Page 24. WhIt>y Free Prosu. Wechiesday, ALIgust 17, 1994 Host' team preval nudr15 event Whitby's girls' under-15 select soccer team dafeated Ajax 3-1 in the final te capture tle charn- pioshi ofa recent tournament Shannon Foster scored two goals and Arnher Mclntosh one or Whitby. Michelle Belanger made supeib passes to spearhead Under-17s make peace The Whitby under-17 rap soc- car teanihaî a 055s and a tie a t the Indianapolis-Scarborough Peace Gaines held iast manth in the Indianapolis area. Wlhitby faced an Indianapolis teain made up of ail-star players frorn ail taams. in the clty. Whitby tied thein 3-3 and bast 4-3. But the main purpose of the Peace Gaines was te, promote goodwill and understanding. Whitby team mienibers were bilietad in the haines of soccer players from the area. Whitby 800 Km g ?st. W.5 Oshawa <c>rr1 r &r Kin~g & -Tha>rrtan) "FThe best wvings in Durham" Ddivmrd FRE. to e. ALL OF WHUTBY (Min. $1 0.00 order) WINGS ON THE SIDI RiBS 1/21b.-$3.94 Garlic Bread 1/21b.-$4.94 3/4 Ib.-$5.64 Chioken Fingers CaesarSalads 3/4 Ib.-$7.44 1 Ib.-$7.44 Veggie Sticks 1 Ib.-$9.64 i2bs.$1I4.44- 1l il2bs.-$14.44 3bs.$1.44_IIi2Ibs. $1 8.64 IBUY 11/2LBS. VWNGS OR MORE REG. FRIES & CAESAR SALADI * & RECEIVE 1/2LB. FREE WÃTH PURCHASE 0F 2LB. W1NGS «57-1 -946,4 5-71 -94654 Not valldIn comblnation wth n Not valid ln omrrbinatkinwthan Iother ofemoioupons or Con=b .Iother oflers/couporis or comts. AUGYUST CONSTRUCTION SALE Present t/us ad by A ug. 31/94 for Reu lcd Stock (seilordersdo MnoIapy) Collector Plates Plate Framnes Rails *Cherished Teddies Calico Kittens eTnisha Romance Figurines Dreamsicles cicPrecioaô PFlattée i 7'iqf W701 Ross!and Rd. E. (at Garden) WhËby 668-1164_ 1 - E _______________________ players were among 750 who departed, in 21 buses froi Cen- tennial Arena in Scarborough for the gaines. Gaines avents also included basebai, tnnis, chess badmin- ton bowling, horsesAoes and table tnnis. The Whitky teani, sponsored by CRCS Construction Bill Nurse Chev Olds and Ãiebart Tidy Car,. will billet Indianapolis playars wvhen they attend the 1995 Peace Gaines in Scar- borough. Whitby teainmainbars are Ste- van Aspden, Charles Bosworth, Matt Bothwell, Trevor Burwash, Mike Busch, 011f Coppolino, Khalid Caroghly, Trevor Grant, Robert Hibbs, Stephen Kerr, Doug Middleton, Colin Miller, Aaron Plue and Matt Visconti. Scott scores in Cup final Brian Scott of Whitby had a coai in a 5-2 win avar tha United tates that gava Canada the chainpinhip in the Mexican Cup un= -18 hockey tourna- ment in Mexico City recently Scott, 17, who pisys for Ling- stan Frontanaca, was one of six Ontario Hockay League playars on the 20-membar Canadian teain. Dynamite defeated SWhitby Dynamite iost 4-3 to Scarborou h United in a Central Ontario G iris Soccer League. under-li1 gaine Aug. 8. Krystal Nzeakor scored two gols for Whitby and Meghan Rid had the othar goal. Whitby men's slo- pitch »of =tAUut14 13LUE DIVISION Hans Paica 20 6 à Suton Group 1B 71 Marlgold Moors i 81 Advatago Tolocom . 13 9G tkm Baron Motom 12 13 0 Hughos Hauka 10 il1 Ilafry Koosrs 9 13 0 BLUE UGHT DIVISION MasIer Bodroom Aucoin Hoaîing & Air Mlanlo Pringeso Circle Taxi MacAskilVRqrpoport Gokien Miil MovinsShop the offence. Whitby reached the final with a.tie against Erin Mille, a 1-0 win over Oshawa and' a 6-0 victory over Sudbury. Jade Richardson and Foster cornbined for the only goal against Oshawa. Mean Brousseau scored twice and, Toster, Shawn Wagnell, Rianna Coieman (on a penalty kick) and Mclntosh scored against Sudbury. Jamie Maicaimn and Sara McRae provided soiid goaltend- ing for Witby. They were supported by the sfrong defence of Kim Hewitt, Aynslée Smith, Sarah Larocque and Rébecca. Langer. Midfieiders were Coleman, Richardson, Nicole Diusome, Wagneil, Brous- seau and Mcntosh. Whitby mites taste defeat for the frst time Whitby Hughes Hawks mite rep girlsd