Page 22, Wlitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 31,1994 Under- lOs wiln in overtime shootout Whitby defeate& Rexdale in a sudden-death -shootout Aug. 23 in the opening round ofths Central Soccer Lague under-lO "&neO2 forward Mike Bower- man scored on a Paul Kontos cross teo pen hesacoring, but Rexdals tîed hs score before haîf-time. In the second haîf, midfielders John Baker and Byr MacKin- non combined with Konoa te set Up Bowerman fer hia second Rexdale ied hs gains just before regulatien tVms was about te expire. In evertime, hs score was isd after hs first five shooters. In hesaudden-death phase Whitby keeper Brian Crawford came up big Vo save hs Whitby aide despite intense pressure, and ths game's score was offi- cially recorded as 3-2 Whitby win. Whitby will face sither Pîcker- îng or East York in hs second round. The Vsam is sponsored by Dominos Pizza, Golden Griddle and Neilson Cadbury. Under-17s defeated Whitby bast 3-2 Vo North Scar- borough in a recent under-17 bes' rep soccer contest. Shane MacDonald, Stephen Kerr Matt Bothwell and Steven Aspcfen were strong on defence and Aaron Plus was outstanding in net as Whitby held their strong eopposition Vo only oesgoal in hs first haîf whils Whitby was held scorsîses. Each Vsam had two goals in hs second haîf. For Whitby, Colin Millsr scored on a play with midfiebder Trevor Burwash, and hen Matt Visconti scorsd on a p lay with Clif Coppolino. The Whitby teain, coachsd b y Samn Coppeino and managsd b y Tom Aspdena sponsored by Nurse Chsv iOldsCadillacrCR0 S General Contracors and >ýisbart TMdycar. Witby will play in hs Central Soccer Lsa gu s round-robin playgff finals Sept. 10 and Il. Gamies gold for midgets Ontarno major lacrosse PLAYOFF FINALS (botaetf.en) Six Nations versus SrookUn Auguat17 Six NaIons Il rookin 24 Augut 24 Six Naton 9 Brooklin le 'ugut26 sixeNaions 13 Bookfln la Augusi 28 Six Nations 10 rookrin 9 (DOT> Alust 29, Six Nations ai Brooklin koquols Park>, August 31% Brooklln at Six Nations(Six Nations Mefmial Centre. SM Op.nm Septentber 1, Six Nations ai Brooldin koquois Park, 8:30 pin. (ineoessary>. five asiista, Paul Salle five goals and five assista, Pat Jones two goals and six assista. Zac Aitkin had three goals and ifive assista, Jason Ward three goals and thrse assista, Steve Voituk two goals and four assista, Derek Suddons two goals and two assista. Luke McKay had a goal and three assista, Steve Death four assista, Hon Death oe goal and two assista, Niall Maynard two assiste, Brad Reed oesgoal. Assista aIse camne front Mike Densham, Bryan Power and David Stabile. OBrien shared (with a Peterborough Lakers player), the moat valuable player award for the provincial playdowns. OBrien alse was named te the provincial ail star teain. Aitldi>, Jones, Prout and Salle have earned a spot on the Oshawa Blue Knights under-19 junior field lacrosse team competing in the nationals in Winnipeg Sept. 1 Vo 5. Thie Whitby midget A lacroase teain, sponsored by Brins and coached by Jim Bishop, finished off the season by capturing the provincial titie at the Ontario summer gaines on Aug. 14 in Ottawa, preserving