Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 20, 199 .........A .....V IC E A , ..... .. .. ............ "DRIVEWAY SEAUJNG". We work with the highest grade prodcts available. Pothoîe-crack repair. Sealing dane at an economicai rate. Free estimates. Ail hours. 668-8310 Damon. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive quaiity portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, families. Packages tram $29. Aiso: weddings tram $469, christenings, graups, boudoir, copy &restaration, anniversaries, pramotional. No GSTI 427-9164. TREE iCUTflNG & TRIMMINO. FulIy insured. Free estimates. 433'-7140. MARIGOLD WINDOW CLEANING. $25 for ail exterior windows. Also aluminumn siding cleaning. For caurteous, prompt, professional servKce, cail Ray at 668-0070. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron ýSt. N. - Pearson Lanes. Came see me for ail your sewing needs. Tues. -, Fr1. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. UCENSED TECHNICIAN at Erris Appiance.. We repair fridges, staves, washers and dryers including gas appliances. AI1I parts guaranteed one year. Monday ta Saturday, 432-7734. FAX VOUR ADI 668-0594 EXPERT TREE SERVICE. FulIy insured, removals, trimming, pruning,ý cabling, pianting .& maintenance. Free estimates. No obligation. CaII 668-2906. DRYWALL & * FRAMING. Complete residential & commercial renovations. Taping & textyreçi ceilings. Caîl Dieter for a treà estimate, 430-1207. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Compiete tu ne-up f rom $29.95 + parts. Fatr trained technicians. For free pick-up& deliverycali 432-7375. RESUMÉS FOR EMFLOYMENT. Have your resumé compieted error f ree. Layau provided. Oeil 725-9754, leave message. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 ,er? experience. 430-7568, CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alteratians and repair on draperies. Affordabie price. For your freesin-home shopigand estimate Calil 432-1714. Custamer's fabrics are welcome. CAREGIVER AVAILABLE >ta, provide quality home care for your chiki. Ail ages weloeme, flexible hours, recelpts, references. Loving, smoke-free environmert Charlene 905-430-6309. NEED A NANNY? Respansible, experienced woman seeklng live-lin position. Whitby/Oshawa area. Crafts, nutritious meais, housework & TIC. Cati (705) 876-7841 after 6pm or leave message. Specializ ing in Early Childhood, ~ P Education. 'For Peace'of Mnd. Perry Ho use Child Care Services 129 Psrry St., Whtby 668-9476 ?*dm4e Insured - Free EUmte The Mutuai Group HERD TRAN cati for qu9tato 668-9669 # 432-7216 RR.F ANUTE I lnnn M& i>pe 19Srvce *TIMIG LLIN579o7777.a M&AR LNPetooerisuJ q-14 Wantta get on the Informatilon D o Highway? Don't know iwhere ta exit or enter? Afraid once there you'Il get mun over? We'll get you rolling - you'Il be surprisedi at how smooth the nde is! .~ Computer Sales - Database design L~aM-~Spreadsheet design Cail 666-0028 MSYNIEIRGYSTrIC SYSIEAêS ÉM SHOROO -MOILESif04 o WIN4DOWS & DOORS cm <o>579-2222 * Vinyl %Widows & Doam CASEMENT # PATIO 0055 DOILHUO . BAY BOW WINSWSI IU *. PORCH ENCLOSURES .EI STORM OSoRi I * .SAS$SIlSCRSEN EPAR.S SALES. SERVICE & INSTALLATION OSHAWA. ONTARIO 5792222 LIJZ2L3 %HS a31 0w .* Wo0MMOHs BRUANS .Lawnmower Repair 721-2844 - 725-8709 Free Pick U & Delivery ~ Z LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP $49.95 +parts Used mowers avilale !nterlocking Mstone * retaining wmils wood fencing & decksTE 666-9690TIE SThMTE Wri'AJ1L'LGIaÂ'Ii:e FREE~ COPTTVLETM E 666-9690 Gurat ÇOÃ"MIN 'G- ýEVENTS. WAYLON JENNINGS - George Fox - Asleep ai the Wheel - Goods - Vaidy - Murry McLauchlan - Crowbar - Cassan- dra Vaslk. Aug 12.14 Havelock Country Jamboree and Trade Show. »Jack Blakeiy, 1-800-539-3353. GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gas Era Village, antique cars, sawmIlli, fiddllng, threshing, parades, crafIs, featur- Ing «Oddball' & orphan Implements, vehi- clos. Caledonla, July 30-31, August 1, 905-765-4891. WOODWORKERS PARADISE! August 5-7 Woodworking tools, custom-made waoden craits, f ree semînars, childrens warkshop, womens workshop. For brochure: Wood Show, Box 920, Durham, Ontario NOG iRO (519) 369- 6902. HALIBURTON LEGION BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL, August 5. 6, 7. 1994. Globe Park HalRurton for tickets or inormation, P.O. Box 129, Haliburton, Ontario KOM iSO or (705) 457-2571. AUCTIN BUD HAYNES Premier Firearms Auion, Sat., Aug. 27, 9 a.m., Holiday Inn, Red Deer, Aiberta, Box 456, T4N 5G1. Brochures avaitabie, llustralod catalogue 520. Phono (403) 347-S55 fax (403) 347-7633. ATMBILES FO. SAL 1994 Z28 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE, fuily loaded, black, cail Toll-Free 1-800- 461-4321 or 1-204-326-3466 - Steinbach. Manitoba and ask for Darreli. COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE ai Vancouver allers correspondence cours- os for the certif icate of Counselllng Stud- les la begin the lSth ai the manth. For brochure phono: 1-800-665-7044. ,QFRSALE QUALITY TRAMPOLINES Factary Direct. 