softball team beat Markham Bobcats 27-7 in Markham last week. Ashley McDonald and Maria Tennant shared pitching duties, striking out 10 and walking 12. H-itting for Hawks were Danielle Mornison,. Lyndsey Matsumura, Tennant, Karen McWilliams, Erin Fraser, Susie Crabb, Caitie Osborne, Shannon Konoby and Kailey Miller. On Thursday Hawks suffered thair first bs of the season, 22-18 to Oshawa Shamrocks. Shamnrocks led throughout the gaine with Hawks coming within two runs at diferent points in the gaie. Matsumura was the starting pitcher with McDonald pitching three innings and Tennant the final. Both teams hbit the bail very well. Hawks hittars were Jennifer Under-lOs, -wi n 4-O The Whitby under-lO rap soc- car teara defeated Raxdale 4-0 ini a Central Soccer League gaine on Tuesday iast waak. Mike Bowarman and Bryan MacKfinnon scored in- the firat haif, Paul Kontos and John Baker in the second haif. The Whitby team is sponsored byNeilson Cadbury, Golden Griddle and Dornino's Pizza. Scoes mid WMP Augual7 Adv eoTolocorm Aucoin FHoating à Air Il Bob Chi 17 Mark Slanford Ian Barron Molors 19 Golden Mil 21 Sutton Group 17 Carl Leouvre ManIser Bedroom 3 John Michalocku Mu h»sHawks 5 M= nl Ringles 8 Kolly DOwkin I-lrry Keoo MatAskilVRwxrport Hanol Plealcs cir"loTaxi Auguat 8 Stlon Gvoip Hanol PlStcs Ma' Id Molora Ian marron otsm August 10 MasIer Bodroom Mlanie Pringlos Aucoin Haling & Air MatAskilVRapoport Augusl il MacAsklVRpoport Circlo Taxi il Tim Crane 9 Henry Ford 7 Richard Martin 20 Ed Dutn 15 Don PotIer 10 Polar Bires 14 Kovin Tomlinson 19 Tom Sullivani 12 Bruce Dickinson 17 Mark Slanlord 6 Sam Voila 15 Bon ieger Scott, McDonald, Morrison, McWillianis, Tannfant, Konoby, Osborne, Crabb, F'raser and Laura Camapbell. Whitby 0io basebail SOUIRT ChanWlonhhlp playoffa Whitby rep girls soccer UNDER 13 uporord by Xerox July 6 WhitbyHime Melsa McCarlnoy 2 July 13 Whitby Hilos Krisly- Le. Graham Lyndsay Smith July 27 Whitby Hibo Monique Taylor 2 Mossa McCaflnoy Auqust 3 Whitby Hib» Krisîy- Lee Graham August 10 Whitby Hibe Krisy- Lee Graham 3 Mouissa McCaulney 2 Monique Taylor 2 Shannon Fletcher 2 Aurora 2 Makharn 3 Richrno -nd Hil 1Woodbridgo O BNewmarket O tLet US cook for you! Let us cook for you! 2 À asaflsr2 Party Size Pizzas :2-LuPgO S 15rax2lP 2 .5 0 GST&il 9 &cd$Included Pick up GST PT c de Pick up ofly nly * Rosslald & Gade" *~ * Rossla'id & Garden 4 0 0 0 Rosn Pla a, de WhtyU U Plaza, Whitbiy pIaa whb 43( 020 - -m2 Let us cook for yo, Ppqproni Pi=&u PARTY 511ME, 15 "X21 vs9 20 Slice GST& PS-TIlncId Rossland & Garden Plaza, Whtby 430mi u! Let us cook for you! PeppC roijPi&za 16 Inch Pick up 10 Sluce,0 5 1 Pic UP GST & PSTPikpI ony Included olyIcku oeRossland & Garden 40l0 0200 ~~Plaza. Whitby140OO' r Auquel 7 J0rf*' Drug 12 Whitby KinsrT n Vlck Insuranco 10 Plaque Attaci k Highld Van 17 MacMillan On r 1 MaýrEnterprîsos 7 Smiling.Driile s Brcoklin Kiamon 10 Executivo Cianr Milohol Inaarance 8 Whitby Audio* 5 Optimist luIb, Il Anderson Vol Cinc1 Spydors 12 Ouahity DJ g A usîSa AIlKidGCh, 8 Rondal Traenet 7 Loacom Cosulllng 15 KP. Copy i Dog roowCA. 11 Whilby L"osC.,1 TDBnk 9Ownsco Aik urance 6 Jerys r Hghland Van 6 Marvin Entorj ,iso Brookfln Kinsmon 7 Mitchell lnsur anc Spydors il Oplirnlol CClub Augusi 10 Owco 8 Vick Insuranc o Whilby Lions 10 Hi-ghland Va KP. Copy 10 Brooklin Kir o Rendait Transport il Spydors g August il Doug Freernan CA. 10 TD Banik 5 Loacom Consulllng 14 Ail Kind Gas 2 Augusl 12 Owsco 13 Whilby Lions Ci KP. Copy 9 Rendait Trans pi: Doug Frieoman C.A. 7 Loaoom Cars îlin August 13 1 TO Banik 13 Ownsco 6 KP. Copy 13 Ail Kind Gas K.P. Copy 8 TO Batik 4 KP. Copy 21 Lonsom Corstilig1 August 14 Doug Froornan C.A. 7 KP. CopY Ton a ,k 3 rch. 10 M 4 Waners 8 0 5 et knic 10 9 isport 7 il e Ckob 10 8 5 rprîsm 5 trance 6 ib 2 ce 7 n 9 mon 2 9 5 2 s Club 4 loport 8 %sultinq 2 12 6 4 %sultinq 13 1 Aï .1141 nw - 1