Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1994, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Pros, Wednesday, .iùly 6,1094 Whitby fguresatrs, reach for te.gol FOUR MEMBERS of the. Whitby Figure Skating Club have struck gold, passing their gold- level artistic tests. (from left) Jason Coallier, 4,,Natalie Morgan, 16, Sarah Cook, 16 and Juanta Baker, 16. Attaining a gold level test represents the highest level available in figure skating except--for dance, which has a diamond level. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres Four members of Ithe Whitby Figure Skating CI b recently achieved an importa it milestone in their skating careei'e. Juianita Baker, 17, Sarah Cook, 16,, Natalie Morgan, 16,: and Jason Collier, 14, Were al suçcessful, in passig the goid level in one of the figure skating disciplines. Baker was eiceesful in *a ig br gold artistic. ,She skted ber interprttin of EDacing Thraugh 'rme ta Find the Rtight Mood' toi achieve this level.11 She je currentiy, boginning a career as a professioia skating caaç with the Whitby Figure ýSk4lting'Club, whiie confinuing ta work on beôr gald level dande-s. She wiI4, be finishing OAC. next year and pans ta attend university. She je coached by Sandra Boyce-Maioney. Cook becanie a gald levol dancer .after - successfully completing ý the* 21 dances neceeeary for this level. She will enter Grade Il at Henry Street High School in the fail,,and je currently a member -of the Whitby Figure Skating, Club where ehe ie working 'on her eeventh Figure, her junior silver freo skate_ and her diamond dances. She ie coached by Suzanne Burkart and ber dances were partnered bjr Chuck' %~aman. Morgan. aigo passed her goid artietic. She skated ber program ; titied 'Can the Court Jeeter Mlae the King and Queon Laugh?' and received the passing grade* from' the, judges ini attenda±ice She will enter Grade 12 at Henry Street High School in, the, fafl, and je9 coachoed by Boyce-mMoloney. Colier also passed the goid- artietie test, hie programentitled itra roidloBta Bek.' lHe gave hie rendition of Fred Flintstane on ice. He wiil enter Grade 10 ait Henry Street High Sohool in the fail, and je currently a member pf, the Whitby Figure Skating Club where he ise woridn on hie sixth figure, hie gai -acsand hie, senior silver freeékate. Ho je currently in the proces of -training ta, be a figue katingr judge. EHo is coache byi burkart wvith Jody Jones assieting with choreography. ~>You Can Make, a Difference Huntington's Disease Huntington Society of Canada Box 1269 Cambridge, Ontario NIR7G6 J ec Stuent hoourdaMnvocationéý Durhan, College, recentiy beld convocation ceremanies, at the Civic Auditorium in Oshawa and presented diplômeas ta maore than 900 graduates. The top student- was Dan Foote, the recipient< of the prostigiaus Durhem College presidents' goid medal' and Governor General"s ecademic modal. The honour ie awarded te the -' highest-renlcing graduate of eny two- or threo-year fuil-time diploma programn. Silver modal in technolagy was awarded ta John Tryon ànd Kiniberly Dewey, the higbest ,rnkng graduates in eny two-year post-secondery tech- nology progrm. :- Silver m 'dal in business administration was awerded ta Chrietine -Cafter.' The silvor modal in business went ta Michelle Knight. SThe silver modal in arts and adminiefrýation wes; .awarded ýta Heidi Péerson and Tracey Brietow, the higbest-ranking graduates in any two-year poet-eecondary arts and administration program. The silver modal in heaith and human studios was awarded ta Jacqueine Kiifoy and, Barbara Wilson, bath ofWhAitby. The bronze modal in heatth and huruan studios was awarded ta, Connie Colline. ,-. SThe bronze modal xin arts and administration wes awarded ta Erin Kuelui. The new Dawn Hliggin niemoiai scbéarsbip was awarded te Hazel Gbbs,. a graduate of the. practical nursing prograin wh5 "bas demonstrated consistent linical excellence. Fred Upshaw, a 1975 nursing graduate, and Glen Wright, a 1971 business administration- marketing graduate, bath recoived the alumnus of distinction award. The Durham College Alumni Association honours two greduates wbo have excelled in their careers and cýntributed ta the deveiopment of Durhami College and/or their communities. Traaa a Graduates should be 'uncool' The guest speaker, thé Rovorend Ann Tottenhani, principal of the Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, etood at the puipit of Grace Chapel at Trafalgar Castie School on June 18 and told the gradliates