Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1994, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Preou, Wodneday, August 3,1994 Whtby Free Press- 668-6111 Office Hours: Monday to Fruday, 9:QO arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 MÜNCHHAUSEN THANKS.... FRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN,-nover knawn ta tail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruiful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother oft h. sonl of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesossity. 0 star of the sea help me and show'me here you are my -Mother. O Holy Mary, Mther of God, Queen of Heaven & earth, 1 humbly boseech you f rom the bottom omy heart to secure me in my necessity <make r.q uests). There are none that can witand your power. 0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee (3 times).. Holy Mary 1 place this cause in your hand (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and thon your must publish Rt and it wiII b. granted to you. F.B.D. FRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT.. You who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine guifta forgive and forget the wronq tt is done to me and you who ai instances of my itfe are with me in this short dialogue. 1 want to thank you for. everything and confirrn once more that 1 nover want to be separated from you no matter how great material desires may be, I want to be with çu and my loved ones in your lerptual .glory. AMEN. Thank- yout or your love towards me and my loved ones; Pray this prayer 3 consecutive days without your wish, alter the third day your wish wilt be granted no matter how difficult il may be. Promnise to publish this dialogue as soon as possible after your favour has been granted. R.D. AUCTION SALE. "K(ahn Country Auctions" -every Wednesdayat 6:30 p.m. locaied an Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles norih of Hwy. #401 (tako. exit #399). Foaturing every Wed. an excellent selectian of antiques, fine turnishings, glass, china, colleciables, primitives and other unusuals. Sa loin us evory Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's "trueu auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, choque (with proper .D.) or Visa. Preview tram 1:00 P.m. "Consigneni & osiate selling aur specialt. Cati us today -aU n Auction Services - 683-0041. CORNEILS AUCflON BARN FRIDAY, AUG. 5 ai 5:30 p.m. 3 miles east of Liftho Britain on Cou nty Rd. 4 THE PROPER1TY 0F THE LATE IRWIN MAILLET 0F FENELON FALLS PLUS OTHERS Rose coloured trench provincial chesterfield & chair, Queen Anne sye coftee & end tables, oak wall telephane, 2 door rot rigerator, maple bunk beds, colles & end table s, crocks, co-ail Iamps prince upnght piano & stool, modern drossers & chests af drawers, parlour table, pressback high chair, walnt cina 1abiet, 2kybard THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heari of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred hoari of Jesus be adored, gloriied, loved & preservedý throughout the warld. now & torever. 8 Sacred heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Judo, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Judo, *helper of the hopeloss, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day, by the eighth day your prayor willbe answered. Publication must be pramised. L.S.A. PRAYER TrO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, nover known to fait. 0 mosi beautitul flower of Mount Carmel, fruittut vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother af the son ot God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. 0 star of the sea holp me and show me hero you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mothor of God, Qusen ai Heaven & earih, I humbly boseoch you from the bottom of my heart 10 secure me in my necessity (make req uests). There are nons thai can withstand your powor. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thes (3 times).. HoIy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and thon your must publish il and il witl b. granted'ta you. D.G. PRIAYER TO 1THE BLESSED VIRGIN, nover known te fait. O mosi beautitut flowor of Mount Carmel, fruitful Vine, spîendor ai Heavon, Btessed Mother ai the son of God, Immacutate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. O star of the sea hetp me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Qusen of Heaven & oarth, t humbty beseech *you trom tho bottom of my hoart to secure me in my nocessmty (make requests). There are nons that can withstand your power. O Mary canceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse ta thoe (3 timos).. Holy Mary 1 place this cause in your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive da s and thon your must pubtish il anJît will b. granted te you. R.D. