Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 13,1994 __________ CH5M AW OM Trent University at Durham Coilege Fail 19 94 Complete a degree, part-time or ful-time, in any of the folowing subjects: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, Engish, History, Political Studies, Psychoîogy, Sociology For information or a brochure caii: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 QUAUTY DAYCARE available in mny home. Nutritous meals & snacks. Close IoBeiNwood Puiblic School. Cali 404-2551 for more info. EXPERIENCED. caregiver re uired ki aur home for 2 chWien agesl1& 4. _9 August 29. Please caîl ni had nover used the Whitby Free Press ciassifieds before, and I was. delighted with the response to my ad. The cost was a lot Iess than other papers. I wili continue to use the Whitby Free Press.- R.P. NEED A BABYSITTER? Responsible and experienced .university student seeks summer position. Cail 436-7567. SHERRY'S HOME DAYCARE - Brock/Rossland area.- Have opening for infants & toddlers. Please cail 430-6161. BABYSrT[ER WANTED for occassionai evenings for two children in the Hwy. #2 & Lakeridge Rd. area. Must have expenence, references& be reliabie. Cail 905-666-2465. LlTTLE PEOPLE HOME DAYCARE - care, prvvided by E.C.E. Reasonable rates & recelpts. For the irni% pepewodeserve speclal care. al Maranne666-4775. NEED A NANNY? Responsible, expenenced woman seeking lîve-in position. WhitbyOshawa area. Crafts, nutritlous meals, housework & TIC. Cail (705) 876-7841 after Bpmn or leave message. Specializing in - Early Childhood ~ i Education. -For Peace of Mind. Perry House Child Care Services 129 Psrry St., Whltby 668-947 WHlI1BY - clean , quiet fuîly fumished room In primae home. PI.ilees include kitchen use, cable & parkng. Suit mature working maie. $90 weekl. Firstlast avallable immediately. Cal 668-3640, please leave message. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RIENT, $8»SLek Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred.. Wak to ail amenities. Please cail 666-3776 AFTER 6PM. BROOKUN - large room, close ta shopping. Available August 1/94. Cal 655-5539. LWM WHITBY DOWNTOWN store& office space for bease. Avalabie naw. Cail 905-623-1013. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street-location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangemrrent s..668-1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Want ta get on the Information Highway? 7Don't know where ta exit or enter? Afraid once there you'il get mun over? We'Il get you roiling - you'll be surprised at how smooth the ride is! *Computer Sales *Database design sSpreadsheet design Caîl 666-0028 ýSVNEIRGYS1IlC SYSTEMS C jHO1WIROOM IIMOBI1LE Sif0 * WINIDOWS & DX:ORS c.om 579-222 E COMWesdeots * Vioyi %-=do" & o CASEMENT .PATIO 00095 n T-HUN IE M BAYPILCTUREWINDOWS j IUISORM DOOE51 WINDOWS 0 1 " -GLASS IL SCREEN EREPAIRS 13 FREE ESTIMAES ol C) WAYNE HUTCHINSON 69RIGSW SSALES. SERVICE & INSTALLATION OSHAWA. ONTARIO 5792222 LU *2L3 tHS a-liHOIA.IIOOIIMOHs BRIANS Lawnmower Re pair 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free Pick Up & Delivery ~ ~ LAWN MOWER SPECIALr TUNE UP OnIy $49.95+parts ibn Used mowers avilable "eiz taxdrnedreOn" GO N IR SYSTEES S insallr naualga Coe apncespndai You;ramily swiig!ou Csa Mal 1579.0971,r FC orpoýl) 430a.2358ls ua ( CMING EVENTS )x WAYLON JENNINGS - George Fo0 Asleep ai the Wheel - Goods - Vaidy - Murry McL-auchlan - Crowbar Cassandra Vaslk. Aug 12-14 HaveIock Country Jamboree and Trade Show. Jack Blakely j1-800-.5393363. BUSINESS OPPS. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITV In the r.- use recycle fild. Geographlcally protedl- ed ameas. Proven resuits. Non-discosure agreement requlred. Prices start at $2,000. Cail 5 19-438-3970, to enquire. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING et the Southwestem Schooi 0f Auctioneerlng. Next Ciass: Nov. 19-25. Informaton , contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneerlng, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMPLOYM ENT OPP. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 wth agricuitur- al experlence Iolilve/work with family In Ausîralla, New Zealarid, Europe, Japan. Costs/detals - 1-800-263-1827. #206.> 1501 - 17 Ave., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. (_FOR SALE QUALITY TRAMPOLINES Factory 'Direct. 13'Sq. Spiash Bounce, 16'Round Mega Bounce 1-800-663-2261 parts. repaîrs: Ail Makes. ALMOST FREE software for IBM com- patible computers. Phone for free dlsk catalogue. Thousands of f itles. GD SOFTWARE. 