Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1994, p. 24

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I f Viti', * )Z~'~? ~~71~'drV Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, JuIy 13,1994 Whitby minorsshowmjo ffec The Whitby rep basebali Peterborough home-and-honie week. minor teani twice series mosquito defeated in a tbis past Under- lOs advance in cup play After a mediocre showing June 29 in a 0-0 tie in league play against West Rouge, the injury-ridden Whitby Iroquois underten rep soccer team, s;p nsored b y Dominos Pizza, Neilson Cadbury and Golden Griddle, rebo unded well the very next day in the first round or the Central Soccer League cup comipetition te defeat a very strong East York team 1-0. End-to-end action made for a exciting game but keeper and game nmost valuable player Brian Crawford, supported by the impenetrable Whitby defence, miade up of sweeper Eamon Sommervile left back B.J. Bowles, right 6ack Tyler Mattin and central defender Gavin McRorie, kept the score level until midway through the second baif when centre haîf John Baker and left winger Ciaran Thonipson cornbined te set up inside left Liani Reddox te blast a shot borne. The visitors refused to give in and the result was uncertain rigbt up to the final wbistle, but strong play fromi the right side by Paul Kontos supported by Bryan Macfinnon, David Morgan, Mike Bowernian and Mike Sheehan, kept up the pressure te the very end for a well-fought victory and a place in the second round against North Scarborougb. At Peel Park Iast Wednesday, Whitby carried out a savage attack on Peterborough scoring 25 runs in only five innings while the defence allowed just four runs. The garne was in the bag after the second inning when Whitby went through their batting order twice and took a 17-1 lead. Peterborough allowed too many baserunners because of poor Ontario major lacrosse Scores Peterborough vs. Broalin - cancdllad Six atons va. Brarrpton - cancelled 'Broklin 7 Fargus 3 July 9 Fergua 5 Bramrpton 13 Owen Sound 6 Peterboraugh 14 July 1 Brookin 13 Six Nations 15 St -ani $$of Juy 10 W L T GF GA P Brookin 12 3 0 174 114 24 Brampton il 3 O 172 115 22 Six Nations il 4 O 2111M9222 Peterborough 6 7 I11lis 20 13 Owen Sound 1i12 1 136 204 3 Fergus i1 130 96 182 Top 15 scorrs OPOG A P John Tavares, Six N. Il 36 40 76 Bob Hamley.Bramp~ton 12 25 35 60 Troy Cordingley. Brarp. il 20 36 6 John Fusca. Braoklln 12 15 29 44 Tom Wreggatt. Brook 13 12 31 43 Duane Jacobs Six N. 13 17 24 41 Mike Murray. Brampton 12 17 22 39 Peter Park. Brookin 13 23 15 38 Bob McNb. Owen S. 12 17 21 38 JeUf Wiffng, Brampton il 20 17 37 PaulGait. Sx Nations 6 24 12 36 Gay ai. rokiit 5 23 13 36 Radyders.Ix. 14 13 .22 35 Jari rm1c~.O. 2 il 24 35 Darrds Kigaur. Six N. ID 9 26 35 Choie of Burger, Mot Dog 4 or Chioken Nuggets PLUS French Fry, Soft Drink, Dairy Queen Frozen Treat PLUS Prize 0f The Week! ..........f rom Avalable at: WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN * AM1Y003A DFasS. Eu Feda family of four for oniy ' I $0 $13.9 pus taxes gIricludes: 4 reg. burgers. 