Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1994, p. 1

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Trains mnag stop whs pae Fee calied 'tax grab' pagel3 Warriors begin junior A playoffs page 22 Expect less, saysMPpagel7 "Il WAYNE PRIMEAU dlons the Buffalo Sabres to soon join brother Keith, who plays for the sweater he received after being picked llth. Detroit Red WinM in the big leagues. overali in the NHL junior draft. Primeau hopes te by Ma~rk Reesor, Whtby Fme Press Another WPrimeaudaims for career hithe big league By Mark Reesor Wayne Primeau is working bard te achieve b is goal of becoming the second Primeau in the National Hockey League. The Whitby residont was reoently drafted l7th overal by Buffalo Sabres in the NHL junior draft, which, included inter- national players, and is Iooking te join brother 'Keitb, wbo plays for Detroit -Red Wings, in the big leagues. TIraining camp starts in mid- September and Primeau is work- in#. eut regularly te, prepare. PIn going te go te training camp and try my bardest and hope I make it but I stilI have two years ofjunior eligibility "Se if I don't make it, rul be disappoiînted... but nIP still have lots ofltime... "If I don't play in the NHL this year, I want te come back and dominate the OHL more than I did this year. I had a good season but I want te do even botter than I -did this year. I just want te, become better and better each year that I play." Primeau scored 25 goals and had 50 assista in the 1993/94 season, his second with tbe Ontario Hockey League's Owen Sound Platers. Playmaking, scoring goals and playing the body are tbe strongest parts of bis game, says Primeau. Hes bookin g te improve bis accleration "off the bat.» Hels to keep working bard andedicate bimself completeflY te hockey te prepare for the bigger, st o r and faster p erintheMI V'rother Keith, who bad a fine 1993-94 season with Detroit, has been a big help in letting bim know what 'to expect. «He's always giving me tips and show- ing me whatl1have te work on." During the season, Wayne Pri- meau says ho offen turns eut early for practices and stays later sbooting pucks anid honing bis sicilîs. In the summer ho rides bike, runs and works eut with weights and a stairmaster te keep up bis strength and endurance. 'Itfs net easy b ut you bave te motivate yourself te do it. Itfs net always fun but it feels igreat afterwards - you feel good about yourself.n Whitby, councillýor sued for, $1 million, ByMike Kowalsid $10,000 more than Pacbino's. Reinal couclo acel Council'a action followeè BrunË ehl mE e bseued Mfr $1 Brùnelld's questioning of. staffi million by a Steuffville construc- recommendation te give the joi tien company currently under te, Pachino. police investiain ---Due te bis queries and othE, -Claiming hoi reapnible for both the loas of a $1.5-million Durham.Region contract and the subsequent police Probe, Pachino Construction Co. filed the law- suit against Brunelle asat week. The company is suing Brunelle for siander and defamation as a resuit of regional council's deci- sien not to award the* contract to Pachino even though it was lowest bidder on the project. The lawsuit charges bhat at a meeting of council 9 public worlcs committee in May, Brunelle* accused employees of Durham's works department of being "on the take fromn Pachino» because of their support for the firxn's tender. Brunelle's alleged- remarica ultimately prompted council to reject the tnderê and led te an ongoing jivestigation »of the deartmRent nd acino by'Dur- hanRgiomial Police, the lawsuit contendé. Brunelle, however, emphati- cally denies making the comment and insista hoe was only doing bis duty in bringing forward infor- mation that rsle in the police probe. Pachino's lawsuit was filed in Ontario Court in. Hamilton on July 12 andi served on Brunelle later that day. According te tbe statement of dlaim, the plaintiff is seeking the following from Brunelle: * general and aggravated damages of $750,000 for slander; *special damages of $150,000; Ilp uitivedamages of $100,000; * costa, interest and any other relief the court may deemi appro- priate. seafo The lawsuitstm r, coun- cil's decision last montb te award a contract for road and sewer work in Brooklin te, the second- Iowest bidder. Novacor Construction of Queensville received the contract even though its bid was about >d Ps Db information, 'the contract was put on hold and police notified. But Pachinos lawsuit contends that during a closed door session of the works .ommitteè on May 4, Brunelle allçgdly told works cornmissioner Vic Silgalis that "Your employees are ail on the take from Pachino.» SEEPAGE 17 Jim Bradfield of Whitb4y is the new president of the Canadian Junior Charnber of Commerce. Bradfield, from the W hitb Jaycees, was elected at tbe 59t annual meeting of the Canadian organization recently and said ho will attempt te, revitalize the organization by «getting back te its grasaroots, but stili moving ahead.» Ho says ho will take advantage Of the electronic age insofar es communication, build- up mem- bership and return te activities in which Jaycees used te partici- "lot of organizations get inte a staid situation.. If we don't continue moving in the right direction we get left behind,-" Bradfield teld members at the annual meeting. SJayoees bave 1,000 members acrosa Canada. Bradfield hopes te boost membership by 35 per cent. ---77-7 Seé pages 18 to 21.

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