M HAROLU I Harold Devirre was 83. H1e is survive 6 GenerE Service, Qua I. .Family Monu *Granite orBi *Cemetery Le *Sandblasting Stafford MV *318 Dundas E 668-1 After I-ours 668- Home a ppointmen OBITUARIES DEVIBR Maebello Sevcik of Whitby, son aRowey retired Bill (and his wife Patricia) of pence, âied on London, Jim McCann (and his e 29, 1994. He wife Sharon) of Cannington, sis- tors Ethel Brown of Vancouver ed by daughter and Vina Nixey of Saskatoon, Sask., grandchildren Paul, Anne ations of Harold, Alex, Jim, Tracey ana Jennifer, great-grandchildren Llty & Trust Cathleen and Josephine. aments Ho was ~redeceased by his rozeMrkr wife Annie eearl, brother Walter and sister Phyllis Thomsoii ttering The funeral service wa heid on Saturday,'Juîly 2 in the eapel [onuments of the Mclntosh -Andorson St. . Whtby Funeral Home, Osha wa. Inter-- .3E.52 b ment at Union Cemetery. -4460 or 721-9882 Meinorial donations te the ta II gldyarn Keeping the Pace' cancer care centre at Oshawa General Hospi- tal. EXECUTIVE SALES One af Canadas aldest and Iargest financial institutions is expanding the Durham Region office. We require talented people ta service aur increasing market share. Successful candidates will enjay the following benefits: -Substantial incarnie at upper management level -Fuit range of benefits -Progressive compensation package including part ownership in business -Advanced training in marketing and financial planning -Advanced computer technalogy to assist in train ing and client service. CHARACTERISTICS 0F SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES: *Strong entrepreneurial interests Pattern of success in previaus occupations *University educatian ar equivalent *Highly developed people skills An interest in the financial services industry with a desire ta, become a financial planner Edwardl W. Romianluk, B.A. Branch Manager Pearson Lanes, 129 Byron St. N. Whitby,ON L1N4M8 Bus. 905 668-9669 FAX RESUMÉ TO 905 668-2141 Official Agent Doug Anderson Jacques Roy 17 Ind. Val Haché Donna Methot 0 Comn'lth LL'nn ac1di Maurie Shorten 54 George S. Kozarof Jlames Metrea Diniltrof 0 Libert. Scott Lavcox Robert E. Owen 2 Rob McMenemy jean K. McMenemny Nat. Dan Mcleague Duncan P. Read 142 $37,542-32 $59,, Lib. Gerard Morris Michaele Morris O $ 0.00 $ N.LP René Soetens Stephen R. Meek 163 $53,769-56 $76,, PC. Don Sullivan Douglas Alexander 138 $24,170.65 $33,. R. P. Davidson Peter Woods Rita Fantegrossi O $ 0.00 $ Abol. The complete rerurn respecting election expenses for each of the above candidates may be examined by contacting the Returning Officer: Don Sutton, 608 Centre Street South, Whitby, ONT. LIN 4W7 *Permitted Limit ofElection Exp enset for Ontario: $82, 151.80 UgueA PubIished b to subsectioi The Mutual Group THESE JANICE LYNN Sohool of Dance students won gald medals at dance com- petitians in Toronto, Nia gara Falls and Ottawa. From let, (rear), Katie Fitz erald, Sophie LeBlanc, 'Janice Lynn, laune Jamieson, Mary Knights, Lindley Atkinson, (middle) Ashley Frazer, Lauren Allison, Rene Milligan, Crystat Bezener and front) Bradtey Hicks. Phto by Mark Reesar. WhItby Free Proes H-ospital future stiil undecided PROM PAGE 1 (Last week Whitby councillor Dennis Fox, a meinher of the Whitby Generai board of direc- tors, said the board was warned by the province te change the hospita' oerations or risk hav- «I tinkwhatwe eedte do is take a look at whatfs being pro- posedl and what we can live with," said White. ý;Ã;e talked te, many people over the iast while and rm hoar- ing a:I kinds of different voics,» ho said. "The hospital board says this is what we can manage. Some Dedert: Totaloti Audited byj Personal Expenses of Candidate people (citizens' goup) say 'fino, you can do that, blut also do this7 - and the health council is saying OrtiBut whats overlooked is the rationale used by the health council steering committeeo in making. its recommendations, White said. uTne meute care study is cloar about the number of people in Whitby who use the hospita1 and those wvho go eîsewhero,' »ho said. (According te the study more Whitby rosidonits use Osawa General instead of their own hospital.) «From taîking te, people (offi- ciais) at the hospitai, they see it Electon Expenses Subject te the Limit* t'7 12 1 - 1 LiTA. c.;rPA Chartered Accountant $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00' Poupart & Associés $20,860.00 $ 0.00 $1 5,783.62 $ 654.30 $15,129.32 Bernard G. Nayman $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 M~i chael D. Matthew $ 120.00 $ 137.09 $ 50.05 $ 87.04 Feldstein & Lewkowicz Chartered Accountants $491.95 $ 3,700.48 $ 0.00 $ 3,700.48 Madgett, Roberts, Marlowe, Hurren & Partners ,494.72 $ 550.00 $58,944.72 Bass & Murphy, Chartered Accountants 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Stephen 1-I. Sasiove 418.51 $2,740.24 $73,678.27 Madgett, Roberts, Marlowe, Hurren & Partners 905.17 $ 930.81 $32,974.36 Madgett, Roberts, Marlowe, Hurren & Partners as reported by candidate by the ChiefEletoal Officer ofanada pursuant ons 235(2) and (3) of the Canada ELections Act CANADA The non-partisan agenty responsible for the conduct offedera lections White said the curront im- -passe over the hospital's future isilargoly the resuit of two con- flicting points of view. «What you have are people doig what they feel is best ana peope who don't want toi ose wvhat they now have," ho said. «We have te look at what we can manage in the community and how we as a community can pull it together." White's insistence that the Whitby General's future is not a udone deal» was weicomed by both its new chairman and the head of its medicai staff. Whitby automobile dealer Jim Souch recentlj replaced Ed Buf- fett as chair oX the hospita board' of directors. «rIve been on' the lèesitive group for auto deaiers for severai years and Pve nover soen a government that hasn7t ieft a window for negotiations,"- said Souch. «Nf they don't, there stupid,» ho said, «now it's up te us te W hi b e nea i chief of staff Dr.Bian Redlpromised te "hold7 White te his word that the study proposais can be modified. «Witbyj citizens have spoken their mincis,» said Reed i refer- once te the overflow crowds which attended. public meetings heid by the steering committee «Wo need te have certain acute care services in Whi.tby. Whate- ver they wili ho wo don't know yet," ho said. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 4 1. The rough-cast house at 306 Gilbert St. W. was headquarters of the Whtby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police from 1950 to 1959. 2. Dr. T. E. Kaiser of Oshawa gathered the pioneer stones in Groveside Cemetery fromn abandoned cemeteries in Whitby Township in 1926. 3. The Ontario County Jubilee and Old Boys' Reunion was held in Whitby from July 1 to 4. 1904 to celebrate the 5Oth anniversary of Ontario County. 4. A water tank was located in Kinsmen Park from 1947 to 1979. Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wocnesday, JuIy 6, 1994 a Big smiles for gold medals Candidate Nuxnber Total Total of Contributions Election Contributors Expenses G.P. 0.00 Stephen H. Saslove 1 Audited by 0.00 $ 0.00 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Not Audited