Whitby Fre. Press, Wednesday, Juiy 27, 1994, Page 31 Iir~dchef thireatens boss with cleaveir Whitby restaurant Sunday. Police say the' incident occur- reA after the chef. who was employod at the now Buffet Appetite Chinese food restaurant in the Rossland/Garden l p1za, .wasLtold aroundw8:30 p.m.lhi services were no longeor neoded. Ho tbreatened tokMIl is boss, A chef', upset over boing flired grabbed a meat cleaver and -4--ena l of »if of Loa groups voice concern over hospia FROM PAGE 1 Edwards said. Taking part were service clubs which have donated moey te the bospital, Wbitby Gonorai medical staff, nurses and empioyees, the hospital board of klirectors and the Save Our General Hospital (SOGH) citi- zens' comniittoo. Altbough ne one wbo spoke objected ta the addition of roba- biitatien services ta Whitby General, ail wero adamant that it not ho dono at tbe exonof acute cure sorvices. Pneo Hpspital chief of staff Dr. Brian Rteedpointed eut that local doctors bave received the back- ing of the Physicians and Sur- gecons Council of Durhami Rogion for their plan ta, retain acute cure services in Whitby. Under the doctars' proposai, there would ho a «downloading» of some in-patient and out- patient acute services from other hospitals.* This would free space in the larger hospitals in order te ailew for more* sephistcatod, high-tech cure. "The bottem lino is that wo feel the needs of patients won't ho met and closing acute cure services is wrong,» Reed said. The council, wbich includes the chiefs of staff of ail area hospitals, wants acute cure retainod at Witby, Reed added. Surgery chief Rayman said neither ho nor any othor pbygi- cian' at Whitby Gorioral were interviewed by the study consul- tants. 1 "If so, tbey wouid have been taid of tho diff»iculty in transfer- ring patients from Whitby te Oshawa or Ajax-Pickering," said Raym an. '<Evon at this timne, when tbere's traditionaiiy less demand for bods, our hespital is filled,» ho said. "I have a patient waiting 10 da's, but unfortunately surgery was cancelled laut week bocause of tbelack of bods." The oniy way Whitby residonts could ho accomodated in Oshawa or Ajax-Pickoring woldbo open- ing closed bods in those hespitals and oxpanding both facilities, Rayman said.' B ut this weuld oniy incroaso costs, whereas the study's sup- posod goal was mnaking botter use of hoalth caro dollars, ho noted. Terosa Pritchard, prosident of Local 226 af the Ontario Nurses Association, aise focussed on the financial aspect. "Wo know change must como but bew that change is affocted lies at the crux cf this issue," said Pritchard. «Do we neod more dollars thrawn at the system?» she asked. "Ne, it's bew the monoy is allocated that will make a dif- ferencAL Pýitchard claimed goverment bureaucrats are ton concernod with the «bottam lino» and have lest sigbt of wbat boalth cars nisans. «We've cernpromised the qua- litŽy of aur bealth cars," she said. "Statistics are net like people who neod care...statistics don't pay taxes, people do.» Pritcbard's feeling were sbared by JoAnne Prout of, SOGH. UflV5 net the administrators or bureaucrats wo shouid look te for guidance, but the cars givers, tbe doctors and nurses who know best,» said Prout. Since bier group began its carn- pai uta save Whitby General it bas garnered the support .of more people than vote in a municipal eloction," Prout said, roforring te the diffrent-graups wbich have endorsed its offarts. A petition witb more than 15,000 namnes te date will be resented te Heath Minister Rutb Grier, Prout said. But she conceded that SOGH's goal of a full-service, active treat- ment facility will bo difficuit te achieve. «It's net boon sucb from the day it opened," said Prout. It bas, however, during its 25 years of operation, offered more services than it does today,» she said. uThoso services bave been slowvly eradod, tberoby making it eusior ta justify closure.» Rick O'Shea, president of Local 3Q8' of the Canadýian Union of Pdblic Employees, echod Prout's warning. "Ruth Grier is clear in her mandate,"»*,said O'Shea, head of the hospital's non-medical employoes. "If something is not dons by the region (health council) she couid actually close Whitby Gèneral,» he'said. f'The oniy way to beat them is ta stick tegether.» Followin~ the meeting Edwards said the session haâ served its purpose. t "Our intent was improve. communications and we heard somo cogent arguments about wby the bospital sbouid retain acute cars services,» hoe said. Edwards said hoe was hopeful that community groups wbich have net yet responded to the heaith council study will do se beoe the Aug. 1 deadline. In fact, Town counicil will be providing a more "sopbisticated and comipréhensive" response te the study than the position it took last month, Edwards notod. But in order te do se, Whitby officiais require additional infor- mation frem the health council, wbich Edwards bas roquested. Prout aiso felt. the meeting was productive. «Any time we can give this issue an airing is gonýd,» she said. "What we accomplished tonight is te show thore is unity in keeping the bospital as an acute care fà cility.» 