Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1994, p. 2

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Page 2. Whitby Free Press. Wedinesday, July 27, 1994 Whiby octor earns Itrnational recognition Dr. Ken Hlobbs of Whitby recently received an outstanding service award from Rotary Inter- national. The Whitby Rotary Club mem- ber was one of only 96 Rotary members in the world-wide organization to receive the "ser- vice *abeve self award» Hobbs, who joined the Whitby club in 1976, was. only the second volunteer in the Rotary organiza- tien wârld-wide te e fer bis ser- vices (and those of wife Eva) te heip provide medicai services te destitute boat people in both Hong Kong and Indonesia. He was one of the original members of the committee ,that organized the Polio Plus prograrn wich aims te eradicate polio froni the world by the year 2000. He bas visited 22 countries werking for Polio Plus, the highly acciairned prograni laun- ched by Rotary., WHITB3Y FREE PRS WILL BE CLWSED on M.nday, -August 1 Deadlines for ail advertising and Coming Events will be Friday at 4 pm ROYAL LEPAGE Aim Hher..1 LOOK WHO'S AIMING HIGHER Royal LePage, Whitby is very.proud to present RON DEMOE to its Sales Team. RON has been a Whitby resident over 25 years. He has over 35 years of* corporate sales experience and extensive knowledge of transferees'and relocations. RON is looking forward to answering any inquiries you may have regarding buying, setling or simply market information. Please oeil RON at*666-1333 or 686-1979 (Tor.) ROYAL LEPAGE Aim Higher.,s. DAVID J. RONEY recently of NRS Realty One mec. has joined the dynamic Royal LePage team in Whitby. ýHavin g been atop producer in the D5urharm Region since 1983, David brîngs a great deal of experience and professionalism with him. One of David's philosophies is to "Aim Higher' and that's why he has joined the sales force at Royal LePage. He welcomnes ail past and future clients to contact him at his new office on the northwest corner of Garden.& Rossland. If you are thinking 0f buying or selling caîl a proven professional, DAVID J. RONEY 666-1333 or 686-1979 In 1979, ie helped develop Rotay Ys prograni of immuniza- tion against, red measles in ITdia. Despite many problenis, the prograni bas seen 5.2 million peo le immunized. inhsas been involvJin the development of the Child Trust Hospital in Madras, India, city with a teem- ing population but until recentiy ne hospital care for the exclusive treatment of children. Hobbs has aiso been involved in a prograni te provide ortho- paedic braces in western Africa. He is aIse a niember of 3-H, Health, Hunger and Humanity, a programR that directs Rotary Intrnatîonal's projects of aid- and assistance around the worid. Hobbs aise received an award recognizinlg that ho g ave the largest donation (by a Canadian) te the International Rotary Foundation. . Hebbs was a public school trustee for five years, a Town councillor for 10 years, and Whitby General Hospital board of governors mernber, inciuding a term as chair, and hospitai chief of staff. He was named winner of the Peter Perry Award in '1990 , and aIse received a 125th annivers- ary medal from the federal government for his service. His wife, Eva, assists him in much of his volunteer work. Hobbs received the- speciai Rotary honour during cere- monies for the opening of the rainforest section of the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto recently. A number of Whitby flotarians attended the ceremony, including DR. KEN HOBBS past president Dave Meadwel and incoming president Barrie Liennox. Grounded boater Înjured Police are still trying te piece together wbat happened after a 30-foot powerboat drifted on te the rocks. of Eastbourne Beach Thursday. The boat was discovered on the beach, south of Lynde Shores Conservation Area, around 4:45 p.m. On board was a 65-year-eld Ajax man who was naked and had been drinking. He teid police ho had been beaten. The man was taken te Whitby General Hospital and later transferred te Wellesley IHospital in Toronto with head and facial injuries, inciuding two black eyes and a possible brokon nose. Police believe ho suffered at least seme of the injuries in an altercation some 13 heurs earlier with two passengers, aise from Ajax. The three ieft Whitby harbour for a iate-night cruise te. Oshawa and were on their way back te Whitby when the two pas- FAMILY REALTY FIRST CORP. 413 Dundas St. East, Whitby, LUN 2J2 FAMILYREALTY Office 668-8865 -' Facsimile 668-5462 1~ Residence 432-3028 -' Facsimile 432-7043 1 PRIME LOCATION GREAT VALUE $129,900 COURT LOCATION! Close to schools & shopping. lovely 3 Weil mantalned aider home, close Io Beaudful 3 bdrm. 2 bath home, deldidfenedyad, atin ~ a& hoppir%WaJing distance to orgeous pie shaped lot, eat-in kitch. LU bedroom, dtce, ndyret-n G su99.a-lcesprtdnrg &.rnw -jku e ek il tchen wiWak out, centrai air, Gcm, en air. placs crdîng Drmwakt 2tedckn U) listed at $142,0001 ~dck. plus rio much more. Cal todayl dcrtd sig$5,O rX CALL ROSEMARV BROWN.4322 l sengers, a man and a woman, apparently confronted him about his erratic driving on the foggy ~ey asked to be take ashore and got off the boat around 3 a.m. at the foot, of Lakeridge Road, about a mile west of where- the boat was found, and com- piained to police. The City of Oshawa Marine Rescue Association (COMRA) was calied to tow the craft back to Whitby harbour. An investigation is continuing. Ashburn sale on, Friday to help Rwandans A community bake and yard sale, te, include an estimated 30 tables, will be held in Ashburn on Friday to raise money for the Rwandan relief fund. Pani Palmer, owner of the Ash- burn General Store and chief organizer, says community sup- port has been overwhelming in. preparation for *the event once word got out., She satys a "major drive" was launched to obtain baked goods and yard sale items. Churchesin Ashburn, Brooklin, Myrtie and Baisam are ail heiping out, but Palmer says the churches are just part of an overaîl north Whitby effort to do something te, help Rwandans. Funds raised will be given te, the Canadian Red Cross. Palmer says the sale, which bens at 9 am.wilbe heidon Friday since 'A lot of people are g oing te e away (for the log weked), se, we hope te, catch Sihem beore theyoaway.n The sale wilbeheld at the corner of Myrtie and Ashburn roads. WHITBY K4M.EKA iAL FOOTWEAR INC. 728-41971 BephisK CK7 BHI NS CK MALL

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