parks and Recreation Department through the involvement of the Rotary Club of Wibislokn for an assortment of Locally Grown and coetd Pe loni wildflower seeds. These seeds will be used for planting at the Rotary Environmental Project site located at the south-west corner of Rossland Road and Anderson Street, by student prticipating in the naturaization of the site. Mature Naive sedscollected by volunteers durîng the season can be submitted to the depatent with identification labels and recommended rowung conditions. For more information please caîl Merrin macrae, Environmentalist, at 668-5803, extension 221. DID YOU KNOW THAT: Grass clip Ings wIJll ot bft collIRc1Rd t1h18year.