their undefeated season. This is the third censecutive provincial title for most members of the edite teami. Whiùtby got off to a tough start with St. Catharines, who led 2-0 after the first period. But Whitby, with their rigorous training prograin paying off, rallied for an 8-5 win. Whiitby then went on to challenge Beaches in the second game, winning 12-7. The toughest gaine of the series by far was the third gaine against Peterborough. The score was 4-2 for Whitby at the end of the first period. The determined Peterborough teain found the strength to corne back at the end of the second period to take 6-5 lead and continued their comeback into the third with another goal Vo make iV 7-5. With 5:18 left to go in the game, Whitby went on the attack and scored four unanswered goals te go straight to the provincial gold final. Whitby defeated Beaches in a lesa intense final. Gee Nash, with his unique goaltending style, gave a solld ahowing and notched two assists. Marty O'Brien and Gavin Prout each had seven goals and Brousseau header is tournament -winn.fer The Whitby under-iS girls' select soccer team recently won a tournamnent in Unionville. Ini game oe with Oakville, Whidtby ýlayed a defenive gaine and tiei 1-1. A fine pao from Shawna Wagnell allowed Diana Bruni Vo score the Whitby goal. Strong defence from Kim Hewitt, Sarah Laroeque, Rianna Coleman and Rebecca Langer kept Oakville from scoring more thazi oesgoal. Game twe against Unionville- Milliken ended 4-O woith acoring frein Jamie Malcolmn, Nicole Dusome, Megazi Breusseau and Mfichelle Beanger. The midfield cors of Amber McIntosh, Wagnell, Jade Richardson and Isabelle Hodge powsred the teain te the win. Against West End SC in game Motor City socoer league DIVISION I August 1M CCSC Adrda Ajax Wamnoas Auguat 18 Oshawia Uniled August 1B Durham Coutic Oshawa Tutti Auguat 20 Osh. Portuguese Oashawa hatia A ust 23 Auguat 24 CCSC Addia Augut 25 Parbron United Durham Celtoc 4 Oshawa Unated 3 Oshawra hala 4 Pabron Unked 1 Ajax arnior 0 CCSC Adia 1 Oshawa United 3 Parbxon Unked 1 Durham CeNic 3 Ajax Warrnors 2 Osh. Portugueae 1 Oshma Tuni DIVISION Il Auguat 1M Uxbridge Unted Bowmanvvile Auguat 1E Durhamn Kicks Auguat 19 Whtby h. Auguat 21 Uxbridge Whitby Athi. August 23 Durhamn Rangera August 26 Peterborough Augut 27 Duhuangera 4 Whitby AthL 2 1 Durham Kicks 7 2 Peleibonough 5 3 DurhiamiRangera 0 1 Oah. WIEagles 4 3 Bowrnanvile O 4 Durhamn Kiks 1 2 Uxbrkige 0 3 Durhiam Kickis 1 9 Bownarii 1 three, Whitby again scoed four unanswered - goals. Shannon Poster had two, Malcolm and Bruni had he others In Sunclay's semi-final aganst Ajicaster, the defensive play of Aynsley Smith helped Whitby Vo a 2-0 win. Ooal-scoring came frein Belanger and McIntosh. In hs final, Wbhitby again met Oakville and won the tourniaient on a header by Brousaeau for a 1-O victory. Goal ending in the tournainent was shared by Malcolm, Bruni and Richardson, allowing only oe goal in five gaines. Oah. W/Enghs -4 Uabridge 1 nse fAugusi27 W T L GFCA P Division I Ajax arrioru 13 1 3 55 20 40 CCSC Adria il 2 2 44 8 35 OshawaTurul 10 23 3515 32 Oshawa.Unied 9 3 7 34 35 30 Osh Potu