13'sq. Splash Bounce, 16' Round Mega Baunce. 1-80-663-2261. Parts, repairs. Ail makes. GREETING CARDS; ail occasion, gaad quaîity and varlely; appraxlmately 200,000, dealer prices and quantities. 1- 800-893-2676. THE CRAFT STORE showcasing the tinesI craits everyday, 7 days a week. THE CRAFTERS MARKETPLACE home and design conter, Brock Road and 401, Pickering 905-686-0714. URINE-ERASE guarantees removal urine (dog, cal, human) stains, odours tram carpels, subloars. Regardtess age! Free brochure! Reideli Chemicals Limited, P.O. Box 7500, London, Ontario NSY 4X8. .SALES: HELP WANTED START VOUR OWN home-based busi- ness! Walkins Is tadays best business opportunky! For FREE Information con- tact - Indepondent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1-800-263-2999). GREAT PRODUCTS, great part- or fli- lime Income opporlunlly. Yau have every- lhlng ta gain and nothing ta lose by mak- Ing Ihis cati. 24 hr. Message 1-800-727- 4197. LIVESTOCK BIRDS FOR SALE! Excellent quallty stock. Avallable lmmedlalety: Ostrich: Black & Blue, Mature pairs, 4-7 months aid; Emu: day aid and eggs. Mol Elgers- ma, 1-403-674-4204. OSTRICHES SELLINO DAY olds te mature layers. Mlrochlpped, sex guaran- teed, veterlnary lnspected, 5 years rais- lng and hatchlng. Phono/fax (403) 998- 2765 Kevin or Tracey Frey, Fart Saskatchewan, AB. OUT-OF-COUNTRY MEDICAL ALERT. Dont rsk tinanclal loss by travelling oui ai Canada wthoul Medical coverage. National Auto Leagues Health pac gives our members the peace of mlnd ta travel worry free. Buy the mosi flexible caver- age avaliable startlng at $49.00 for year round coverage. Cali 1-800-387-2298 - 800 a.m. ta 800 p.m. EDT. ýMISCELLANEOU . PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE for harder ta place lst, 2nd, and 3rd mortgages. Prompt service: S. D. Engel, Morgages 1-800-205-9455. GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problemns caused by aglng, med- calions, surgery, diabetes etc. Get the lacis: Performance Medical, Box 418, Vaiemount, B.C., Toil-trea 1-800-663- 0121. GAIN MORE CONFIDENCE. Buy and read 'Dlanetlcs: The Modemn Science ai Mental Health' by L. Ron Hubbard, and #'s Home Study Course ($31.00). Cali 1- 800-561-5808. REAL ýESTATE:ý:. GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp/tlmfeshare? WelIl take filt Americas largest, oideig resale cieartng- house. Resort Saiet International 1-800- 425-5967. Tlmeshà(e rentais needed. Cati 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS . BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. Proudly made In Canada for rural, Industrial, commercial. Draw. Ings wilh buildings. Drap packages or erected. Free esilmates cati (705) 431-' 6777. QUONSETS 25W'x3$ 5,462.00, 30x40 $6,593.00, S.SERIES STRAIGHTWALL S25'x 32' $5,922.00, 530x40 $6,999.00, Endwalls and Slidlng Doors lncluded. Cali Future Steel 1-800668-8653.', ROCK BOTTOM PRICESI Quonset buildings. . . High sldewalls. Llmlled quantities. 25x34 $2,470.00, 30x40 $3,490.00, 35x52 $6,279.00, 42x60 $7,C69.00, 47x8C S10.999.00, 52x104 $18944.00 ... Ends aptIanai. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Strai- wall Type.- not quonset - 32x54 $8,505; 40x72 $12,887; 50x90$18,378.; 60x126 $28,1 50 - other sizes avallable - Misc. clearance - Paragon - 24 hours 1-800- 263-8499. VAICATIQNTRAVEL CALM-WATER RIVER CRUISING. Spend 4 or 5 nlghts Ihis summer or fait crulsing the St. Lawrence River ln exqulslle comtort aboard an elegant repli- ca steamboat. Outstandlng scenery and numerous attractions. From $860. Free brochure 1-800-267-7868. ONE AND TWO DAY Whiltewater Rafting Adventures on the tamous Ottawa River, based from aur 650 acre outdoor Adveni- lure Resort. Family rafting available. Cati now for a free brochure. Wiiderness Tours 1-800-267-9166. *Its Affordable e It's Fast a ItIs Easy e One Bill Does It Ail tNorthern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 WesternOntario $162 - Central Ontario $168 -Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cail this paper for details! AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and surrounding areas enjoy attenclng auction sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertisingi the Most widely read pages in Whitby - The Whitby Free Press, Classilieds. Cali: .......... ~$0 l~ fk ous ~n~â oFiay ;Oar Q5O> m4F, 68O0 CLASSI FIED MAR KETP LACEU "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the.Country. PROFESSIONAL QUAUTY PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, DRYWALL, REPAIRS O0ver2O Vears Experience. Free Estimates. Alil Workmanship Guaranteed. JACK - (905) 697-1092 JOHN - (905) 434-6851 ml[:ý

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