Whitby Free Press, 27 Jul 1994, p. 3

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ýCouincillor fiorced to ifie request to sgeut imeeting tminutes By Mike Kowalski Ontario's freedom of informa- tioni precess had te be follewed te ebtain details behind a proposai te* change the role of Whitby GêneraI Hospital. Whitby couniciller Joe Drumm recently had te rnake a formai .re est, as stipulated by previn- ca legisiation, in ordor te receive minutes of meetings of a, comnitteo of the Durham Region District Health Council. A steering committee of the council -- a publicly-funded body which advises the Ontario Minis- try of Health on local health issues -_ has released a discus- sion paper on the -future of acute care health services in Durham Regien. A consultant's report is recoin- mending the conversion of Whitby Genoral Hospital into a rehabilitation treatment facility serving the entire region (e seIarate story). "I was. absolutely dumbfoun- ded," said Drummn, after learning that he would have to I out a freedom of information forin to obtain committee meeting minutes. «It's absolutely ludicrous that the minutes were not available,» hie said. Drumm asked for minutes of ail steering commttee meetings and ail meeting betweon the committee and health council. U1" wanted te see who was driving this <Whitby General proposai), when the decision was reached and how it was reached,» hie said. Although hie did not ask why the minutes were net readily available, Drumm said he flled out the recuired paperwork and is now waiting for a response. Health council executive direc- tor Lynda Hossey told the Free Press that Drumm will receive the committee minutes. Sho explained that the coun- cil's general policy is that minutes of councîl meetings are considered public documnents and are available from the council's Whitby office. But this rule does not apply te committéee meetings, Hessey said. «Ceuncil bas that policy because often, discussions and decisions made by committee are not the final decision of council,» she said. Hessoy added that there have been ne oin.tmetingsbetween the healt counicil and the steer- ing committee. FlIahert seeks PCnomination By Mike Kowalski Teewill be a battie fer the Progressive Conservativo nomination in Durham Centre riding. . 1 Whitby lawyer Jim Flaherty. announced Monday that ho will be a candidate for the Tory nomination in the riding now held by New- Democrat MPP Drummond White. Flaherty represented the Con- servatives in the 1990 provincial election, finishing thîrd behind White and former Liberal MPP Allan Furlong. Flaherty is the-second person te seek the- Tory 'nod in the riding wbich takes in Whitb~ south of Taunten Road and muc of northwest and north-central Oshawa. Former Whitby ceuncillor Lynda Buffett declared hier can- didac y last month. Flaherty, 44, told. reporters that while hoe was constantly encouraged by supporters te aian seek the nomination, the decision did net corne easily. Ini addition te running their Whitby law practice * Flahery and wife Christine Elliott are thie C nts of three-year-old triplet ;Having said that, thebottom line is I care about and I am committed te our comniunity and our province,» said Flaherty. "As a parent, I arn gravely concernçd- ab-éut the mess the gvernment bas created and whih the governinent is leaving for our children." Flaherty's uconen for the future" was a recurring; themne during his attack on thgeNDP government and its representa- tive in Durbam Centre.5 9This *overnment i'rsal reckless,eTlaherty charged.. "nhe NDP thinks that running a deficitof about $10 billion each year is satisfactory,» he said. "Ln fact, it is simply a way of dfrngtaxes from our gener- ation te our cbildren and of making sure that future govern- montsý will have their banda tied with tespect te funding of necess- ary obligations such as health insurance. » But Flaherty did not hold the NDP. solely responsible. for Ontario's financial woes. "The Liberal government from 1985 te 1990 increased spending at the rate of 10 per cent per annum when abundant tax revenue was flowing te the JIM FLAHERTY government » ho said. uThey toof us te a public debt figure of about $40 billion by 1990.» Now faced with a debt of about $90 billion, Ontario taxpayers are paying $8 billion in interest payments alone, Flaberty said, and most of it in govenment bonds issued in foreign curren- clos. 'Toreigners will be able te dictate the finances of Ontario unless we get the debt under control,» ho warned. Durham Centre Tories will choose their candidate in Octo- ber. Furlong was nominated by the Liberals earlier this year, while White has net yet indicated if ho will seek re-election. Whhlby Free Press, Weckesclay, JuIy 27, 199. Page 3 Dentures so natural...6 you'II nover know the difforoncel * NewSif- ouvd y mut ierluls for, (FREE CONSULTATION) .Walter Wimmer, Denture Therapist PICKERING TOWN CENTRE LOER E TOU. FRM 420mO2O« 80a 6la5020 018 145 R 09 99 L f 1013uunaias St. E. relacment. TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9247 MOBILE SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP with mostlinsurance companlea with this ad aI lime of purchase.

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