4 fries, * With is coupon. Whitby Location _ * - defensive play coupled with il wallcs by the pitchers. There were usually two runners in scorin position when the hits came. Michael May led the 15-bit attack for Whlitby going four for five and picking up five RBIs in the process. Craig McLellan was hot as well going be or four with four RI.Brandon Petch knocked in two runs with three bits. These two teanis squared off again on Saturday in Peterborough. The home team was looking for revenge but Whitby sent them a very clear message in the form of five runs in tbe first irming. That was al they needed as they went on to win by a final score of 11-2. Peterborough played a much better game defensively, but their pitcbing let them down again by giving up 10 walks. Whitby collected just four bits but they were timely. Whitby Iroquois soccer HOUSE LEAGUE BOYS ATON J une 24 Durhamways Barry Cayna 3 Robrt Lonjs Jasan Stapley Optirist Club Bell Taxi Grog William. Sean Kaa 5 7 Eleven Tomi Kakloogos 2 Mik prague 0 MaerpwS cClears. Gregory Doaley 2 Mathew Hurat 2 Rangera Robert Jedinak 2 PauI BarraSf Marc Flego Shandex Salas Monter Badora scre and namas not givan) Jiyd 1 0 7 Elevan Andrew Barkhause 2 Torri Kokaogos 2 Mustarpkmiecmla. 2 Master Bedrooni Shariti Deseould Andrew Lait4 Chris Wymne Adami Stain 2 Brandon Smnit h Andrew Sksltan Rangers An&rew Mahnin 2 Marc Flega 2 Paul Barrat Robert Jednak Douglas Dehetre 7 Durhanassys Shandex Sales Optimiat Club (score and nares not givan) July 8 Durharrrways 5 Bell Taxi Bary Cayne 3 Anidrew Coner Tim-othy Motvzas 2 Mathew Foster Sean Keay 7 Eleven 6 Master Bedroan Tomi Kaklogos 4 Brandon Smnith A ndrew Bar house 2 Optirist Club 1 Rançers namne nat given) Martin Mahrin 2 Robait Jedinak 2 Marc Flego Shandex Sales David OHare Rosa Reitsma Patrick Lang J une 17 Green Craig Grsik Purple AlHan Evelyn Nicholas Bubela continued bis hitting tear of late, going two for two which was good for two RBIs. Justin Hawe and Adam Bight got the other two hits. Durham lakeshore women's fastball Stanance Classios WhRby Sun. Picote Piraes RobaIs Dodd à Soter Sour Grapes Juna 27 - Juy1 Whkby Suns ckClSc Scores 17 Sour rapas 8 14 Roebas 5 Devmn Frayne 3d scarar not g*vn) Canadian I-mmr Chrs McGragh 2 Chai Thbodaa Sean Keppy Dia. Devis Bdan Eno 5 Tomnn#13 1 Addlda MarlcMizzi 7 Whitby mixed slo- pitch Stanilngev ne of JoiyS Tait Gale Charome Advantage Telecamm. Banker and the Bandit Hermatia Service Duham Squash Clb* East Sida Marias Aulo Zona Mr. Transmkalon Don Cherry'. Grqmen &qador Vsnding Service scor Jur 4 Tl GideChargeas 17 East Sida Marias 8 Advatage Tala. 12 July 7 Mr. Trsnosiln 0 JulyS8 Banicar & the Bandit 13 Don Cherry's 14 Advantage Tala. 15 Tripla AAA Spart. Shana Verway 2 Mâdi Moffatt Drivaine Trans. Kyla Duke Jaey Sellai. r.0 Don Cherry'. 