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, nover known 10 fait. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruittul vins, sptondor of Heaven, Blessed Mothor ai the son et God, Immacutaio Virgin, assist me in nosessity. 0 star of the sea hetp me and show me hors you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Qusen of Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you tram the bottom of my heart t0 secure me in my necossîty (make requests). There are nons that can wit hstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse ta 1h00 (3 timos).. H-oly Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consocutive day and thon your must pubtish Rl and il witt bo grantod to you. L.S.A. K.J. HEY GORGEOUS 1 don't know when. Wb should get togeiher and talk. Maybo, take that vacation? t know a place. alright? Love youl "Bill". c9nhectidns 24 hr. DATELINE Ladies seeking 97o aday Cali FREE! 430.7060 ABSOLUTELY The best way to Meet People!I w: Long Termn +Great Adventures *40,000 Caîts Daily LADIES CALL (FREE) 1-800-692-6393 ext. 106 MEN CALL 1-900-451-3534 ext. 106 CALL 24 HOURS 18 or aIder with a TT phone $1 .98 per minute I AUCTION$ I j AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES & HOUSEHOLO EFFECTS SUNDAY, AUG. 141h, 11:00 a.m. AGRICULTURE BUILDING, ORONO FAIRGROUNDS Watch next weeks paper for partial list & note NO SALE THIS SUNDAY, Aug. 11h. Cati for ail your auction needs. MkcGREGOR & WEST AUC11ONS 905-987-5402 905-983-5556 a lmnms m$ ,- mes munommue- mamaïn RECYCLING CONSERVES NA TURALI ;RESOURCES, HELPSI IMPROVE THE ;ENVIRONMENT AND SCREA TES NEW JOBS. "I'm flot happy Vern."l (subtiltted by A4ax carconlst LeoWIlIk) *TH EREGIONAL M UNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM - NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Regionat Plannin g Committee wîiI consider at a meeting to be hold an: TUE8DAY SEPTEMBER6,994 AT 10:00 A.. pLA <G DEPARTUEN BARDROOM 1615 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 4TH FLOOR, LAMG TOWER, WES' BUILDING, WHITBY MALL AN APPUCA11ON TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFiCIAL PLAN The amendmont, as submitted by the City af Oshawa, wouid amrend thervsions of Section 8.2.1 which provides a Qeneral framework to gu th devolopment of urban areas in heegon. The amrendment would deloté oxisting Section 8.2.1 which readsasfolows: 8.2.1 Urban ameas shail be developed with regard for the principes of adaptabitity over time, sustainablo development, harmony with nature and diversity and integatin of structures and funictians. In addition, the developmnent of urban ameas shait be based on the folowing: a compact forrn; b mixedl uses; c intensification; d urban design; e public transit; f linkages for pedestrian and cyctists; and g a grid systemi roads and replace il with the folowing new Section 8.2.1: 8.2.1 Urban ameas shall generally b. developed with regard for the grinciples of adaptability over time, sustainable development, armony with nature and diversity and integration of structures and funictions. In addition, the development of urban aroas shoutd generally consider the following: a) a more compact urban form; b) a mixture of uses i n appropriate locations; c) pood urban design prncipeos; d) increased public transit usage; e) a gnid systemi artefial roads. Subsequently. the Reioa Couniciî wilî onsider the recommenclation of the Planning Commmtteo at a meeting te be held on. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 141H, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reated te the proposed. amendmnent is available for *inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Toer West Building, Whitby Mail, Whitby. Further information can be obtained by cailing John Sharpe at (905) 728-7731 (Whitby Line)I (905> 686-1651 (Toronto Une). Requôsts te make a presentation before the Planning Committee conceming the proposed amendment must be forwarded te the Commissioner of Planning, Box 623, 1615 Dundas Street East, 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West-Biling, Whitby Mail, Whitby. Ontario, LIN 6A3, and should be reoeivèd by Friday prededing the Planning Committee meeting. Requests te make a presentation before the Regional Counacl conoeming the proposed amendment must be forwarded te the Regionat Cîerk, Regional Headquarters Building. Box 623, 605 Rossiand Road East, Whitby. Ontario, LiN 6A3, and should be reoeived 48 hours prior te the Regional Council meeting. FILE NO.: OPA 94-002 GARY HERREMA REGIOAL CHAIR REGIONALCLERK -71

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