Page 30, Whtby Free Press, We<hesday, Auguat 31, 1994 THANKS...... j............I FRAYER TO the Blessed Virgîn, neyer known ta fail. 0 most beautiful fbower of Mount Carmel, fruittul vine, spiendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother à f the sonl of God, Immaculate Vrlasist me ln nesessity. 0 star oftesea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother af God Queen af Heaven & earth, 1 humbly beseech you tram the bottom of my heart ta socure me in my necesslty (make requests>. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary concelved wthout sin, pray for us who have recourse ta thée.(3 Urnes). Holy Mary i place thîs cause ln 1our hand (3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publsh Rt and Rt wiII b. granted ta you. B.D. AUCTION SALE *Kahn Country Auctianso - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Iacated on Brack Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furnishings, glass, china, collectables, *primitives and ather unusuals. .So join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's ntru." auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper .D.) or Visa. Preview from 1:00 p.m. çConsig nment & estate selling aur specialty". Cal! us taday - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 mit 5:3Oprn 3 miles east af Litlie Britain on County Rd. 4 The property of MRS. CAROL WILKINSON of Sunderland Wainut pineapple 4 poster bed, oak hall seat, 4l reflnished pine captains chairs, pine lft top desk, walnut vanity dresser, walnut chest of drawers, walnut tea wagon, pin. bench, Windsor back chair, oval & flat top trunks, 2 pc. maple bedroom suite, wooden high chair, arraw back chairs, cast iran lawn furniture, pine plant stand, 2 door wardrobe, 2 door rergeratos 30 ln. eiectric stove, feeer,'Ocsffee & end tables, chesterfelds, parlour stove, modemn dressers & chests of drawers, Renfrew cookstove, Currier & Ives prnts, çranberry glass, Canada West crak Royal Douton figurines, partial toilet sets, q7. pictures& trames, pls a rt.ô china, glass, househo d & col ectabie items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1 [itle Britain 706-786-21 83 I PrnSONDAMS MACGREGOR & WEST OUTSTANDING HOLIDAY ANTIQUE & COLLECTABLE AUCTUON SALE SUNDAY, SEPT. 4th, 11:00 amn (viewing 10:00) Agrcuture Building Orona Falrgrrounds take 401to1i53Bh. & north 10Okm to main st., Orana & follow signs Sundays holiday auction features a quality selection of antique furniture lnaodlnai & refinlshed condition plus rare& unique collectables tram days gone by. Partial list incudes Jamb cupbaard (ref., washstands (ref. Eastlake & Harpbacks, china cabinets & buffet, maple drap front secretary desk, miso. tables (Eastlake, parlaur, oak dining roomn table, 6' pine harvest table, pine gate leg table, drum table, etc.), misc. dressers & chests ofdcrawers mission oak drap front desk, aid pump organ & stool, wooden washing machine, grain scaies, narthemi eloctrIc woaden wall hone, old 25c pay phane, mlsc. cgâars& rockçers, ail amps, cracks, qults, aid bottles, butter press, granite ware Sblue, white, gray, etc.), aider tays ýsiat cars & tracks, metai fart, toys g uns, hockey game, etc.), Noki P4000 portablie cellular phone, also quality selection of glass & china, plus some older guns Enfield Ivor Johnston, Cooey, etc. (F.A.C. required), also 16' utility traler (suject ta reserve). This is only a partial list of the many autstandi ng articles ln aur holiday sale & shou Id prove ta be a must attend event for one & ail. Cal for ail y aur auction needs MACG REGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike Macregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 P~RSONAL8 c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE Ladies seeking Gents - Win a FREE Photobyt7OW Rentai! Photog.lj Cail FREE! 430.7060. OPP CONSTABLE Greg Shaw gives some launched a program that wiiI emphasize eager Venturers a closer look at his patrol policing as a vocation. Cail Jack Welsh at car. Shaw is the Whitby OPP liaison and 430-0641 for more information. an advisor to the Venturers who have Photo W Mark Reesor, WhItby Fme Press R aisn money for CLIC Cyclin; Grammy visits