77' I Noic I otn D Iaw Dundas Street East Reconstruction Between Brock Street and Hickory Street Contract W94-9 The Town ot Whitby and the Region of Durham under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Woks Program wuiI be reconstructing Dundas Street (Highway #2) including replacement ef. sanitary and storm sewers, watermains, and asphait pavement ln the above referenced locations, Thd works are schoduled te commence the week of August 1, 11994,-ahd ,xtend for a ton (10) week duration ur.tiI October 7, 1994, or theroabouts. Please be advised that truffe wili b. restrlcted te one lune ln each direction during the construction peniod. Motorists are advised to expctdoelays, particularly during peak hours. Temporary access to local businesses along Dundas Street will be maintained throughout the construction peried. Alternate dotour routes along Mary Street for westbound traffic and Dunlop Street for eastbound traffic should be considerod to minimize travel delays. Vehicular accoss te, and from side streets will be cIosed intermittently at their Dundas Street intersections. Veur anticipated cooperatien during this extensive reconstruction projoct should greatîy assist in minimizing any inconveniefice. W. J. HANCOCK, P. ENG. DIRECTOR 0F PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Counicil ot the Corporation of the Town of Whitby passed By-law No's. 3525-94 and 3526-94 on the 27th day of June, 1994 under Section 34 of tho Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeai to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect ot the By-law(s) by filmng with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby not later than the l6th day of August, 1994 a notice of appeal setting out the objection te the By-law(s) and the reasons in support ot the objection. PLIRPOSE-AND FFCT The purpose and etfect ef By-Law No's. 3525-94 and 3526-94 is te amend Zoning By-iaw No's. 1784 anmd 2585. respectively, to amend the dot initien of a oplaoe ot entertainmenr te include the use et a bingo hall and turther permit the use et a upîace ef entortainmont" in the OM1A industrial zone catogory and ostabiish a parking area standard tor bingo halls. By-Iaw Ne's. 3525-94 and 3526-94 are general amendments te Zning B-law N's. 1784 and 2585. Therefore a key map showinq dielands affected by dis by-Iaws is net previded with this notice. The complote by-laws are available for inspection in my office during regular office heurs. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTINO THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 668-5803. DATED at the Tewn af Whitby this 211h day of July, 1994.. DONALD G. MeKAY CLERK 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 675 Rossiund Read East Whîtby, Onturlo i N 3M8 Civic Holiday Closures August1! The Whitby Civic Recreation Compiex and Iroquois Park Complex wiil be ciosed Monday, August 1 to observe the Civic Holiday. Programrs wili resumne as usuai on Tuesday, August 2. CIVIC HOLIDAY August 1, 1994 SoIid Waste Collection Services tfor Civlc Holiday, Monday, Auguet 1, 1994 wiIl b. revised as foiiows: Normal - Revised Collctin Dy CTuesonDayg2 GARBAGE COLETON mnday, Aug. 1 BLUE BOX CLETO Monday, Aug. 1 YARDWSEOUElO Monday, Aug. 1 Monsday, Aug. 8 Monday, Aug. 8 P Rese refer t ou 4 lue Box C llectin Schedule and Yar Wate ollctin Bochre for more informaton on holiays and altrnat colecion days for refuse- re yclng and Vour co-operution la upprecluted and pieuse remember te have your solid wastes (gerba e, yard wastes, and recyclables) sut for collection ylf0L ,on your deslgnated coilecti on day. GRASSCYCLING- NO BAGGING-NO DRAGGING DID YOU KNOW THAT! Grass clippings WUlDllntbe colield I9isyear. Please deoflot bag grass cippings for garbage or yard waste collection. The alternative is te Grasseyclt., Grasscycîing is dhs process of recycling grass clippings by Ieaving themf on the lawn. Grasscycling saves time, recluces waste and leads te a healthier root system that increasesyour lawn's resistance ta disease, drought and insects. If y u wIsh further informatIon, pieuse cal THE TOWN 0F WHITBY, OPERIATIONS CENTRE 668-3437, 7:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M THINKING 0F STARTUNG A NEW BUSINESS? Visit die Marketing & Economic Development Departrnnt eft he Town ef Whitby for a free copy of Whitby's Guide te Startînng A New Business. Other bookiots such às a commuunity Profile, Nlm Ventures Lban Application aid Voutu Venture Loan Application are aise available. say, and also threatenocâ other employees. An altercation ensued, during which the cleaver was taken away and the suspect roceived a minor head injury. No one else was hurt. A 32-year-old Toronto man w.vas arrested. and, charged with threatening damage to property and two counts of threatening doath. Answers to Witby Trivia from page 15 1 . Peter FPerry died at Saratoga Springs, N.Y., in a treatment centre he had attended to try to recover his heaîth. 2.-Whitby's first picture post- card featured the Court House (Centennial. Building) Whitby Junction Station (Whitby ArtsStation Gallery) and the Ontario Ladies' Colle ge (Trafalgar Castîe SchooI>. It was printed in 1904 for the Ontario County Jubilee. 3. Albert Asa Post (1850-1926> was a noted Whtby architect whose specialty was the designîng of Roman Catholic churches after ho' moved to Buffalo, N.V. in 1896. 4. STACO brand stood for Samuel Trees and Company, which operated a blanket factory in Whitby f rom 1909 to 1958 and a buckle factory from 1929 to 1964.