2 Hermaetic Servkce 15 Durham Squash 7 Auto Zona 7 Durharn Squash 14 Harmetia Serviaa17 Suparior Vendâng 4 3 GarnerAuto Sar. S. Kroekenstoal 2 BroddConsuftlng 2 N. PadaracldBarber 2 7 Comnmer. Gas 1 Owamc Vollcwagen 0 Christapher Brasmaser Shoe Cdt 4 Green Machine 3 J une 15 TamTika Daara 3 Chai ValasToam928 Pter Càllpiel Stohane Schneider Justin Daroolter S M 4fana July Kinsman Ckib Peter 1-beherngton 4 elms Faquhassan Scatt Watters Purple 3 G&R Property Scatt Gallard 2 Jonahan MoGilen Alx Skeas 6 RkfeDles 1 TripleAAA Sports Shane Verwey 4 MAJOR SOUIRI JLiy 7 Canadlan Tire Brandon Teixeirs 3 Michael Ritter 0 Burgundy Brigade 0 Justin White 4 Shoa Cky miles Pachee Leacom Consuking 1 Green Warren Whitsitt Darcny Nichais Kertucky F.C. Canadian Morne 4 ChulThbodaa4 Christopher Megra Kyla Haldoroak 2 July 6 Wggers Luke Curry Justin Stlv Euracrait Kchens Equion Grotp Michael Lee Max Pai 0 Durham Mazda 2 Daniulle Keller Casey Prince 9 Pedro. Pizza O n 3 ROOIGES 2 LanglyPluning 4 Errn Langley 3 Carl MoUan 0 Whkbtr Optlrist 3 Carey Agnew 2 Shatnon Mochan 2 Prêngle Craek Drugs 1 Stryder McCarmadk Canadian Progreas 3 Dunbarton qMitchell Gerrits 2 Michael Bauldry ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . JaanPh.h Team 928 Justin Deracher Coutic Cory Ross8 James Sedng 2 3 MastepSoclean. 3 Cwuizza Chris Wynne 2 Brenen Befank 7 Cady Bake Shariff Dessouki Stean An. SHRIMP 1 Burgundy Brigad 1 Blue Devits Bran Emo 2 Erie Rosdobutks Jul Ketuky FC. 3 Burgundy ripade Alex Elchelburger, Marcu Spasc 2 5 Broaklini Optirist Sean Po.pore 1 Teanu#6 lu Tomni# Patl Alia 4 Kyla Munfy Thomas Markieseloz 3 Alex Vopri Stephan Dinardo 1Simmon Susac UNOR SOUIRI Jirni Pîovenzana3 Russel Alan Brian Emna Whitby Kinsman Patrick Johnston 5 Jeremy Boggs Michael Lennro Chris Claver Graharn Nicholson 5 Owasca Volts. Tylv.rallir g Bý V Pharmnacy Christopher lEng 2 Gregory Simmion. 2 Whtby Optimadsta 2 Brodd Consulting Jahn Sos» Shane Graham 2 Lashua Lwnidigam Joshua Stanar Rogers Coble Shane Mari8a 3 Mark Feather Paul Scott 5 Td'ad Tool Co. Ltd. 0 MOSQUITO BOYS BitianrlanJ une29 Masterche! Catenng 5 Flyers 1 Toam 27 3 Kyle Shearing 2 Jay Sprague 2 Andraw MoMullan 2 Mattlhw Dammer Andrw Smith Ashlsy Beggs James Eliman Joermy Zara 8 Caalh Llvingstone 1 Bradley Fisher Atlas Anchor Sys. 4 Cail Jae Coacicco2 6 Blairbum Rover. 3 Omra Dessouki 4 Cassidv Raid 2 Ian Watson Joshua Cannor 9 PC Warehoms Dodd a Sater 0 Guardian Dwugs Tanner Vandanrrak Cody MacOuarrie Bryant Houghton Lafor aine Makenzie Poeesr3 3 Jay Porabeck 4 DIS lasuance Carson & Weelcs 1 Drivai.e Trans. Kale Mo" tJaaeph Violis 3 Steve Kantas 2 Alexander Dtzko Rangers 0 Andew Race July 6 Whitby OptimTist CragBano 2 4 Anore Blake 2 Calilo Baury Cayne Marco Lango 0 JashuConnor 1 Whitby Optiiat Aaron Farr 2 3 Flyers Jay spagua 3 Masterchel Caler. Jeremy Shelton 4 Robert Sheehan 2 Rassa Raisin Andrau, VanDerVen Mathaur Deminer 6 Atlas Anchor Sys. 1 Rangera Ian Watson Andrsw Kelly Jas Reitano Colin Salazar Let u coo foryou!Let us cook for you! 1 2Palrty six0 Pizzas 2Pop l.502l' Il oo $Included l 7 Pick up GST& PST Inc ude kup only ol 1 1 1 Rossland & Gardennslad&Gdn 11 Plaza, Whitby 4w0200 Plaza, Whitby 430@02UU Imm ------------ mmmà Let us cook for you! Pepp wniPizz PARTY - 1520 ' Ue LfPick up GST& PST mnci donl Rossland & GardenA Plaza, Whibiy ae3 VmA02W i Let us cook for you! IARRI 16 Inch 10 Suce,.9 GST& PST Included Pick up 1 5only5s Rossland àGarden Af.lff I%-Lo IIIifklg~ -/zVVIU flwp - .~.sa-~-'~ - - 1 e #J1272 wnilnv M-73IL Bu IL M ILIL MIL M

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