and their parents that it wasn't cool ta be cool. Outside it was at least 36; inside it fot more like 46, and we were being told not be ba cool. ]Reverend Tottenhani wont on ta say she didn't mean 'cool' in terme of centigrade or fabrenheit, but rather in torms of attitude. She laznented the fact that so many in society today think that it j ina Wta be «<col;' that is, it is acceptable, if not preforable, ta be detached, not to be involved, not ta participate. Reverend Tottenhain urged the students, particuIarl7 the graduates, ta be definitely uncoo, tato be actively involved and ta be one of the team, in the gaine of life rather than stand on the sidélinos and watch lif. paso on b. It was a Message welroceivedand one of the highlights of Trafalgar Day at the echool. Parents frein as far away as Hong Kong, Malawi and Spain attended the awards coremony and chapel service. .Ton students from Durham Reffion received their diplomas an al f these were recounizod as Ontarioa Scholars: Joanna Eaton, Meghan Kamcke, Margaret King, Sonya Sultan- Khan, and Martha Warboy. Meghan Kamcke, who lias attended Trafalgar for seven yeasr recievod the Gover' or General's Acadeniic Modal for tho highest average (92.6 por cent) in the graduating case. In addition ta receiving several eubject prizes, Meglian alsea received the Mayor's Modal for leadersbip and academic achievement, the University of Tarante National Book. Award, the Ryerson Chapter Award for- Student Council President, and the Nanette Halpike Memorial Award. Other students were alsea recognized for their achievements: Martha Worboy of Oshawa, was this year's vaiedictorian; she alsa received a eèlen Parsons Britton Progre Prize and the Read Day Girl Award. Julie Brahain was awarded the Strathcona Shield forditigushing herseif in a.thiet"iceand aoedemics, Kavita Gardner won the Centonnial Shield for her outstanding contribution ta the spirit of the echool, Stephanie Cheng received the Mes Trafalg-ar Award for her unfailing beiÈâose and positive infusion into daily sebool life. the Dean' Award went ta Pekkey Ha, a etudent who bas shown by exemple that with perserverance and bard work, 'one can, indeed succeod,' and the Principal% Award was given ta Sylvia Mbekeeni, a boarder- from Malawi, Central Africe, for ber seiflese contribution ta residence ]ife. Prizes for highest academie. achievement went ta Karen Yung in Grade 11, Jacquehiné Law in Grade 10, Katey Hickey and Jane Roberts in Grade 9, Lindsay Ostridge in Grade 8 and Pain Deuzeman in Grade 7. Burearies and scboiarshipe ta returning students.were awarded te Asha Jaines, Margaret Pak, Suzanne Ogilvie-Kfing, Enid Straughan, Sonya Kiessling, and Abigail Pearson. Entrance echolarehiipe were presented ta Mirenda Lenis and Eniily Keith. At the end of the ceremanies, as the graduates made their final traditional walk down Main Hall, past their families and friends, it was bard ta imagine that any oee of them in the years ta came would hoe nything but <uncool,'9 considering their enormous contributions ta Trafalgar Castie Sehool, their energy and their spirit. DURHAM REGIONAL Police youth bureau constable Peter Bramma presents a T-shirt to a graduate of the VIP (values, influences, peers) program at' Kathleen Rowe Publc Scool ecenly. Photo by Maurice Pither, Whltby Free Pres Bus orentatOr ion planned The Durham Board -cf Education and the Durhamn separate echool board will hold a school bus orientation dyon, Saturday, Aug. 27, frail Icindergarten students. The aiiu is ta intraduce children and their familles ta school buses in a informai eetting prior ta the firet day of echool. Parente are invited to bring their Idundergarten chlfdren 'and other chlfdren in the family t aa one-hour prograrabeginning- et 10 amn. Bus rides and a Winnie -the Pooh eafety video, wlll bep art of the informative fun. It Uillbe a good onnortunitv for- parents ta, catch their chila'sfiret bus rida on video or in pictures. Parente are asked te register witb the bus company beiow that serves their childIs echool: Stock (357-3187), Laidiaw (1-800-263- 7987), Scugog Transit (985-2323), Firet Tran (655-3381). or Charterwaye (683-3320). At the time of regetration parents will ho advised of the location af thoe chool b us orientation day in their area. For further, information, contact Durhamn board managerý af trnsora- o Carol Jobustan at 434-5122 or separate biard sueri Or f tasotton Kathleen Pezzare!llo at 576-6150.

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