Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1994, p. 19

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Whltby Fro. Proas, Wednesday, AuglJst 3,1994, Page 19 HOW TO B QK YQUR CLASSUFIED AD... ~... CalI 668-6111. Ads placed by Monday at moon wili be published that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save money! Or, prepay wth your VISA card when pladng the ad. Fax your ad to us at' 668-0594. Please ensure rou provide al prinn nformation, and aien number where we can reach you, if necissary. Mail your ad to: Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whtby, Ontario, Li N 5S1. Ads should be malled to arrive by Monday at noon. You cari endlose your payment, or providebillirig information. 'I We're open 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Place your ad by Monclay' at noon for Wedniesday pblication. If your can't makeIt ln dng office hours, we have a mail slot to the left of our front door. S~ q _____ ____ ____ ____ WANTO...... .....ITI C A R E E R S_ _ _ _ _. ._ _. . . . ...I.. .. . . . . . .U $I.. . ESTHETICIAN interested in joining local Aveda-concpt salon. Send resumé to: 1B-701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby, Ont. Li N 9K3. $475 WEEKLY. Homeworkers needed to make stylish beaded earrings, year round, at home. lnfo. send a 'self-addressed stamped envelopo taACCEX CRAFI 829 Norwos R.,Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston, Ontario K7P 2N3. AIRUNE JOBS! Now hiring $10- $25 per hour. AIl positions both skilled & unskilled. Excellent pay/benefits. Cal (601) 799-1362 ext. Ai 13, 24 hrs. PRE-PRESS GRAPHICS PRODUCTION COORDINATOR. A large f irth is Iooking for an experienced pre-press graphios production coordinator. As the coordinator, you will accept and implement packaging jobs from various soutces and establish and maintain schedules and priorities based on* sales commitments. Eperience in the pro"ress g raphics industry is required. P ease fax resume to (416) 252-3043. $200 - $500 WEEKLYI Assemble prdos at home. Easy, no selling. You're paid direct. Fully guaranteed. No oxperience necessary. CalI 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142, 24 hours. DO YOU WANT ta help othors? W. have the answer. Intra - 23 herbs, botanical drink. Deliciaus high f ibre cookies. Meal replacement bars & shakes. Great' products - buy them. Try them. Great business - look at it. Sê. it. Do it. The ony obigation is ta yourself. Networ arketing is the free enterprise sysem in its purist form. Caîl your Independent Lifestyles Distribuor today. 668-4265. Do it now. tomorrow nover comes. $300 + PER DAY POSSIBLE - just mailing; lettersi For f ree details rush stamipod onvelope to: TVS International. P.O. Box 92É55 152 Carton St., Toronto, Ont. M5A 4N9. Hoalth Care Experlence? Do you want-EXPERIENCE working ini the health-care industry? Yes No cl I1: Would you lile to train as a HEALTH CARE AIDE? LJ L If you quallfy for Unemployment Insurance Benefits, you may apply for a new program startlng August 19,1994. Annîversaries Announcoments Antiques. Art & CollecîLbles Apartmnenls for Rent Appliances Articles for Sale Arts/CraftsHobbles- Audions AutosfTrucs for Sale Birtfis Boas & Supplies Buildings Business Opportunities Business Services Cafi a Professional Card of Tftanks Careers Child care Services Coming Events Comrmercial Space for Rent or Se Dance Instruction Deaths Educational Services Erploymnt Wanled Farm/creage Farm Supplies & Equipment Financiat Services For Rent Garage & Yard Sales Happy Ada Hlpe Wanled Hofm for Rent Homes for Sale n Memnoriamn Insurance Landscaping Services Legal Durham Region A.C.T. Cal 668-9713 today! Lost a Found Los/Cottages Mlestones Morgages Motorcycles/RVs Personais Personal Services Pets/Uivesloc & Supplies Real Estate Residentiat Services Rooms for Rens Shaxed Accommodation Storage Tenders Thanks Traning Services Traveacalons Vaentines Wanted HEALflI CARE AID, quatified. soeks position in private houseAnstitution. Caîl Mina evening 668-0236 or business 666-4750. . e. .. Trent University at Durham College Faili1994 Compete a degree, part-time or ful-time, n any of the following subjects: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, History, Political Studies, Psychology, Sociology For information or a brochure cail: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 AUCTIONEERS Tlb. peop0e of Whtby and surrounclng areas eljo atendîng audion sesLt lhemn know about your noxt sale by advorbssng in the nis wdely read pages in Whitby - Th WhIby Fre Press, Classieds Cal: <Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GSI) 150 each additional Word; (Il4ç +1ç G'SI $1050 for 25 words; PLUS GSTD 150 each additional Word; PLUS GST A......... 990 per agate lune ......... "àD.1 1H..CI.ASSUFI5DS,* (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply - $1 .05 per agate line (1l4 agate lines pe r inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $14.70 CONTINUOULS RUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unloss otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilII fot be hiable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to cîassify or reject ail advertisements. ............. . . . . . . ...............tt..... .... ti,. r kum F M » ç c» r L <'OSHAWA 0 QD RUVIN G SSOHOOL ,shaa.*728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses AUGUST l6th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course AUGUST 22nd Mon. - Thurs. 4 day course SEPTEMBER lOth Saturday 4 day course PR!IVA TE LESSONS REGISTERESOJ6 APPROVEO BY THE ONTARJO SAFEIY LEAGUE 1 ATTENTION 1 gef AU

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