1-800-757-1276. MEDICAL OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Dont risk fînancial ioss by travelling out of Canada wilhout Medicai coverage. National Auto Leagues Heaîth pac gives our members the peace of mind to travel worry free. Buy the most flexible cover- age avaliable startlng at $49.00 for year round coverage. Cail 1-800-387-2298 - 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EDT. ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS: Amazing new Dres Creamn now avallabie ln Canada. A new formula deveioped by a group of doctors is now available Io relleve tempo- rary sufferlng and Pain from minor arthrl- tis of joints, muscles and tendons. If you suffer from arthrltls and 1he pain wont go away, use Dr's Cream. Ask your pharrna- clst about Drs Creamn todav. Dlstrbuled by: Oxford Dlstrbutors, Box 613, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5C7 1-902-895-8736, 1-902-893-4603. (MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24.000 ln prîzes yearfy. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 fines or less: National Library Of Poetry, Box 704-1362, Owlngs Milis, Md 21117. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Chrstian people across Canada for companlonshIp'or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free Information. State age. Ashgrove. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE I MO. CLASSIFIED MARKETP LACE 'Advertise.Across Ontario or Across the Country" Flnd your Ilfemate companlon wlth oui natlonwlde * proven, rellable, discreet Introduction service. Ail ages. FREE trial membershlps. Selectîve Introductions, Box 21053-AB, Thunder Bay, Ont.. P7A 8A7, Phone (807) 767-3888, Fax (807) 767-0888. GAIN MORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read 4Dlanetlcs: The Modem ScIence of Mental Heaith* by L. Ron Hubbard. and It's Home Study Course ($31 .00). Cal 1- 800-561-5808. (_ADOPTION ADOPTION - HEALTHY & HAPPY COU- PLE, wlth Home Study completed, want to adopt Infant. Caîl 416.531-7600.col- ledt, after 6:00 p.m. weekdays, anytîme- on weekends. ( REAL ESTATE__ _ $75.000 TEN ACRES 305' on Kashe River Iowest prIce ln Muskoka, close 10 boatlng. golf, f lshing. $12,000 down, no Inlerest 1 year (705) 687-2840. School& garbage pick-up. GATEWAY TO THE BRUCE. Hîgli vol- ume general store, redecorated resl- dence, junictlon Hwys 21 and 86 In Amberîey on Lake Huron. Cati Robert Scott, Century 21 Prestige Realty Inc. 519-396-2001. GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlptimeshare? We'Ii take ii Amertca's Iargest, oldest reale clealng- house. Resort Sales Intemnational 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshàre rentaIs needed. Cai 24 hours a day. (STEEL BUILDINGS $6,593.00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL S25-X 32- $5,922.&0, S30'x4O'$6.999.00. EndwaIis and Slidirg Doors lnciuded. Caîl Future Steel 1-800-668-8653. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES' Ouonset buildings. . . HIgh sldewaiîs. Llmlted quantifies. 25x34 $2,470.00, 30x4O $3,490.00, 35x52 $6,279.00, 42x60 $7,669.00, 47x80 $10,999.00, 52x104 $18,944.00 . .. Ends optional. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES -'Steel Straitwali Type - not quonset 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12.887; 50x90 $18,378.; 60x126 $28.150 - other sizes available - Mlsc. clearance - Paragon - 24 hours 1- 800-263-8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS: If you. feel quallfy Is as Important as a good prîce, cali the stralghtwali building spe- cialisîs, arenas, stables, workshops. Industrial, commercial. Confractlng avail- able, 1-800-561-2200. VACATION /TRAVEL CALM-WATER RIVER CRUISING. Spend 4 or 5 nlghts thîs summer or fai crulsing the St. Lawrence River In exquisite comfort aboard an elegant repli- ce steamboat. Outstanding scenery and numerous attractions. From $860. Free brochure 1 -800-267-7868. COTTAGE, MODERN FOUR BED- ROOM, 2 baths on Lake Eugenla, ail niceiy fumlshed, very dlose to water, safle swImmlng. dock. Cail Gien Boynton <519) 924-3513. *It's Affordable a It's Fast e* Is Easy - One Dili Does It AUl eNorthem Ontarlo $63 e Eastem Ontarlo $91 *Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $1168 * Ail Ontario $380 * ational Packages Availabie - Cal this paper for details! AUCTIONEERS The people of Whltby and surrounding amas. enjoy attending auction sales. Let them know about your noxt sale by advertislng ln the most wîdely read pages ln Whiiby - The Whltby Free Press, Classifleis. Cali: Lq ~ 668-6111. ~O$94 7d/4s ea eem 444*. M&LPropeIty Services *DECKSFENCES .Resld nlia *YAFIDCLEANUP Senioo' Dioeunî --dàd«ýIL - The Mutual Group HERB TRAN call for quotatbin 668-9669 e 432-7216 RRIF-s ANNUITIES GICS RRSPs Mîmndùqrlý king stone - retaining walis wood fencling & decksl FREE ýOMPETlTlVE ESTIMA TES written Guarantee 666-9690 i 1 1 -

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