ese 8 2 V 10 35 20 Ã";ýý tiE 1 4 13 1843 7 Parbron t»ied 1 4 13 1B43 7 Division Il Wsnderers 13 2 2 55 2641 Peterbiorough 11 3 2 49 18 36 Uxbridge 9 3 63936 30 Duharnane 8 1 10 43 37 25 Oshawa Kica 6 3 8 35 37 21 Osh. W/Esgles 6 3 V 2836 21 Whtby Athl. 5 2 V> 34 55 17 Bownwmile 4 1 X 2578 13 Top scerrs as of Luguat 27 PTS Division I Steve VaWisrim.Ajax WWwnors 14 Tony ontino. Oshawa UWted il John Soler. Ajax Werrinr, i Daniel Zkbgon. CCSC Adri" i Glen Gmenhvw. Durham CCouic g Dave Campbell, Aax Warriora Roger Buckiey. Ajax WarnriS 8 Scott Murdock. Oshawa United 7 Dave Gipi. Ajax Werriors 6 Wagner Caiiho. Osh. Porluguese 5 John Chronis, Osh. Portuguese 5 John Lawrence. Osh. Turul 5 DIVisionIl Mike Suess. Wanderers 20 Joe Fumoe. Peterborough 16 Frank Turwone Peteborough 15 Neil Geins. Wanderers 13 Day. Hartord. Warxlerers 12 Steve Robi*uon Whëby AthL M> Gavin Das. Durham Rangers 9 Ivan Lwrb6Whtby AthL 7 Damnien Ccpoc. Oshaw Kicks 7 Fichard Baienan. Wanderes 6 Waldnw Wojdyio. h.W/Egls 6 The Brick recently won the Whitby Miner Basebaîl bantain playoff championship with an 8-5 win over Hanet Plastics. The game was tied 5-5 when The Brick scored three runs in hesaeventh inning and then ahut down Hanet in their last at-bat. The Brick was undefeated in hs finals, with wins of 5-1 over Polar Installains, 3-1 over Whitby Optimiats and 8-2 over Whitby Kiwanis. Whitby girls softball Domnina Doa Action Plua Mobile DOS Marketing Dernina Bours BANTAU Playoffa 12 WGSA Braves 1 3Cnuiy 21-Hancock1 t>K Roty Clu.b i 12 Cettury21.-Hancock1 SOPHUORE Playoffu Fiahormans Friend 7 Dckers Marigoki Lincoln 7 Kiwarua Club> Loveil DOnugs 9 WGSA Giarts NOVICE Playoffu Eurocrit Kitchena t> Rernax-Hi-sen Bevia 8 Broolin Optin" 13t Rudty Electric 7 Nowave Pools 6 BrookinoLgian 16 Dlamorid E Home Paaà leAir 6 Hanet had five wins and a bs in the Vplayeffa bors meeting le Brick . Members of The Brick are Jeif Lahey, Ar' Setga, Alex Rumak, Chris James, Pilip Wrght, Mat- thew Galina, Evan Johnston, Chria Bahadur, Hug Panelas, Ryan Basdeo, Chris Aarens, Robert McDonald, Daniel White Keith St. Jean, Pat Brown anc1 coach Chris Lahey. SOUIRT Thudr vision Playolfu Royal Cdn. Legion 4 Thomas Cook 7 Pair 3orePlta 5 Bokord Service tV TiiIey Opticin 0 PartiraLabe1 s 14 Uigi,* division Playofs Mm"ur Auto Dody 7 Dynes & Lloyd Rma-C.Chantler1E Loveil Drugs Vaentinos 6 Kadbel SENIOR MITE Swngem division TNird roundi playoffs t> NWhtby Der 13 Whtby Sowis ;A at 23 Dock ASoaut 311 E Eastern Caipet 9 el 10 Scott*sKFC 9 ae E6 Whtby Kinmn 6 litions vialon TNird rossaiplayofft 17 Brooknimon t> rg 10 Bg V Drug e W E6 Inveo Crop 1 Lacrosse team unbeaten this--season MEMBERS 0F THE Whitby team that won Prout, Steve Death, Zac Aitken, Ron Death, the provincial mîdget lacrosse championship Gavin Prout, Steve Voituk, Bryan Power, are (front row, from lep) Derek Suddons, Mike Densham, Paul Saille, Marty O'Brien, Luke McKay, Brad Reed, Miail Maynard, coach Jim Bishop and assistant coach Gee Nash, Jason Ward, Pat Jones, David Gerry Saille. Not shown is manager Diane Stabile; (back row, from left), trainer Barry Lazary. Brick outlasts Plastics in final