Whity Phillipa Grant, who is cycling the entire shoreline of Lakce Ontario ta raise money for a trust for cancer and leukemia, paid a visit ta, Whitby Aug. 26. Grant, a mother of four and a g randmother (knawn as Grammy), visited Mayor Tom Edwards ta sign and date her Mackey chair of OGH iboard Bruoe Mackey of Oshawa was elected chair and Jean Achma- towicz of Ashburn first vice-chair of the board of governors of Oshawa Genera I Hospital recently. Mackey's family wiere langtime residents of Whitby. Mackey, mayor of Oshawa in 1969-70, has been on the baard since 1984. Tom Cawman of Bowmanville 18 second vice-chair, Charles (Chuck) Powers of Oshawa trea- surer, William Stirling of Osh- awa secretary and David Home of Oshawa president. EaýStviewa volunteers are wanted The Eastview Boys' and Girls' Club requires adult volunteers for two hours pr week for a duration of mid-Octaber ta May. The club operates leisure and social programs for 6- ta, 17-year- aIds at two locations in Oshawa. Cali the club at 728-5121 and ask for the volunteer co-rdinator during business tours. League wants office spac,.e The Black Women's Lgue and the Community Counselling Centre are expanding ta Durham Reffion. le non-profit organizations are seeking spaoe for offloe work, counselling and meetings. For more information cail 416- J492-0832, ext. 24. record boak af the trip that began in late June from Bronte Harbour, Oakville. She is circumnavigating the lake anti-clockwise, hoping ta, complete the tour on her 50t birthday at the end of Septem- ber. She originally planned ta kayak the entire shoreline, but was unable ta get enough sup- port. Grant is trying ta raise rooney for CLIC International, a trust ta save yung lives through the clinicalo care of children with cancer and leukemia. mentalNetwok I(DE) andPicke ingwa -. Bucio GOODWILL GETS DERAILED' BACK ON TRACK WORKERS Your donations of used articles can help Goodwill Industries raise money to pay for such training programa as its 'Work on Track' prograni. Through this programn Goodwill's aim is ta Provide work training and services to people wha, face barriers in the worlcplace. 'Work on Track' 18 a 40-week course designed for psychiatric survivors. o 'Psychiatric illness can derail anyone, at a tme," says programn director Debbie Waters. "The Work on ack progfram, was created ta give survivors the physical and emotional aidlis needed tot get back on track, and into competitive As oteolaCanada Inc. played a major part in this program's success, Goodwill honoured the company as the 1994 Employer of the Year during its annual awards ceremony on June 15. Over the lest two years, Motorola has hosted three Work on Track participants in its human resources division. These placements allow psychiatric survivors te practise the skills they have learned in the program, helping them regain their confidence and improve their lives. Goodwill's president Jim Dreiling explained that donations are the key ta training. "The collection and sale of donated goods translate into funds for our programns. At Goodwill we seil second-hand goods in order ta train first class people.'o Also being recognized for their support were the TTC and George Brown Ca lege as Goodwill's Community Partnership Award winners. Each year the Minister of the Environment presents awards ta Canaa ans in ail walks of life who have made outstanding efforts for the sake of our environment. In 1993 the Federation of Ontario Naturalists won this honour for the non-profit organizaLtion. Nominations for the Environmental Achievement Award are now beinq accepted in the following categn*es: Non-profit Organization, Oustanding Communications o Environxnental Awareness; and Environmental Leadership by a Municipality. The Environmental Science Fair Project is choeen by Environment Canada and the Youth Science Foundation and nominations for this particular category are not required. Applications can be obtained fromn any Environment Canada office of b y calling 1-800-668-6767. N1ominations moust be poetmnarked on or before Aug. , 1994. COMINO VENT: Toronta Oct' 12-14 The Composting Council of Canada's Annual (oferenoe. Information, (416 535-6710.