Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1994, p. 7

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Whltby Fres Proes; Wodnesday,; AmpeUSI1, 1904, Page 7 . .*.. . Ask Bill (Ask Bill is an irregular feature in this newspaper, for reasons which wil appear obvious to most readers.) Last year we took your aduice, about get rid of siugs in ourgarden. You may recali the remedy:fili eighteen smail flagons with meliow, dark aie and wait for the critters to flu in. That worked. We repeated the treatment this year, but now I flnd that garden mice have discovered the aie. They keep us awake ail night with their loud, crude drinking songs and pool parties. What should we do? -- Sleepless in Whitby Dear Sieepless: I've neyer bef'ore heard of anyone getting that old siug trick to really work. Congratula- tions, On the drunken mice problem: These are obviously macho maie mice, testosterone-driven. If you listen closeiy, you will deteet the dominance of base voices. Try switching to light beer. They won't touch the sissy stuif. They may bother you for a few nights as they drive their four by fours through your Nasturtium patch. But after a few days of that they'll go Iooking for a siug-fest, so to spealc. What realiy is compost? -- Puzzied. Dear Puzzled: Worm poop. They actually eat al that disgusting stuif. Years ago in t/w Orient- I, a wealthy young man about town, iearned t/w strange and mysterious secret of how to cloud men's minds so they cannot see me. Can you think of ways to put this abiiity to work? -- Just cail me Lamont. Dear Lamont: It's not reahly a gardening skili, aithough it might heip in soiving the early reader's mice problein. Beyond that, I don't know. I haven't seen the movie yet. Your particular skills are not needed in many industries. With the right backing and some business smarts, you might aiso consider franchising. Then agaiîn, you seem to have the natural talent for a career in radio draina. Might be worth a try. My wife wants me to buiid a rose arbor. She keeps showVing me pictures of quaint structures with rani- bling roses (always in bloom) swarming ail over them. I've tried several, but before the thing coilapses it looks like a tent made of two by fours. And I cannot for the lite of me figure out how to make those picturesque rounded arches. Any suggestions? -- Fallen Arches. Dear Fallen: Fun, ain't it? Actually, the arbors in those magazine shots are either held up by piano wire or the roses, take your pick. The reai answer is: plastic. Your local gardensupply dealer offers the sweetest plastic arbor for $876.99. Take it homne and stick it in the ground. Something is eating my sunflowers and zinnias, ieavin= rat gaping hoies in the leaves. Should I soak t/wpint in a few gallons of noxious poisons, or would that be overkill? -- The SunFlower Kid. Dear Sunflower: Yup. My spouse keeps buying t/wse gardening magazines. We have thirty-three subscriptions now, flot to count the special issues picked up on the newsstands. I keep finding them lying about the house, open to a page showing t/w grandest gardens you can imagine. Should I ta/w these as hints or ignore them? -- Couch Potato. Dear Couch: Actuaily, a ciass action suit bas been begun against publishers of gardening magazines. If it is successful, you may qualify for significant damages as part of the settlexnent. Start listing your losses now: back aches, knee krispies, acute dis- appointinents, chronic fear of earwigs. You might even throw in something for pain and suffering on behaif of those flowers, bulbs, and shrubs, which died iingering deaths. Keep readi.ng this column. We'll MIL SRET LOOKING EAST FROM BALDWIN STREET, BROOKIN' C. 1878 At the left of the picture is the Globe Hotel which stood on tha site of the present Grass Park. The building at centre is the first Masonie Hall, built in 1871 and demolished in 1951. The Church is now Brooklin United Church. Miii Street became Cassels Road in the mid-1950s. WhItby Archives photo 10 YEARS AGO from the Wednesda, August 8, 1984 edition of the W MY FREE PRESS " Ontario Lieutenant-Qovernor John Black Aird will dedicate the Camp X memorial cairn tomorrow. " A civic reception is being planned for Whitby Olyinpians Anne Ottenbrite and Glenn Beauchamp.. " No one seems interested in taking responsibility for urban wildlife control, says The Free Press. " MacCarl Hardware is closing after more than 40 years in business in downtown Whitby. 35 YEARS AGO froin the Thurs da A it 6 1951,. dition of the " Town Council. will control residential growth to keep it in line with industrial developinent. *Six people were injured in a spectacular accident on Annes Street. *Whitby Pire Departinent had to contend with four fires on the August Civic Holiday. *Town Engineer Charles Hoag will take on the duties of building and plumbing inspector. 125 YEARS AGO from the Thuýsd August 5, 1869 édition of the YCHRONICLE *Whitby votés on the $10,000 bonus for the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway today. Polis are open tili 9 p.m. *Rev. John Parker of Toronto will deliver a series of missionary lectures in Gerrie's Hall next week. *The "Dominion Mower," the invention of John W. Jacoba of Port Perry, was demonstrated on Ray's tarin on the third concession on July 30 for the first time. *A grand concert wilI be given by the Seneca Indians following their match with the Whitby Ljacrosse Club on the Civic Holiday, Aug. 13. ., qwioqw II~J à jeý - .................. suý ---------------- I li

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